Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Education Growth and Fellowship
Attending: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Karen Pierce Souza, Margaret Thibodeau, Aaron French, and prospective team member Jana Frank.
There were no minutes from the April meeting.
Aaron updated the Team on YM and the Easter activities. He feels things are going very well. Easter activities had 7-8 youth participants, and 35-40 younger attendees. (Jayne shared that she and her husband took some preschoolers to the preschool room.) It was decided that the Team should include plans for holiday breaks for Sunday School teachers and families into the calendar and should be discussed in the fall. Aaron also shared that he and Steve will continue leading YM next year (which the team was relieved to hear), but that they would appreciate one additional volunteer, preferably female and not a YM parent. Some names were suggested, and Aaron will follow up. YM is serving coffee hour on May 10.
Jayne updated the team on the nursery. Parent volunteers have been sparse. Summer coverage will begin on 5/24, and Amy will call a few teenagers to try to set up an initial schedule. The childcare position will be paid ($10 a week?) by the church.
Amy asked the Scholarship Committee to keep the EGF team advised of new members and any concerns as they wrap up this year and prepare for next. Karen asked the same of the Library Committee.
Margaret updated the team on the needs for hospitality, food, etc. in the upcoming weeks. She has several people signed up to bring salads and scoop ice cream for the picnic (5/17). SL&W may take on a leadership role with the Elder Luncheon. They will need 2 people to plan and cook, and 4-5 to serve the meal on June 7.
Ginny updated the team on coffee hour. They only remaining date needing coverage is May 24th. Other dates have various activities, and lemonade on the porch begins on June 7 or 14th. The sign-up sheet for that will be posted at the picnic.
Elsa sent an update for our review, which we did. The Team needs to replace two members to fill the 2009-2010 vacant seats. All are asked to think about potential members and canvass for volunteers. The Growth Group asks us all to send information regarding what our Team or Committee or Subcommittee does, who is on it, who is the contact person, and other pertinent information so that they can better welcome and support newcomers to the church.
The team reviewed a "Sabbatical Calendar" prepared by John and Elsa. We were very impressed with their thoroughness, and support Elsa in her increased duties over the next few months. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted - Jayne Sawtelle
Spiritual Life and Worship Team
Present: Elinor Redman, Betsy Keiter, Rick Angell, Bryan Wiggins, Dana Wiggins, Sandy Hansen, and Elsa Peters.
Opening Prayer: Bryan Wiggins.
Review of March 26th Minutes: Please note that Dana will stay on for another year to complete this 3 year term on SL & W Team, and then will have the opportunity to renew for another 3 year term. Minutes accepted with that addition.
Minister’s Time – Elsa:
Elders Recognition & Elder Sunday:
Hymnal Celebration – June 14th:
Elsa shared her ideas for the dedication of new hymnals at the Sunday service on June 14th. The new hymnals are here. The team discussed how to logistically remove the old hymnals and bring the new hymnals into the pews. To simplify the process the day of the dedication, all old hymnals will be removed the same way. Betsy and Elinor offered to help organize the dedicated hymnals during the week following the June 14th service. Debbie and Dana are working on the book plates for dedication of the new hymnals.
Annual Report :
Betsy wrote and gave a “short and sweet” report of the Spiritual Life and Worship Team for the year to Cyndi.
Summer Communion Schedule:
June will be a served Communion; then, Communion will be by intinction in July, August, & September.
SL & W Team Membership:
Dana and Bryan were happy to report that Ed Saxby is joining the team. All nominations will need to be given to Chris Keiter by May 15. Rick has agreed to make calls to possible new members, and invite them to the next meeting.
Update on Growth Group:
Elinor and Rick working on the Group, and forming a Parish Host Group. They have read a book “52 Ways to Attract People to Your Church” and hope to implement some of the ideas. The Group is looking at the steps taken in the process when someone comes to visit the church.
Discussion on John Attending SL&W Meetings:
There were many feelings and thoughts about the questions posed by John in a recent email to all of us: In regards to John attending team meetings, what is most helpful? What is our expectation of his time? Does he need to attend our monthly meetings? There was a great feeling of respect for his time, and yet there was also a feeling of need for his input on aspects of SL & W. This is a topic that needs more consideration and will be discussed again next month.
Next Meeting Date: June 4
- Items for next Month? Multimedia, John’s time , Elder Sunday
- Prayer- Betsy, Minutes- Sandy
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Hansen
Mission and Outreach Team
Meeting Minutes of May 7th, 2009
Present: Laurie Carey, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, AnnElissa Leveque, Sandy Dyer and Sarah Randall.
Guest: Michael Kasputes (Potential new member of the board)
Opening Thought: Greg read excerpt from “The purpose driven life”. Minutes from the April 2nd meeting reviewed. After two date corrections, they were accepted.
