Monday, January 31, 2011

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of January 6, 2011
Recorder: Chris Mills

Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Rod Redstone, Cyndi Alden (Business Manager) and Scott Stacy (visiting).

Call to Order: Ron called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Per the rotation schedule, Chris will record this meeting and run the next meeting.

Introductions: Ron introduced Scott Stacy who is considering A-Team membership.

Minutes of the Admin Team December 2010 Meeting: reviewed and accepted as written.

Finance: Cyndi reports that 2010 expenses were down 9% and revenues were up 12%. The budget deficit for 2010 was just under $4000, reduced from $27,000.

Tenant Update:
Sawyer - Cyndi has not heard from tenant concerning tenants job status. Cyndi believes tenant will not be in a position to raise rent (currently $800 mo.) soon . In our desire to work with tenant, the rent was to move from $800 to $900 to $1000 by June. Guy suggested Cyndi keep us informed of situation.
Cottage Road (1st floor) - the first floor has been rented as of December 15 as an Art Gallery. The Art Gallery owners signed a one year lease and paid the December and January rent of $1200 month. They requested that a new door be installed above the side door steps to prevent people who are using the basement to store rummage sale items from entering their first floor space. The A-Team agreed to do this.
Cottage Road (2nd floor) - this lease is for $750 month. Cindy reports the tenant is happy.

Major Maintenance Fund: The fund was explained for the benefit of our guest.Major projects to all three properties in recent years were reviewed for Scott.

Signage: The House Committee is working on 2 new directional signs for the Narthex.

Insurance: After a discussion on our insurance policy,Cyndi agreed to scan the current policy and send a copy to the Team, including Scott, for review. Insurance is up for renewal in October. The Team agreed a review should be done by March/April.

Team Member Replacement: The A-Team needs two new members by June. Scott will inform us of his intentions and Guy will talk with his son-in-law. Chris suggested polling counting team for interest.

Counting: Chair Peggy Murray sent Cindy a list of who is scheduled to count each week. Things are working well.

House: Chair Guy Gledhill. We are still in the waiting phase to see if there are any leaks from the steeple work before we consider painting the sanctuary.We have had one quote so far.
Guy reports that the east wall of Guptill Hall is damp. Many teams have worked on trying to solve this issue in the past. The House Committee is watching and brainstorming new causes and solutions.

Planned Giving: Ron put an article in the December Beacon.

Cornerstone Fund: We were asked by Elsa to look into the option of recommending participation in the Cornerstone Fund to the congregation. After looking over the fund Ron advised that it would not be in our best interest to participate. Both Elsa and the
A-team strongly agreed.

Financial Review: Smith and Associates will have a report by the end of February.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday February 3, 2011 at 7 p.m..

Meeting adjourned 8:06 p.m.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Education Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of January 6, 2011

Attendance: Scott Ayre, Jennifer Fetting, Carolyn Foster, Tom Hamerksi, Karen Pierce, Elsa Peters.

1) Standing Sub-Committee Reports
a. Coffee hour: There hasn’t been any problems with getting volunteers this year, which is great. There have been some breakdowns in communication, but overall it is going well.
b. Sunday school: Carolyn reported that the 2nd semester teachers are recruited - lots of enthusiasm.
c. Library: Karen reported that they’ve spent their money and bought new books. New ones are being catalogued, and new purchases will be displayed on tables before worship so that people can see them.
d. Scholarship: Scott was in contact with Nancy re: how people can donate to the scholarship fund. The committee’s first meeting is in late January or early February.
e. Growth: Next Inquirer’s meeting is Monday, March 7.
f. In general, there is a sense that there is too little communication between the EFG team and the people on the subcommittees. Scott Ayre is going to send the leaders of each subcommittee an email, inviting them to send a representative to our March 3 meeting (and twice a year hereafter) to report on their activities, needs, etc. and let us know what we can do to help them.
g. Jennifer will email Tom in the church about turning the heat on in Wright Pavilion at 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of the month. Brrrr it’s cold in there.

2) New Business
a. Concerns were raised that too much team meeting time is bogged down with the details of the different subcommittees, and not enough generating new ideas for activities, etc. So there is going to be a huge, seismic shift in how the committee works. This is a good thing.
b. Next meeting will be agenda-free and will involve lots of brainstorming, so show up with ideas!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food Pantry

Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2011

PRESENT: Cyndi Alden, Frances Jane Addor, June Wiggins, AnnElissa Leveque, Barbara Merrill, Jan Files, Gail Dransfield.

