December 4, 2008
Present: Janis Albright, Louise Davis, Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Elsa Peters, Ed Saxby, Jim Van Hoeven
Ed Saxby led our meeting and each person had an opportunity to share particular concerns.
The Mission Board approved a $50 honorarium for our October speaker Ray Sirois. Leslie provided a card which we all signed and expressed our appreciation to Ray.
The Mission Outreach Team will be including in their budget request an item for the Social Witness Ministries Fund. This will provide a source for expenses like an honorarium. Greg Wyman will keep us informed.
Barbara spoke with Guy Gledhill, a member of the House Committee of the Administration Team and invited him (or a Committee member) to come to one of our meetings and educate us about the work his group is doing regarding greening our church.
Barbara suggested we consider the possibility of working with the Eskimos, the Hilltop Guild, and the church school in suggesting programs relating to our stewardship of the earth. This would give us an existing group with whom to work in our educational efforts.
Jim donated the book “Redeeming The Creation” by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson to the Green Action Group’s section of our church library. Louise added more articles to the reference notebooks she is creating for the library.
Elsa Peters met with us for a discussion on Communication.
We agreed to write articles relating to Earth stewardship for The Beacon on a regular basis. Articles for the Beacon should “educate the community and further their faith with this community”. The articles might be part of the Green Corner or they might fill up to a half page. Dick will do an article for the next Beacon.
Our minutes are posted on Elsa has an article in the current Beacon that includes information about blogs.
We are able to put announcements in the bulletin and just need to contact the Church Office.
Elsa encourages us to think about personal invitations (i.e. a telephone call) to encourage people “to participate in the things we care about”.
Ed suggested generating a list of people who would like to have access to a computer site where information about caring for our earth could be shared.
Ed would like to have a meeting in January or February where we generate ideas of what people can do themselves relative to greening their homes. Leslie talked about the Green South Portland group that is offering to help people make their homes more energy efficient. Jim will contact Roger Addor to see if the Eskimos might be interested in joining us in this effort. Sarah suggested presenting very practical ideas based on what people might benefit from right now—such as how you could prepare a meal for 6 people on $3. She also mentioned the concept of Eco Angels wherein we could help each other and share our skills and knowledge.
Janis reported on the work to complete our Mission statement and on some suggested additions to the book list she generated for our Green Space in the library. We will work on these at our next meeting.
Louise shared information about a 90 movie that she highly recommends for a program that we would arrange. Ed will look into this possibility.
Dick reported on a program he attended at Maine Audubon. Rick Renner, Portland architect and designer of 2 LEED Platinum-rated green building homes was the presenter.
Ed shared with us several relevant items of interest including work by the Maine Council of Churches and its Environmental Council and some thoughts about the new administration in Washington in January and possible impact on the environment.
We decided to continue meeting on the last Thursday of each month. Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 29, at 7 pm in Davidson Lounge. This arrangement has been cleared with Cyndi Alden.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Administrative Team Meeting
Minutes of Meeting: December 4, 2008
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair Eben Marsh at 7:05 p.m. Ron Bennett was appointed Meeting Secretary.
The minutes of the November 6, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements and budget. Revenues are slightly behind budget. Cyndi expects rents to be at the budgeted totals by year end. Because the Council has requested all teams to spend only truly necessary funds for the rest of 2008, Cyndi estimates that total expenses will be below budget, and the deficit which was originally budgeted at $-28,176 will come in at a lower deficit.
Tenant review: Our tenants were current in their rent payments through November. No rent payments have been received for December.
Planned Giving: Ron reported that Ellie Baker and Chris met on November 20. The committee intends to prepare messages to be inserted in the Beacon on a regular basis starting in late January or early February. Ellie will prepare the messages, which will be reviewed at the next PGC meeting on January 4. Ellie strongly believes that the message should be kept simple at first and emphasize bequests.
Bulletin Board Policy: The Bulletin Board Inventory prepared by Deb (see attached) was reviewed. The Team agreed with Deb’s comments on the attached Inventory and decided that no policy is required. A policy could negatively affect the life and spirit of the church.
Committee Reports:
Counting: No new report. To date, the system appears to be working fine.
House: Guy presented the report based on the House Committee Meeting Minutes (see attached). It was specifically pointed out that the burned out bulbs in the sanctuary chandeliers cannot be change by Tom until the choir pews saved by the Chancel Committee are removed from in front of the large ladder at the bottom of the stairs.
New Business:
The proposed By-Laws were reviewed. The Team suggested changing the first responsibility of the Admin Team at section 6.3 (A) from “oversight for establishing procurement policies” to “overseeing (or monitoring) procurement policies”. This change was suggested because the policies have already been established.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
The next AT meeting will be held on January 8, 2009.
Respectfully submitted by: Ron Bennett, Meeting Secretary
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair Eben Marsh at 7:05 p.m. Ron Bennett was appointed Meeting Secretary.
The minutes of the November 6, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements and budget. Revenues are slightly behind budget. Cyndi expects rents to be at the budgeted totals by year end. Because the Council has requested all teams to spend only truly necessary funds for the rest of 2008, Cyndi estimates that total expenses will be below budget, and the deficit which was originally budgeted at $-28,176 will come in at a lower deficit.
Tenant review: Our tenants were current in their rent payments through November. No rent payments have been received for December.
Planned Giving: Ron reported that Ellie Baker and Chris met on November 20. The committee intends to prepare messages to be inserted in the Beacon on a regular basis starting in late January or early February. Ellie will prepare the messages, which will be reviewed at the next PGC meeting on January 4. Ellie strongly believes that the message should be kept simple at first and emphasize bequests.
Bulletin Board Policy: The Bulletin Board Inventory prepared by Deb (see attached) was reviewed. The Team agreed with Deb’s comments on the attached Inventory and decided that no policy is required. A policy could negatively affect the life and spirit of the church.
Committee Reports:
Counting: No new report. To date, the system appears to be working fine.
House: Guy presented the report based on the House Committee Meeting Minutes (see attached). It was specifically pointed out that the burned out bulbs in the sanctuary chandeliers cannot be change by Tom until the choir pews saved by the Chancel Committee are removed from in front of the large ladder at the bottom of the stairs.
New Business:
The proposed By-Laws were reviewed. The Team suggested changing the first responsibility of the Admin Team at section 6.3 (A) from “oversight for establishing procurement policies” to “overseeing (or monitoring) procurement policies”. This change was suggested because the policies have already been established.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
The next AT meeting will be held on January 8, 2009.
Respectfully submitted by: Ron Bennett, Meeting Secretary
Monday, December 8, 2008
Spiritual Life & Worship, Music Committee
November 6, 2008
Present: Dolores Broberg, Judy Magnuson, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, Sheryl Kieran and Shirley Curry
1. Reviewed and accepted October minutes with a date change.
2. Reviewed Vespers Program for December 14th at 5:30 PM. There are about 18 performers scheduled with a combination of solos, duets, quartets, and instrumental accompaniment.
Reviewed refreshments: Shirley is to bring tea. Dolores will provide the cider (3 hot and 1 cold). Judy will bring a large pan for one of the warm ciders. Anna, Judy, Kim, and Sheryl will bake. Anna will provide a centerpiece. Committee members will arrive by 5 P.M. to set up. Judy will call and see if the Skeffington girls would like to distribute programs.
Sheryl will write an article for the Beacon. Shirley will handle the program.
3. The pianos were tuned (the music room and the chancel) and the organ as well.
4. The ad for the reed organ was placed in Vbox and there has been no response. Other options were discussed for advertising. Kim will place an ad on Craig’s List.
5. Next meeting scheduled for February 5, 2009 at 7 P.M.
Present: Dolores Broberg, Judy Magnuson, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, Sheryl Kieran and Shirley Curry
1. Reviewed and accepted October minutes with a date change.
2. Reviewed Vespers Program for December 14th at 5:30 PM. There are about 18 performers scheduled with a combination of solos, duets, quartets, and instrumental accompaniment.
Reviewed refreshments: Shirley is to bring tea. Dolores will provide the cider (3 hot and 1 cold). Judy will bring a large pan for one of the warm ciders. Anna, Judy, Kim, and Sheryl will bake. Anna will provide a centerpiece. Committee members will arrive by 5 P.M. to set up. Judy will call and see if the Skeffington girls would like to distribute programs.
Sheryl will write an article for the Beacon. Shirley will handle the program.
3. The pianos were tuned (the music room and the chancel) and the organ as well.
4. The ad for the reed organ was placed in Vbox and there has been no response. Other options were discussed for advertising. Kim will place an ad on Craig’s List.
5. Next meeting scheduled for February 5, 2009 at 7 P.M.
Administration Team Meeting
Minutes of Meeting: November 6, 2008
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Deb Sandler at 7:05P.
The minutes of the October 2, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements and Budget. Also, the Admin Team reviewed its proposed 2009 Budget. All team budgets are being solicited by the Council’s Budget Committee. Cyndi will represent the Admin Team on the Budget Committee. The AT made no changes from what was proposed, and voted to submit as proposed and dated 11/6/08.
Tenant review: Our tenants were current in their rent payments through October. No rent payments have been received for November.
Coffee Hour: The EF & G Committee will continue to solicit volunteers to put the coffee out following Sunday service. Thus, the AT’s proposal of 10/2/08 is withdrawn.
AT talk: It was reported that Chris did a great job!
Bulletin Board Policy: This matter came about last year in anticipation of the 275th Anniversary. Chris developed and submitted to the AT a sample policy. Using it, the AT developed a suggested policy guideline which will be presented to the Council.
Committee Reports:
Counting: Brian Wallace has created a counting schedule and staffing through December 31, 2008. To date, it appears to be working fine.
House: The painting on the front of the Church is underway. We are having a heating consultant come in to analyze our heating system. The objective is to gain efficiency and to save on heating costs. The recently renovated stained glass window in the Chapel must have a protective shield placed over it per our insurance provider. The chandelier lights are being replaced with higher efficiency bulbs. A rug was repaired??? The Simplex cost was reduced to $902/year.
Planned Giving: Ron reported that Ellie Baker will develop a suggested approach at an upcoming meeting. Ron anticipates that a simple and educational packet will become available for use by the PGC. Ellie suggests that the Maine Community Fund be used for ???
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20P
The next AT meeting will be held on December 4, 2008
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Deb Sandler at 7:05P.
The minutes of the October 2, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements and Budget. Also, the Admin Team reviewed its proposed 2009 Budget. All team budgets are being solicited by the Council’s Budget Committee. Cyndi will represent the Admin Team on the Budget Committee. The AT made no changes from what was proposed, and voted to submit as proposed and dated 11/6/08.
Tenant review: Our tenants were current in their rent payments through October. No rent payments have been received for November.
Coffee Hour: The EF & G Committee will continue to solicit volunteers to put the coffee out following Sunday service. Thus, the AT’s proposal of 10/2/08 is withdrawn.
AT talk: It was reported that Chris did a great job!
Bulletin Board Policy: This matter came about last year in anticipation of the 275th Anniversary. Chris developed and submitted to the AT a sample policy. Using it, the AT developed a suggested policy guideline which will be presented to the Council.
Committee Reports:
Counting: Brian Wallace has created a counting schedule and staffing through December 31, 2008. To date, it appears to be working fine.
House: The painting on the front of the Church is underway. We are having a heating consultant come in to analyze our heating system. The objective is to gain efficiency and to save on heating costs. The recently renovated stained glass window in the Chapel must have a protective shield placed over it per our insurance provider. The chandelier lights are being replaced with higher efficiency bulbs. A rug was repaired??? The Simplex cost was reduced to $902/year.
Planned Giving: Ron reported that Ellie Baker will develop a suggested approach at an upcoming meeting. Ron anticipates that a simple and educational packet will become available for use by the PGC. Ellie suggests that the Maine Community Fund be used for ???
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20P
The next AT meeting will be held on December 4, 2008
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Spiritual Life and Worship
Minutes - November 6, 2008 7:30pm – 9:00p
For the opening prayer Betsy read a beautiful meditation on the persona of “Joy” from the “Book of Qualities”.
The October Minutes were reviewed and approved.
Updates from John
John let us know that we have a vacancy for church secretary. Jodie Ramsey is doing a wonderful job filling in and will train the new secretary. We currently have four candidates we are considering.
Special services – John told us that he thought the dedication of the chancel went well, and applauded Chris Keiter’s work in making everyone involved feel welcome. John reminded us that this coming Sunday is the dedication of the kickoff of the 275th anniversary celebration. He also asked for feedback on the new method of serving of communion with deacons seated as part of the congregation. Our consensus was that the new way of serving was generally going well and John heard some positive feedback from both participating deacons and the congregation about this more “intimate” way of serving.
Pastor parish relations meets in two weeks. John will take them first draft for plans concerning church life during John’s sabbatical.
Conversation on “What is Worship?”
Betsy shared that Elsa asked us to put this item on the agenda as a way to reignite conversations that had happened during the discernment process about alternate worship services. SLW was seen as a body that would be interested in hosting a congregation conversation about these opportunities. We talked about the difference between “What is Worship” being a different focus than “What are other special worship opportunities?” We all agreed that Chris Mills, Elsa, Peggy Murray and the others who initiated this idea should be part of this discussion. Betsy said she’d email this group and try to find a time for them to meet with SLW.
On-Going Events/discussion
• By-Laws Update - Council is working on it.
• SL & W Mailbox Responsibility - Betsy generously volunteered to attend to this.
• Pew Papers - Betty Deschaine has generously volunteered to attend to this.
• Use of Multimedia in Worship Service - Rick shared that Bryan and he went to Saco to review the multimedia system in the First Parish church there. Rick said that chapel service there was similar to ours, but with the addition support multimedia. He said the church there intends to expand their ministry through worship. We discussed copyright issues and how we might implement multimedia services in our church. Bryan shared that he thought SLW could help facilitate such a service if the energy and idea came from a group in the church. Rick said that there were resources from first Parish that would help us with this. We saw this as a service to have at a different time than chapel or 10 am service. Rick wants to research some more by going to other services and said that the growth group has interest about this as well. Deb suggested we put an article in the Beacon about our church’s capabilities. Rick saw multimedia as a way to stimulate growth in our church. We had a discussion about what would be needed in terms of cost, resources, and staff involvement to get something like this to be a regular worship opportunity at church. Rick said he could talk to Abby about the steps needed to implement such a plan.
• November Coffee Hour Schedule.
Upcoming Events – For next month
• 275th Anniversary Celebration – November 9.
• November Coffee Hour Schedule and Coordination.
• Advent.
New Items?
Shirley’s Request – Shirley reminded us that she sent us a memo about the use of the sanctuary for the upcoming Longfellow concert. Betsy mentioned that Chris spoke for the council in authorizing SLW to make the decision about permitting this to happen, but asked if there would be a fee for the concert. John recommended that since there was admission charged that we let the council make the final decision. The SLW sent the request to the council with our endorsement for the concert. Debbie expressed her appreciation that the new sanctuary was welcoming people outside of the church.
SLW expressed their strong endorsement for appropriate use of the sanctuary by outside groups as a way to introduce our church to the wider community. Issues such as security and charging fees made this an issue that needs to be considered by the church council.
• $2500 for SLW budget will stay the same.
• Combined SLW and music budget will go from $7205 to $7380 (music committee ($4880 - $175 more and SLW budget – increase for piano maintenance).
• $600 for signing last few years $345 used to date – balance is available for Christmas Eve signing.
Hymnal Info - moved that we approve memorial fund for $3900 for new hymnals.
Next Meeting Date: December 4th – 7:00 p.m. next time.
• Items for next month’s Agenda?
• Volunteer for November’s Opening Prayer – Bryan; taking Minutes – Betsy.
For the opening prayer Betsy read a beautiful meditation on the persona of “Joy” from the “Book of Qualities”.
The October Minutes were reviewed and approved.
Updates from John
John let us know that we have a vacancy for church secretary. Jodie Ramsey is doing a wonderful job filling in and will train the new secretary. We currently have four candidates we are considering.
Special services – John told us that he thought the dedication of the chancel went well, and applauded Chris Keiter’s work in making everyone involved feel welcome. John reminded us that this coming Sunday is the dedication of the kickoff of the 275th anniversary celebration. He also asked for feedback on the new method of serving of communion with deacons seated as part of the congregation. Our consensus was that the new way of serving was generally going well and John heard some positive feedback from both participating deacons and the congregation about this more “intimate” way of serving.
Pastor parish relations meets in two weeks. John will take them first draft for plans concerning church life during John’s sabbatical.
Conversation on “What is Worship?”
Betsy shared that Elsa asked us to put this item on the agenda as a way to reignite conversations that had happened during the discernment process about alternate worship services. SLW was seen as a body that would be interested in hosting a congregation conversation about these opportunities. We talked about the difference between “What is Worship” being a different focus than “What are other special worship opportunities?” We all agreed that Chris Mills, Elsa, Peggy Murray and the others who initiated this idea should be part of this discussion. Betsy said she’d email this group and try to find a time for them to meet with SLW.
On-Going Events/discussion
• By-Laws Update - Council is working on it.
• SL & W Mailbox Responsibility - Betsy generously volunteered to attend to this.
• Pew Papers - Betty Deschaine has generously volunteered to attend to this.
