Meeting Minutes of 9/20/10
Members present: Rick Angell, Elinor Redmond, Sue Ross, Dave Allen
Several members checked in at the start of the meeting. We are very sorry that Kendra has moved and will miss her valuable insights.
Review of minutes: We used the minutes of the June meeting to remind us of what we hope to accomplish: 1. growth through more people worshipping and 2. welcoming all who come. The challenge for our small group is to determine how many people can work on each project, to accomplish tasks outside of meetings and to focus on a few things that we think will be of most value.
1. More people worshipping (Question for John - what do we do now to advertise and attract?) Our discussion ranged freely and touched on points made in past discussions.
• Elinor suggested holding church suppers for the community. Dave questioned whether that would be a fundraiser? Most likely it would be an event which would pay for itself. The group felt it would be a lot of effort with an unsure return.
• Put invitations to worship in the Thanksgiving food baskets. Putting invitations in the food pantry baskets was declined by the food pantry team Dave will contact the mission team.
• Elinor will write an article about hospitality for the Beacon. Rick will send her his article from last year. We will solicit the congregation for their ideas on how to draw people to our church.
• Elinor demonstrated the type of talk (invitation to worship) which might be given to groups such as AA that meet at our church. Consensus was that would be a good and easy action to take.
• Rick is offering tours of the building.
• Sue spoke about a family night at another church. It was an event focused on activities/entertainment for children such as a comedian.
• Friends Sunday. This concept generated a lot of enthusiasm and ideas. It is simple and achievable. It could start with a ‘hospitality moment’ during worship. We suggest (these ideas need approval from John) targeting Thanksgiving Sunday (Nov. 21st), as has been done in the past. We will have several notices and announcements. We will generate a written invitation which worshippers can use to invite a friend (or 5). The Sunday School can make posters to hang about the building. ‘Friends’ can be the focus of the service. The Growth Group can sponsor the coffee hour.
2. Making people feel welcome (what we do now): We looked at the list of favorite ideas from other churches which we generated on May 10th:
• Street signs: Rick found we would need to take an example of our suggested sign to the SP City Council and say why we feel we need signage. The group decided that our church has good visibility and signage is not needed at this time.
• We looked at the hand-written welcome note Dave received during his visit to the Falmouth Congregational Church. We could solicit volunteers with good handwriting to pen the notes and mail them to newcomers (or provide in the Narthex). Consensus was to do this
• We looked at the simple bookmark provided by the same church. We could put one in every hymnal as well as offer it to newcomers. It is a simple, tangible way to get our contact information into people’s hands. We should include our new church vision. Consensus was to take this on.
• Rick plans to meet again with the ushers, focusing on friendly demeanor and providing an usher at the entrance near the pulpit. Sue said she ushered at the spot and was met with enthusiasm. Dave offered to work with Rick on the agenda/message to the ushers.
• Church welcome documents: Sue and Elinor met over the summer. The group is very happy with the progress she made on a new welcome bulletin. We should include the new church vision on the pamphlet. Dave will forward the vision wording to the group. We had a few suggestions such as including more specifics about Mission Outreach (Dave will draft a summary). Dave will ask Dana or Brian Wiggins to look over the document for graphic advice. Susan will send Dave an electronic copy of the wording once she has made changes resulting from our discussion. We foresee its being offered to visitors by being placed in pew racks, etc. We will find out what approval is needed.
Next meeting: possibly October 4 or 6. Dave will do an e-mail to find out the best date.
Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Church Council
Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2010
Recorder: Carrie Skeffington
Present: Andy Ellis, Sally Hinckley, Nancy MacLean, Roger Addor, Bob Morse, Carrie Skeffington, Matt Early, Peggy Murray, Robin Reinhold, Carl Murphy, John McCall, Elsa Peters
Excused Absent: Phil Whitney, John Shoos
Nancy opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Carrie shared some reflections from Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The minutes from June’s meeting were accepted.
• There are contact sheets with the calendar of the year available for all members, along with copies of the bylaws and church budget.
• We introduced ourselves to each other and shared our occupations/skills.
