Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2010

Present: Ron Bennett, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Rod Redstone, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order: Jim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes of the Admin Team Sept. 9, 2010 meeting: reviewed and accepted as written.

Financial Statements and Budget: Financial results through October 7 were reviewed. The year is 77% complete. Revenues stand at 72% of the year’s budget.

Expenses are about 79% of the year’s budget. Overall, actual income and expenses vs. the budget appear reasonable. The actual loss was $(57,244) vs. a budgeted loss of $(27,289). The financial report was unanimously accepted. Cyndi agreed to: (1) cutting off statements on the last day of the month and (2) quarterly summaries of major maintenance work item expenditures. A discussion regarding the audit cost vs. budget was held and it was determined that it was higher than budget due to Discovery Center inclusion and to a mistake on the budgeted amount. Cyndi will get the Discovery Center cost broken out by end of November.

Tenant Update: Cyndi contacted the tenant at 509 Sawyer Street house via e-mail to ask about increasing rent to $900/month on Jan 1 but did not receive a response. Cyndi will contact the tenant again and get a response. The committee discussed and agreed that there should be an annual inspection of the house. There is also the issue of the dog. Cyndi will contact Pam Howard about the status of the dog and will brief the committee at the next meeting. The downstairs commercial space at 331 Cottage Road is still vacant. Jim will contact Roxanne Cole regarding the property. In the next lease a clause will be inserted to have the lease automatically renew with a 3.5% increase unless 30 days notice is given.

Chancel Railing: This item is complete and will be removed from next month’s agenda.

Church Signage and Rummage Storage: Guy will contact Dave regarding the signage.

Church insurance renewals and possible agent review: Ron will contact Scott Stacy and see if Scott would like to attend the next administration meeting in order to discuss review of Church Insurance. We may also want Pension/Health reviewed as part of the process.

Counting: We have a very responsive group of counters right now. We have established a process of scheduling on a quarterly basis that seems to be working well. We only had one "missed" Sunday over the summer and the ushers handled that by locking the plates up and it was taken care of on Monday. Generally counters only need to serve 5 times a year or so and they are doing a great job covering for each other if conflicts come up.

House: Maintenance on the balcony ceiling will be delayed until after the winter to ensure that there will not be any more leaks from the roof and steeple.

Planned Giving: Ron will do another article in the Beacon before the end of the year.

Fuel Oil Strategy: Guy reported that he could get fuel oil for .10 over rack price from Frederick Brothers. The administration team believes that we should continue to wait until the market stabilizes. We will review four vendors for fuel and maintenance, Frederick Brothers, Giroux, Webber and Dead River. The House committee will be asked to put fuel conversion onto their agenda.

Homecoming Sunday, Sept. 19: The council voted to change the day's events so there was no need for us to be present with a formal table display and sign-up.

A Team Member Replacements: Ron and Chris will be off the team next June and we have to provide for new replacement members. We have not yet come up with an overall replacement strategy.

Web Site: There was a discussion at Eskimos that they might not be mentioned in the new web site. Jim contacted Chris Keiter after our meeting and he said that the Eskimos as well as other church groups are in the new web site and there will be contact info.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rod Redstone

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