Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spiritual Life and Worship Team

Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2009

Present: Elinor Redman, Betsy Keiter, Rick Angell, Bryan Wiggins, Dana Wiggins, Sandy Hansen, and Elsa Peters.

Opening Prayer: Bryan Wiggins.

Review of March 26th Minutes: Please note that Dana will stay on for another year to complete this 3 year term on SL & W Team, and then will have the opportunity to renew for another 3 year term. Minutes accepted with that addition.

Minister’s Time – Elsa:
  • Communion – In June, Elsa will need someone to assist with serving Communion.
  • Guest Ministers – With John on Sabbatical, and Elsa out of town, there are a 3 Sundays that Elsa would like to have a contact to help with details of honoraria checks and microphones. The dates are: May 24, June 21, and 28. Bryan agreed to be the contact for May 24, and June 21; then Rick has agreed to be the contact for June 28.
  • Pastoral Care – Elsa is aware that there are many members of the congregation that are in need of pastoral care at this time and will be in the near future. She is concerned that she may need some help reaching out to everyone that is ill or in need of care. She wants to be sure that no one falls through the cracks. She would appreciate help with making a phone call or a visit to those who need a friendly voice to say that the church is thinking about them and cares about them. Dana, Rick, and Betsy, have volunteered to help.

Elders Recognition & Elder Sunday:

  • Nominations – Dave Allen and Darla Harris have brought forth 3 nominations for Elders. Sandy presented them for Dave and Darla. The Team approved all three nominations.
  • May 31st - Dave and Darla will present Nominations at the Annual Meeting.
  • June 7 - Elder Sunday - More information would be helpful to determine the presentation of the certificates during the service.
  • Elders Luncheon – Dana has someone in mind to ask to lead the Luncheon; The SL & W Team will assist with setting up, serving, and clean-up and whatever it takes to have the luncheon. Clarification is needed as to which team should be responsible for this event.

Hymnal Celebration – June 14th:

Elsa shared her ideas for the dedication of new hymnals at the Sunday service on June 14th. The new hymnals are here. The team discussed how to logistically remove the old hymnals and bring the new hymnals into the pews. To simplify the process the day of the dedication, all old hymnals will be removed the same way. Betsy and Elinor offered to help organize the dedicated hymnals during the week following the June 14th service. Debbie and Dana are working on the book plates for dedication of the new hymnals.

Annual Report :

Betsy wrote and gave a “short and sweet” report of the Spiritual Life and Worship Team for the year to Cyndi.

Summer Communion Schedule:

June will be a served Communion; then, Communion will be by intinction in July, August, & September.

SL & W Team Membership:

Dana and Bryan were happy to report that Ed Saxby is joining the team. All nominations will need to be given to Chris Keiter by May 15. Rick has agreed to make calls to possible new members, and invite them to the next meeting.

Update on Growth Group:

Elinor and Rick working on the Group, and forming a Parish Host Group. They have read a book “52 Ways to Attract People to Your Church” and hope to implement some of the ideas. The Group is looking at the steps taken in the process when someone comes to visit the church.

Discussion on John Attending SL&W Meetings:

There were many feelings and thoughts about the questions posed by John in a recent email to all of us: In regards to John attending team meetings, what is most helpful? What is our expectation of his time? Does he need to attend our monthly meetings? There was a great feeling of respect for his time, and yet there was also a feeling of need for his input on aspects of SL & W. This is a topic that needs more consideration and will be discussed again next month.

Next Meeting Date: June 4

  • Items for next Month? Multimedia, John’s time , Elder Sunday
  • Prayer- Betsy, Minutes- Sandy

Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Hansen

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