• Use of Multimedia in Worship Service - Rick shared that Bryan and he went to Saco to review the multimedia system in the First Parish church there. Rick said that chapel service there was similar to ours, but with the addition support multimedia. He said the church there intends to expand their ministry through worship. We discussed copyright issues and how we might implement multimedia services in our church. Bryan shared that he thought SLW could help facilitate such a service if the energy and idea came from a group in the church. Rick said that there were resources from first Parish that would help us with this. We saw this as a service to have at a different time than chapel or 10 am service. Rick wants to research some more by going to other services and said that the growth group has interest about this as well. Deb suggested we put an article in the Beacon about our church’s capabilities. Rick saw multimedia as a way to stimulate growth in our church. We had a discussion about what would be needed in terms of cost, resources, and staff involvement to get something like this to be a regular worship opportunity at church. Rick said he could talk to Abby about the steps needed to implement such a plan.
• November Coffee Hour Schedule.
Upcoming Events – For next month
• 275th Anniversary Celebration – November 9.
• November Coffee Hour Schedule and Coordination.
• Advent.
New Items?
Shirley’s Request – Shirley reminded us that she sent us a memo about the use of the sanctuary for the upcoming Longfellow concert. Betsy mentioned that Chris spoke for the council in authorizing SLW to make the decision about permitting this to happen, but asked if there would be a fee for the concert. John recommended that since there was admission charged that we let the council make the final decision. The SLW sent the request to the council with our endorsement for the concert. Debbie expressed her appreciation that the new sanctuary was welcoming people outside of the church.
SLW expressed their strong endorsement for appropriate use of the sanctuary by outside groups as a way to introduce our church to the wider community. Issues such as security and charging fees made this an issue that needs to be considered by the church council.
• $2500 for SLW budget will stay the same.
• Combined SLW and music budget will go from $7205 to $7380 (music committee ($4880 - $175 more and SLW budget – increase for piano maintenance).
• $600 for signing last few years $345 used to date – balance is available for Christmas Eve signing.
Hymnal Info - moved that we approve memorial fund for $3900 for new hymnals.
Next Meeting Date: December 4th – 7:00 p.m. next time.
• Items for next month’s Agenda?
• Volunteer for November’s Opening Prayer – Bryan; taking Minutes – Betsy.
NOVEMBER 20, 2008
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Moderator Chris Keiter
Opening prayer by Phil Whitney
All Council members and both ministers present
Review of October Minutes approved
MINISTERS’ TIME: Elsa indicated that the Mission Team will be organizing some activities to involve the whole congregation. The first will be to serve at Preble Street after Christmas. As part of the conclusion of her first 360 review, Elsa mentioned a wish to have a definitive statement in the church files describing the vision of our church. After a brief discussion, there did not seem to be a consensus. Chris elected to postpone further discussion to a meeting in 2009.
UPDATE BY CHRIS REGARDING 11/17 BUDGET MEETING: All of the pledges have not been received. A general overview suggests this is in line with last year. He will attend another budget meeting in mid-December when more information will allow a decision whether or not new approaches will be necessary to meet goals. The Council decided to have Chris send a note to the Teams requesting them to not use remaining 2008 budget funds if they are not really needed, noting that this would not affect their 2009 budget requests.
ARTASCOPE/SILENT AUCTION: This group of independent artists and crafters named Artascope has been given permission to have a table at the Holly Daze Bazaar. The Crisis Ministries will be given all of the proceeds collected from the sale of their art objects. The drawing for the objects will be held on Dec. 21.
CHURCH SECRETARY: A new church secretary has been hired and will start on Dec. 1. Her name is Jennifer Dealaman and she is from the Freeport area. She previously worked at UM Lewiston as an administrative assistant.
VISIT WITH EG&F: Jean visited with EG&F during their November meeting. They appreciated a member of the Council with them as they discussed their budget request, feedback from their coffee hour proposal and other matters.
COFFEE HOUR IN RESPONSE TO EG&F TEAM REQUEST: In response to their memo sent to various teams and committees in the church, EG&F has received help from several teams and other volunteers. It is assumed that EG&F will contact the council if they need help in finding servers and bakers in the future. Chris made it clear that teams with problems need to ask the council for input before seeking solutions that put other teams at risk for further duties beyond those prescribed in the By-Laws. The Council decided that it is fine for Teams to request help from other teams and their members, but not to assign duties to other Teams and members.
CHANCEL RAILINGS: The choir, after using the reconfigured chancel since September, feels just fine without railings. Problem solved.
CHORAL CONCERT IN CHANCEL: Approval has been given by the Council for a concert by the Portland-based Longfellow Singers (who put Longfellow poems to music). This non-profit choral group will sing in the sanctuary in mid-February on a Sunday afternoon under the supervision of Shirley Curry. Voluntary contributions will be collected.
JANE EBERLE – POT LUCK SUPPER: State representative Jane Eberle has asked to use Guptill Hall for a supper to thank supporters – with invitations for up to 150. Expected turnout closer to 40.
Discussion included precedence for political groups to use the church (though Democrats already use the church once per month) and the conflict of dates with Parenting Pot Luck on the same night of Dec. 7. John McCall will contact Jane to discuss the conflict and work out details.
BUILDING USE POLICY FOR NON-CHURCH GROUPS: Most of this policy is known already by John and Cyndi who handle such inquiries. It was agreed to ask John, Elsa and Cyndi to prepare a list of possible gray areas for discussion by the Council. With the new Chancel configuration possibly attracting more entertainment groups, it is necessary to discuss this use of space in more detail.
MAINE CONFERENCE / APPEAL FOR FUNDS: The ME Conference has asked for an architectural study of the three common buildings belonging to ME UCC churches: Rockcraft, Pilgrim Lodge and Pennell administrative building. Study cost is $7500 with the idea of repairing, expanding, replacing or selling one or more buildings or locations. After discussion John was asked to call the Conference to ask how the canvass is going. Further questions include whether to send up to $500 if the campaign is going well.
CHANGE IN BY-LAWS; Sections 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3F and articles 6 and 6.1A were approved and will go to the teams for approval. This completes the Council’s work on the By-Laws revisions which now match the new governance format.
The meeting was adjourned by Chris at 8:20 PM.
Acting Secretary
Philip G. Whitney
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Moderator Chris Keiter
Opening prayer by Phil Whitney
All Council members and both ministers present
Review of October Minutes approved
MINISTERS’ TIME: Elsa indicated that the Mission Team will be organizing some activities to involve the whole congregation. The first will be to serve at Preble Street after Christmas. As part of the conclusion of her first 360 review, Elsa mentioned a wish to have a definitive statement in the church files describing the vision of our church. After a brief discussion, there did not seem to be a consensus. Chris elected to postpone further discussion to a meeting in 2009.
UPDATE BY CHRIS REGARDING 11/17 BUDGET MEETING: All of the pledges have not been received. A general overview suggests this is in line with last year. He will attend another budget meeting in mid-December when more information will allow a decision whether or not new approaches will be necessary to meet goals. The Council decided to have Chris send a note to the Teams requesting them to not use remaining 2008 budget funds if they are not really needed, noting that this would not affect their 2009 budget requests.
ARTASCOPE/SILENT AUCTION: This group of independent artists and crafters named Artascope has been given permission to have a table at the Holly Daze Bazaar. The Crisis Ministries will be given all of the proceeds collected from the sale of their art objects. The drawing for the objects will be held on Dec. 21.
CHURCH SECRETARY: A new church secretary has been hired and will start on Dec. 1. Her name is Jennifer Dealaman and she is from the Freeport area. She previously worked at UM Lewiston as an administrative assistant.
VISIT WITH EG&F: Jean visited with EG&F during their November meeting. They appreciated a member of the Council with them as they discussed their budget request, feedback from their coffee hour proposal and other matters.
COFFEE HOUR IN RESPONSE TO EG&F TEAM REQUEST: In response to their memo sent to various teams and committees in the church, EG&F has received help from several teams and other volunteers. It is assumed that EG&F will contact the council if they need help in finding servers and bakers in the future. Chris made it clear that teams with problems need to ask the council for input before seeking solutions that put other teams at risk for further duties beyond those prescribed in the By-Laws. The Council decided that it is fine for Teams to request help from other teams and their members, but not to assign duties to other Teams and members.
CHANCEL RAILINGS: The choir, after using the reconfigured chancel since September, feels just fine without railings. Problem solved.
CHORAL CONCERT IN CHANCEL: Approval has been given by the Council for a concert by the Portland-based Longfellow Singers (who put Longfellow poems to music). This non-profit choral group will sing in the sanctuary in mid-February on a Sunday afternoon under the supervision of Shirley Curry. Voluntary contributions will be collected.
JANE EBERLE – POT LUCK SUPPER: State representative Jane Eberle has asked to use Guptill Hall for a supper to thank supporters – with invitations for up to 150. Expected turnout closer to 40.
Discussion included precedence for political groups to use the church (though Democrats already use the church once per month) and the conflict of dates with Parenting Pot Luck on the same night of Dec. 7. John McCall will contact Jane to discuss the conflict and work out details.
BUILDING USE POLICY FOR NON-CHURCH GROUPS: Most of this policy is known already by John and Cyndi who handle such inquiries. It was agreed to ask John, Elsa and Cyndi to prepare a list of possible gray areas for discussion by the Council. With the new Chancel configuration possibly attracting more entertainment groups, it is necessary to discuss this use of space in more detail.
MAINE CONFERENCE / APPEAL FOR FUNDS: The ME Conference has asked for an architectural study of the three common buildings belonging to ME UCC churches: Rockcraft, Pilgrim Lodge and Pennell administrative building. Study cost is $7500 with the idea of repairing, expanding, replacing or selling one or more buildings or locations. After discussion John was asked to call the Conference to ask how the canvass is going. Further questions include whether to send up to $500 if the campaign is going well.
CHANGE IN BY-LAWS; Sections 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3F and articles 6 and 6.1A were approved and will go to the teams for approval. This completes the Council’s work on the By-Laws revisions which now match the new governance format.
The meeting was adjourned by Chris at 8:20 PM.
Acting Secretary
Philip G. Whitney
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Education, Growth and Fellowship
Recorder: Ginny Gledhill
Next Meeting: 12/4/08
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle ,Karen Pierce Souza ,Elsa Peters, Aaron French, Margaret Thibodeau
Introduction: Jean Siulinski – Council Representative- To bring back any concerns of our team to the council.
The 10/2/08 minutes were read and approved.
Adult & Youth Education
Weekly offering of the Christ Kids Club sent to Wayside Soup Kitchen
Recruiting new teachers for the second half of year.
Betsy Keiter – Ethical wills – distributing and sharing ethics with your children . A discussion with your children .
Christmas Caroling at the homes of the shut-ins on Dec 13th.
Christmas Pageant coming together for December 21st.
Email from Carol Zechman – Request that children worship with their families at Holiday services, and not attend Sunday school classes.
Easter Sunday Idea- Arrange some kind of large group activity in Guptil Hall for those children that would not be attending Sunday school that wish not to attend church worship with their parents .
Youth Ministry
Aaron reported everything going well. They had a fun time at a Halloween Hayride in October. There is a planned meeting to do Laser Tag with the youth group.
Coffee Hour
People are volunteering but still a need for on going volunteers for the coming months. The council clarified their position of coffee hour and the proposal presented to teams hosting a month of coffee hour. Further feedback will come after their November meeting.
Instruction sheet placed outside of nursery –Limit number of children left with Diana if there is no volunteer to help out.
Nothing new
Nothing new
Jean Fisher helped serve
Upcoming Events
Advent Wreath Making – Kim Early and Judy Magnusson - Nov 30th
Materials supplied and cost to make wreaths to individuals is a minimal amount.
Jesus’Birthday – Purchase a cake for Christmas Eve
2009 Budget
Leaving some of budget as is for EG & F
Increase curriculum budget to $1,800 (eliminating 7280 Continuing Education and place into curriculum thus new budget amount)
Look into child care expense if that should be under EG & F, it is presently under Spiritual Life & Worship.
Recorder: Ginny Gledhill
Next Meeting: 12/4/08
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle ,Karen Pierce Souza ,Elsa Peters, Aaron French, Margaret Thibodeau
Introduction: Jean Siulinski – Council Representative- To bring back any concerns of our team to the council.
The 10/2/08 minutes were read and approved.
Adult & Youth Education
Weekly offering of the Christ Kids Club sent to Wayside Soup Kitchen
Recruiting new teachers for the second half of year.
Betsy Keiter – Ethical wills – distributing and sharing ethics with your children . A discussion with your children .
Christmas Caroling at the homes of the shut-ins on Dec 13th.
Christmas Pageant coming together for December 21st.
Email from Carol Zechman – Request that children worship with their families at Holiday services, and not attend Sunday school classes.
Easter Sunday Idea- Arrange some kind of large group activity in Guptil Hall for those children that would not be attending Sunday school that wish not to attend church worship with their parents .
Youth Ministry
Aaron reported everything going well. They had a fun time at a Halloween Hayride in October. There is a planned meeting to do Laser Tag with the youth group.
Coffee Hour
People are volunteering but still a need for on going volunteers for the coming months. The council clarified their position of coffee hour and the proposal presented to teams hosting a month of coffee hour. Further feedback will come after their November meeting.
Instruction sheet placed outside of nursery –Limit number of children left with Diana if there is no volunteer to help out.
Nothing new
Nothing new
Jean Fisher helped serve
Upcoming Events
Advent Wreath Making – Kim Early and Judy Magnusson - Nov 30th
Materials supplied and cost to make wreaths to individuals is a minimal amount.
Jesus’Birthday – Purchase a cake for Christmas Eve
2009 Budget
Leaving some of budget as is for EG & F
Increase curriculum budget to $1,800 (eliminating 7280 Continuing Education and place into curriculum thus new budget amount)
Look into child care expense if that should be under EG & F, it is presently under Spiritual Life & Worship.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
October 16, 2008
Present: Jean Siulinski, Chris Keiter, Nancy MacLean, Andy Ellis, Sally Hinckley, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, John McCall. Absent: Sally Sutton, Carol Zechman, David Allen, Deb Andrews, Phil Whitney, Matt Brucker.
Opening: Chris Keiter opened the meeting at 6:35. He noted that there is no quorum, and it was agreed to discuss the agenda items, noting that no official decisions could be made. Nancy MacLean provided devotional comments and a prayer. Minutes: They were not officially approved, but no one present found any errors.
Ministers' Time: Elsa Peters - nothing to present at this time.
John McCall: He reported on his conversations with the Spiritual Life & Worship Team and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee about plans for his 3rd sabattical leave May 1 to Sept 1 in 2009. In July, he hopes there can be a pulpit exchange again with Gillian Wakefield from Scotland. The Committees and he are working with Elsa in planning pulpit coverage during his absence. John exlained that, as he is nearing retirement age, it is healthy for the church to begin to plan ahead for that. It is generally known that churches have difficulty in making a transition after a long pastorate, and it is important to use interim times for self study. In May he will be attending a 3-day workshop sponsored by the Alban Institute on this topic. He will keep the Council informed periodically about sabattical plans.
John also reported that Barbara Stevens has resigned as Secretary, effective Oct 31. He and the Personnel Committee will work out details about covering the office and hiring someone new.
Someone to represent the Council at the next meeting of EG&F: Jean Siulinski will do that November 6.
Budget Committee: consists of Moderator (Chris Keiter), Sr. Pastor (John McCall), Admin Team rep (Jim Otis?), Office Manager (Cyndi Alden), At Large: need 2 people - Sally Sutton has volunteered. Chris will ask others from the Council (Chris Dow will do it if no one else can). Chris will ask Teams to submit budget requests ASAP.
Chancel Project: At the beginning of the planning, the choir expressed a preference for "modesty" railings. He will consult with them again, but there have been no comments about lack of railings. Council members present agreed that we should wait a few months to see how the Chancel is used and the chairs moved around.
Bylaws: There being no quorum, the current draft of new Bylaws will be discussed at the November Council meeting. John called attention to the rewritten paragraph, Article 2, Section 2.2, about membership qualifications. Council members present saw no problem with the changed wording. It was agreed that a good time for congregational voting on the new bylaws would be at the budget meeting in January.
EG&F request to assign coffee hour times to teams and committees: The immediate need has been alleviated because teams have volunteered. However, the question of how to find volunteers for various jobs has not been solved.
Rental Fees for non-profit groups? Question has arisen because of the cost of heating oil and the lack of functioning timers on thermostats. Considerations:
1) Reduce the number of nights available for renting, thereby enabling a shut-down of the heating system; 2): Allow non-profit groups to schedule only on nights when a church acitivity is already happening; 3) For-profit groups do pay a fee; 4) Admin Team is doing research on new controls that will allow zone-specific heating; 5) Our goal is to be faithful stewards and also carry out a mission in the community -- Council members present would recommend no charges for the time being. Get more information.
Further agenda items were referred to the November meeting: 1) financial contribution to the Maine Conference UCC for a feasibility study on the 3 facilities owned by the Conference. 2) policy drafting committee about use of mailing lists.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40. Next meeting November 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy MacLean
Present: Jean Siulinski, Chris Keiter, Nancy MacLean, Andy Ellis, Sally Hinckley, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, John McCall. Absent: Sally Sutton, Carol Zechman, David Allen, Deb Andrews, Phil Whitney, Matt Brucker.
Opening: Chris Keiter opened the meeting at 6:35. He noted that there is no quorum, and it was agreed to discuss the agenda items, noting that no official decisions could be made. Nancy MacLean provided devotional comments and a prayer. Minutes: They were not officially approved, but no one present found any errors.
Ministers' Time: Elsa Peters - nothing to present at this time.
