Monday, October 20, 2008

Administration Team

October 2, 2008

Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). Absent: Eben Marsh

Call to Order at 7 P.M. by Jim
Secretary and Chair of the next meeting, Deb was appointed.
Minutes for the September 4, 2008 were reviewed and accepted.

Finance: Cyndi explained that even though the pledges appear to be down we are anticipating the receipt of a large pledge soon which will put us at 76% for pledges, just right for the end of the 3rd Q. Oil prices have been steadily dropping, so we have stalled locking in. Guy will explore other options and will advise Cindy as to whether and when to make a move.
Tenant Update: Both tenants are paid up thro September, but as of this meeting neither had paid October. Old Crow Gallery owes 3 1/2 months worth of late fees. @$120/m they owe $420. Cyndi will send a letter documenting what they owe and will walk it over.
Planned Giving: The 1st meeting of the Planned Giving Committee is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th right after church. Gretchen Reynolds and Ellie Baker have graciously agreed to join Ron and Chris to make it a committee of 4.
Bulletin Board Policy: Jim agreed to type up the policy that Chris found from the Montgomery UMC and send it as an attachment to the Team so that we can read, edit and make comments before the next A Team meeting.
Swarthmore Road Update: Since the next step in the process of signage is getting a neighborhood petition, Jaime Schwartz, the neighbor who first contacted us about this concern, has agreed to contact the city and carry the ball from here.

Counting: Brian Wallace, chair, has been doing a great job planning ahead and will soon have a schedule for Oct 19-Dec 21. A simple, but helpful thing that all of us can do is write on the outside of our pledge envelopes the amount that we’re enclosing.
House: Guy Gledhill, chair, gave a detailed report…
-Railings in front of church are due soon,
-Chancel carpet runner still has some spots that need work, Guy
-Painting, three sides are done, will be working on the front next.
-Stain glass window is in, Tom and Deb will work on a new outside glass for protection.
-Simplex gave us a new quote for services and wants a five year contract. Will explore combining extinguishers, fire alarms, and smoke detectors- elevators all under the same contract to see if we can get a better rate, Tom
-On the new steps in chancel area, the choir found they were tough to see and nearly tripped…will explore some tape to alert the eyes. Will wait for the new chairs to arrive and revisit the idea then.
-Discussed new programmable thermostats for the church, possibly tied into computers. Mechanical Services will come take a look and give us a bid, if in line will get more bids. Guy and Tom
-Lights…will be looking into putting some on motion sensors. To discuss with Mechanical Services. Guy and Tom
-Quilts for the Sanctuary Windows, Guy to check.
-Stage ceiling contract has been signed and will be done soon.
-Roofing is in CNA, for year 2, this year. We will look into it, but will also look into other sources of, wind, solar, etc, that maybe be used on the roof before we go ahead and roof the church. Will be a year long study as roof is OK for now.
-Other items for this year: cement walk and painting outside 509 Sawyer, electrical in rentals needs to be looked at, will do windows on the entire 3rd floor and oversee some outdoor gardening.
-We are very fortunate to have Tom Conlon as our Building Manager. He is a dedicated, concerned, conscientious employee who works with passion to keep our buildings in the best shape possible. Our church is being cared for with both the present and future in mind. We owe Tom our gratitude for his vision and inspiration.

Coffee Hour Proposal: We discussed the idea presented by EG&F that each Team be in charge of a month’s worth of Coffee Hours. Since the food and beverages are all to be provided and our job would be relatively simple, basically to set everything out and clean up after, we decided that we would agree to have each committee take responsibility for one Sunday:
January 4th Planned Giving
January 11th Counting Committee
January 18th House Committee
January 25th Gardening Committee
Jim agreed to coordinate and report back to EG&F

A Team presentation on Sunday, October 12: Chris Mills agreed to give a short talk, both in Chapel at 8 and in Church at 10. Thank you Chris!

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 7 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Sandler

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