Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2011
Recorder: Elinor Redmond
Members Present: Rick Angell, Elinor Redmond, Dave Allen, Sue Ross and John McCall.
Sue opened with an inspiring reading from ‘Hope for Each Day’.
John passed along a request conveyed by Elsa from EG&F. They want to be up to date on the Growth Group’s activities. Elinor will connect with them – via Elsa – and send minutes.
Update on Activities:
1. Welcome Notes: After our last meeting, Sue stopped in to the Prayer Shawl Group. Darla was not present and the group did not know anything about the notes. They were not meeting again until January. Elinor (5 notes) and Sue (0 notes) have been doing them in the meantime. Darla and her group are now ready to start. Sue will do a written procedure list and talk with Jen about saving records as they return from the Prayer Shawl knitters. We can keep a running total of notes sent.
2. Bookmarks: Dave is working with Bryan on bookmarks to place in the hymnals (and Bibles?). Bryan will draft a design. Production will be by an internet based company. The cost will be approximately $60 for 500 bookmarks. Dave has suggested using a pineapple motif as that is the symbol for welcome and hospitality. The mission and vision will be included as well as standard information about the church. Printing ‘Take me home’ on them would encourage just that.
3. Signage: Our group walked around the building to look at signage after the last meeting. No more progress to date – to be continued.
4. Hospitality Moments:
Possible ideas include:
• Dictionary (literal definition of hospitality/what does it mean to individuals)
• Hospitality stories from the Bible (John will find some stories)
• Bookmarks – use the Sunday when the new Bookmarks appear to discuss hospitality and the pineapple. This would include the tale of our carved pineapple at the front of the church. Norman Clark (son of Minister Win Clark) carved the pineapple. He later went to Bangor Seminary but was diagnosed with cancer before finishing his studies.
• Someone could tell his/her story of being welcomed into the church community. Sarah Bloom may be a possible candidate to tell what it was that made her feel welcomed.
Sue had talked with Sarah about joining our committee. While too busy to join, she would be glad to come to a meeting to share her experience of coming to our church for the first time. Sue will invite her to the February 14th meeting.
5. Revisit ideas on which committee might work: Looking over our ‘idea sheets’ sparked conversation on the following topics:
• When questioned on the Ushers’ meeting, Rick said some were open to our suggestions and others were not. Awareness/progress in the area of keeping the aisle open as people arrive. References to ‘new rules’.
• Outreach to groups which use the building: John awaits a call from the AA contact. Elinor will attend a meeting, offer an invitation to worship and pass out the Welcome brochure.
• Friendship pads: We discussed making better use at the space above the pad itself when the cover is opened. Having a plastic sleeve there to hold nametags and messages is one idea. Many covers are now split and need to be replaced. We need 65-70 pads. Elinor will investigate options and report back at the next meeting.
• Welcome packet: Dave will talk with Jen about placing the new Welcome brochure in the packet in place of the old brochure. Rick will discuss responsibility for the Welcome Packet with SLW. We talked about different points of view of what should be in the packet and why. John advocates for getting as much information in front of people as simply as possible. Several in the group felt the present collection of brochures to be wordy and in need of editing. Perhaps groups would agree to update their own brochures themselves.
6. New Group Members: No luck so far.
7. Homework: Each member will review our ‘idea’ materials and bring (1) idea for the group to work on.
Next meeting: Monday, February 14th.
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