12/31/2009 2010 2010 12/31/2010
$5,113 $2,841 $ 3,164 $4,790

1) Re-shelving and keeping the pantry floor less cluttered. Volunteers are asked to re-shelve any bags left for over 7 days. **New - Place the bag tags on the yellow pad under a paper clip. AnnElissa will take care of notifying Jen, noting the non-pickup on the index card and yellow tab.

2) Please staple a note on each bag stating recipient’s name and the total number of bags included in that order. This will help Cyndi and Jen know who gets what.

1) Expired foods. The USDA web site states that expired foods are safe for consumption. The church council has restricted us from distributing any expired foods and from selling these items, even labeled as expired, at any of our coffee hour sales.

Barbara Merrill will contact Preble St., St. Johns pantry, the Root Cellar, Woodfords and other pantries to understand how they handle expired goods.

Any expired foods should be placed in the large box in the pantry. Our volunteers are encouraged to take whatever they can use. AnnElissa will throw away any foods left in that box at the beginning of each month.

2) Reminder: Include a listing of area pantries with new requests. These blue forms are in the folder on the desk.

3) Gail will pull all index cards of requests earlier than 2008. All requests from 1/2009 until the present will remain in the index boxes.

4) There will be a sale of the “Odd and Exotic” items during the coffee hour on Feb. 13. Any and all volunteers please come before the 10 o’clock service to set up the sale and then help with the sale and clean up.

Cyndi will put an announcement of this sale in the 1/24 Beacon and in the bulletin.

5) Preble Street is holding a meeting of representatives from the greater Portland food pantries on Jan. 21 from 12 - 2 at Woodfords Congregational church. Jan Files has volunteered to go. Barbara Merrill, Gail or Purdy will also attend.

6) Next meeting May 12, 2011 4 o’clock Laity Room.

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2011

ATTENDING: Rick Angell, Tex Hauser, Frank Arsenault, Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, John McCall.

OPENING PRAYER: Elaine welcomed everyone with hope for a happy and successful new year.


MINISTER’S TIME: John informed us that this is "ordinary time" in the church calendar. It is just the rhythm of life combined with the winter season ‘till Lent is with us. Time for all to just breathe out and prepare for what is coming.

Conformation classes - are underway and moving forward.

Lent - Dana has the list of last year's breakfast needs and will get it out to everyone. The breakfast will be March 9th at 7 AM in Wright Pavilion. Last year was attended by approximately 20 people. Last year’s worked well and will be followed again.

Maundy Thursday Communion will be April 21st.

Good Friday Soup Supper will be on April 22nd. Elaine has the names of people who volunteered last year and expressed interest to make soups this year. This is done in conjunction with the Ladies Guild.

Easter Vigil: Poster will be put out by the first Sunday in Lent. If possible it will be out at the Ash Wednesday Breakfast for those attending to possibly sign up. Brian Wiggins will again do a large format poster for people to sign up on as that worked well last year. Sign up reminders also to be in Beacon and e-mail reminders also will be sent out.

Easter Sunrise Service: Committee will be available to assist John and/or Elsa in whatever way possible. Elaine, Frank, Tex, and Dana volunteered to help.

Outside Banner: Semi resolved. Will be monitored to see if more needs to be done.

Pew racks/Welcome Packets: Who decides what should be put in pews and packets? Now it is staff driven. Discussed vigorously amongst the group. Possible alternatives brought up were getting a rack to hold the pamphlets and allow people to pick and choose any of interest. John expressed his view that he likes to get as much information to people and let them decide what interests them. He would like any changes, etc. run through him for guidance.

Rick put out an open invitation for anyone interested in joining the Growth Group.

Next meeting is set for February 3rd at 7 PM. John and Frank will be unable to attend.

Possible new business:
• Finalize Lent/Easter activities.
• Start planning for Elder luncheon (possible date June 12th).

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2011
Recorder: Elinor Redmond

Members Present: Rick Angell, Elinor Redmond, Dave Allen, Sue Ross and John McCall.

Sue opened with an inspiring reading from ‘Hope for Each Day’.

John passed along a request conveyed by Elsa from EG&F. They want to be up to date on the Growth Group’s activities. Elinor will connect with them – via Elsa – and send minutes.

Update on Activities:
1. Welcome Notes: After our last meeting, Sue stopped in to the Prayer Shawl Group. Darla was not present and the group did not know anything about the notes. They were not meeting again until January. Elinor (5 notes) and Sue (0 notes) have been doing them in the meantime. Darla and her group are now ready to start. Sue will do a written procedure list and talk with Jen about saving records as they return from the Prayer Shawl knitters. We can keep a running total of notes sent.