Treasurers Report: Greg
- Easter Offering: $1,899.21; up from $775 from ‘08.
- CWS Blankets: $151.00; with 1 more Sunday to contribute.
- One Great Hour of Sharing: $961.36
No Council Report: Elsa not present to give ministers moment; she is with another board tonight.
Old Business:
- Jump Start Weekend at Pilgrim Lodge on April 25th went well. Even with the few (about 5) volunteers from FCCUCC, they were a part of several hundred volunteers who helped clean up and get Pilgrim Lodge ready for the season.
- Friendship House presentation by Richard Kepler on Sunday May 3rd was an information introduction for our next Micah project ( May 9th). Friendship house is a house for men recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. There are approximately fourteen men living there now. The Micah project entails painting the front porch. Approximately 8-9 volunteers have signed up. Lunch for volunteers and residents will be provided by the Mission Board. Volunteers are to meet at church at 10:30 a.m. to carpool over.
Ongoing Business:
- Coffee: The coffee is in, next step is sorting the orders (Wednesday evening @ 6:00 p.m.) Will need to set up a meeting to plan out a schedule for next season’s orders. (Not on Monday!)
- Nominations for New Members: Michael Kasputes
Mission Service Assignment Sheet:
- Homecoming Sunday: Sandy Dyer and Sarah Randall
- Beacon - special offerings: Laurie Carey
- Bulletin Board: Carol Scheffler
- Mission Mall: Carol Scheffler and Elinor Redmond
- Thanksgiving Baskets: Kendra Palmer
- Christmas Giving Tree: Jenn Hardin and Sandy Dyer. Joan Carrier will do Beacon and pulpit announcements.
- Christmas Mitten Tree: Bob and Andrea Morse
- Mission Handbook: Laurie Carey
- Longcreek Youth Development Center Birthday Cakes: Need new volunteers. Joan Carrier will continue until one is found.
- Mission Sunday: On Hold
- Emergency Food Pantry Drive: Will do one in May. Monday, May 31st, pass out bags and lists. Then, on Sunday, June 7th, collect donations.
- The Micah Project: Will discuss the directions of projects more next month.
- Children’s Closet: Jen Hardin and AnnElissa Leveque.
Thank You Notes were received from the following:
- Rev. Bryan Breault, Director of Outdoor Ministries at Pilgrim Lodge for donations of $750.
- Michael Howe, President and CEO of Give 2 Asia for donation of $100.00 to Gwen Moore children of China Fund.
- Ronald Scott, President of Opportunity Farm for Boys and Girls, for the donation of $750.
New Business:
Request from Dave Allen from the Growth Group. Idea to form group of people who can partner up with new members of our church to make their welcome more personal and engaging. Provide this new group (Parish Hosts) with information and materials so they can answer questions and promote activities that our church offers. Mission Outreach felt this was a great idea.
June Meeting:
Last meeting before summer break; Introduction of new Members.
Laurie, AnnElissa, and Sarah will bring refreshments.
Closing Prayer: Greg
Next Meeting: June 4th, 2009
Opening/Closing Prayers: Laurie Carey
Recorder: Sandy Dyer
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Recorder- Sarah Randall
Administrative Team
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh (excused early), Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Jim Otis and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair Chris Mills at 7:05 p.m. Jim Otis was appointed Meeting Secretary and Chair for the next meeting.
The minutes of the April 2, 2009 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
- Counting: No formal report from Brian Wallace, but the system appears to be working fine and the Counting Committee is doing a great job.
- House: House Committee member Guy said they didn’t meet this past month since there wasn’t much on their agenda. Tom now has the ability to monitor and control any church thermostats from his home, which will save on fuel. They are working on the radiant floor heating system effectiveness in the sanctuary. They are also checking into a dual burner for both fuel oil and natural gas. Guy also said that we are going ahead with putting new windows in the third floor of the office wing. The cost is the same as the original bid price from the previous year.
- Planned Giving: Ron and Chris discussed having a Planned Giving poster at the A Team table on Homecoming Sunday. They also anticipate putting an article in the first September Beacon. The focus will be on educating members.
New Business:
- Council Finance Concerns: Ron and Jim attended the Council meeting on April 16 and discussed various concerns of the Council regarding church finances. The Council would like the A Team to review the financial processes, systems and controls of church programs and to provide any recommendations that don’t increase costs, including whether less material programs (i.e. Eskimos) should be included. Ron and Jim will spearhead this mission on behalf of the A Team over the course of this year. We discussed the fact that the Discovery Center and the Holly Daze bazaar should be included and that the A Team should review the initial draft of the financial statements. We would also want to revise and expand the A Team’s purposes beyond the procurement of the annual audit. Cyndi will also be contacting our CPA firm (Laurie Ann Wilson) to obtain feedback on pertinent issues.