John McCall: He reported on his conversations with the Spiritual Life & Worship Team and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee about plans for his 3rd sabattical leave May 1 to Sept 1 in 2009. In July, he hopes there can be a pulpit exchange again with Gillian Wakefield from Scotland. The Committees and he are working with Elsa in planning pulpit coverage during his absence. John exlained that, as he is nearing retirement age, it is healthy for the church to begin to plan ahead for that. It is generally known that churches have difficulty in making a transition after a long pastorate, and it is important to use interim times for self study. In May he will be attending a 3-day workshop sponsored by the Alban Institute on this topic. He will keep the Council informed periodically about sabattical plans.
John also reported that Barbara Stevens has resigned as Secretary, effective Oct 31. He and the Personnel Committee will work out details about covering the office and hiring someone new.
Someone to represent the Council at the next meeting of EG&F: Jean Siulinski will do that November 6.
Budget Committee: consists of Moderator (Chris Keiter), Sr. Pastor (John McCall), Admin Team rep (Jim Otis?), Office Manager (Cyndi Alden), At Large: need 2 people - Sally Sutton has volunteered. Chris will ask others from the Council (Chris Dow will do it if no one else can). Chris will ask Teams to submit budget requests ASAP.
Chancel Project: At the beginning of the planning, the choir expressed a preference for "modesty" railings. He will consult with them again, but there have been no comments about lack of railings. Council members present agreed that we should wait a few months to see how the Chancel is used and the chairs moved around.
Bylaws: There being no quorum, the current draft of new Bylaws will be discussed at the November Council meeting. John called attention to the rewritten paragraph, Article 2, Section 2.2, about membership qualifications. Council members present saw no problem with the changed wording. It was agreed that a good time for congregational voting on the new bylaws would be at the budget meeting in January.
EG&F request to assign coffee hour times to teams and committees: The immediate need has been alleviated because teams have volunteered. However, the question of how to find volunteers for various jobs has not been solved.
Rental Fees for non-profit groups? Question has arisen because of the cost of heating oil and the lack of functioning timers on thermostats. Considerations:
1) Reduce the number of nights available for renting, thereby enabling a shut-down of the heating system; 2): Allow non-profit groups to schedule only on nights when a church acitivity is already happening; 3) For-profit groups do pay a fee; 4) Admin Team is doing research on new controls that will allow zone-specific heating; 5) Our goal is to be faithful stewards and also carry out a mission in the community -- Council members present would recommend no charges for the time being. Get more information.
Further agenda items were referred to the November meeting: 1) financial contribution to the Maine Conference UCC for a feasibility study on the 3 facilities owned by the Conference. 2) policy drafting committee about use of mailing lists.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40. Next meeting November 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy MacLean
Monday, October 20, 2008
Administration Team
October 2, 2008
Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). Absent: Eben Marsh
Call to Order at 7 P.M. by Jim
Secretary and Chair of the next meeting, Deb was appointed.
Minutes for the September 4, 2008 were reviewed and accepted.
Finance: Cyndi explained that even though the pledges appear to be down we are anticipating the receipt of a large pledge soon which will put us at 76% for pledges, just right for the end of the 3rd Q. Oil prices have been steadily dropping, so we have stalled locking in. Guy will explore other options and will advise Cindy as to whether and when to make a move.
Tenant Update: Both tenants are paid up thro September, but as of this meeting neither had paid October. Old Crow Gallery owes 3 1/2 months worth of late fees. @$120/m they owe $420. Cyndi will send a letter documenting what they owe and will walk it over.
Planned Giving: The 1st meeting of the Planned Giving Committee is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th right after church. Gretchen Reynolds and Ellie Baker have graciously agreed to join Ron and Chris to make it a committee of 4.
Bulletin Board Policy: Jim agreed to type up the policy that Chris found from the Montgomery UMC and send it as an attachment to the Team so that we can read, edit and make comments before the next A Team meeting.
Swarthmore Road Update: Since the next step in the process of signage is getting a neighborhood petition, Jaime Schwartz, the neighbor who first contacted us about this concern, has agreed to contact the city and carry the ball from here.
Counting: Brian Wallace, chair, has been doing a great job planning ahead and will soon have a schedule for Oct 19-Dec 21. A simple, but helpful thing that all of us can do is write on the outside of our pledge envelopes the amount that we’re enclosing.
House: Guy Gledhill, chair, gave a detailed report…
-Railings in front of church are due soon,
-Chancel carpet runner still has some spots that need work, Guy
-Painting, three sides are done, will be working on the front next.
-Stain glass window is in, Tom and Deb will work on a new outside glass for protection.
-Simplex gave us a new quote for services and wants a five year contract. Will explore combining extinguishers, fire alarms, and smoke detectors- elevators all under the same contract to see if we can get a better rate, Tom
-On the new steps in chancel area, the choir found they were tough to see and nearly tripped…will explore some tape to alert the eyes. Will wait for the new chairs to arrive and revisit the idea then.
-Discussed new programmable thermostats for the church, possibly tied into computers. Mechanical Services will come take a look and give us a bid, if in line will get more bids. Guy and Tom
-Lights…will be looking into putting some on motion sensors. To discuss with Mechanical Services. Guy and Tom
-Quilts for the Sanctuary Windows, Guy to check.
-Stage ceiling contract has been signed and will be done soon.
-Roofing is in CNA, for year 2, this year. We will look into it, but will also look into other sources of, wind, solar, etc, that maybe be used on the roof before we go ahead and roof the church. Will be a year long study as roof is OK for now.
-Other items for this year: cement walk and painting outside 509 Sawyer, electrical in rentals needs to be looked at, will do windows on the entire 3rd floor and oversee some outdoor gardening.
-We are very fortunate to have Tom Conlon as our Building Manager. He is a dedicated, concerned, conscientious employee who works with passion to keep our buildings in the best shape possible. Our church is being cared for with both the present and future in mind. We owe Tom our gratitude for his vision and inspiration.
Coffee Hour Proposal: We discussed the idea presented by EG&F that each Team be in charge of a month’s worth of Coffee Hours. Since the food and beverages are all to be provided and our job would be relatively simple, basically to set everything out and clean up after, we decided that we would agree to have each committee take responsibility for one Sunday:
January 4th Planned Giving
January 11th Counting Committee
January 18th House Committee
January 25th Gardening Committee
Jim agreed to coordinate and report back to EG&F
A Team presentation on Sunday, October 12: Chris Mills agreed to give a short talk, both in Chapel at 8 and in Church at 10. Thank you Chris!
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 7 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Sandler
Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). Absent: Eben Marsh
Call to Order at 7 P.M. by Jim
Secretary and Chair of the next meeting, Deb was appointed.
Minutes for the September 4, 2008 were reviewed and accepted.
Finance: Cyndi explained that even though the pledges appear to be down we are anticipating the receipt of a large pledge soon which will put us at 76% for pledges, just right for the end of the 3rd Q. Oil prices have been steadily dropping, so we have stalled locking in. Guy will explore other options and will advise Cindy as to whether and when to make a move.
Tenant Update: Both tenants are paid up thro September, but as of this meeting neither had paid October. Old Crow Gallery owes 3 1/2 months worth of late fees. @$120/m they owe $420. Cyndi will send a letter documenting what they owe and will walk it over.
Planned Giving: The 1st meeting of the Planned Giving Committee is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th right after church. Gretchen Reynolds and Ellie Baker have graciously agreed to join Ron and Chris to make it a committee of 4.
Bulletin Board Policy: Jim agreed to type up the policy that Chris found from the Montgomery UMC and send it as an attachment to the Team so that we can read, edit and make comments before the next A Team meeting.
Swarthmore Road Update: Since the next step in the process of signage is getting a neighborhood petition, Jaime Schwartz, the neighbor who first contacted us about this concern, has agreed to contact the city and carry the ball from here.
Counting: Brian Wallace, chair, has been doing a great job planning ahead and will soon have a schedule for Oct 19-Dec 21. A simple, but helpful thing that all of us can do is write on the outside of our pledge envelopes the amount that we’re enclosing.
House: Guy Gledhill, chair, gave a detailed report…
-Railings in front of church are due soon,
-Chancel carpet runner still has some spots that need work, Guy
-Painting, three sides are done, will be working on the front next.
-Stain glass window is in, Tom and Deb will work on a new outside glass for protection.
-Simplex gave us a new quote for services and wants a five year contract. Will explore combining extinguishers, fire alarms, and smoke detectors- elevators all under the same contract to see if we can get a better rate, Tom
-On the new steps in chancel area, the choir found they were tough to see and nearly tripped…will explore some tape to alert the eyes. Will wait for the new chairs to arrive and revisit the idea then.
-Discussed new programmable thermostats for the church, possibly tied into computers. Mechanical Services will come take a look and give us a bid, if in line will get more bids. Guy and Tom
-Lights…will be looking into putting some on motion sensors. To discuss with Mechanical Services. Guy and Tom
-Quilts for the Sanctuary Windows, Guy to check.
-Stage ceiling contract has been signed and will be done soon.
-Roofing is in CNA, for year 2, this year. We will look into it, but will also look into other sources of, wind, solar, etc, that maybe be used on the roof before we go ahead and roof the church. Will be a year long study as roof is OK for now.
-Other items for this year: cement walk and painting outside 509 Sawyer, electrical in rentals needs to be looked at, will do windows on the entire 3rd floor and oversee some outdoor gardening.
-We are very fortunate to have Tom Conlon as our Building Manager. He is a dedicated, concerned, conscientious employee who works with passion to keep our buildings in the best shape possible. Our church is being cared for with both the present and future in mind. We owe Tom our gratitude for his vision and inspiration.
Coffee Hour Proposal: We discussed the idea presented by EG&F that each Team be in charge of a month’s worth of Coffee Hours. Since the food and beverages are all to be provided and our job would be relatively simple, basically to set everything out and clean up after, we decided that we would agree to have each committee take responsibility for one Sunday:
January 4th Planned Giving
January 11th Counting Committee
January 18th House Committee
January 25th Gardening Committee
Jim agreed to coordinate and report back to EG&F
A Team presentation on Sunday, October 12: Chris Mills agreed to give a short talk, both in Chapel at 8 and in Church at 10. Thank you Chris!
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 7 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Sandler
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hymnal Committee
Septebmer 18, 2008
Attending: Bruce Lockwood, Dolores Broberg, Elaine Brownell, Shirley Curry, Lynn Howard, John McCall, Barbara Merrill, Barbara Powers, Evie Strom, Dana Wiggins
The contract for the new hymnals was given to Cyndi Alden— authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the church. Dana will provide Cyndi with information needed to complete the contract as that information becomes available.
Possible cover colors available are red, green, and blue. There is a preference for the red that seems go to best with the reds in the Sanctuary. Different textures are available in each of the colors. Gold lettering is preferred.
One option is a gold cross in the upper right of the cover with the church's name at the bottom of the cover- like the current Pilgrim. A second option is to have the church's logo centered toward the middle of the cover with "First Congregational Church United Church of Christ" either under the logo or at the bottom of the cover. It was suggested that the size of the logo and the printing be increased. "United Church of Christ" should be spelled out. Dana will provide us with new images of cover choices based on our discussion. November 1 is the deadline for a camera-ready copy.
The words "Hymns of Truth and Light" are required to appear on the spine. We may select the font and may choose to add a logo or the name of our church.
Dolores asked about our purchasing extra copies of the hymnals so people could buy them for personal use. It was decided that we couldn't afford to extend the quantity on our custom order but people could purchase the standard copy of "Truth and Light" if they so desired.
Shirley would like to have two spiral bound copies of the hymnal--one for the Sanctuary and one for the Chapel.
Work was done on a page draft of the hymns to be included in the supplement, which has 16 pages (32 sides), and our church covenant on the first page. Hymns included were suggested by congregation members on the hymnal survey, from Shirley, John and some selections from Songs of the Spirit as space permitted. We began to place in alphabetical order but page efficiencies were made by moving some shorter songs under a longer song to complete a spread.
More hymns have been suggested for the supplement than we have room. A list will be made of those not included so they can be captured in the next revision of "Songs of the Spirit" making sure those requests are honored.
Lynn compiled additional information for her supplement draft in which she lists the hymns and information known to us about each one. A sub group is working on identifying song sources and obtaining usage rights from owners of work that is not in public domain.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill and Dana Wiggins
Attending: Bruce Lockwood, Dolores Broberg, Elaine Brownell, Shirley Curry, Lynn Howard, John McCall, Barbara Merrill, Barbara Powers, Evie Strom, Dana Wiggins
The contract for the new hymnals was given to Cyndi Alden— authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the church. Dana will provide Cyndi with information needed to complete the contract as that information becomes available.
Possible cover colors available are red, green, and blue. There is a preference for the red that seems go to best with the reds in the Sanctuary. Different textures are available in each of the colors. Gold lettering is preferred.
One option is a gold cross in the upper right of the cover with the church's name at the bottom of the cover- like the current Pilgrim. A second option is to have the church's logo centered toward the middle of the cover with "First Congregational Church United Church of Christ" either under the logo or at the bottom of the cover. It was suggested that the size of the logo and the printing be increased. "United Church of Christ" should be spelled out. Dana will provide us with new images of cover choices based on our discussion. November 1 is the deadline for a camera-ready copy.
The words "Hymns of Truth and Light" are required to appear on the spine. We may select the font and may choose to add a logo or the name of our church.
Dolores asked about our purchasing extra copies of the hymnals so people could buy them for personal use. It was decided that we couldn't afford to extend the quantity on our custom order but people could purchase the standard copy of "Truth and Light" if they so desired.
Shirley would like to have two spiral bound copies of the hymnal--one for the Sanctuary and one for the Chapel.
Work was done on a page draft of the hymns to be included in the supplement, which has 16 pages (32 sides), and our church covenant on the first page. Hymns included were suggested by congregation members on the hymnal survey, from Shirley, John and some selections from Songs of the Spirit as space permitted. We began to place in alphabetical order but page efficiencies were made by moving some shorter songs under a longer song to complete a spread.
More hymns have been suggested for the supplement than we have room. A list will be made of those not included so they can be captured in the next revision of "Songs of the Spirit" making sure those requests are honored.
Lynn compiled additional information for her supplement draft in which she lists the hymns and information known to us about each one. A sub group is working on identifying song sources and obtaining usage rights from owners of work that is not in public domain.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill and Dana Wiggins
Monday, October 6, 2008
Spiritual Life and Worship
October 2, 2008
Present: Richard Angell, Betsy Keiter, Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley, Dana Wiggins, Bryan Wiggins, Mary Anne Wallace, and John McCall
Opening Prayer was given by Bryan Wiggins
Minutes from September were reviewed and approved as written.
Updates from John
• Mailbox – Somebody needs to check the contents of the SL&W church mailbox and respond if needed. (Group: did someone volunteer to do this?)
• Pew Papers – Bob and Joy Gale have kept the paper in the pew racks up to date for a number of years. They are retiring from that job and we need to find someone to take their place. The task takes from 1 to 1 ½ hours monthly. Elinor will check the ‘volunteer lists’ to see if there is a possible match. She may need help completing the signup process.
• Chancel and piano dedication – Sunday, October 26th. There will be a litany and memorial prayer. Les Andrews’ family will be present. Preparations include: updating the Memorial book. Deb Riley will take the book to Maggi, our calligrapher. There will be a brass plaque on the piano in memory of Shirley Findlay and the Narthex plaque will include Les Andrews’ name. The chairs are due to be delivered the week before the service. Because of Les Andrews’ generous bequest, nothing will be spent from the Investment fund on this project.
• 275th Anniversary Kick-off – Sunday, November 9th. The team approved John’s proposal to hold one service only that day. The sermon will be a dialogue between John and Elsa. No extra help is needed from SL&W.
• Inactive List –SL&W approved transferring the following names to the inactive list:
By their request:
Dakers, Scott and Jane
Farr, Mitchell and Debbie
Kersteen, Laurel
Platt, Jon & Carrie
Smith, Ted & Mary
Wallace, Rebecca – transfer to Woodfords
Moved from the area:
Benson, Scott and kristen (to Connecticut)
Hobbs, Craig & Jenn (to Indiana)
• Communion – John, Elsa and Shirley met and suggested a series of steps for serving communion in the new Chancel. Mary Anne has a copy of the document. All will debrief after Sunday.
World Communion Sunday will be on October 5th. 3 bread machines will be baking so that the smell of fresh baked bread will fill the church building. Mary Anne is arranging for several types of bread to be used: challa, naan, rye and corn tortillas.
Review of By-Laws
A small group is reconciling the language of our Open and Affirming statement with the details of the By-Laws. Focus is on the age (14) and preparation necessary for membership (those under 16 need to complete the confirmation process). The Council will confirm the By-Laws.
Hymnal Committee has been working on the supplement to the chosen hymnal, Truth and Light. Shirley brought in the suggested hymns and the group worked to paste them into a notebook with 32 sides available. The mock-up will go to Maggi at the Truth and Light company and to Bob Currier who formats the music. Dana is working with Shirley on usage rights for several of the hymns. There is a strict timeline so that the hymnal can be printed in February and arrive by Easter. The contract has been filled out but is not in yet. The group chose a bright red cover with gold lettering.
Multimedia Usage in Sunday Service
Rick and Bryan are going to visit First Parish Church in Saco to observe their use of multimedia during a service. They also will visit Westbrook-Warren and a service with Steve Carnahan. The use of multimedia should appeal to younger people. We plan to start slowly, take our time and look for volunteers.
November Coffee Hour
We received a proposal from EF&G suggesting the various teams be responsible for one month of coffee hour service after the Sunday Services. Set up, clean up and baking/shopping would be necessary. It is a chance to ‘get the word out’ on what our team does. The kind-hearted, generous SL&W team members agreed to accept the proposal and quickly came up with a schedule. They resisted the temptation to put Sandy Hansen in charge of everything. Deb Riley will e-mail the schedule and a summary of the responsibilities.
