Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2009
Present: Sally Sutton, Elsa Peters, Phil Whitney, Nancy MacLean, Carol Zechman, John McCall, Jean Siulinski, Andy Ellis, Chris Dow, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter, Don Russell.
I. Update from the Investment Oversight Committee - Catherine Cloudman
Catherine introduced herself as a business person, not an investment advisor, with the following observations/updates:
• Smith Barney, owned by CitiGroup, is now a joint venture w/Morgan Stanley
• Many investment groups were on more solid footing than banks were. Good thing to be joint ventured with Morgan Stanley, solely ventured on investment. Catherine feels confident of new situation, that it’s good thing for FCC.
• 4th quarter and Jan. 2009: abysmal, lots of de-leveraging, lots of technical selling, credit markets fell apart, lending dried up. We’re in a severe recession now.
• Outlook on investments: Less than expected bad news will propel better confidence and healing will begin! Corporate cleansing of balance sheets. Lower oil prices, more regulatory oversight. Forced regulations have happened and have been absorbed. Massive stimulus. Kind of optimistic that mid to late 2009 will begin to get better. Thawing of credit markets. People starting to save more.
•FCC investments: 2008 value $1m566K: 62% equities, 38% fixed income. Will bump equities up to 65%. Negative returns of 31.7% vs 28.8%. Bond portfolio was the main reason for our underperformance. We are starting to see the underperformance reverse itself. Corporate bonds looking more attractive investment. Currently reevaluating our bond portfolio, changing managers. Increasing equity allocation by 3%. Cash at end of 2008 was about 5%.
• Catherine feels good about Smith Barney’s commitment to us.
• 2009 figures not yet available
II. Opening Debra read the poem “Invitation”, by Oriah.
III. Agenda was approved as presented.
IV. January minutes were approved as presented.
V. Ministers’ Time
• John – 1) 275th Anniversary Committee wants to purchase a paving block for the Bug Light historical project to commemorate our anniversary. 2) Letter in current Beacon to congregation regarding marriage and couple blessings ceremony. John believes a very important step is to stop signing marriage licenses for the State of Maine, which prevents same gender couples from being married. Sub-point – roles asked to maintain signing licenses has ministers acting as agents of the State. State law is not fair and just, as it is not inclusive in the spirit of church policy. John and Elsa see themselves as agents of the Church, not the State. John and Elsa feel this is in keeping with current church policy framed and approved by the Congregation in September 2002. They would advise couples to be married in civil ceremonies prior to church celebration, or to have license signed by a notary public, who would be present at the service. Ministers would sign the church certificate of blessing of marriage or covenant, which is not a legal document.
• Elsa – 1) Confirmation conversation happened. Very spirited and on-going. Very positive discussion. 2) Community Crisis Ministries and the Mission & Outreach Team are meeting to discern what conversation needs to happen about possible overlap in their ministries. Elsa trusts that they will do this on their own. 3) Christ Kids Club wants to do a Fun Fundraiser – a dance-a-thon. Money will be raised for hunger. Council approved this fundraiser.
VI. Discussions
• More comprehensive church budget; where does it fit in Council priorities? Sally Sutton This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.
• Food Pantry fundraiser idea to sell items that are not helpful to the pantry. Members can purchase the items on Sunday. Donations and proceeds will go to the Food Pantry. Approved by Council on 2/26/09.
• David Butler Dinner/Theater - Elsa says David is an area clergy person who is a thespian. Theater is a new enterprise that wants to do a fundraiser of Midsummer Nights Dream. Would like it to be in FCC sanctuary. Tickets would be $20, $10 of which would go to FCC, if FCC provides the dinner. Questions of using the sanctuary for a fundraiser. Council approved on 2/26/09 the fundraising aspect of the event, because John has approved the use of the sanctuary for the performance. The Guild will be asked if it is interested in providing a dinner. Proposed date: April 26, 2009.
• Discuss notes from A Team regarding charging room rental fees to non-profits to offset heating expenses. Carol This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.
• Discuss how the Council needs to interact with the Teams and the congregation – Nancy asked if the visiting Council members need to take a common message from the Council to the team. Purpose of council visits is to proactively check in with teams to assure that all is going well, and to let them know the Council is available to them. Regarding Council outreach to Congregation: Phil suggested that the Beacon list the names of members of the Council, and a reminder of when and where Council meets, and that all are welcome to attend.
• Identify which Council member will attend each Team meeting in April: Spiritual Life and Worship – Chris D; Administration Team – Nancy; Mission & Outreach – Andy; Education Fellowship & Growth - Jean.
• Identify which Committee to invite to our March meeting: Parish Relations, Stewardship or Personnel – It was decided on 2/26/09 that Stewardship will be asked to attend the March meeting. Ellie Chatto will also be asked to tell us what’s going on with Personnel committee, as she chairs both committees.
• Begin conversation of church vision statement. What is special about our church? This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.
• Review draft policy regarding the use of the Church mailing list, and broaden topic to include church relationship with local businesses: Sally S, Andy, Don Russell led the discussion: Should we have a member contact info policy? Policy sheet draft was distributed. 2 issues: 1) Minor issue – we need some level of list protocol or guideline; Don’s example: Realtor mailing recently sent to 40 members. No church directory was used. Mailing was done via public record. Mailing resulted with some complaints, many compliments from church members 2) Major issue – Do we as a church community want to when appropriate, help people in their work lives? We help in spiritual lives and physical lives. Should we go down that road of work? Don – bottom line: business referral directory would be helpful for the church to support those who are like us. Small businesses depend upon referrals. Clearly some members of the church could benefit from a more open policy of how we can support people. Don feels many church members would like to see the Church be more progressive in supporting its members’ business lives. On-line business referral directory possibility or a bulletin board with business cards posted. Help members so they can maintain their help of the church. John – privacy issue re: on-line vs bulletin board. Password protected idea would help address this concern. Don’s vision – craft a fair and balanced protocol that lets members know what resources, skills, services that other members offer. Open and affirming and inclusive of the work lives of church members. Jean – would be very happy to have a booklet or bulletin board. She’d rather use somebody from the Church. Sally Sutton– Privacy policy statement regarding member contact information? Intent is to give members comfort level when asked to share contact information in directory, etc. John – distribute the statement in the Beacon, and annually remind teams and members. Might still be able to be included in the new directory (Carol – make it on a sticker to save paper). Policy was adopted on 2/26/09 as presented and will be included in some form with the new directory. Sally Sutton – doesn’t see a business referral directory as being part of the mission of the church. Sally suggested that another group be formed to discuss Don’s proposal. Council agreed on 2/26/09 to Member Contact Information Policy, and to form a group to explore Don’s idea. Debra and Don will be on the committee. Education Growth and Fellowship Team will be asked for members to join the subcommittee. Elsa will do a one-on-one recruitment brainstorming.
VII. Other Business
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Recorder: Debra Andrews
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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