- Annual Report: We made some minor editorial changes and Guy will finalize.
- Growth Group: We reviewed Dave Allen’s email regarding this new program, and we felt that it could be very helpful in increasing church attendance and membership. Jim will be in contact with Dave to learn more about the program and specific steps that we need to take.
- Green Action Group: We reviewed the various emails from Barbara Merrill, Tom Conlon and Elsa concerning recycling and a request to put up a “Clean Air Zone” sign in the parking lot. We had some concerns about the sign and Jim will email Elsa, Barbara and Tom.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
The next AT meeting: Thursday, June 4, 2009 (last meeting until September)
Respectfully submitted by: Jim Otis, Meeting Secretary
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Education, Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2009
Ginny Gledhill – Minute taker
Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle
Karen Pierce Souza
Margaret Thibodeau
Elsa Peters
Amy Foster- absent
Aron French – absent
Jean Siulinski – Visiting to take back any comments to the Council.
Approved : March minutes.
Faith Formation – Elsa
- Confirmation – Tentative schedule f or next year 6 months program January – June.
- Lenten Study – 15 participants wrapping up.
- Marriage – Setting dates upcoming continuing conversation.
- Sunday School – Starting to think about recruiting.
- Annual Report – Due May 4.
- Annual Meeting – May 31.
Aaron – Steve and he are putting final plans on doing activities for Easter Sunday .
Placing Posters - Announcing the children have the option of participating in activities in Guptill Hall instead of staying with their parents during the church service on Easter Sunday.
Coffee Hour – Going along okay; always in need of volunteers.
Nursery – Everything is going along okay for now.
Scholarships - Kids awarded scholarships on Sunday March 29th.
Library - Coming along well.
Inquirers – New meeting coming up.
Soup Supper - Jean Siulinski heading up organizing the soup supper on Good Friday.
E, G & F Team - Discussed team members that would continue with the team.
Annual Meeting - Coming up on 5/31/09.
New Members Photos – Discussed that Shutterfly would be solution for the photographer to upload new pictures.
Diversity Committee
Attendance: Joan Carrier, Carol Scheffler, Dolores Broberg, Mike Kasputes, Kathy Cotter, Connie Baskett, Pam Herrmann.
Joan opened the meeting with a prayerful thought.
- Joan passed around a thank you note from Betsy Parsons for GLSEN for our $100 contribution.
- We also received a recommendation from the UCC General Synod suggesting we show the movie "Tying the Knot" to our congregation. Kathy will purchase the movie for our church library.
- Women in Harmony: We are waiting for WIH to respond to our invitation regarding use of our church space for next year's year concert (s).
- Clothing for the Preble Street Teen Center: Delores delivered a box for clothing for the Preble Street Teen Center. We are waiting until the Fall to fully organize a plan for teen clothing. The teens are welcome to clothing from the children's closet if teen clothing is available. There will not be a rummage sale until fall so no summer clothing was available from the rummage sale, but winter clothing was deemed to be more needed.
- Funding for SPHS Gay/Straight Alliance transportation to GLSEN events: Sheryl Kiernan, SPHS office manager, will check on the needed funds regarding transportation to GLSEN events. A member of the congregation has agreed to match all contributions (up to $1,000) received from the congregation for transportation to these events. It's very important for young people to get to these events and we need to help. The Diversity Committee Funds are shared with Social Witness and capped at $800 so it is necessary to ask the congregation for assistance.
Delores and Carol are going to work on a proposal for funding and take the proposal to the cabinet for approval. Carol will set up the meeting, and Delores will make the presentation at the next church council meeting. Their request was accepted, and they have been placed on the agenda for the June 18th council meeting.
- The Diversity Committee expressed concern regarding the youth of our church. We want to be sure the youth are involved and informed on GLBT issues and encouraged to participate.
- The suggestion was made for the youth of the church to participate in Diversity Sunday next year. This idea will be presented to Elsa or Steve Ferris to get their input and assistance.
- Everyone was very pleased with the March 15th Forum led by John and Elsa after worship. Everyone freely expressed their views and respectfully listened to the views and feelings of others. In the fall, Elsa will lead a Bible study group, and John will host a discussion on the separation of church and state to help answer some expressed concerns.
- Marvin Ellison: Marvin Ellison will be here to speak with us on October 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Wright Pavilion. The committee will be doing publicity to involve others outside the church as well. Susan Young was also mentioned as another good speaker for future events.
- The Diversity Committee will view the movie "Tying the Knot" and show it to the congregation after worship on either September 20th or September 27th. The committee will view the video on June 9th. Deb Theriault has purchased the video "Anyone and Everyone" and will be donating it to the church for all to use.