2. Bookmarks: Dave is working with Bryan on bookmarks to place in the hymnals (and Bibles?). Bryan will draft a design. Production will be by an internet based company. The cost will be approximately $60 for 500 bookmarks. Dave has suggested using a pineapple motif as that is the symbol for welcome and hospitality. The mission and vision will be included as well as standard information about the church. Printing ‘Take me home’ on them would encourage just that.

3. Signage: Our group walked around the building to look at signage after the last meeting. No more progress to date – to be continued.

4. Hospitality Moments:
Possible ideas include:
Dictionary (literal definition of hospitality/what does it mean to individuals)
Hospitality stories from the Bible (John will find some stories)
Bookmarks – use the Sunday when the new Bookmarks appear to discuss hospitality and the pineapple. This would include the tale of our carved pineapple at the front of the church. Norman Clark (son of Minister Win Clark) carved the pineapple. He later went to Bangor Seminary but was diagnosed with cancer before finishing his studies.
Someone could tell his/her story of being welcomed into the church community. Sarah Bloom may be a possible candidate to tell what it was that made her feel welcomed.
Sue had talked with Sarah about joining our committee. While too busy to join, she would be glad to come to a meeting to share her experience of coming to our church for the first time. Sue will invite her to the February 14th meeting.

5. Revisit ideas on which committee might work: Looking over our ‘idea sheets’ sparked conversation on the following topics:
• When questioned on the Ushers’ meeting, Rick said some were open to our suggestions and others were not. Awareness/progress in the area of keeping the aisle open as people arrive. References to ‘new rules’.
• Outreach to groups which use the building: John awaits a call from the AA contact. Elinor will attend a meeting, offer an invitation to worship and pass out the Welcome brochure.
Friendship pads: We discussed making better use at the space above the pad itself when the cover is opened. Having a plastic sleeve there to hold nametags and messages is one idea. Many covers are now split and need to be replaced. We need 65-70 pads. Elinor will investigate options and report back at the next meeting.
Welcome packet: Dave will talk with Jen about placing the new Welcome brochure in the packet in place of the old brochure. Rick will discuss responsibility for the Welcome Packet with SLW. We talked about different points of view of what should be in the packet and why. John advocates for getting as much information in front of people as simply as possible. Several in the group felt the present collection of brochures to be wordy and in need of editing. Perhaps groups would agree to update their own brochures themselves.

6. New Group Members: No luck so far.

7. Homework: Each member will review our ‘idea’ materials and bring (1) idea for the group to work on.

Next meeting: Monday, February 14th.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of December 17, 2010
Recorder: Roger Addor

Present: Roger Addor, Andy Ellis, Nancy MacLean, John McCall, Bob Morse, Peggy Murray, Elsa Peters, Robin Reinhold, John Shoos, Carrie Skeffington, and Phil Whitney.
Absent: Matt Early, Sally Hinckley, and Carl Murphy

The meeting was opened at 6:30 p.m. by Nancy MacLean followed by a poem and prayer by Roger Addor.

The November minutes were approved. Clarification was requested for the statement to support the July Seacoast Mission “using the offering on Mission Sunday, February 13, 2011”. The part of the offering going to this cause will be revisited at the January meeting, probably to include a special appeal and dedication of the loose plate offering.

John McCall was welcomed back after his successful back surgery and recovery and expressed a thankful sense of rejuvenation. He reported a few delays in getting the much improved website up and running, but expects it to be serviceable about mid-January.

The nomination of Scott Ayre for a one-year term and Tom Hamerski for a two-year term to Education, Growth, and Fellowship was unanimously approved.

In the absence of Budget Chairperson Matt Early, Andy Ellis reported for the Budget Committee. Business Manager Cyndi Alden was invited to the meeting to interpret the printed proposed budget, the current financial status, and the projected income and budget for 2011. The situation as it was presented shows a $17,000 deficit likely in closing out the 2010 fiscal year. The budget as proposed for 2011 of over $500,000 would appear to exceed projected income by about $27,000, at the lowest. There is about $38,000 existing in a “rainy day” fund accumulated in past years, but this amount is insufficient to cover both of these contingencies, assuming it was used for this purpose.

We talked about the need to contact all people who have not renewed their pledges for next year. John Shoos reported that the Stewardship Committee has plans for phoning. Some Council members volunteered to help with the calls. John McCall suggested, and it was agreed upon, that following the next meeting of the Stewardship Committee on January 6, a letter should go out to the congregation describing the financial situation and asking for people to reconsider their financial commitment. The Council needs more information on estimated income to make final decisions about the budget and may be faced with making budget cuts.