Other: Shirley has requested approval to use the sanctuary on November 6th for a musical performance. We are unclear on what group needs to approve this request. (i.e. it is fine with us, but approval may be the Council’s job)
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6th @ 7:30pm. Betsy will do the opening and Deb will take the minutes.
Adjourned at 8:33pm
Respectfully Submitted by,
Elinor Redmond
Present: Richard Angell, Betsy Keiter, Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley, Dana Wiggins, Bryan Wiggins, Mary Anne Wallace, and John McCall
Opening Prayer was given by Bryan Wiggins
Minutes from September were reviewed and approved as written.
Updates from John
• Mailbox – Somebody needs to check the contents of the SL&W church mailbox and respond if needed. (Group: did someone volunteer to do this?)
• Pew Papers – Bob and Joy Gale have kept the paper in the pew racks up to date for a number of years. They are retiring from that job and we need to find someone to take their place. The task takes from 1 to 1 ½ hours monthly. Elinor will check the ‘volunteer lists’ to see if there is a possible match. She may need help completing the signup process.
• Chancel and piano dedication – Sunday, October 26th. There will be a litany and memorial prayer. Les Andrews’ family will be present. Preparations include: updating the Memorial book. Deb Riley will take the book to Maggi, our calligrapher. There will be a brass plaque on the piano in memory of Shirley Findlay and the Narthex plaque will include Les Andrews’ name. The chairs are due to be delivered the week before the service. Because of Les Andrews’ generous bequest, nothing will be spent from the Investment fund on this project.
• 275th Anniversary Kick-off – Sunday, November 9th. The team approved John’s proposal to hold one service only that day. The sermon will be a dialogue between John and Elsa. No extra help is needed from SL&W.
• Inactive List –SL&W approved transferring the following names to the inactive list:
By their request:
Dakers, Scott and Jane
Farr, Mitchell and Debbie
Kersteen, Laurel
Platt, Jon & Carrie
Smith, Ted & Mary
Wallace, Rebecca – transfer to Woodfords
Moved from the area:
Benson, Scott and kristen (to Connecticut)
Hobbs, Craig & Jenn (to Indiana)
• Communion – John, Elsa and Shirley met and suggested a series of steps for serving communion in the new Chancel. Mary Anne has a copy of the document. All will debrief after Sunday.
World Communion Sunday will be on October 5th. 3 bread machines will be baking so that the smell of fresh baked bread will fill the church building. Mary Anne is arranging for several types of bread to be used: challa, naan, rye and corn tortillas.
Review of By-Laws
A small group is reconciling the language of our Open and Affirming statement with the details of the By-Laws. Focus is on the age (14) and preparation necessary for membership (those under 16 need to complete the confirmation process). The Council will confirm the By-Laws.
Hymnal Committee has been working on the supplement to the chosen hymnal, Truth and Light. Shirley brought in the suggested hymns and the group worked to paste them into a notebook with 32 sides available. The mock-up will go to Maggi at the Truth and Light company and to Bob Currier who formats the music. Dana is working with Shirley on usage rights for several of the hymns. There is a strict timeline so that the hymnal can be printed in February and arrive by Easter. The contract has been filled out but is not in yet. The group chose a bright red cover with gold lettering.
Multimedia Usage in Sunday Service
Rick and Bryan are going to visit First Parish Church in Saco to observe their use of multimedia during a service. They also will visit Westbrook-Warren and a service with Steve Carnahan. The use of multimedia should appeal to younger people. We plan to start slowly, take our time and look for volunteers.
November Coffee Hour
We received a proposal from EF&G suggesting the various teams be responsible for one month of coffee hour service after the Sunday Services. Set up, clean up and baking/shopping would be necessary. It is a chance to ‘get the word out’ on what our team does. The kind-hearted, generous SL&W team members agreed to accept the proposal and quickly came up with a schedule. They resisted the temptation to put Sandy Hansen in charge of everything. Deb Riley will e-mail the schedule and a summary of the responsibilities.
Other: Shirley has requested approval to use the sanctuary on November 6th for a musical performance. We are unclear on what group needs to approve this request. (i.e. it is fine with us, but approval may be the Council’s job)
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6th @ 7:30pm. Betsy will do the opening and Deb will take the minutes.
Adjourned at 8:33pm
Respectfully Submitted by,
Elinor Redmond
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Non-Violence Advocacy
September 18, 2008
Present: R. Angell, S. Curry, L. Hill, C. Vachon
Homecoming Sunday Report: Evie Strom reported (by telephone) that she had displayed a variety of informational materials at the spot allocated to Non-Violence Advocacy Committee as part of the Social Witness Mission booth. They included the “Torture” Brochure, handouts about Guantanamo and recent announcements from Human Rights First, Global Solutions and the Maine Department of Peace.
She observed that no inquiries were made and no handouts were picked up while she was attending the booth. The lack of interest was very revealing. Many thanks, Evelyn, for setting up and manning the N-VA booth at Homecoming Sunday.
Planned Fall Program: Richard Parker reported via e-mail. At our May meeting the committee decided to ask Rev. John McCall if he would integrate in his October 26 Sunday message the purpose of the Non-VA Committee and encourage attendance at the Monday, Oct. 27, film program organized by Richard (P.). John agreed to do so.
Following subsequent exchanges with John, the committee decided to hold its regular programs on Sundays after the service. That would schedule Dick’s program on October 26. As the church calendar developed during late summer, Oct. 26 was selected as the Sunday to dedicate the newly acquired grand Piano and the recently reconfigured chancel area. Dick’s program was rescheduled for March, 2009.
Chairmanship change: In e-mails between August and September Rick Angell announced that he was relinquishing the chairmanship of the N.-VA committee. He would not have the time to properly chair the committee because of the new responsibilities he would be taking on. Richard Parker indicated that he would not have the time to give that position the time the position deserved.
Today’s Agenda:
1 - Whether or not to continue or disband the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee.
2 - If we disband, what other committee may be interested in incorporating
the N-VA Mission in its mission?
3 - What vehicle could be used to continue informing the church family
about “Torture and Non-Violence” issues?
4- Archives
5- Closing
1 – We discussed the fact that only three to four members have been actually involved in major program activities. At this stage we cannot identify a possible chairperson and leader. As a result we concluded that we are unable to maintain the necessary energy to sustain the required effort to continue forward. Members present unanimously decided to disband the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee as a formal committee. Other members, not present, had also come to the same conclusion.
2 - In view of the lack of interest over the year in the issue of “Torture” and the inability to recruit other members, it would be inadvisable to attempt to recruit other committees or groups to pick up the baton and continue running with it.
3 – However, former N-VA members will be invited, individually or in a small group, to initiate ad hoc “non-violence” programs and activities to maintain information sharing with the congregation about “torture”, non-violence and peace issues (e.g., films, bulletin board postings, etc.). We would plan these activities under the auspices of the New Governance Structure and procedures of the Social Witness Ministries.
4. Archives: Archival information about the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee (initially the “Anti-Violence Committee”) may be found in the church files on Committee Minutes and in Annual Reports.
5 – The last meeting of the N-VA committee closed with a prayer of thanksgiving and warm hugs for the graced-filled opportunity to get to know each other and to work jointly for the issues of non-torture and non-violence.
We then took some time to reminisce about the last two years and to talk of possibilities for the future.
Submitted by Claude Vachon, Secretary (9-28-2008)
Present: R. Angell, S. Curry, L. Hill, C. Vachon
Homecoming Sunday Report: Evie Strom reported (by telephone) that she had displayed a variety of informational materials at the spot allocated to Non-Violence Advocacy Committee as part of the Social Witness Mission booth. They included the “Torture” Brochure, handouts about Guantanamo and recent announcements from Human Rights First, Global Solutions and the Maine Department of Peace.
She observed that no inquiries were made and no handouts were picked up while she was attending the booth. The lack of interest was very revealing. Many thanks, Evelyn, for setting up and manning the N-VA booth at Homecoming Sunday.
Planned Fall Program: Richard Parker reported via e-mail. At our May meeting the committee decided to ask Rev. John McCall if he would integrate in his October 26 Sunday message the purpose of the Non-VA Committee and encourage attendance at the Monday, Oct. 27, film program organized by Richard (P.). John agreed to do so.
Following subsequent exchanges with John, the committee decided to hold its regular programs on Sundays after the service. That would schedule Dick’s program on October 26. As the church calendar developed during late summer, Oct. 26 was selected as the Sunday to dedicate the newly acquired grand Piano and the recently reconfigured chancel area. Dick’s program was rescheduled for March, 2009.
Chairmanship change: In e-mails between August and September Rick Angell announced that he was relinquishing the chairmanship of the N.-VA committee. He would not have the time to properly chair the committee because of the new responsibilities he would be taking on. Richard Parker indicated that he would not have the time to give that position the time the position deserved.
Today’s Agenda:
1 - Whether or not to continue or disband the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee.
2 - If we disband, what other committee may be interested in incorporating
the N-VA Mission in its mission?
3 - What vehicle could be used to continue informing the church family
about “Torture and Non-Violence” issues?
4- Archives
5- Closing
1 – We discussed the fact that only three to four members have been actually involved in major program activities. At this stage we cannot identify a possible chairperson and leader. As a result we concluded that we are unable to maintain the necessary energy to sustain the required effort to continue forward. Members present unanimously decided to disband the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee as a formal committee. Other members, not present, had also come to the same conclusion.
2 - In view of the lack of interest over the year in the issue of “Torture” and the inability to recruit other members, it would be inadvisable to attempt to recruit other committees or groups to pick up the baton and continue running with it.
3 – However, former N-VA members will be invited, individually or in a small group, to initiate ad hoc “non-violence” programs and activities to maintain information sharing with the congregation about “torture”, non-violence and peace issues (e.g., films, bulletin board postings, etc.). We would plan these activities under the auspices of the New Governance Structure and procedures of the Social Witness Ministries.
4. Archives: Archival information about the Non-Violence Advocacy Committee (initially the “Anti-Violence Committee”) may be found in the church files on Committee Minutes and in Annual Reports.
5 – The last meeting of the N-VA committee closed with a prayer of thanksgiving and warm hugs for the graced-filled opportunity to get to know each other and to work jointly for the issues of non-torture and non-violence.
We then took some time to reminisce about the last two years and to talk of possibilities for the future.
Submitted by Claude Vachon, Secretary (9-28-2008)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Green Action Group
September 25, 2008
Present: Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Jim Van Hoeven
We discussed the program Leslie has arranged for us titled “Global Climate Change—Local Climate Impacts—Discerning One’s Faith-Based Response” presented by Ray Sirois. It will take place on Thursday, October 23 at 7 PM in Wright Pavilion. We decided to provide light refreshments. Leslie has distributed fliers to faith communities in South Portland and in Cape Elizabeth based on a list provided by Elsa. Leslie will contact Tom Conlon regarding chairs and equipment needed in Wright Pavilion for that evening. Barbara will contact Elsa about publicizing the event in The Beacon, on our web-site, in a Bulletin insert, and during announcements on Sundays.
Jim is leading a three part program titled “Tending God’s Garden: The Church and Global Climate Change” on Wednesdays, October 29, November 5 and 12 from 7:00-8:30 PM. Barbara will discuss publicizing this program with Elsa.
Sarah suggested the possibility of surveying the congregation to learn who has expertise that they would be willing to share relative to stewardship of the earth. We could offer a program of 15-20 minute presentations on such topics as how to go about caulking windows and doors. Such opportunities might be offered after coffee hour on Sundays.
Dick presented three papers about projects that he has looked into recently. The first was related to a conversation he had with Bo Savage who is property manager at Maine Audubon. There are three buildings there, each of which was an attempt to be energy conservative. The first had to do with solar heating, the second involved geo-thermal heating, and the third involved the use of photo-voltaic panels to create electrical energy.
The second paper refers to a presentation that he and Barbara attended at the Methodist Church on Ocean Road in Cape. The presenter was a Mr.Greeley who is head of Environmental and Economic Stability at USM. The talk related largely to efficient lighting incorporating compact fluorescent lights which he relates to the consumption of coal.
The third paper relates to his own experience as he and Barbara think over the purchase of a new refrigerator which is expected to be 50 percent more energy conservative than their present model, a concern which they feel may be as much a moral obligation as it is a cost saving.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Present: Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Jim Van Hoeven
We discussed the program Leslie has arranged for us titled “Global Climate Change—Local Climate Impacts—Discerning One’s Faith-Based Response” presented by Ray Sirois. It will take place on Thursday, October 23 at 7 PM in Wright Pavilion. We decided to provide light refreshments. Leslie has distributed fliers to faith communities in South Portland and in Cape Elizabeth based on a list provided by Elsa. Leslie will contact Tom Conlon regarding chairs and equipment needed in Wright Pavilion for that evening. Barbara will contact Elsa about publicizing the event in The Beacon, on our web-site, in a Bulletin insert, and during announcements on Sundays.
Jim is leading a three part program titled “Tending God’s Garden: The Church and Global Climate Change” on Wednesdays, October 29, November 5 and 12 from 7:00-8:30 PM. Barbara will discuss publicizing this program with Elsa.
Sarah suggested the possibility of surveying the congregation to learn who has expertise that they would be willing to share relative to stewardship of the earth. We could offer a program of 15-20 minute presentations on such topics as how to go about caulking windows and doors. Such opportunities might be offered after coffee hour on Sundays.
Dick presented three papers about projects that he has looked into recently. The first was related to a conversation he had with Bo Savage who is property manager at Maine Audubon. There are three buildings there, each of which was an attempt to be energy conservative. The first had to do with solar heating, the second involved geo-thermal heating, and the third involved the use of photo-voltaic panels to create electrical energy.
The second paper refers to a presentation that he and Barbara attended at the Methodist Church on Ocean Road in Cape. The presenter was a Mr.Greeley who is head of Environmental and Economic Stability at USM. The talk related largely to efficient lighting incorporating compact fluorescent lights which he relates to the consumption of coal.
The third paper relates to his own experience as he and Barbara think over the purchase of a new refrigerator which is expected to be 50 percent more energy conservative than their present model, a concern which they feel may be as much a moral obligation as it is a cost saving.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Mission and Outreach
September 4, 2008
The team assembled at 6:30 to hear a presentation by Dennis Morton on the Energy Resource Network. The mission of this network is to reach out to citizens needing help with energy costs and connecting them with available resources and information. One possible project would be to train individuals to do simple energy audits, in partnership with agencies that would provide winterizing material.
The meeting was called to order by Laurie Cary at about 7 o’clock. Laurie offered an opening prayer. Members present were: Sarah Randall, AnnElissa Leveque, Laurie Cary, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, Sandy Dyer and Elsa Peters.
The minutes of the previous meeting, given by Laurie, and the treasurer’s report, given by Greg, were accepted.
The budget was discussed, and the decision was made to keep our request the same as last year.
Copies of the latest revision of new by-laws were distributed. We will need to discuss whether the team should include six members or nine. We were asked to provide feed-back on the by-laws for a meeting on September 18, but we decided put off discussion until our October meeting, giving us a chance to read them in the meantime.
Elsa informed us that her new job description will mean that she would be spending more time with the Education, Growth and Fellowship Team. Interest in the mission trip she proposed has dropped off, and the idea may be postponed until 2010.
Sarah Randall and Sandy Dyer reported on plans for our table at Homecoming.
Carol reported that plans for the Mission Mall at the Holly Daze Bazaar are under control.
We discussed plans for the potluck supper with social action sub-groups on October 26. The Diversity, Green Action, Fair Trade Coffee, and Non-violence Committees plan to attend. Members of our team are responsible for dessert. The supper will be an opportunity for the groups to network and to discuss their budget needs.
Joan Carrier reported that a presentation on Safe Passage will be held after worship on Sunday, October 5. Team members will need to provide snacks.
The Neighbors In Need offering will be taken on October 5th. Two-thirds of the offering will go to Justice and Witness Ministries and one-third to congregations on Native American reservations.
Carol reported that there will be a price increase for Fair Trade Coffee.
Minutes, September 2008
Social Witness Ministries needs a contact person. This was tabled until the October meeting.
The Wayside Evening Soup Kitchen group needs a new co-coordinator by next April.
AnnElissa reported that the Food Pantry needs restocking.
The following disbursements were approved:
The Iris Network $750.00
Long Creek Youth Services $750.00
Shalom House $750.00
Bangor Theological Seminary $750.00
Union Theological Seminary $750.00
(Elsa’s alma mater)
Maine Council of Churches $1,000.00
20/20 Share the Vision Campaign pledge
Maine Council of Churches $50.00
Special appeal
Thank you notes were received from the following:
Serenity House
Habitat For Humanity
Wider Church Ministries: international emergency for Myanmar cyclone and China earthquake
Preble Street Resource Center
Day One
Pilgrim Lodge
Protestant Hospital Ministry
The meeting adjourned at about 9 P.M.
Recorder: Sandy Dyer
Next meeting: October 2nd at 7:00 P.M.
The team assembled at 6:30 to hear a presentation by Dennis Morton on the Energy Resource Network. The mission of this network is to reach out to citizens needing help with energy costs and connecting them with available resources and information. One possible project would be to train individuals to do simple energy audits, in partnership with agencies that would provide winterizing material.
The meeting was called to order by Laurie Cary at about 7 o’clock. Laurie offered an opening prayer. Members present were: Sarah Randall, AnnElissa Leveque, Laurie Cary, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, Sandy Dyer and Elsa Peters.
The minutes of the previous meeting, given by Laurie, and the treasurer’s report, given by Greg, were accepted.