- Pride Parade: The Diversity Committee wants to have a presence in the Pride Parade. An open invitation will made welcoming anyone in the congregation to join us. We'll ask Elsa to make the announcement from the pulpit. We voted not to advertise in the Pride Guide. Deb will also write an article for the Beacon.
- A discussion for using hidden diversity stories for worship and after worship was tabled until the next meeting.
- It was brought to our attention that the UCC Coalition shows a list of open and affirming churches. Most churches had internet links, but we did not have direct access. Deb was chosen to be our contact with the UCC and will check into the matter.
- Joan will prepare our annual report from the year's minutes.
- Our next meeting will be June 9th at 11:30 a.m. to view the video "Tying the Knot".
Joan closed the meeting with prayerful thought on Psalm 139.
Respectfully Submitted
Pam Herrmann
Growth Group
Members present: Jim Kupel, John McCall, Rick Angell, Dave Allen, , Stan Jordan, Elinor Redmond.
Absent: Kendra Palmer, Sue Ross.
Stan opened the meeting with a prayer at 5:30 p.m.
**indicates future action
I. Parish Host Document
Jim had re-worked the Parish Host document, including both our group mission and the comment from the new members’ focus group that ‘buddies’ would be helpful, if not pushed too hard. We discussed the many uses for the document, with variations:
• tool for parish host, staff, growth group
• reference to anybody in the church
• recruiting document
• lets newcomers know about the program
**Dave will be visiting with Growth and Fellowship and will be sure that group knows about the document and the program. Rick and Elinor will share the document with SL&W as well.
We spent a little time on minor edits of the document. Jim will re-work the document and create a version for newcomers so that they have a summary as they are invited to participate.
Next steps include recruiting hosts and creating the tool kit. The host group will need coordination and record keeping. We imagine 12 hosts in the program.
**Stan and Rick will work up a list of potential hosts.
**Elinor will work on the tool kit materials over the summer with the goal of having all documents available electronically for ease in updating.
**Dave will prepare an implementation time line for the next meeting.
II. New Member Process
We discussed where in the process the Parish Host Program would begin for a newcomer. The logical place is at the step; “If the prospect continues to worship” and beginning with the words “John contacts by phone/e-mail”. John/Elsa could make the offer OR a lay person could be in charge of this process from the beginning.
How long would a host stay ‘assigned’ to a newcomer? John told us the rule of thumb for newcomers staying with a church: make 6 friendships in 6 months. Would the host attend the Inquirer’s meeting with the newcomer? Would the host stay involved after the individual becomes a church member?
We will start the program slowly and see where it takes us.
III. Group Information
Dave e-mailed the teams the request for information about the various groups needed to create a booklet of information for everyone in the church. The teams should send the request along to the various groups affiliated with them and replies should go to Dave.
IV. Groups that use the building
John had sent a list of ‘outside’ groups that use the building. He estimates 8-9 would be open to hearing a member speak about the church and invite participants to attend. These include: Al-Anon, AA (when they have an open meeting), Alzheimer’s Work Group, Meetinghouse Yoga and the Mother and Dad’s Club.
**We will consider this as an agenda item in the fall.
V. Homework/Hospitality
We discussed the articles John had passed out. The church may want to plan to grow, but we cannot control what people do. What we can work on is being hospitable. We may be friendly and welcoming and still not hospitable.
**Education on hospitality. Devote 1 or 2 Sundays to hospitality. Jim will bring the sheet used by the Hospital to train volunteers in hospitality.
VI. Group Maintenance
Should we expand the size of the Growth Group? Yes! New members may come from individuals recruited as hosts.
We are looking at Mondays at 5:30 p.m. as a regular meeting time, (possibly the second Monday of the month).
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, June 8 @ 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond
Music Committee
Present: Judy Magnuson, Anna O’Conner, Sheryl Kieran and Shirley Curry.
1. Reviewed and accepted February minutes.
2. Reviewed Easter refreshments plan for between services. Judy to contact Kim and Dolores. Anna will bring coffee.
3. Discussed old Hymnals. Switch to take place in June. Need to speak to clergy and see if small congregations need any. Transfer to take place in June.
4. Shirley read a thank you note from the Longfellow program. There is a recital on May 15th in the Sanctuary with Shirley and Karen Pierce. Discussed need for lines of communication to be opened for Shirley to know when the Sanctuary has been rented by groups outside the church.
5. Discussed options for Summer Music. Need to add Clergy to the list. Judy to regenerate the sign up sheet.
6. The piano in the choir room was tuned and will likely need to be done again in the fall. Organ in the Sanctuary will need to be looked at soon. Shirley will take care of this.
7. Shirley discussed that more Hilltop Ringers are needed for next year. The Handbells will need to be looked at in the future for maintenance as well.
8. Two members are leaving Music next year and options for new recruits were discussed.
9. Next meeting scheduled for May 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.