• John spoke about our Safe Church Policy. Frank Knowles will make a presentation during Sunday’s worship service.
• There is feedback that members of the congregation don’t always read the on-line Beacon. Question for future discussion: How do we best communicate to our congregation?
• Gretchen Reynolds and Scott Berry, members of the board of the Discovery Center, joined us for a discussion of the budget situation of the Discovery Center. Currently there are three employees: director, teacher, and floater. Due to low enrollment, the schedule has been modified to a 3-day week. Director’s salaries will be reduced by 25% starting in January with an additional decrease for the school year of 2011. They are requesting a $5000 loan from the church, which would help them meet expenses for the current school year. We agreed to provide a $5000 loan from the unrestricted funds of the church, and requested that the Discovery Center Board provide quarterly updates and a year-end review in June.
• The church received a donation Of $1,000 from the Nancy Wynne Estate. We agreed toaccept the gift and the money will go into the undesignated invested funds.
• Homecoming Sunday is this Sunday, September 19th. Fellowship time is in Wright Pavilion.
• Our vision statement was sent to the teams and has been in the Beacon. There was a suggestion to make the vision statement the theme of a church service: FCCUCC – A Christian Family: Loving, Welcoming, Serving. We will put the vision statement in the bulletin and again in the Beacon.
• The new web page should be up and running the first of November.
• Team vacancies: SL & W: 1 vacancy; EF & G: 3 vacancies (there are 2 possible candidates.) Stewardship has gained new members since June.
• Nancy read a thank you note for the Pilgrim Lodge camperships given to one family.
• Nancy has agreed to continue as moderator and Matt will be vice moderator of the council.
• Topic for future discussion: volunteerism and the tasks assigned to each of the teams. Nancy will get copies of the document to us for a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Next meeting: October 21, 2010
Recorder and Devotions: Peggy Murray
Recorder: Carrie Skeffington
Present: Andy Ellis, Sally Hinckley, Nancy MacLean, Roger Addor, Bob Morse, Carrie Skeffington, Matt Early, Peggy Murray, Robin Reinhold, Carl Murphy, John McCall, Elsa Peters
Excused Absent: Phil Whitney, John Shoos
Nancy opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Carrie shared some reflections from Laura Ingalls Wilder.
The minutes from June’s meeting were accepted.
• There are contact sheets with the calendar of the year available for all members, along with copies of the bylaws and church budget.
• We introduced ourselves to each other and shared our occupations/skills.
• John spoke about our Safe Church Policy. Frank Knowles will make a presentation during Sunday’s worship service.
• There is feedback that members of the congregation don’t always read the on-line Beacon. Question for future discussion: How do we best communicate to our congregation?
• Gretchen Reynolds and Scott Berry, members of the board of the Discovery Center, joined us for a discussion of the budget situation of the Discovery Center. Currently there are three employees: director, teacher, and floater. Due to low enrollment, the schedule has been modified to a 3-day week. Director’s salaries will be reduced by 25% starting in January with an additional decrease for the school year of 2011. They are requesting a $5000 loan from the church, which would help them meet expenses for the current school year. We agreed to provide a $5000 loan from the unrestricted funds of the church, and requested that the Discovery Center Board provide quarterly updates and a year-end review in June.
• The church received a donation Of $1,000 from the Nancy Wynne Estate. We agreed toaccept the gift and the money will go into the undesignated invested funds.
• Homecoming Sunday is this Sunday, September 19th. Fellowship time is in Wright Pavilion.
• Our vision statement was sent to the teams and has been in the Beacon. There was a suggestion to make the vision statement the theme of a church service: FCCUCC – A Christian Family: Loving, Welcoming, Serving. We will put the vision statement in the bulletin and again in the Beacon.
• The new web page should be up and running the first of November.
• Team vacancies: SL & W: 1 vacancy; EF & G: 3 vacancies (there are 2 possible candidates.) Stewardship has gained new members since June.
• Nancy read a thank you note for the Pilgrim Lodge camperships given to one family.
• Nancy has agreed to continue as moderator and Matt will be vice moderator of the council.