John also asked the Council to put on next year’s agenda an effort to divine longer term projections of membership, income, costs, programs and whatever might impact on moving ahead more predictably.

The legal status of the Discovery Center: Council members agreed to set up a sub-committee to research this (hopefully, Matt Early, Andy Ellis, with consultation by past Moderator Dan Cummings, who worked on the by-laws during the change in governance).

Bob Morse and Peggy Murray will recruit church members to attend the Cumberland Association Installation meeting on January 20.

Elsa Peters was asked to take a few minutes at several Council meetings starting in February to inform Council members on the organizational set-up for the United Church of Christ. How are we interconnected with the other churches locally and beyond?

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Next meeting is January 20, 2011.

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2010 (Revised*)
Recorder: Jan Bosse

Attendance: Sandy Dyer and Sarah Randall, Co-chairs; Laurie Carey, Suzanne Linder; Richard Parker, Mike Kasputes, Elsa Peters, Jan Bosse.

Opening Devotions – Laurie Carey

Minister’s Moment – Elsa Peters
- Bangor Theological Seminary is seeking funds to assist in its works.
- Mission Trip – the first organizational meeting was held before this meeting. It was well attended. An initial fundraiser has been scheduled for March – Auction and Spaghetti Dinner.
- Special Offerings were clarified:
o Christmas Fund – Supports the Veterans of the Cross and Emergency Fund – a ministry of compassion and care for those who serve the UCC.
o Christmas Offering – will provide for the church’s mission trip next summer to Maine Seacoast Mission and support of Common Hope, a charity that supports the education of children in Guatemala as a means to achieve social and economic development for themselves and their families.
o A special offering will occur throughout February including Mission Sunday on the 13th . in support of Maine Seacoast Mission.
- A question was raised about OCWM – “Our Christian World Mission”* – $25,200
(see treasurer’s report). What is this money for and who receives it? Elsa will provide the Team with some education on this fund.

The MO Team received an e-mail from John McCall that posed the question “Among the huge number of wonderful religious and charitable groups that need support, how do we decide where our limited dollars go? What are the principle and priorities?” The Team decided to meet with John in March to discuss this and we would undertake an evaluation of the groups we support.

Mission Sunday Planning – Elsa helped the Team discuss the organization we are supporting and the view of our mission in supporting it. We continued our discussion after Elsa left the meeting and came up with a preliminary framework for the service and who on the team will be responsible for which part of the order of worship.

Life of the Church and Call to Worship – Sandy Dyer
Unison Prayer/Lord’s Prayer – Laurie Carey
Children’s Time and Passing the Peace – Mike Kasputes
Prayer for Illumination and the Word (Alternate choice from list - Luke 10:25-37) – Kristen Silvia
Message – Maine Seacoast Mission Director
Prayers of the People - TBA whom and when
Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings – Invitation and Dedication – Jan Bosse
Benediction – Sarah Randall and Suzanne Linder

Hymns – “What Gift Can We Bring” (HTL 377); “Be Thou My Vision” (HTL 445); “I the Lord of Sea and Sky” (HTL S-17); Alternate “Called as Partners in Christ Service” HTL 353).

The Chapel Service on Mission Sunday will be covered by Sarah Randall (?) and Jan Bosse.

Minutes for November 4 were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report was approved.

E-mail from the Church Moderator and the Budget Committee – discussion of the 2010 shortfall and what can be done to prevent another shortfall in 2011 will be discussed at the January MO Team meeting.

A new Micah Project Coordinator needs to be appointed – This item is scheduled for discussion at the January MO Team meeting.

Beacon announcements are usually done by Maureen Clancy. Laurie Cary will follow-up on this item.

Thank you notes were received from:
• Maine Conference of Churches (UCC)
• Pilgrim Lodge
• FCC Bazaar Committee
• Riverview Foundation

The following donations were approved for the 4th quarter:
$500 each to:
• Wayside Evening Soup Kitchen
• Good Shepard Food Bank
• Preble Street Resource Center
• Sp/CE UCC Food Pantry
• Family Crisis Shelter (Family Crisis Services)
• Grace Street Ministry
• Maine Council of Churches
• UCC Coalition
• Community Crisis Fund
$1000 to:
• Bangor Theological Seminary

Closing Devotional – Laurie Cary

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Next Meeting – Thursday, January 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Co-Chair – Sarah Randall
Prayer – Maureen Clancy
Recorder – Suzanne Lindner

* = Correction - "Our Christian World Mission" and should read as follows: "Our Church's Wider Mission"