The budget was discussed, and the decision was made to keep our request the same as last year.
Copies of the latest revision of new by-laws were distributed. We will need to discuss whether the team should include six members or nine. We were asked to provide feed-back on the by-laws for a meeting on September 18, but we decided put off discussion until our October meeting, giving us a chance to read them in the meantime.
Elsa informed us that her new job description will mean that she would be spending more time with the Education, Growth and Fellowship Team. Interest in the mission trip she proposed has dropped off, and the idea may be postponed until 2010.
Sarah Randall and Sandy Dyer reported on plans for our table at Homecoming.
Carol reported that plans for the Mission Mall at the Holly Daze Bazaar are under control.
We discussed plans for the potluck supper with social action sub-groups on October 26. The Diversity, Green Action, Fair Trade Coffee, and Non-violence Committees plan to attend. Members of our team are responsible for dessert. The supper will be an opportunity for the groups to network and to discuss their budget needs.
Joan Carrier reported that a presentation on Safe Passage will be held after worship on Sunday, October 5. Team members will need to provide snacks.
The Neighbors In Need offering will be taken on October 5th. Two-thirds of the offering will go to Justice and Witness Ministries and one-third to congregations on Native American reservations.
Carol reported that there will be a price increase for Fair Trade Coffee.
Minutes, September 2008
Social Witness Ministries needs a contact person. This was tabled until the October meeting.
The Wayside Evening Soup Kitchen group needs a new co-coordinator by next April.
AnnElissa reported that the Food Pantry needs restocking.
The following disbursements were approved:
The Iris Network $750.00
Long Creek Youth Services $750.00
Shalom House $750.00
Bangor Theological Seminary $750.00
Union Theological Seminary $750.00
(Elsa’s alma mater)
Maine Council of Churches $1,000.00
20/20 Share the Vision Campaign pledge
Maine Council of Churches $50.00
Special appeal
Thank you notes were received from the following:
Serenity House
Habitat For Humanity
Wider Church Ministries: international emergency for Myanmar cyclone and China earthquake
Preble Street Resource Center
Day One
Pilgrim Lodge
Protestant Hospital Ministry
The meeting adjourned at about 9 P.M.
Recorder: Sandy Dyer
Next meeting: October 2nd at 7:00 P.M.
Spiritual Life and Worship
September 4, 2008
Present: Richard Angell, Sandy Hansen, Betsy Keiter, Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley, Dana Wiggins, Mary Anne Wallace, John McCall, and Elsa Peters
Opening Prayer was given by Rick Angell
Review of Minutes from July were reviewed and approved as written.
Spiritual Life and Worship Team Membership
Since the last meeting of the SL&W Team, Tex Hauser has given his resignation, saying that he is busy with work and other obligations. We all respect his decision, but sadly accepted his resignation ~ we all agreed that his presence, wisdom, and humor will be missed. With 7 members officially on the team, we still meet the minimum of 6 people required for a team. .
Updates from John
• Chancel Project – John is working with Chris Keiter and the Chancel Reconfiguration Committee to propose a way to acknowledge the gifts that made the Chancel project and piano acquisition possible. There will be a dedication of the chancel and piano on Sunday, October 26th as part of the worship service. These gifts would also be acknowledged on the plaque in the narthex, and in the Memorial Book. Debbie Riley has agreed to contact the calligrapher to have a new page added to the book noting the gifts.
• Sabbatical Time Approaching – John is starting to plan his 12-week Sabbatical in 2009. We can tentatively anticipate John being on Sabbatical in May, June and July, and then he will take vacation time in August. That means that John will be away May 1st – September 1st , 2009.
Homecoming Sunday
• Communion By Intinction – Elsa explained the idea of “families” sharing in communion this month. The congregation is invited to bring their own cup from home to share in communion with each other. Mary Anne is well prepared with bread, juice, and people in place for serving with John and Elsa.
• Volunteer Sign Up Sheets – Dana volunteered to make sign up sheets for all the volunteer tasks needed, and a poster to help make our table more inviting. Thank you for your artistic talent!
Review of By-Laws
A draft of the new By-Laws has been sent to the SL&W for review and comment. Feedback is encouraged. Please send your comments to Betsy by September 18th and she’ll send them to the Council all together from the SL & W team. Betsy pointed out that the age requirement for membership might need to be more flexible, if there is a consideration to changing the age/school grade for Confirmation. It was also noted that there wasn’t any notation in the By-Laws of being Open and Affirming. Other comments? Send them to Betsy.
Upcoming Events:
• Animal Blessing – September 28th – Elsa will be meeting those members and friends of the congregation that are interested in having an animal blessed, at the flag pole at Portland Headlight. She will be bringing water to bless all the animals. Elsa didn’t request any assistance on our part, but we offered to assist if needed.
• World Communion Sunday – October 5th – This had not been completely planned at this time, so ideas are welcome. Last year, colorful international napkins were used in the presentation, the globe was on the altar, and breads from all over the world were offered for communion. Any plans between now and next meeting can be done through email.
Thoughts on Multimedia Usage in Sunday Service
Rick is enthusiastic about and would like to start a discussion about the use of multimedia in our Sunday worship service. After his experience at the UCC Conference this summer, he read the book Silver Screen Sacred Story and found it to be very enlightening. Rick believes that although we don’t want to disrupt the traditions of our church, the use of multimedia can enhance the worship experience. He’d like to form a group to discuss what would be necessary to introduce and use multimedia in worship, including equipment needs and worship design. The team had an engaging initial conversation, including some pros and cons, about the idea and the exploratory process. It was decided that before a separate group is formed, more information and discussion would be necessary. Rick agreed to find out which local churches were currently using multimedia in their worship service. We would like to possibly visit and observe how and when multimedia is being used and gain a better understanding of why it was introduced and how the use has evolved over time. Also, we would like to know how the use of multimedia was initially received by those congregations. Further discussion within our team will follow before anything is introduced to the congregation.
Elinor met with council members Dave Allen and Chris Dow to discuss a systematic approach of stewarding volunteers: building a system to keep track of members’ interests and communicating to existing team leaders the names of members, new and existing, who are interested in a particular area.
The Growth Committee, a new small group, is focusing upon welcoming visitors to the church and making sure they don’t get overlooked. Rick has become a member of the Growth Committee and will be able to let us know how that is progressing. This new committee is trying to welcome visitors and get them connected to others with whom they may feel comfortable, which will hopefully create a more meaningful worship experience for them.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 2nd @ 7:30p
Adjourned at 9:20pm
Respectfully Submitted by,
Sandra Hansen
Present: Richard Angell, Sandy Hansen, Betsy Keiter, Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley, Dana Wiggins, Mary Anne Wallace, John McCall, and Elsa Peters
Opening Prayer was given by Rick Angell
Review of Minutes from July were reviewed and approved as written.
Spiritual Life and Worship Team Membership
Since the last meeting of the SL&W Team, Tex Hauser has given his resignation, saying that he is busy with work and other obligations. We all respect his decision, but sadly accepted his resignation ~ we all agreed that his presence, wisdom, and humor will be missed. With 7 members officially on the team, we still meet the minimum of 6 people required for a team. .
Updates from John
• Chancel Project – John is working with Chris Keiter and the Chancel Reconfiguration Committee to propose a way to acknowledge the gifts that made the Chancel project and piano acquisition possible. There will be a dedication of the chancel and piano on Sunday, October 26th as part of the worship service. These gifts would also be acknowledged on the plaque in the narthex, and in the Memorial Book. Debbie Riley has agreed to contact the calligrapher to have a new page added to the book noting the gifts.
• Sabbatical Time Approaching – John is starting to plan his 12-week Sabbatical in 2009. We can tentatively anticipate John being on Sabbatical in May, June and July, and then he will take vacation time in August. That means that John will be away May 1st – September 1st , 2009.
Homecoming Sunday
• Communion By Intinction – Elsa explained the idea of “families” sharing in communion this month. The congregation is invited to bring their own cup from home to share in communion with each other. Mary Anne is well prepared with bread, juice, and people in place for serving with John and Elsa.
• Volunteer Sign Up Sheets – Dana volunteered to make sign up sheets for all the volunteer tasks needed, and a poster to help make our table more inviting. Thank you for your artistic talent!
Review of By-Laws
A draft of the new By-Laws has been sent to the SL&W for review and comment. Feedback is encouraged. Please send your comments to Betsy by September 18th and she’ll send them to the Council all together from the SL & W team. Betsy pointed out that the age requirement for membership might need to be more flexible, if there is a consideration to changing the age/school grade for Confirmation. It was also noted that there wasn’t any notation in the By-Laws of being Open and Affirming. Other comments? Send them to Betsy.
Upcoming Events:
• Animal Blessing – September 28th – Elsa will be meeting those members and friends of the congregation that are interested in having an animal blessed, at the flag pole at Portland Headlight. She will be bringing water to bless all the animals. Elsa didn’t request any assistance on our part, but we offered to assist if needed.
• World Communion Sunday – October 5th – This had not been completely planned at this time, so ideas are welcome. Last year, colorful international napkins were used in the presentation, the globe was on the altar, and breads from all over the world were offered for communion. Any plans between now and next meeting can be done through email.
Thoughts on Multimedia Usage in Sunday Service
Rick is enthusiastic about and would like to start a discussion about the use of multimedia in our Sunday worship service. After his experience at the UCC Conference this summer, he read the book Silver Screen Sacred Story and found it to be very enlightening. Rick believes that although we don’t want to disrupt the traditions of our church, the use of multimedia can enhance the worship experience. He’d like to form a group to discuss what would be necessary to introduce and use multimedia in worship, including equipment needs and worship design. The team had an engaging initial conversation, including some pros and cons, about the idea and the exploratory process. It was decided that before a separate group is formed, more information and discussion would be necessary. Rick agreed to find out which local churches were currently using multimedia in their worship service. We would like to possibly visit and observe how and when multimedia is being used and gain a better understanding of why it was introduced and how the use has evolved over time. Also, we would like to know how the use of multimedia was initially received by those congregations. Further discussion within our team will follow before anything is introduced to the congregation.
Elinor met with council members Dave Allen and Chris Dow to discuss a systematic approach of stewarding volunteers: building a system to keep track of members’ interests and communicating to existing team leaders the names of members, new and existing, who are interested in a particular area.
The Growth Committee, a new small group, is focusing upon welcoming visitors to the church and making sure they don’t get overlooked. Rick has become a member of the Growth Committee and will be able to let us know how that is progressing. This new committee is trying to welcome visitors and get them connected to others with whom they may feel comfortable, which will hopefully create a more meaningful worship experience for them.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 2nd @ 7:30p
Adjourned at 9:20pm
Respectfully Submitted by,
Sandra Hansen
Thursday, September 25, 2008
September 18
Present: Jean Siulinski, Debra Andrews, Chris Keiter, Phil Whitney, Nancy MacLean, Andy Ellis, Elsa Peters, Sally Hinckley, Dave Allen, John McCall, Chris Dow and Carol Zechman.
Guests: Aaron French, Kathy Sahrbeck, Cathy Bickford and Cyndi Alden
Opening: Chris Dow opened the meeting at 6:30 PM with a reading and a prayer. Chris Keiter welcomed Aaron French to the meeting.
Draft Bylaws Feedback and Next Steps: Chris Keiter reviewed the feedback from the various teams and individuals on the Bylaws draft. There was discussion and work on this feedback, and Chris will incorporate the agreed upon changes into the draft of the Bylaws. The exception was Article2, section 2.2 on Membership qualifications. It was decided that this section needed more work. John McCall, Dave Allen, Andy Ellis and Chris Dow volunteered to work on this section and report back to the Council.
Review 2008 Actuals vs. Budget: Chris K. passed out copies of the Operating Budget ( Budget vs. Actual ) for the purpose of determining any potential budget challenges. Cyndi Alden told us that we are in very good shape being 72 % through the year. Pledges are behind only about 8%, which is due in part to a significant pledge by one family not coming in until stock is sold. It is sold at various times of the year, and has not come in yet. The budget is on line with those in most recent years, and the deficit of $28,176.00 for 2008 will not be as bad due to savings with personnel and proceeds from the rummage sale.
Welcome Back: Chris K. invited us to take a break and asked each of us to share with the group some special event from the summer.
Fundraising Question: Kathy Sahrbeck and Cathy Bickford came to ask the Council to approve a fundraising event sponsored by Artascope Studios in which the works of 24 artists would be displayed at our church and at their studio. The items would then be auctioned off in a silent auction and the proceeds would be donated to the Community Crisis Ministries. The Council agreed that provided Community Crisis was agreeable to this proposal, the art could be displayed at the church as part of the Hollydaze Bazaar ( provided space is available ) and/or after worship some Sunday.
Volunteerism Subgroup Update: Dave Allen reported the Volunteerism Subgroup met with the Growth Group to determine if there were commonalities in these two groups. The Growth Group has been focused on addressing the drop in membership and the Volunteerism Subgroup is involved in finding ways to engage new members in church life. It was agreed that these two groups will meet again on Oct. 6.
Ministers’ Time: John reported October 26th is the date for the dedication of the chancel renovation and the baby grand piano. Choir chairs are scheduled to arrive about this time.
Elsa’s new job with the addition of faith formation for all ages added to her job description is going well. Sunday School is thriving. The church ministry and Elsa’s review is nearing completion and is going well. Aaron French is doing well in his position as Youth Minister.
Elsa stated the question has been raised by the Education Fellowship and Growth and Mission and Outreach Teams as to the effectiveness of the fair portion of Homecoming Sunday. There is a lot of work that goes into this event and it does not seem to attract enough people to make it worthwhile. The Council will discuss this at a future meeting.
Chris K. thanked Sally Hinckley and Jean Siulinski for hosting the Council’s table at this event this year.
Meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting: October 16th at 6:30 PM
Respectfully submitted.
Chris Dow
Present: Jean Siulinski, Debra Andrews, Chris Keiter, Phil Whitney, Nancy MacLean, Andy Ellis, Elsa Peters, Sally Hinckley, Dave Allen, John McCall, Chris Dow and Carol Zechman.
Guests: Aaron French, Kathy Sahrbeck, Cathy Bickford and Cyndi Alden
Opening: Chris Dow opened the meeting at 6:30 PM with a reading and a prayer. Chris Keiter welcomed Aaron French to the meeting.
Draft Bylaws Feedback and Next Steps: Chris Keiter reviewed the feedback from the various teams and individuals on the Bylaws draft. There was discussion and work on this feedback, and Chris will incorporate the agreed upon changes into the draft of the Bylaws. The exception was Article2, section 2.2 on Membership qualifications. It was decided that this section needed more work. John McCall, Dave Allen, Andy Ellis and Chris Dow volunteered to work on this section and report back to the Council.
Review 2008 Actuals vs. Budget: Chris K. passed out copies of the Operating Budget ( Budget vs. Actual ) for the purpose of determining any potential budget challenges. Cyndi Alden told us that we are in very good shape being 72 % through the year. Pledges are behind only about 8%, which is due in part to a significant pledge by one family not coming in until stock is sold. It is sold at various times of the year, and has not come in yet. The budget is on line with those in most recent years, and the deficit of $28,176.00 for 2008 will not be as bad due to savings with personnel and proceeds from the rummage sale.
Welcome Back: Chris K. invited us to take a break and asked each of us to share with the group some special event from the summer.
Fundraising Question: Kathy Sahrbeck and Cathy Bickford came to ask the Council to approve a fundraising event sponsored by Artascope Studios in which the works of 24 artists would be displayed at our church and at their studio. The items would then be auctioned off in a silent auction and the proceeds would be donated to the Community Crisis Ministries. The Council agreed that provided Community Crisis was agreeable to this proposal, the art could be displayed at the church as part of the Hollydaze Bazaar ( provided space is available ) and/or after worship some Sunday.
Volunteerism Subgroup Update: Dave Allen reported the Volunteerism Subgroup met with the Growth Group to determine if there were commonalities in these two groups. The Growth Group has been focused on addressing the drop in membership and the Volunteerism Subgroup is involved in finding ways to engage new members in church life. It was agreed that these two groups will meet again on Oct. 6.
Ministers’ Time: John reported October 26th is the date for the dedication of the chancel renovation and the baby grand piano. Choir chairs are scheduled to arrive about this time.
Elsa’s new job with the addition of faith formation for all ages added to her job description is going well. Sunday School is thriving. The church ministry and Elsa’s review is nearing completion and is going well. Aaron French is doing well in his position as Youth Minister.
Elsa stated the question has been raised by the Education Fellowship and Growth and Mission and Outreach Teams as to the effectiveness of the fair portion of Homecoming Sunday. There is a lot of work that goes into this event and it does not seem to attract enough people to make it worthwhile. The Council will discuss this at a future meeting.
Chris K. thanked Sally Hinckley and Jean Siulinski for hosting the Council’s table at this event this year.
Meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting: October 16th at 6:30 PM
Respectfully submitted.
Chris Dow
Music Committee
September 4, 2008
Present: Dolores Broberg, Judy Magnuson, Kim Early and Shirley Curry
1. Reviewed and accepted May minutes.
2. Homecoming Sunday plans were completed. Shirley reported that the Bagpiper is scheduled. Judy developed Choir sign-ups. Posters will be used for color behind the table and one on the table.
3. The summer music list was divided between Kim, Dolores, and Judy to write thank you notes. Michael Crosby and the guest organists were also included. It was suggested that a line on the information sheet for summer music be added to include who the minister is if possible.
4. No outside add for the Reed organ has been placed as yet. Shirley will work on this.
5. Chancel was completed. Chairs will be arrive in a few months. In addition to the umbilical chord on the organ being added, the wind chests have been rebuilt. The organ will need to be tuned in the fall and likely the piano soon after.