• Topic for future discussion: volunteerism and the tasks assigned to each of the teams. Nancy will get copies of the document to us for a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Next meeting: October 21, 2010
Recorder and Devotions: Peggy Murray
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Administration Team
Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2010
Present: Ron Bennett, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, and Rod Redstone. Excused: Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order: Ron called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Jim agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting in October. Rod volunteered to do this the next time.
Minutes of the Admin Team June 3, 2010 Meeting: reviewed and accepted as written.
Financial Statements and Budget: Financial results through September 9 were reviewed. The year is 69% complete. Revenues stand at 65% of the year’s budget. Highlights include the Per Capita Contributions at 179% of the year’s budget, lower net rental income due to vacant commercial space and less than market residential rent, and lower pledge receipts (normal for this time of year).
Expenses are about 73% of the year’s budget. This probably is due to the possibility that the Sept. 9 statement includes payroll for more than the 9 days and that the annuity and insurance has been paid for the entire year.
Overall, actual income and expenses vs. the budget appear reasonable. The actual loss was $(49,612) vs. a budgeted loss of $(27,289). The financial report was unanimously accepted.
Discussion items with Cyndi next month are: (1) cutting off statements on the last day of the month and understanding when payroll is paid; (2) quarterly summaries of major maintenance work item expenditures; and (3) higher actual audit costs.
Tenant Update: The tenant at 509 Sawyer Street house is now paying $800 per month (up from $700). In order to provide a long notice, we would like Cyndi to contact the tenant before the October meeting to see if increases are possible to $900 at 1/1/11 and $1,000 at 7/1/11 (this is estimated to be the full market rent). The upstairs tenant at 331 Cottage Road is paying $750 per month for this newly renovated space. The downstairs commercial space at 331 Cottage Road is still vacant and we have had only one inquiry. We need to discuss more aggressive marketing with Guy at the next meeting. We also discussed our standard lease and thought that an automatic renewal (unless either party gives an advance 60 day notice, etc.) with an inflation increase should be considered with the next tenant.
Chancel Railing: We tabled this until next meeting when there are more members present. An article was inserted in a Beacon last June describing the railing and requesting additional contributions. No response to date as far as we know.
Church Signage and Rummage Storage: Guy noted last June that there was available storage area in the basement at 331 Cottage Road that could be used for storing rummage items. Guy was going to contact the first floor (commercial) tenant for approval, but that is not needed now since the tenant moved out. The church basement is now being used for rummage sale storage. We tabled this so we can get an update on rummage storage and signage from Guy at the next meeting.
Church insurance renewals and possible agent review: Ron has discussed possible roles with the agent who nicely offered to help in any way. Roles could include being an advisor/consultant or an agent making a bid. We tabled this so we could discuss this at the next meeting when Cyndi and other A Team members are present.
Counting: No formal report. We are not sure who is the new coordinator/chair for the 2010-2011 year. Jim will contact the Counting Committee and get an update.
House: Deb reported the following:
• The House Committee (HC) met last Tuesday to vote on awarding the 2nd half of the contract to complete the steeple job to Mid Maine Restoration (MMR)(steeplejacks). In June, the HC, after receiving 4 bids, awarded the contract toMMR to inspect the steeple and assess what work was needed to be done to repair the leaking that has caused substantial staining in the balcony ceiling. Last month company personnel went up on the steeple with Tom to do that inspection. Highlights included very complex issues such as poor flashing and caulking around the urns, caulking at the base of the copper steeple, reproofing the cake tiers, rebuilding the 4 louvers and replacing the bottom “quoins” above the roof. The gutter system seems to be working OK. The HC voted on a selected list of work items totaling $17,222 that they feel will correct the leaking problem. Not included in this was the cost for the 2nd day of evaluation and the removal of staging (estimated $4,000), so the total cost will be about $21,000 (Cyndi later told us that the final amount paid to MMR was $20,385). Deb will also check on the contractor warranty/guarantees with the HC.
• The next issues on the HC agenda include having the balcony ceiling fixed and repainted and also painting the sanctuary.
Planned Giving: Ron will do another article in the Beacon before the end of the year.
• Homecoming Sunday, Sept. 19: We haven’t heard about any program and we’ll listen for an update this Sunday.
