Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mission and Outreach Team

Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary; AnnElissa Leveque; Carol Scheffler; Grey Wyman; Sandy Dyer; Sarah Randall; Maureen Clancy

Absent: Linda Skinner

AnnElissa opened the meeting with Reverend Gene Robinson’s prayer from the Obama inauguration.

Thank you notes were received from: Southern Poverty Law Center; The UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns; Open House Congregation; Emergency Food Pantry; Good Shepherd Food Bank; Family Crisis Services; and Konbit Sante.

The minutes of the January meeting were accepted; thank you Carol.

Treasurer’s Report was given and approved. At the last meeting we cut 20% of the budget as requested. In the end, the team was given more than we asked for. The Special Support money we were awarded was $17,700, $3,000 more than the $14,700 requested after cuts. There was some discussion around the discretionary funding and whether that may still be taken out of our budget. Also discussed was a $50.00 that was given to a presenter, who then returned it to the Team as a donation. That $50.00 will remain for the Green Action Group’s work. The Christmas offering totaled $1724.00 and the checks were distributed on January 27th to Doctors Without Borders and Community Crisis Ministries. Our wider Mission funds of $25,200 were discussed with the Council and the guidance was to give a $270.00 estate gift to the Mission Fund to contribute to the Church’s wider mission.

Old Business:
a. The Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Tree were discussed. Bob and Andrea Morse reported that two thirds of the mittens went to the Children’s Closet and one third to adults at the Preble Street. Laurie was unable to connect with Joan Carrier who leads The Christmas Giving Tree along with Jenn Hardin. However, Laurie did report that the gifts requested were reasonable this year and the program was better and more manageable.

b. As reported earlier, $862.00 was given to Doctors Without Borders and CC Ministries from the Christmas offering.

c. Diversity Sunday - Laurie reported that it was a great event with great speakers and that the personal stories added a nice touch. Carol talked about Betsey Parsons of GLSEN, a former church member who runs gay/lesbian education networks in high schools. Carol asked the group to think about how the Church can be an asset to this program, could we help with getting kids to meetings or make cookies for their meetings. Betsey talked to Carol about South Portland High School not having a good reputation for GLBT kids. Betsey thought maybe smaller groups from different highs schools could get together, but this would require transportation. Could the Mission Team underwrite the cost of a small bus to get the kids to meetings? The South Portland High Principal is open to it. The Team thought it was worthwhile to pursue and that possibly the Diversity Committee could take on this project.

Ongoing Business:
a. Micah Project has its next event on February 14th a Habitat for Humanity home on Demerest Street in Portland. The group will meet at 8:30 at the church and car pool over. Laurie mentioned that it is a LEED house. The group reported on the calls made to get members to help out. So whoever shows up shows up. Elsa will be there with directions and 2 site managers will be there to direct the group. Thanks to all who volunteered.

b. Heifer Global Connections will take place in March and 16 spots are available for the trip. Preference is given to youth. Elsa not sure how many yet, but will put an announcement in the Beacon.

c. Laurie reported that Friendship House is still on the calendar for May 9th; Laurie will draft a Beacon article for this Micah project.

d. Sandy mentioned that she has a friend involved with the IRIS program and that they are looking for people to read and record news and books, this is an ongoing volunteer opportunity. Sandy will get more information.

e. Elsa will follow up in the clean up at the Pilgrim Lodge in April.

f. Children’s Closet – Jenn Hardin and AnnElissa will lead this project. AnnElissa reported that the Closet is newly organized and restructured, that there are new volunteers and it is alive and well. She reported that they do not need hangers or furniture; they accept donations of clothes, toys and books.

g. One Great Hour of Sharing 3/1 – Laurie will do a Beacon article and AnnElissa will hang the poster on the bulletin board.

h. Coffee Hour – the group reported that it went very well; people enjoyed it the cake was a hit. Mission will be hosting another coffee hour on 2/22 please bring if you can.

i. Fair Trade – Greg will place the order over the weekend and get a check from the Church office. Carol is revising the order form. The Team would prefer to distribute orders on 3/1 since a larger group of us will be in attendance.

New Business:
a. Laurie reported that Grace Street Ministries asked if we could be listed as a partner on the website, the Team OK’d this request.

b. Children of China Fund have been given 3/29 as a date for a presentation after worship. The Team agreed to give them a $100 donation.

c. February 17th is Konbit Santé night at Flatbread’s Pizza.

Minister’s Moment:
a. Worship Bulletin – Elsa asked for people’s comments on the bulletin between now and the next meeting. She wants to know: What works in worship? Do we know what’s going on? What needs to be included? What is the most efficient use of the bulletin?

b. Mission and Community Crisis Ministries – Elsa reported on a conversation she had with John McCall around a comprehensive vision for Mission Outreach and how to connect Community Crisis with Mission. Scott Berry will be in touch with Laurie for a further discussion. Some of the taking points are around the offerings – Mission and CCM. Elsa may ask John to come to the next meeting to help shed more light on this issue.

c. Checking In at Meetings to see how working for all - Elsa wanted to talk about how this is working for us and about how to build a better connection between us and the work we are doing. Laurie mentioned that the Pot Luck event improved communication. Elsa will create a format to inspire us. Elsa also reported that she is taking an online class around Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers –so this may be part of the conversation.

d. The Green Action Team to be collaborating with the Eskimos – you can read more on the meeting house minutes blog.

Carol noted that March 29th-April 4th is Farm Worker Awareness Week.

Elsa’s Birthday is March 31st.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

The next meeting is March 5th.

Sandy will lead the opening prayer and Linda will be the recorder.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Clancy

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