6. A dedication for the Piano will be scheduled later in the fall.
7. Hymnal Committee has chosen Hymns of Truth and Light. They will not be printed until January of 2009. The committee can add hymns of choice and design the cover. Songs of the Spirit will have to be revised after the hymnal is completed.
8. The committee thanks Dolores Broberg for her wonderful work designing and sewing the piano cover for the new piano in the chancel.
9. Meeting Schedule: The Music Committee will meet Oct. 2, 2008 Nov. 6, 2008 Feb. 5 2009 March 19, 2009 and May 7, 2009
10. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Next meeting October 2, 2008 at 7:00 PM.
Present: Dolores Broberg, Judy Magnuson, Kim Early and Shirley Curry
1. Reviewed and accepted May minutes.
2. Homecoming Sunday plans were completed. Shirley reported that the Bagpiper is scheduled. Judy developed Choir sign-ups. Posters will be used for color behind the table and one on the table.
3. The summer music list was divided between Kim, Dolores, and Judy to write thank you notes. Michael Crosby and the guest organists were also included. It was suggested that a line on the information sheet for summer music be added to include who the minister is if possible.
4. No outside add for the Reed organ has been placed as yet. Shirley will work on this.
5. Chancel was completed. Chairs will be arrive in a few months. In addition to the umbilical chord on the organ being added, the wind chests have been rebuilt. The organ will need to be tuned in the fall and likely the piano soon after.
6. A dedication for the Piano will be scheduled later in the fall.
7. Hymnal Committee has chosen Hymns of Truth and Light. They will not be printed until January of 2009. The committee can add hymns of choice and design the cover. Songs of the Spirit will have to be revised after the hymnal is completed.
8. The committee thanks Dolores Broberg for her wonderful work designing and sewing the piano cover for the new piano in the chancel.
9. Meeting Schedule: The Music Committee will meet Oct. 2, 2008 Nov. 6, 2008 Feb. 5 2009 March 19, 2009 and May 7, 2009
10. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Next meeting October 2, 2008 at 7:00 PM.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Education, Growth and Fellowship
September 11, 2008
Recorder: Jayne Quinn Sawtelle
Next Meeting: 10/2/2008
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau, Aaron French, Karen Pierce-Souza
Opening & Introductions
Following an opening reading by Margaret, new team members Karen Pierce-Souza and Aaron French introduced themselves, as did the rest of the team.
The minutes from the August meeting were read and approved with changes (“to assist Diane” removed and “Sunday of each Monday” changed to “Sunday of each month”.
Old Business
We reviewed Homecoming Sunday successes and challenges. Most feedback from church members reflected that they enjoy Homecoming Sunday, but it may not be the most efficient way of finding volunteers. We noticed that H.S. was mostly the “usual suspects,” and that it tends to be members who are older than the families with school-age children. Since it is not a day when Sunday School is in session, we may be better served to recruit volunteers on the first Sunday School day, possibly during an 11:00-11:15 session. There were a few names for Coffee Hour, one (S. Stevens) for Hospitality, and none for the Nursery. Sunday School registration went fairly well.
Team & Sub-group Updates
-Faith Formation - Elsa
Lots of little ones registered, but not so many older students. There is a full roster of teachers. Adult FF will start in October
-Youth Ministry - Aaron
A Pizza Party is scheduled for 9/14. Aaron is meeting kids and volunteers (including Steve Farris). Meetings will be announced, but won’t be every week. We will support Aaron as he needs us, and he will be at EGF meetings.
-Coffee Hour - Ginny
Ginny will propose to other teams that they assume responsibility for Coffee Hour for a month each year. She will draft a letter of request.
-Nursery - Jayne
Jayne will try again with posters and sign-ups on 9/14 and 9/21.
-Scholarship - Amy
Deb Andrews is the chair of the Scholarship Committee, which starts in January.
-Library - Karen
Kathy Cotter is the chair of the Library Committee, and Karen will get in touch with her.
-Hospitality - Margaret
There are no events until the Inquirers’Meeting on 10/28.
New Business
We discussed the By-law changes and approved.
We are short a person on our team. Elsa may have some ideas for us.
We would like a “PR” person to write items for the Beacon. There was discussion about volunteerism and recruitment. The form is not working so well. How do you motivate people to volunteer? Some of our suggestions included, “Find something people like to do;” “Develop relationships;” and “Ask directly for what you need.”
Elsa asked about a former practice of 7/8th grade Sunday Schoolers attending church monthly. Jayne suggested that that might just be something to do so the SS teacher could keep them involved. It was suggested instead that this year’s 7/8th grade class do projects to help others, like cook, sew, create items for the bazaar, or develop a small local mission.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m.
Respectfully submitted - Jayne Quinn Sawtelle
Recorder: Jayne Quinn Sawtelle
Next Meeting: 10/2/2008
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau, Aaron French, Karen Pierce-Souza
Opening & Introductions
Following an opening reading by Margaret, new team members Karen Pierce-Souza and Aaron French introduced themselves, as did the rest of the team.
The minutes from the August meeting were read and approved with changes (“to assist Diane” removed and “Sunday of each Monday” changed to “Sunday of each month”.
Old Business
We reviewed Homecoming Sunday successes and challenges. Most feedback from church members reflected that they enjoy Homecoming Sunday, but it may not be the most efficient way of finding volunteers. We noticed that H.S. was mostly the “usual suspects,” and that it tends to be members who are older than the families with school-age children. Since it is not a day when Sunday School is in session, we may be better served to recruit volunteers on the first Sunday School day, possibly during an 11:00-11:15 session. There were a few names for Coffee Hour, one (S. Stevens) for Hospitality, and none for the Nursery. Sunday School registration went fairly well.
Team & Sub-group Updates
-Faith Formation - Elsa
Lots of little ones registered, but not so many older students. There is a full roster of teachers. Adult FF will start in October
-Youth Ministry - Aaron
A Pizza Party is scheduled for 9/14. Aaron is meeting kids and volunteers (including Steve Farris). Meetings will be announced, but won’t be every week. We will support Aaron as he needs us, and he will be at EGF meetings.
-Coffee Hour - Ginny
Ginny will propose to other teams that they assume responsibility for Coffee Hour for a month each year. She will draft a letter of request.
-Nursery - Jayne
Jayne will try again with posters and sign-ups on 9/14 and 9/21.
-Scholarship - Amy
Deb Andrews is the chair of the Scholarship Committee, which starts in January.
-Library - Karen
Kathy Cotter is the chair of the Library Committee, and Karen will get in touch with her.
-Hospitality - Margaret
There are no events until the Inquirers’Meeting on 10/28.
New Business
We discussed the By-law changes and approved.
We are short a person on our team. Elsa may have some ideas for us.
We would like a “PR” person to write items for the Beacon. There was discussion about volunteerism and recruitment. The form is not working so well. How do you motivate people to volunteer? Some of our suggestions included, “Find something people like to do;” “Develop relationships;” and “Ask directly for what you need.”
Elsa asked about a former practice of 7/8th grade Sunday Schoolers attending church monthly. Jayne suggested that that might just be something to do so the SS teacher could keep them involved. It was suggested instead that this year’s 7/8th grade class do projects to help others, like cook, sew, create items for the bazaar, or develop a small local mission.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m.
Respectfully submitted - Jayne Quinn Sawtelle
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Growth Group
September 16, 2008
Began with conversation between Volunteer Participation Group and Growth Group.
New Members
*Can someone talk to new members about their experience arriving at FCC UCC?
Did they fill out forms? How are they involved now?
*Recruit folks to call????
*Cross reference groups involved and form for a new member list.
*Can we create an outline to introduce institutionally so that greeters (and others in the narthex) can be included in this extravagant welcome when they volunteer?
Rough Sketches of Mentor Program
Goal: to increase familiarity in church
What a Mentor should have: Personal knowledge of church (do we teach this?) so that they can introduce new people to the life of the church (through Inquirers Meetings, Tours and perhaps Inquirers Meeting Part 2 to address questions).
*What’s the difference between Inquirers Meeting and Mentor?
Length of relationship: One year (or less) relationship keeping aware of personal need.
* How do we connect new people with mentors? Are they assigned? If so, how?
Are mentors gathered from a pool? And how is that pool established? Do we need to train them with the tenets we believe to be important for this relationship?
Next Agenda
Figuring and finalizing mentor process
Focus group with new members
Next Meeting
Monday, October 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Began with conversation between Volunteer Participation Group and Growth Group.
New Members
*Can someone talk to new members about their experience arriving at FCC UCC?
Did they fill out forms? How are they involved now?
*Recruit folks to call????
*Cross reference groups involved and form for a new member list.
*Can we create an outline to introduce institutionally so that greeters (and others in the narthex) can be included in this extravagant welcome when they volunteer?
Rough Sketches of Mentor Program
Goal: to increase familiarity in church
What a Mentor should have: Personal knowledge of church (do we teach this?) so that they can introduce new people to the life of the church (through Inquirers Meetings, Tours and perhaps Inquirers Meeting Part 2 to address questions).
*What’s the difference between Inquirers Meeting and Mentor?
Length of relationship: One year (or less) relationship keeping aware of personal need.
* How do we connect new people with mentors? Are they assigned? If so, how?
Are mentors gathered from a pool? And how is that pool established? Do we need to train them with the tenets we believe to be important for this relationship?
Next Agenda
Figuring and finalizing mentor process
Focus group with new members
Next Meeting
Monday, October 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Administration Team
September 4, 2008
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill, Cyndi Alden. Absent: Chris Mills
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Jim Otis at 7:05P.
The minutes of the June 9, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements.
Our tenants were current in their rent payments. Old Crow is behind in late payment penalties for July and August. Also, he appears to be doing some improvements to interior walls without permission. It was also raised as to whether he was subleasing a portion of the building.
The Procurement Policy is in place. The House Committee, which has the majority of expenditures, is following the policy guidelines, and Guy reported that it is working well. Guy also gave an update of the improvements made to the Chancel
The Counting Team has Linda Landry as a new member.
The Planned Giving Team reported that Ellie Baker would serve as a member. Ron presented several samples of brochures from other institutions used in their planned giving campaigns. Ron and Chris will get together before the October meeting. The Bulletin Board team report was deferred to the October meeting.
The Swathmore Road team is waiting for neighbors there to submit a petition requesting parking restrictions. Once received, Guy will take it to the City which will provide signage.
Committee Reports:
Counting – Brian Wallace has setup 10 week counting schedules. He reported that there is some problem with attendance to the schedule and will revisit if that is too long for members to work with. Peggy Murray and Dick Angel are also co-(team) leaders.
House – Guy had presented an update to the improvements to the Chancel. The improvements comprised re configuring the seating for the choir to enable the placement of a grand piano donated to the Church. Deb mentioned the need to trim the carpet, and Cyndi reviewed the Chancel project’s funding which seemed to satisfy the Team. Guy also reported that the third floor was getting new sheetrock, insulation and windows. The new windows in the office areas have been installed, the front
Steps have been repaired and vines have been trimmed on the outside of the building in preparation for painting of the Church later this fall. Deb reported that the repair to the stained glass window in the Chapel has been completed and it is reinstalled for all to see. The porch was replaced on the Old Crow Gallery building. The stoves and refrigerators have been replaced in both rental properties. Sheet rocking of stage ceiling is being scheduled. The kitchen was painted, and a new floor was put down, as well as, repairs have been made to the kitchen stove. The A Team commended Guy and Deb and the members of the House Committee for all of the good work they have accomplished.
The functions of the Personnel Committee which was part of the Admin Team have been transferred to the Church Council. Elsa, our Assist Minister is taking on the role of administering the Sunday school program, and is no longer the Youth Coordinator. Aaron French has joined the Church staff to perform the role of Youth Coordinator.
New Business:
Homecoming Sunday – Deb will manage our A Team booth. She discussed her proposed story board. The Team suggested adding our planned giving function. We thanked Deb for her time and great effort of support in organizing the booth and attending it on the Homecoming Sunday – an important time for the church to receive back its members and to welcome new comers to our congregation.
Church Bylaws – Jim distributed copies of the draft of proposed new bylaws for the Church. The A Team’s consensus was that the Draft presented is a thorough and thoughtfully comprehensive draft document. We did make the following suggested changes: Article 1.6 changes from 2 weeks to 30 days, 3.3 request 30 days for notice, 3.5 changes to 30 days, 5.1 questioned if the Council members should also serve on other Teams and vice versa, and 5.1’s relationship to Article 6. B-E could be consolidated under “TEAM” caption to save paper.
Heating Oil – Cyndi presented the price she had received from Dead River for heating oil. The Team recognized that prices are currently dropping and suggested that we will revisit them in October.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 to October 2, 2008
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill, Cyndi Alden. Absent: Chris Mills
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Jim Otis at 7:05P.
The minutes of the June 9, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements.
Our tenants were current in their rent payments. Old Crow is behind in late payment penalties for July and August. Also, he appears to be doing some improvements to interior walls without permission. It was also raised as to whether he was subleasing a portion of the building.
The Procurement Policy is in place. The House Committee, which has the majority of expenditures, is following the policy guidelines, and Guy reported that it is working well. Guy also gave an update of the improvements made to the Chancel
The Counting Team has Linda Landry as a new member.
The Planned Giving Team reported that Ellie Baker would serve as a member. Ron presented several samples of brochures from other institutions used in their planned giving campaigns. Ron and Chris will get together before the October meeting. The Bulletin Board team report was deferred to the October meeting.
The Swathmore Road team is waiting for neighbors there to submit a petition requesting parking restrictions. Once received, Guy will take it to the City which will provide signage.
Committee Reports:
Counting – Brian Wallace has setup 10 week counting schedules. He reported that there is some problem with attendance to the schedule and will revisit if that is too long for members to work with. Peggy Murray and Dick Angel are also co-(team) leaders.
House – Guy had presented an update to the improvements to the Chancel. The improvements comprised re configuring the seating for the choir to enable the placement of a grand piano donated to the Church. Deb mentioned the need to trim the carpet, and Cyndi reviewed the Chancel project’s funding which seemed to satisfy the Team. Guy also reported that the third floor was getting new sheetrock, insulation and windows. The new windows in the office areas have been installed, the front
Steps have been repaired and vines have been trimmed on the outside of the building in preparation for painting of the Church later this fall. Deb reported that the repair to the stained glass window in the Chapel has been completed and it is reinstalled for all to see. The porch was replaced on the Old Crow Gallery building. The stoves and refrigerators have been replaced in both rental properties. Sheet rocking of stage ceiling is being scheduled. The kitchen was painted, and a new floor was put down, as well as, repairs have been made to the kitchen stove. The A Team commended Guy and Deb and the members of the House Committee for all of the good work they have accomplished.
The functions of the Personnel Committee which was part of the Admin Team have been transferred to the Church Council. Elsa, our Assist Minister is taking on the role of administering the Sunday school program, and is no longer the Youth Coordinator. Aaron French has joined the Church staff to perform the role of Youth Coordinator.
New Business:
Homecoming Sunday – Deb will manage our A Team booth. She discussed her proposed story board. The Team suggested adding our planned giving function. We thanked Deb for her time and great effort of support in organizing the booth and attending it on the Homecoming Sunday – an important time for the church to receive back its members and to welcome new comers to our congregation.
Church Bylaws – Jim distributed copies of the draft of proposed new bylaws for the Church. The A Team’s consensus was that the Draft presented is a thorough and thoughtfully comprehensive draft document. We did make the following suggested changes: Article 1.6 changes from 2 weeks to 30 days, 3.3 request 30 days for notice, 3.5 changes to 30 days, 5.1 questioned if the Council members should also serve on other Teams and vice versa, and 5.1’s relationship to Article 6. B-E could be consolidated under “TEAM” caption to save paper.
Heating Oil – Cyndi presented the price she had received from Dead River for heating oil. The Team recognized that prices are currently dropping and suggested that we will revisit them in October.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 to October 2, 2008
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
By Laws
1.1 Name
The legal name of this church is FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF SOUTH PORTLAND, MAINE (referred to in these Bylaws as the “Church”).
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the Church is to worship God; preach and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; celebrate the Sacraments; realize Christian fellowship and unity within the Church and the Church Universal; seek God’s will so it may become dominant in the lives of all people, especially as that will is set forth in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and to strive for righteousness, justice, and peace in the affairs of all people.
1.3 Mission Statement
The Mission of the Church is:
• to worship God as made known in the Scriptures, as revealed in Jesus Christ, and as encountered through the Holy Spirit;
• to serve our members, our community and our world, working in faithful witness toward justice and peace for all people;
• to educate people of all ages toward a deeper understanding of their individual faith pilgrimage, their relationships with others, and their responsibilities as stewards of God’s created order;
• to grow in fellowship as the Body of Christ, inviting others to share in the Good News of God’s love.
1.4 Statement of Faith
Preamble to the Constitution of the United Church of Christ
This Church acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of all people. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant Reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two Sacraments: Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. One expression of this faith is:
We believe in You, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God, and to Your deeds we testify:
You call the worlds into being, create people in Your own image, and set before each one the ways of life and death.
You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
You judge people and nations by Your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the Man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, You have come to us and shared our common lot conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to Yourself.
You bestow upon us Your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the Church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races.
You call us into Your Church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship to be Your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and eat at His table, to join Him in His passion and victory.
You promise to all who trust You forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, Your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in Your realm which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto You. Amen.