• Fuel Oil Strategy: There are apparently large surpluses of gas and oil on hand right now. However, there are many factors that affect the price, which could stabilize soon. We agreed that we would lock in at $2.35 if the opportunity presented itself before Sept. 30. We also agreed that it is OK to wait longer to watch the market and to consider not even having a contract through the heating season.
• A Team Member Replacements: Ron and Chris will be off the team next June and we have to provide for new replacement members. We need to think of recruiting strategies.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Otis
Present: Ron Bennett, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, and Rod Redstone. Excused: Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order: Ron called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Jim agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting in October. Rod volunteered to do this the next time.
Minutes of the Admin Team June 3, 2010 Meeting: reviewed and accepted as written.
Financial Statements and Budget: Financial results through September 9 were reviewed. The year is 69% complete. Revenues stand at 65% of the year’s budget. Highlights include the Per Capita Contributions at 179% of the year’s budget, lower net rental income due to vacant commercial space and less than market residential rent, and lower pledge receipts (normal for this time of year).
Expenses are about 73% of the year’s budget. This probably is due to the possibility that the Sept. 9 statement includes payroll for more than the 9 days and that the annuity and insurance has been paid for the entire year.
Overall, actual income and expenses vs. the budget appear reasonable. The actual loss was $(49,612) vs. a budgeted loss of $(27,289). The financial report was unanimously accepted.
Discussion items with Cyndi next month are: (1) cutting off statements on the last day of the month and understanding when payroll is paid; (2) quarterly summaries of major maintenance work item expenditures; and (3) higher actual audit costs.
Tenant Update: The tenant at 509 Sawyer Street house is now paying $800 per month (up from $700). In order to provide a long notice, we would like Cyndi to contact the tenant before the October meeting to see if increases are possible to $900 at 1/1/11 and $1,000 at 7/1/11 (this is estimated to be the full market rent). The upstairs tenant at 331 Cottage Road is paying $750 per month for this newly renovated space. The downstairs commercial space at 331 Cottage Road is still vacant and we have had only one inquiry. We need to discuss more aggressive marketing with Guy at the next meeting. We also discussed our standard lease and thought that an automatic renewal (unless either party gives an advance 60 day notice, etc.) with an inflation increase should be considered with the next tenant.
Chancel Railing: We tabled this until next meeting when there are more members present. An article was inserted in a Beacon last June describing the railing and requesting additional contributions. No response to date as far as we know.
Church Signage and Rummage Storage: Guy noted last June that there was available storage area in the basement at 331 Cottage Road that could be used for storing rummage items. Guy was going to contact the first floor (commercial) tenant for approval, but that is not needed now since the tenant moved out. The church basement is now being used for rummage sale storage. We tabled this so we can get an update on rummage storage and signage from Guy at the next meeting.
Church insurance renewals and possible agent review: Ron has discussed possible roles with the agent who nicely offered to help in any way. Roles could include being an advisor/consultant or an agent making a bid. We tabled this so we could discuss this at the next meeting when Cyndi and other A Team members are present.
Counting: No formal report. We are not sure who is the new coordinator/chair for the 2010-2011 year. Jim will contact the Counting Committee and get an update.
House: Deb reported the following:
• The House Committee (HC) met last Tuesday to vote on awarding the 2nd half of the contract to complete the steeple job to Mid Maine Restoration (MMR)(steeplejacks). In June, the HC, after receiving 4 bids, awarded the contract toMMR to inspect the steeple and assess what work was needed to be done to repair the leaking that has caused substantial staining in the balcony ceiling. Last month company personnel went up on the steeple with Tom to do that inspection. Highlights included very complex issues such as poor flashing and caulking around the urns, caulking at the base of the copper steeple, reproofing the cake tiers, rebuilding the 4 louvers and replacing the bottom “quoins” above the roof. The gutter system seems to be working OK. The HC voted on a selected list of work items totaling $17,222 that they feel will correct the leaking problem. Not included in this was the cost for the 2nd day of evaluation and the removal of staging (estimated $4,000), so the total cost will be about $21,000 (Cyndi later told us that the final amount paid to MMR was $20,385). Deb will also check on the contractor warranty/guarantees with the HC.
