Thursday, December 4, 2008


NOVEMBER 20, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Moderator Chris Keiter
Opening prayer by Phil Whitney
All Council members and both ministers present
Review of October Minutes approved

MINISTERS’ TIME: Elsa indicated that the Mission Team will be organizing some activities to involve the whole congregation. The first will be to serve at Preble Street after Christmas. As part of the conclusion of her first 360 review, Elsa mentioned a wish to have a definitive statement in the church files describing the vision of our church. After a brief discussion, there did not seem to be a consensus. Chris elected to postpone further discussion to a meeting in 2009.

UPDATE BY CHRIS REGARDING 11/17 BUDGET MEETING: All of the pledges have not been received. A general overview suggests this is in line with last year. He will attend another budget meeting in mid-December when more information will allow a decision whether or not new approaches will be necessary to meet goals. The Council decided to have Chris send a note to the Teams requesting them to not use remaining 2008 budget funds if they are not really needed, noting that this would not affect their 2009 budget requests.

ARTASCOPE/SILENT AUCTION: This group of independent artists and crafters named Artascope has been given permission to have a table at the Holly Daze Bazaar. The Crisis Ministries will be given all of the proceeds collected from the sale of their art objects. The drawing for the objects will be held on Dec. 21.

CHURCH SECRETARY: A new church secretary has been hired and will start on Dec. 1. Her name is Jennifer Dealaman and she is from the Freeport area. She previously worked at UM Lewiston as an administrative assistant.

VISIT WITH EG&F: Jean visited with EG&F during their November meeting. They appreciated a member of the Council with them as they discussed their budget request, feedback from their coffee hour proposal and other matters.

COFFEE HOUR IN RESPONSE TO EG&F TEAM REQUEST: In response to their memo sent to various teams and committees in the church, EG&F has received help from several teams and other volunteers. It is assumed that EG&F will contact the council if they need help in finding servers and bakers in the future. Chris made it clear that teams with problems need to ask the council for input before seeking solutions that put other teams at risk for further duties beyond those prescribed in the By-Laws. The Council decided that it is fine for Teams to request help from other teams and their members, but not to assign duties to other Teams and members.

CHANCEL RAILINGS: The choir, after using the reconfigured chancel since September, feels just fine without railings. Problem solved.

CHORAL CONCERT IN CHANCEL: Approval has been given by the Council for a concert by the Portland-based Longfellow Singers (who put Longfellow poems to music). This non-profit choral group will sing in the sanctuary in mid-February on a Sunday afternoon under the supervision of Shirley Curry. Voluntary contributions will be collected.

JANE EBERLE – POT LUCK SUPPER: State representative Jane Eberle has asked to use Guptill Hall for a supper to thank supporters – with invitations for up to 150. Expected turnout closer to 40.
Discussion included precedence for political groups to use the church (though Democrats already use the church once per month) and the conflict of dates with Parenting Pot Luck on the same night of Dec. 7. John McCall will contact Jane to discuss the conflict and work out details.

BUILDING USE POLICY FOR NON-CHURCH GROUPS: Most of this policy is known already by John and Cyndi who handle such inquiries. It was agreed to ask John, Elsa and Cyndi to prepare a list of possible gray areas for discussion by the Council. With the new Chancel configuration possibly attracting more entertainment groups, it is necessary to discuss this use of space in more detail.

MAINE CONFERENCE / APPEAL FOR FUNDS: The ME Conference has asked for an architectural study of the three common buildings belonging to ME UCC churches: Rockcraft, Pilgrim Lodge and Pennell administrative building. Study cost is $7500 with the idea of repairing, expanding, replacing or selling one or more buildings or locations. After discussion John was asked to call the Conference to ask how the canvass is going. Further questions include whether to send up to $500 if the campaign is going well.

CHANGE IN BY-LAWS; Sections 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3F and articles 6 and 6.1A were approved and will go to the teams for approval. This completes the Council’s work on the By-Laws revisions which now match the new governance format.

The meeting was adjourned by Chris at 8:20 PM.

Acting Secretary
Philip G. Whitney

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