1.5 Open and Affirming Statement
Like a beacon, First Congregational Church stands on Meetinghouse Hill. In the spirit of Jesus’ great commandment to love God, and our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:28-34), and Paul’s teaching of acceptance of one another (Romans 14:1-15:13), we, the members of First Congregational Church, welcome and affirm all persons of every race, age, gender, marital standing, physical or mental ability, economic status, nationality, and sexual orientation or identify into the full life and ministry of this community of faith, including membership and leadership. We welcome and embrace the God-given gifts that each person brings to the life of our congregation.
As an Open and Affirming church, we join our sisters and brothers in the United Church of Christ and all persons who are committed to the struggle for justice, love and inclusiveness, with the example and teachings of Jesus Christ as our guide.
1.6 Property
The Church may, in its corporate name, sue or be sued, acquire by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, and own, hold, invest, reinvest, or dispose of property both real and personal for such work as the Church may undertake and may purchase, own , receive, hold, manage, care for and transfer, rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber, sell, assign, transfer and convey such property for the general purposes of the Church; it may receive and hold in trust both real and personal property and invest and reinvest the same and make any contracts for promoting the objects and purpose of the Church.
Upon dissolution of the Church, its assets and all property and interests of which it will then be possessed including any devise, bequest, gift, or grant contained in any Will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, will be transferred to the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ or its successors.
1.7 Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present and voting at any membership meeting duly called and with a quorum present. Written announcements of the text of the proposed amendment(s) must be made two weeks prior to the meeting.
2.1 Statement of Polity
The Church is a part of the United Church of Christ, as established by vote of its members. The governing body of the Church will be its membership assembled in Church meeting. Any actions of the Church that require membership approval under these Bylaws will be determined by the vote of a majority of members present and voting at the meeting. There will be no absentee ballots. Any member of the Church may vote. All actions of the Church are subject to the laws of the State of Maine.
2.2 Membership Qualifications
Persons become members of First Congregational Church by baptism and (a) profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; or (b) reaffirmation of faith; or (c) letter of transfer or certification from another Christian Church. Before their profession of faith, persons who are not yet 16 years of age will complete the regular Confirmation program. Persons who are already 16 years of age or older will complete a course of preparation in consultation with the minister(s). New members will ordinarily be received during a regular service of worship, will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship, and will sign the Church Membership Roll. Persons who are members of First Congregational Church are thereby members of the United Church of Christ.
Associate membership may be offered to any baptized person who is a full, active member of another Christian Church where he or she is unable to participate regularly because of distance, physical limitations, or the like. Associate members enjoy all the rights and responsibilities of regular members, including eligibility to serve on the Council, any Team or Committee, and to vote at any meeting of the congregation. They shall not be included in the membership report for the purpose of per capita dues. An associate member will be received at a regular service of worship and will be carried on the rolls as long as the member continues to be active in our congregation’s life. No letter of transfer can be issued.
2.3 Membership Responsibilities
Members shall pledge themselves to attend regular worship of the Church and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper; to live the Christian life; to share in the life and work of the Church; to contribute to its support and benevolences; and to diligently seek the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community. Each such person shall agree to the Membership Covenant as stated in Section 2.4.
2.4 Membership Covenant
The following is the covenant to which each person who desires to be a member of the Church will agree:
We sincerely affirm our faith in God our Creator, our reverent love for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and our willingness to be guided by the Holy Spirit. We promise, as members of this Church, to walk together as Christian disciples, obedient to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the spirit of Christ, and to submit to the government and discipline of this Church until regularly dismissed therefrom. We also promise to give generously of ourselves in the earnest labor of the Church to establish the reign of Christ in the hearts and in the affairs of people and to establish God’s realm on earth. And this we do for the glory of God, the good of all people, and our mutual growth in Christian character in the name and through the strength of Jesus Christ our Lord.
2.5 Termination of Membership
A member will be granted a letter of transfer to another church upon request. Members may be released from their Covenant with the Church upon written request.
An annual review of the membership list will be made by the Clerk and the Senior Minister. The names of members who have permanently relocated from the area, or whose addresses are unknown, or who have not contributed to the Church’s support, or who have not communicated with the Church, its minister, or its Clerk for a period of two years, will be submitted to the Spiritual Life and Worship Team who may transfer such names to the inactive list. If the member’s relationship with the Church thereafter changes, the member may be restored to the active membership rolls by the Spiritual Life and Worship Team. Should a member become an offense to the Church or persistently breach Covenant vows, a membership meeting may terminate the membership, but only after due notice and a hearing by the Spiritual Life and Worship Team, and after faithful efforts have been made to bring the member into accord with the teachings of Christ.
3.1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Church is January 1 through December 31.
3.2 Quorum for Membership Meetings
In order to hold a vote, there must be present at the start of the meeting a quorum of members. A quorum shall consist of at least 10% of the membership as reported at the previous Annual Meeting.
3.3 Annual Meeting
The Church shall conduct an annual meeting on a date determined by the Council. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of the annual meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building. The officers of the Church, the staff, the Council, the Teams, the committees, and all Church organizations shall submit their annual reports in writing for this meeting. Any new Council and Team members shall be elected at the annual meeting. The Council shall propose a slate of members to fill vacancies on the Council and Teams for the congregation to consider for approval; provided, however, any member may nominate any member for any vacancy either before or at the Annual Meeting. Nominees must consent to being nominated prior to being voted upon by the congregation.
3.4 Annual Budget Meeting
The Church shall hold an annual budget meeting in January on a date selected by the Council. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of the annual budget meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building. The Council shall submit a proposed annual budget in writing to the membership at this meeting.
3.5 Special Meetings
Except as provided in Section 7.4, special meetings may be called by the Council, or by any member with a petition to the Council signed by not fewer than twenty members of the Church. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of such meetings at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building.
3.6 Conduct of Membership Meetings
Any membership meeting, including the annual budget meeting, the annual meeting, and any special meetings, shall be conducted by the Moderator of the Church. In the event that the Moderator is not available or has a conflict of interest, the meeting shall be conducted by the Vice Moderator. The Moderator may conduct the meeting in any manner deemed appropriate, with a view toward fairness to all members attending, and taking into consideration the purpose of the meeting, the members who desire to speak, the length of the meeting, and any other relevant factor. The Moderator may decide that formal rules should be used, in which case the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply. In any event, the membership may move to conduct any meeting at any point using Robert’s Rules of Order by a majority vote of those present.
4.1 Elections
The elected officers of the Church will be a Moderator, a Vice Moderator, a Clerk, a Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer(s). The Council will nominate all officers. The Council will elect a Moderator and a Vice Moderator from the membership of the Council. The Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer(s) will be elected by the congregation. The Moderator and Vice Moderator will be elected for one year terms or until their successor(s) have been elected. The Moderator shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
4.2 Moderator and Vice Moderator
The Moderator of the Church shall also hold the title and fill the role of “President” for purposes of Maine law. The Vice Moderator shall also hold the title and fill the role of “Vice President” for purposes of Maine law. The Moderator shall chair the meetings of the congregation, with the Vice Moderator presiding in the absence of the Moderator.
4.3 Clerk
The Clerk shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. The Clerk will keep a complete record of all membership meetings and a record of all baptisms, marriages, blessings of union, Church memberships, deaths, and other membership details. The Clerk will issue all letters of membership, transfer, and dismissal and will secure the signature of all new members on the Church Membership Roll. The Clerk will present a report of the principal events of the past Church year at the Annual Meeting and will give notice of all meetings as required by the Church or by the laws of the State of Maine.
4.4 Treasurer
A Treasurer will be elected to serve for one year or until a successor is elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. The Treasurer will disburse all monies as properly approved by procedure approved by the Council. The Treasurer will have authority to sign stock assignments, securities, bonds, savings accounts, or other financial papers as directed by the Council. The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the Church in such amount and with such corporate surety as the Council approves.
4.5 Assistant Treasurer(s)
Assistant Treasurer(s) will be elected to serve term(s) of one year or until successor(s) are elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. Assistant Treasurer(s) will have authority to perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. Assistant Treasurer(s) will be bonded at the expense of the Church in such amount and with such corporate surety as the Council approves and will aid the Treasurer as needed or when so directed by the Council.
The Council shall act for the congregation when the congregation is not in meeting and will serve as the coordinating body of the Church in carrying out its purpose. It will serve as the policy-making agent of the Church, recommending adjustments and improvements concerning policies and administration to the Church. For purposes of Maine law, the Council shall be considered as the “Board of Directors” and shall serve such role.
5.1 Membership
The Council shall consist of twelve at-large members of the Church, each of whom shall have voting rights. In addition, the Senior Minister and the Associate Minister shall be ex officio members with no voting rights. Council members shall be elected by the congregation for three-year staggered terms, with four members being voted onto the Council each year. No member shall serve on the Council for more than six consecutive years.
5.2 Meetings
The Council shall meet once a month for the months of September through June, or more often if necessary to carry out its purpose. The Moderator shall conduct the meetings of the Council, with the Vice Moderator presiding in the absence of the Moderator. Special meetings may be called by the Moderator or by written request to the Moderator by three members of the Council. Eight of the members, excluding ministers, shall constitute a quorum. The meetings of the Council will be open to any member of the Congregation. Team members are invited to attend Council meetings to present information, make recommendations and seek guidance on issues related to Team concerns.
5.3 Duties
A. Call of Ministers
In the event of need, the Council shall be responsible for overseeing the process for the calling of a Senior Minister, Interim Senior Minister, Associate Minister, and Interim Associate Minister.
B. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy on the Council between Annual Meetings, the Council may fill the vacancy on the Council without need for congregational approval. If the term of the vacancy extends beyond the next Annual Meeting, the Council shall submit a nomination at the next Annual Meeting for a vote by the congregation.
C. Suspension of Officers and Removal of Council Members
The Council shall have the authority to remove any Moderator or Vice Moderator and install replacements from the Council membership. The Council shall also have the authority to suspend the Clerk, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer(s) for cause until such time as a membership meeting can be held. The Council may appoint an interim Clerk, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer if deemed necessary. The Council may remove any member from the Council if that member fails to attend a majority of its meetings or to participate in the work of the Council in ways deemed appropriate by the majority of the Council.
D. Budgets
The Council shall propose an annual budget for vote at the Annual Budget meeting. The Council may approve supplemental expenditures that do not exceed three percent of the annual budget. All fundraising activities must have prior approval of the Council.
E. Areas of Responsibilities
The Council shall be responsible for overall policy-making of the Church and for the oversight of all Teams. It shall also be responsible for the oversight of all matters related to employees. It shall have fiduciary responsibility for all financial matters, including the endowment funds, gifts and devises, debts, and the annual operating budget. The Council shall have authority to borrow up to $10,000 without approval of the congregation, and at no time shall the balance of outstanding borrowing exceed $20,000 without approval of the congregation.
The Council shall ensure timely communication between the Council and the Teams and between the Council and the Congregation by such means as it deems appropriate. The Council shall be responsible for oversight of investment policy, stewardship, pastor-parish relations and personnel.
F. Delegates
The Council shall appoint a minimum of six Delegates, each with a two year term, who will represent the Church at meetings of the Maine Conference, United Church of Christ, including the Cumberland Association, and at other associations, councils or fellowships of churches at which the Church has representation. The delegates will submit a report of these meetings to the Council, to the Church, or to the Moderator if immediate attention is required. No one shall serve as a Delegate for more than six consecutive years.
The Church shall have four Teams, each with a delineated area of responsibility. Those four Teams are the Spiritual Life and Worship Team; Administration Team; Education, Growth and Fellowship Team; and Mission and Outreach Team. The Council shall have oversight responsibility for all Teams. No one may serve on more than one Team at a time. No one may serve on the Council and a Team at the same time.
6.1 Common Attributes of each Team
A. Membership
Each Team shall consist of at least six members and shall inform the Council of the number of Team positions. Approximately one third of the Team membership, at least two Team members, shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for three-year staggered terms. No member shall serve on any one Team for more than six consecutive years. Each Team shall have the authority to remove any member from the Team if that member fails to attend a majority of the meetings or to participate in the work of the Team in ways deemed acceptable by the majority of the Team.
In the event of a vacancy on a Team between Annual Meetings, the Council may fill the vacancy on the Team without the need for congregational approval. If the term of the vacancy extends beyond the next Annual Meeting, the Council shall submit a nomination at the next Annual Meeting for a vote by the congregation.
B. Leadership
Each Team shall select its own leadership and decide how to conduct its meetings. Each Team shall select one member as the contact person.
C. Meetings
Each Team shall meet as often as necessary to meet its responsibilities.
6.2 Spiritual Life and Worship Team
A. Purpose
Coordinating with the ministers, the Team shall be responsible for the overall spiritual life of the Church including all aspects of all worship services. It will ensure that there is an active lay visitation ministry and be responsible for all administrative matters pertaining to the reception of new members in the Church. The Team shall be responsible for oversight of the communion, chancel, narthex, and music functions.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
C. Elders
Elders are elected from the membership in such number as the congregation, on recommendation of the Spiritual Life and Worship Team, may choose. This honor will be accorded in recognition of their exemplary longstanding service to the Church. Membership is honorary and will be for the lifetime of the recipient. Because of their experience and wisdom, the Elders may be called upon in an advisory capacity.
6.3 Administration Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall oversee all aspects of the administration of all Church properties, including modifications and maintenance, and daily operations. Its responsibilities will include oversight for establishing procurement policies, for obtaining appropriate insurance coverage, for the rental properties, for all offerings of the Church, for reviewing the financial statements of the Church each month, for selecting an outside auditor and overseeing the annual audit, and overseeing a planned giving program.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
6.4 Education, Growth and Fellowship Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall be responsible for oversight of the growth and education of the congregation. It shall promote faith formation for all ages. It shall also be responsible for the oversight of fellowship within the Church and between the Church and the community. It shall also oversee efforts to increase Church membership.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
6.5 Mission and Outreach Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall be responsible for the oversight of all aspects of mission and outreach, including guiding and encouraging the congregation to serve the community locally, regionally, and globally. It will be responsible for overseeing distribution of designated special offerings and gifts.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
7.1 Senior Minister
A Senior Minister will be called by the congregation and will hold the office until the relationship is terminated in accordance with these Bylaws. The Senior Minister will be installed by the Cumberland Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ after becoming a member of this congregation. The Senior Minister will be responsible directly to the congregation.
The Senior Minister will oversee the spiritual welfare of the congregation, will preach the Word, and will have supervision over the stated services of worship and will serve the sacraments. The Senior Minister will exercise the privilege of religious teacher and counselor in public and in private. The Senior Minister will work with the Council regarding oversight of all Church policy and affairs and will supervise the employees.
7.2 Associate Minister
Associate Minister(s) may be called by the congregation and will hold the office until the relationship is terminated in accordance with these Bylaws. Associate Ministers will be installed by the Cumberland Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ after becoming a member of this congregation. Their duties will be determined by the Senior Minister and the Council, including preaching the Word and serving the sacraments. In the case of absence of the Senior Minister, the Council may designate an Associate Minister to assume temporarily the responsibilities of the Senior Minister.
7.3 Other Ministerial Staff and Personnel
In consultation with the Senior Minister, the Council will define the nature of any additional ministerial staff positions and the procedure by which those persons will be called. The Council may approve additional non-ministerial personnel positions and will have the authority to fill these positions and the authority to terminate such personnel in accordance with the provisions of the Personnel Handbook. .
7.4 Minister Resignations/Dismissals
The relationship of the congregation and its pastoral leaders is based on a covenant of mutual promises and is substantially defined by Terms of Call that are approved by that pastor and the congregation at the time of call.
If serious issues or divisive conflicts arise in the relationship of the congregation and one of its called ministers, the Pastor/Parish Relations Committee will collaborate with the Council to address the issues and will seek assistance from the Maine Conference, UCC, and/or the Cumberland Association Committee on Church and Ministry. Should the Cumberland Association Committee on Church and Ministry have reason to question the fitness for ministry of a called minister of this Church, every effort will be made by all parties to cooperate fully in the investigation, to remain in covenant with all parties and to provide appropriate leadership and nurture for all parties during and after the fitness review.
While the term of the minister shall be indefinite, the congregation may request and will receive the resignation of either the Senior or Associate Minister by a two-thirds majority of the quorum present and voting at a meeting called expressly for this purpose. Sixty (60) days’ advance notice of such meeting shall be given to the congregation and to the Minister affected.
The Senior Minister or Associate Minister shall give at least sixty (60) days notice of resignation to the Council. By mutual consent the sixty (60) day notice of resignation or dismissal of the Minister may be reduced or extended by such time as is mutually agreeable.
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Upon approval by the congregation, these Bylaws supersede all prior Bylaws.
These Bylaws were approved by the Congregation on January 2009.
1.1 Name
The legal name of this church is FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST OF SOUTH PORTLAND, MAINE (referred to in these Bylaws as the “Church”).
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the Church is to worship God; preach and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; celebrate the Sacraments; realize Christian fellowship and unity within the Church and the Church Universal; seek God’s will so it may become dominant in the lives of all people, especially as that will is set forth in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and to strive for righteousness, justice, and peace in the affairs of all people.
1.3 Mission Statement
The Mission of the Church is:
• to worship God as made known in the Scriptures, as revealed in Jesus Christ, and as encountered through the Holy Spirit;
• to serve our members, our community and our world, working in faithful witness toward justice and peace for all people;
• to educate people of all ages toward a deeper understanding of their individual faith pilgrimage, their relationships with others, and their responsibilities as stewards of God’s created order;
• to grow in fellowship as the Body of Christ, inviting others to share in the Good News of God’s love.