• The next issues on the HC agenda include having the balcony ceiling fixed and repainted and also painting the sanctuary.
Planned Giving: Ron will do another article in the Beacon before the end of the year.
• Homecoming Sunday, Sept. 19: We haven’t heard about any program and we’ll listen for an update this Sunday.
• Fuel Oil Strategy: There are apparently large surpluses of gas and oil on hand right now. However, there are many factors that affect the price, which could stabilize soon. We agreed that we would lock in at $2.35 if the opportunity presented itself before Sept. 30. We also agreed that it is OK to wait longer to watch the market and to consider not even having a contract through the heating season.
• A Team Member Replacements: Ron and Chris will be off the team next June and we have to provide for new replacement members. We need to think of recruiting strategies.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Otis
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Food Pantry
Meeting Minutes of September 17, 2010
Present: Gail Dransfield, Barbara Merrill, AnnElissa Leveque, Cyndi Alden, Judy Hardy, Janice Files.
Balance: $4,642.12
Requests: May 10 – August 10, 2010
Families / 101 – Adults / 191 – Children / 152
Old Business:
• Newark’s Restaurant brought in cans of food from their can for lobster promo. Healthy Food gave us a mini grant of $500.00. We had donations from Cape Lions, People’s Methodist Bible School, Spurwink School, and a couple of others that I am afraid I didn’t get.
New Business:
• It seems like we jumped over old business & went right to new. We discussed putting notes in our outgoing bags to tell people to call if they want a Thanksgiving basket. It was decided not to do that unless we get the go ahead from the Mission Board.
• We are calling our pantry list to see if everyone is still interested in doing the pantry. We have FRANCIS JANE on for MON. - - CYNDI for TUES. - - BERT for WED. - - PRUDY for THURS. - - & JANICE for FRI.
• Gail will contact Betty Crane to see if she is still going to help fill the recipe bags with her. Natalie Charles will be asked to do shopping, Mary Ann McGreehan, Sandy Dyer & Barbara Merrill are subs. Barbara Merrill will do gift card for food & Judy Hardy will do the gift cards for cash donations. Cyndi will chair our meetings from now on.
• We have long term approval from the Council to sell our not so usual food that we collect, after church. (Sorry, but don’t know what to call some of it.) Council says absolutely not outdated food. There is a box in the pantry to put outdated food and it is there for the taking. Otherwise it will have to be thrown away.
Our next meeting will be Jan. 13, 2011 at 4:00 in the Laity Room. We hope we have a good turn out.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janice Files
Present: Gail Dransfield, Barbara Merrill, AnnElissa Leveque, Cyndi Alden, Judy Hardy, Janice Files.
Balance: $4,642.12
Requests: May 10 – August 10, 2010
Families / 101 – Adults / 191 – Children / 152
Old Business:
• Newark’s Restaurant brought in cans of food from their can for lobster promo. Healthy Food gave us a mini grant of $500.00. We had donations from Cape Lions, People’s Methodist Bible School, Spurwink School, and a couple of others that I am afraid I didn’t get.
New Business:
• It seems like we jumped over old business & went right to new. We discussed putting notes in our outgoing bags to tell people to call if they want a Thanksgiving basket. It was decided not to do that unless we get the go ahead from the Mission Board.
• We are calling our pantry list to see if everyone is still interested in doing the pantry. We have FRANCIS JANE on for MON. - - CYNDI for TUES. - - BERT for WED. - - PRUDY for THURS. - - & JANICE for FRI.
• Gail will contact Betty Crane to see if she is still going to help fill the recipe bags with her. Natalie Charles will be asked to do shopping, Mary Ann McGreehan, Sandy Dyer & Barbara Merrill are subs. Barbara Merrill will do gift card for food & Judy Hardy will do the gift cards for cash donations. Cyndi will chair our meetings from now on.
• We have long term approval from the Council to sell our not so usual food that we collect, after church. (Sorry, but don’t know what to call some of it.) Council says absolutely not outdated food. There is a box in the pantry to put outdated food and it is there for the taking. Otherwise it will have to be thrown away.
