Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2009
Attending: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Karen Pierce Souza, Margaret Thibodeau, Aaron French, and prospective team member Jana Frank.
There were no minutes from the April meeting.
Aaron updated the Team on YM and the Easter activities. He feels things are going very well. Easter activities had 7-8 youth participants, and 35-40 younger attendees. (Jayne shared that she and her husband took some preschoolers to the preschool room.) It was decided that the Team should include plans for holiday breaks for Sunday School teachers and families into the calendar and should be discussed in the fall. Aaron also shared that he and Steve will continue leading YM next year (which the team was relieved to hear), but that they would appreciate one additional volunteer, preferably female and not a YM parent. Some names were suggested, and Aaron will follow up. YM is serving coffee hour on May 10.
Jayne updated the team on the nursery. Parent volunteers have been sparse. Summer coverage will begin on 5/24, and Amy will call a few teenagers to try to set up an initial schedule. The childcare position will be paid ($10 a week?) by the church.
Amy asked the Scholarship Committee to keep the EGF team advised of new members and any concerns as they wrap up this year and prepare for next. Karen asked the same of the Library Committee.
Margaret updated the team on the needs for hospitality, food, etc. in the upcoming weeks. She has several people signed up to bring salads and scoop ice cream for the picnic (5/17). SL&W may take on a leadership role with the Elder Luncheon. They will need 2 people to plan and cook, and 4-5 to serve the meal on June 7.
Ginny updated the team on coffee hour. They only remaining date needing coverage is May 24th. Other dates have various activities, and lemonade on the porch begins on June 7 or 14th. The sign-up sheet for that will be posted at the picnic.
Elsa sent an update for our review, which we did. The Team needs to replace two members to fill the 2009-2010 vacant seats. All are asked to think about potential members and canvass for volunteers. The Growth Group asks us all to send information regarding what our Team or Committee or Subcommittee does, who is on it, who is the contact person, and other pertinent information so that they can better welcome and support newcomers to the church.
The team reviewed a "Sabbatical Calendar" prepared by John and Elsa. We were very impressed with their thoroughness, and support Elsa in her increased duties over the next few months. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted - Jayne Sawtelle
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