1.4 Statement of Faith
Preamble to the Constitution of the United Church of Christ
This Church acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of all people. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant Reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two Sacraments: Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. One expression of this faith is:
We believe in You, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God, and to Your deeds we testify:
You call the worlds into being, create people in Your own image, and set before each one the ways of life and death.
You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
You judge people and nations by Your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the Man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, You have come to us and shared our common lot conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to Yourself.
You bestow upon us Your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the Church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races.
You call us into Your Church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship to be Your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and eat at His table, to join Him in His passion and victory.
You promise to all who trust You forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, Your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in Your realm which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto You. Amen.
1.5 Open and Affirming Statement
Like a beacon, First Congregational Church stands on Meetinghouse Hill. In the spirit of Jesus’ great commandment to love God, and our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:28-34), and Paul’s teaching of acceptance of one another (Romans 14:1-15:13), we, the members of First Congregational Church, welcome and affirm all persons of every race, age, gender, marital standing, physical or mental ability, economic status, nationality, and sexual orientation or identify into the full life and ministry of this community of faith, including membership and leadership. We welcome and embrace the God-given gifts that each person brings to the life of our congregation.
As an Open and Affirming church, we join our sisters and brothers in the United Church of Christ and all persons who are committed to the struggle for justice, love and inclusiveness, with the example and teachings of Jesus Christ as our guide.
1.6 Property
The Church may, in its corporate name, sue or be sued, acquire by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, and own, hold, invest, reinvest, or dispose of property both real and personal for such work as the Church may undertake and may purchase, own , receive, hold, manage, care for and transfer, rent, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber, sell, assign, transfer and convey such property for the general purposes of the Church; it may receive and hold in trust both real and personal property and invest and reinvest the same and make any contracts for promoting the objects and purpose of the Church.
Upon dissolution of the Church, its assets and all property and interests of which it will then be possessed including any devise, bequest, gift, or grant contained in any Will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, will be transferred to the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ or its successors.
1.7 Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present and voting at any membership meeting duly called and with a quorum present. Written announcements of the text of the proposed amendment(s) must be made two weeks prior to the meeting.
2.1 Statement of Polity
The Church is a part of the United Church of Christ, as established by vote of its members. The governing body of the Church will be its membership assembled in Church meeting. Any actions of the Church that require membership approval under these Bylaws will be determined by the vote of a majority of members present and voting at the meeting. There will be no absentee ballots. Any member of the Church may vote. All actions of the Church are subject to the laws of the State of Maine.
2.2 Membership Qualifications
Persons become members of First Congregational Church by baptism and (a) profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; or (b) reaffirmation of faith; or (c) letter of transfer or certification from another Christian Church. Before their profession of faith, persons who are not yet 16 years of age will complete the regular Confirmation program. Persons who are already 16 years of age or older will complete a course of preparation in consultation with the minister(s). New members will ordinarily be received during a regular service of worship, will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship, and will sign the Church Membership Roll. Persons who are members of First Congregational Church are thereby members of the United Church of Christ.
Associate membership may be offered to any baptized person who is a full, active member of another Christian Church where he or she is unable to participate regularly because of distance, physical limitations, or the like. Associate members enjoy all the rights and responsibilities of regular members, including eligibility to serve on the Council, any Team or Committee, and to vote at any meeting of the congregation. They shall not be included in the membership report for the purpose of per capita dues. An associate member will be received at a regular service of worship and will be carried on the rolls as long as the member continues to be active in our congregation’s life. No letter of transfer can be issued.
2.3 Membership Responsibilities
Members shall pledge themselves to attend regular worship of the Church and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper; to live the Christian life; to share in the life and work of the Church; to contribute to its support and benevolences; and to diligently seek the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community. Each such person shall agree to the Membership Covenant as stated in Section 2.4.
2.4 Membership Covenant
The following is the covenant to which each person who desires to be a member of the Church will agree:
We sincerely affirm our faith in God our Creator, our reverent love for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and our willingness to be guided by the Holy Spirit. We promise, as members of this Church, to walk together as Christian disciples, obedient to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the spirit of Christ, and to submit to the government and discipline of this Church until regularly dismissed therefrom. We also promise to give generously of ourselves in the earnest labor of the Church to establish the reign of Christ in the hearts and in the affairs of people and to establish God’s realm on earth. And this we do for the glory of God, the good of all people, and our mutual growth in Christian character in the name and through the strength of Jesus Christ our Lord.
2.5 Termination of Membership
A member will be granted a letter of transfer to another church upon request. Members may be released from their Covenant with the Church upon written request.
An annual review of the membership list will be made by the Clerk and the Senior Minister. The names of members who have permanently relocated from the area, or whose addresses are unknown, or who have not contributed to the Church’s support, or who have not communicated with the Church, its minister, or its Clerk for a period of two years, will be submitted to the Spiritual Life and Worship Team who may transfer such names to the inactive list. If the member’s relationship with the Church thereafter changes, the member may be restored to the active membership rolls by the Spiritual Life and Worship Team. Should a member become an offense to the Church or persistently breach Covenant vows, a membership meeting may terminate the membership, but only after due notice and a hearing by the Spiritual Life and Worship Team, and after faithful efforts have been made to bring the member into accord with the teachings of Christ.
3.1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Church is January 1 through December 31.
3.2 Quorum for Membership Meetings
In order to hold a vote, there must be present at the start of the meeting a quorum of members. A quorum shall consist of at least 10% of the membership as reported at the previous Annual Meeting.
3.3 Annual Meeting
The Church shall conduct an annual meeting on a date determined by the Council. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of the annual meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building. The officers of the Church, the staff, the Council, the Teams, the committees, and all Church organizations shall submit their annual reports in writing for this meeting. Any new Council and Team members shall be elected at the annual meeting. The Council shall propose a slate of members to fill vacancies on the Council and Teams for the congregation to consider for approval; provided, however, any member may nominate any member for any vacancy either before or at the Annual Meeting. Nominees must consent to being nominated prior to being voted upon by the congregation.
3.4 Annual Budget Meeting
The Church shall hold an annual budget meeting in January on a date selected by the Council. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of the annual budget meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building. The Council shall submit a proposed annual budget in writing to the membership at this meeting.
3.5 Special Meetings
Except as provided in Section 7.4, special meetings may be called by the Council, or by any member with a petition to the Council signed by not fewer than twenty members of the Church. The Clerk will give written notice which states the purpose of such meetings at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting by, at a minimum, posting the notice in at least two conspicuous places within the church building.
3.6 Conduct of Membership Meetings
Any membership meeting, including the annual budget meeting, the annual meeting, and any special meetings, shall be conducted by the Moderator of the Church. In the event that the Moderator is not available or has a conflict of interest, the meeting shall be conducted by the Vice Moderator. The Moderator may conduct the meeting in any manner deemed appropriate, with a view toward fairness to all members attending, and taking into consideration the purpose of the meeting, the members who desire to speak, the length of the meeting, and any other relevant factor. The Moderator may decide that formal rules should be used, in which case the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply. In any event, the membership may move to conduct any meeting at any point using Robert’s Rules of Order by a majority vote of those present.
4.1 Elections
The elected officers of the Church will be a Moderator, a Vice Moderator, a Clerk, a Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer(s). The Council will nominate all officers. The Council will elect a Moderator and a Vice Moderator from the membership of the Council. The Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer(s) will be elected by the congregation. The Moderator and Vice Moderator will be elected for one year terms or until their successor(s) have been elected. The Moderator shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
4.2 Moderator and Vice Moderator
The Moderator of the Church shall also hold the title and fill the role of “President” for purposes of Maine law. The Vice Moderator shall also hold the title and fill the role of “Vice President” for purposes of Maine law. The Moderator shall chair the meetings of the congregation, with the Vice Moderator presiding in the absence of the Moderator.
4.3 Clerk
The Clerk shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. The Clerk will keep a complete record of all membership meetings and a record of all baptisms, marriages, blessings of union, Church memberships, deaths, and other membership details. The Clerk will issue all letters of membership, transfer, and dismissal and will secure the signature of all new members on the Church Membership Roll. The Clerk will present a report of the principal events of the past Church year at the Annual Meeting and will give notice of all meetings as required by the Church or by the laws of the State of Maine.
4.4 Treasurer
A Treasurer will be elected to serve for one year or until a successor is elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. The Treasurer will disburse all monies as properly approved by procedure approved by the Council. The Treasurer will have authority to sign stock assignments, securities, bonds, savings accounts, or other financial papers as directed by the Council. The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the Church in such amount and with such corporate surety as the Council approves.
4.5 Assistant Treasurer(s)
Assistant Treasurer(s) will be elected to serve term(s) of one year or until successor(s) are elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms that may be served. Assistant Treasurer(s) will have authority to perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. Assistant Treasurer(s) will be bonded at the expense of the Church in such amount and with such corporate surety as the Council approves and will aid the Treasurer as needed or when so directed by the Council.
The Council shall act for the congregation when the congregation is not in meeting and will serve as the coordinating body of the Church in carrying out its purpose. It will serve as the policy-making agent of the Church, recommending adjustments and improvements concerning policies and administration to the Church. For purposes of Maine law, the Council shall be considered as the “Board of Directors” and shall serve such role.
5.1 Membership
The Council shall consist of twelve at-large members of the Church, each of whom shall have voting rights. In addition, the Senior Minister and the Associate Minister shall be ex officio members with no voting rights. Council members shall be elected by the congregation for three-year staggered terms, with four members being voted onto the Council each year. No member shall serve on the Council for more than six consecutive years.
5.2 Meetings
The Council shall meet once a month for the months of September through June, or more often if necessary to carry out its purpose. The Moderator shall conduct the meetings of the Council, with the Vice Moderator presiding in the absence of the Moderator. Special meetings may be called by the Moderator or by written request to the Moderator by three members of the Council. Eight of the members, excluding ministers, shall constitute a quorum. The meetings of the Council will be open to any member of the Congregation. Team members are invited to attend Council meetings to present information, make recommendations and seek guidance on issues related to Team concerns.
5.3 Duties
A. Call of Ministers
In the event of need, the Council shall be responsible for overseeing the process for the calling of a Senior Minister, Interim Senior Minister, Associate Minister, and Interim Associate Minister.
B. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy on the Council between Annual Meetings, the Council may fill the vacancy on the Council without need for congregational approval. If the term of the vacancy extends beyond the next Annual Meeting, the Council shall submit a nomination at the next Annual Meeting for a vote by the congregation.
C. Suspension of Officers and Removal of Council Members
The Council shall have the authority to remove any Moderator or Vice Moderator and install replacements from the Council membership. The Council shall also have the authority to suspend the Clerk, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer(s) for cause until such time as a membership meeting can be held. The Council may appoint an interim Clerk, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer if deemed necessary. The Council may remove any member from the Council if that member fails to attend a majority of its meetings or to participate in the work of the Council in ways deemed appropriate by the majority of the Council.
D. Budgets
The Council shall propose an annual budget for vote at the Annual Budget meeting. The Council may approve supplemental expenditures that do not exceed three percent of the annual budget. All fundraising activities must have prior approval of the Council.
E. Areas of Responsibilities
The Council shall be responsible for overall policy-making of the Church and for the oversight of all Teams. It shall also be responsible for the oversight of all matters related to employees. It shall have fiduciary responsibility for all financial matters, including the endowment funds, gifts and devises, debts, and the annual operating budget. The Council shall have authority to borrow up to $10,000 without approval of the congregation, and at no time shall the balance of outstanding borrowing exceed $20,000 without approval of the congregation.
The Council shall ensure timely communication between the Council and the Teams and between the Council and the Congregation by such means as it deems appropriate. The Council shall be responsible for oversight of investment policy, stewardship, pastor-parish relations and personnel.
F. Delegates
The Council shall appoint a minimum of six Delegates, each with a two year term, who will represent the Church at meetings of the Maine Conference, United Church of Christ, including the Cumberland Association, and at other associations, councils or fellowships of churches at which the Church has representation. The delegates will submit a report of these meetings to the Council, to the Church, or to the Moderator if immediate attention is required. No one shall serve as a Delegate for more than six consecutive years.
The Church shall have four Teams, each with a delineated area of responsibility. Those four Teams are the Spiritual Life and Worship Team; Administration Team; Education, Growth and Fellowship Team; and Mission and Outreach Team. The Council shall have oversight responsibility for all Teams. No one may serve on more than one Team at a time. No one may serve on the Council and a Team at the same time.
6.1 Common Attributes of each Team
A. Membership
Each Team shall consist of at least six members and shall inform the Council of the number of Team positions. Approximately one third of the Team membership, at least two Team members, shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for three-year staggered terms. No member shall serve on any one Team for more than six consecutive years. Each Team shall have the authority to remove any member from the Team if that member fails to attend a majority of the meetings or to participate in the work of the Team in ways deemed acceptable by the majority of the Team.
In the event of a vacancy on a Team between Annual Meetings, the Council may fill the vacancy on the Team without the need for congregational approval. If the term of the vacancy extends beyond the next Annual Meeting, the Council shall submit a nomination at the next Annual Meeting for a vote by the congregation.
B. Leadership
Each Team shall select its own leadership and decide how to conduct its meetings. Each Team shall select one member as the contact person.
C. Meetings
Each Team shall meet as often as necessary to meet its responsibilities.
6.2 Spiritual Life and Worship Team
A. Purpose
Coordinating with the ministers, the Team shall be responsible for the overall spiritual life of the Church including all aspects of all worship services. It will ensure that there is an active lay visitation ministry and be responsible for all administrative matters pertaining to the reception of new members in the Church. The Team shall be responsible for oversight of the communion, chancel, narthex, and music functions.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
C. Elders
Elders are elected from the membership in such number as the congregation, on recommendation of the Spiritual Life and Worship Team, may choose. This honor will be accorded in recognition of their exemplary longstanding service to the Church. Membership is honorary and will be for the lifetime of the recipient. Because of their experience and wisdom, the Elders may be called upon in an advisory capacity.
6.3 Administration Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall oversee all aspects of the administration of all Church properties, including modifications and maintenance, and daily operations. Its responsibilities will include oversight for establishing procurement policies, for obtaining appropriate insurance coverage, for the rental properties, for all offerings of the Church, for reviewing the financial statements of the Church each month, for selecting an outside auditor and overseeing the annual audit, and overseeing a planned giving program.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
6.4 Education, Growth and Fellowship Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall be responsible for oversight of the growth and education of the congregation. It shall promote faith formation for all ages. It shall also be responsible for the oversight of fellowship within the Church and between the Church and the community. It shall also oversee efforts to increase Church membership.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
6.5 Mission and Outreach Team
A. Purpose
The Team shall be responsible for the oversight of all aspects of mission and outreach, including guiding and encouraging the congregation to serve the community locally, regionally, and globally. It will be responsible for overseeing distribution of designated special offerings and gifts.
B. Complementary Groups
The Team shall oversee the committees and groups whose primary purposes are complementary to those of the Team. The Team shall inform the Council in a timely manner of the title, purpose and members of each of its committees and complementary groups.
7.1 Senior Minister
A Senior Minister will be called by the congregation and will hold the office until the relationship is terminated in accordance with these Bylaws. The Senior Minister will be installed by the Cumberland Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ after becoming a member of this congregation. The Senior Minister will be responsible directly to the congregation.
The Senior Minister will oversee the spiritual welfare of the congregation, will preach the Word, and will have supervision over the stated services of worship and will serve the sacraments. The Senior Minister will exercise the privilege of religious teacher and counselor in public and in private. The Senior Minister will work with the Council regarding oversight of all Church policy and affairs and will supervise the employees.
7.2 Associate Minister
Associate Minister(s) may be called by the congregation and will hold the office until the relationship is terminated in accordance with these Bylaws. Associate Ministers will be installed by the Cumberland Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ after becoming a member of this congregation. Their duties will be determined by the Senior Minister and the Council, including preaching the Word and serving the sacraments. In the case of absence of the Senior Minister, the Council may designate an Associate Minister to assume temporarily the responsibilities of the Senior Minister.
7.3 Other Ministerial Staff and Personnel
In consultation with the Senior Minister, the Council will define the nature of any additional ministerial staff positions and the procedure by which those persons will be called. The Council may approve additional non-ministerial personnel positions and will have the authority to fill these positions and the authority to terminate such personnel in accordance with the provisions of the Personnel Handbook. .
7.4 Minister Resignations/Dismissals
The relationship of the congregation and its pastoral leaders is based on a covenant of mutual promises and is substantially defined by Terms of Call that are approved by that pastor and the congregation at the time of call.
If serious issues or divisive conflicts arise in the relationship of the congregation and one of its called ministers, the Pastor/Parish Relations Committee will collaborate with the Council to address the issues and will seek assistance from the Maine Conference, UCC, and/or the Cumberland Association Committee on Church and Ministry. Should the Cumberland Association Committee on Church and Ministry have reason to question the fitness for ministry of a called minister of this Church, every effort will be made by all parties to cooperate fully in the investigation, to remain in covenant with all parties and to provide appropriate leadership and nurture for all parties during and after the fitness review.
While the term of the minister shall be indefinite, the congregation may request and will receive the resignation of either the Senior or Associate Minister by a two-thirds majority of the quorum present and voting at a meeting called expressly for this purpose. Sixty (60) days’ advance notice of such meeting shall be given to the congregation and to the Minister affected.
The Senior Minister or Associate Minister shall give at least sixty (60) days notice of resignation to the Council. By mutual consent the sixty (60) day notice of resignation or dismissal of the Minister may be reduced or extended by such time as is mutually agreeable.
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Upon approval by the congregation, these Bylaws supersede all prior Bylaws.
These Bylaws were approved by the Congregation on January 2009.
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