Our next meeting will be Jan. 13, 2011 at 4:00 in the Laity Room. We hope we have a good turn out.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janice Files
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2010
Attendance: Carolyn Foster, Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities
Karen: Library and Scholarship
1) Karen talked to Kathy (& Deb?)
2) They are weeding out the old books to sell at the Rummage Sale.
Carolyn: Sunday School
1) teachers needed! At the time of the meeting, 1 person signed up for next semester, no one for 5,6,7,8, no backups.
2) Carolyn and Elsa are making calls.
3) Meeting for Sunday School teachers on 9/13 at 6:30 p.m.
4) Curriculum online.
5) Carolyn is still working on the closet, she needs help.
6) C. has an excellent idea: teachers keep plastic boxes o’ supplies in each room. Big plastic tub for returning supplies, that will be put away by grown-ups who will keep things tidy.
Elsa: Faith Formation
1) Elsa had sent us her update via email.
Jen: Coffee Hour/Lemonade
1) Lemonade on the porch seemed to go okay, except the one week when Tom wasn’t around and no one had set things up and no one had volunteered and people got surprisingly upset. Let’s not re-create that.
2) Jen is meeting w/ Jana to get list of people willing to help.
3) Sign-up sheet on easel at coffee hour.
4) Can I get a blurb thingy asking for volunteers in the bulletin or in the Beacon? Or maybe not asking, maybe just letting people know we are looking for volunteers? Just as a way of reaching people who are 1) regular churchgoers and 2) not already on my list and 3) willing to help.
5) Jen is going to email committee heads offering them and their teams (also small group heads) the opportunity to host coffee hour and share their awesomeness with the church.
B. Other really important stuff
1) Homecoming Sunday
a. It is on the September 19th.
i. Concurrent with the Sunday School open house.
b. What are we going to do?
i. After a long but entertaining digression with the SL&W team (nice to meet them), we decided to skip the Guptill Hall thing with each group having tables.
ii. Instead, we’re doing a more-elaborate coffee hour in Wright Pavilion.
iii. People can get their coffee and goodies before/during/after bringing their kids up to meet the teachers.
iv. Trying to get people to bring things by signing up at coffee hour/ making calls.
2) Recruiting new team members
a. Nursery person?
i. We need someone to help Deanna.
ii. This is a pretty sensitive situation.
iii. New update since the meeting: Stephanie Cooke has written up a little thingy for the nursery parents for this weekend so that they can understand that there is a volunteer aspect, as an assistant to Deanna.
b. Ideas/ phone calls/ suggestions.
i. C, K, and J split Elsa’s list of suggestions up among themselves and will be making calls. Hopefully this will take care of the problem.
ii. Otherwise, we’ll need to do more brainstorming.
Attendance: Carolyn Foster, Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities
Karen: Library and Scholarship
1) Karen talked to Kathy (& Deb?)
2) They are weeding out the old books to sell at the Rummage Sale.
Carolyn: Sunday School
1) teachers needed! At the time of the meeting, 1 person signed up for next semester, no one for 5,6,7,8, no backups.
2) Carolyn and Elsa are making calls.
3) Meeting for Sunday School teachers on 9/13 at 6:30 p.m.
4) Curriculum online.
5) Carolyn is still working on the closet, she needs help.
6) C. has an excellent idea: teachers keep plastic boxes o’ supplies in each room. Big plastic tub for returning supplies, that will be put away by grown-ups who will keep things tidy.
Elsa: Faith Formation
1) Elsa had sent us her update via email.
Jen: Coffee Hour/Lemonade
1) Lemonade on the porch seemed to go okay, except the one week when Tom wasn’t around and no one had set things up and no one had volunteered and people got surprisingly upset. Let’s not re-create that.
2) Jen is meeting w/ Jana to get list of people willing to help.
3) Sign-up sheet on easel at coffee hour.
4) Can I get a blurb thingy asking for volunteers in the bulletin or in the Beacon? Or maybe not asking, maybe just letting people know we are looking for volunteers? Just as a way of reaching people who are 1) regular churchgoers and 2) not already on my list and 3) willing to help.
