Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2011

ATTENDING: Rick Angell, Tex Hauser, Frank Arsenault, Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, John McCall.

OPENING PRAYER: Elaine welcomed everyone with hope for a happy and successful new year.


MINISTER’S TIME: John informed us that this is "ordinary time" in the church calendar. It is just the rhythm of life combined with the winter season ‘till Lent is with us. Time for all to just breathe out and prepare for what is coming.

Conformation classes - are underway and moving forward.

Lent - Dana has the list of last year's breakfast needs and will get it out to everyone. The breakfast will be March 9th at 7 AM in Wright Pavilion. Last year was attended by approximately 20 people. Last year’s worked well and will be followed again.

Maundy Thursday Communion will be April 21st.

Good Friday Soup Supper will be on April 22nd. Elaine has the names of people who volunteered last year and expressed interest to make soups this year. This is done in conjunction with the Ladies Guild.

Easter Vigil: Poster will be put out by the first Sunday in Lent. If possible it will be out at the Ash Wednesday Breakfast for those attending to possibly sign up. Brian Wiggins will again do a large format poster for people to sign up on as that worked well last year. Sign up reminders also to be in Beacon and e-mail reminders also will be sent out.

Easter Sunrise Service: Committee will be available to assist John and/or Elsa in whatever way possible. Elaine, Frank, Tex, and Dana volunteered to help.

Outside Banner: Semi resolved. Will be monitored to see if more needs to be done.

Pew racks/Welcome Packets: Who decides what should be put in pews and packets? Now it is staff driven. Discussed vigorously amongst the group. Possible alternatives brought up were getting a rack to hold the pamphlets and allow people to pick and choose any of interest. John expressed his view that he likes to get as much information to people and let them decide what interests them. He would like any changes, etc. run through him for guidance.

Rick put out an open invitation for anyone interested in joining the Growth Group.

Next meeting is set for February 3rd at 7 PM. John and Frank will be unable to attend.

Possible new business:
• Finalize Lent/Easter activities.
• Start planning for Elder luncheon (possible date June 12th).

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