Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Education Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2010

Attendance: Carolyn Foster, Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting


A. Updates on Team Responsibilities

Karen: Library and Scholarship
1) Karen talked to Kathy (& Deb?)
2) They are weeding out the old books to sell at the Rummage Sale.

Carolyn: Sunday School
1) teachers needed! At the time of the meeting, 1 person signed up for next semester, no one for 5,6,7,8, no backups.
2) Carolyn and Elsa are making calls.
3) Meeting for Sunday School teachers on 9/13 at 6:30 p.m.
4) Curriculum online.
5) Carolyn is still working on the closet, she needs help.
6) C. has an excellent idea: teachers keep plastic boxes o’ supplies in each room. Big plastic tub for returning supplies, that will be put away by grown-ups who will keep things tidy.

Elsa: Faith Formation
1) Elsa had sent us her update via email.

Jen: Coffee Hour/Lemonade
1) Lemonade on the porch seemed to go okay, except the one week when Tom wasn’t around and no one had set things up and no one had volunteered and people got surprisingly upset. Let’s not re-create that.
2) Jen is meeting w/ Jana to get list of people willing to help.
3) Sign-up sheet on easel at coffee hour.
4) Can I get a blurb thingy asking for volunteers in the bulletin or in the Beacon? Or maybe not asking, maybe just letting people know we are looking for volunteers? Just as a way of reaching people who are 1) regular churchgoers and 2) not already on my list and 3) willing to help.
5) Jen is going to email committee heads offering them and their teams (also small group heads) the opportunity to host coffee hour and share their awesomeness with the church.

B. Other really important stuff
1) Homecoming Sunday
a. It is on the September 19th.
i. Concurrent with the Sunday School open house.
b. What are we going to do?
i. After a long but entertaining digression with the SL&W team (nice to meet them), we decided to skip the Guptill Hall thing with each group having tables.
ii. Instead, we’re doing a more-elaborate coffee hour in Wright Pavilion.
iii. People can get their coffee and goodies before/during/after bringing their kids up to meet the teachers.
iv. Trying to get people to bring things by signing up at coffee hour/ making calls.

2) Recruiting new team members
a. Nursery person?
i. We need someone to help Deanna.
ii. This is a pretty sensitive situation.
iii. New update since the meeting: Stephanie Cooke has written up a little thingy for the nursery parents for this weekend so that they can understand that there is a volunteer aspect, as an assistant to Deanna.
b. Ideas/ phone calls/ suggestions.
i. C, K, and J split Elsa’s list of suggestions up among themselves and will be making calls. Hopefully this will take care of the problem.
ii. Otherwise, we’ll need to do more brainstorming.

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