5) Jen is going to email committee heads offering them and their teams (also small group heads) the opportunity to host coffee hour and share their awesomeness with the church.
B. Other really important stuff
1) Homecoming Sunday
a. It is on the September 19th.
i. Concurrent with the Sunday School open house.
b. What are we going to do?
i. After a long but entertaining digression with the SL&W team (nice to meet them), we decided to skip the Guptill Hall thing with each group having tables.
ii. Instead, we’re doing a more-elaborate coffee hour in Wright Pavilion.
iii. People can get their coffee and goodies before/during/after bringing their kids up to meet the teachers.
iv. Trying to get people to bring things by signing up at coffee hour/ making calls.
2) Recruiting new team members
a. Nursery person?
i. We need someone to help Deanna.
ii. This is a pretty sensitive situation.
iii. New update since the meeting: Stephanie Cooke has written up a little thingy for the nursery parents for this weekend so that they can understand that there is a volunteer aspect, as an assistant to Deanna.
b. Ideas/ phone calls/ suggestions.
i. C, K, and J split Elsa’s list of suggestions up among themselves and will be making calls. Hopefully this will take care of the problem.
ii. Otherwise, we’ll need to do more brainstorming.
Spiritual Life and Worship
Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2010
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Frank Arsenault and Rick Angell (excused: Tex Haeuser and John McCall)
Opening Prayer – by Dana.
Review of June Minutes - approved as written.
• On Sunday September 19
• Sunday School Open House will be at 11:30 for children and parents to find their classes, meet the teachers and ask questions about the curriculum.
• All church school registration will be online this year- with Teachers Orientation on Sept. 13.
• EF&G will host an extra special coffee hour in the Wright Pavilion.
• SL&W met with the EF&G committee (Jennifer Fetting, Carolyn Foster and Karen Pierce Souza) to work on plans for the traditional homecoming fair, how many tables and where they will be placed – but after hearing of the church school open house, we thought sign up tables would not be necessary as the parents will be upstairs primarily.
• In lieu of a table we will host the coffee hour in Wright Pavilion on Sunday, October 10
to tell about our groups and encourage sign-up volunteers.
Dick will communicate our coffee hour hosting date of Oct 10 to the point person of EF&G.
Update on Usher Team:
• Team C has confirmed Zachary Culver as new point person for Team C starting October
Beacon Concern: Are enough people reading the Beacon?
• SL&W asks if we read the Beacon as much now as when it was delivered to our homes - the answer was "No" from all present- none like to take the time to read longer documents when going through email volume.
• We'd like to direct this question to the Council to hear their opinion.
• We suggest a simple survey of our congregation to find when/how to make reading it more accessible. Would we benefit by a re-choice offered to members?
• If it were decided that the printed version gets read more often and if we would like to offset costs, it was discussed that businesses from our referral directory could purchase ad space.
Front Sign:
• After checking on the sign in front of the church on Cottage Road, we know that we need a flexible, double-sided, 2.5' X 6' grommeted vinyl sign with scoop cuts to allow wind to move through.
• Debbie Riley and Bryan Wiggins will get prices for comparison.
Sandy Hansen would like the office to mail letters to the 3rd and 4th graders as a reminder that they can sign up to be an acolyte. She will schedule a date for training the new recruits.
Next Meeting: October 7, 7:00 p.m.
Team Leadership:
•Agendas: Dana/October, Frank/ November, Elaine/December, Debbie/January, Tex/February, Rick/March, Dana/April, Frank/May, Elaine/June
• Minutes: Frank/October, Elaine/November, Debbie/December, Tex/January, Rick/February, Dana/March, Frank/ April, Elaine/May, Rick/June
• Opening Prayer: Elaine/October, Debbie/November, Tex/ December, Rick/January, Dana/February, Frank/March, Elaine/April, Debbie/ May, Tex/June
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dana Wiggins
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Frank Arsenault and Rick Angell (excused: Tex Haeuser and John McCall)
Opening Prayer – by Dana.
Review of June Minutes - approved as written.
• On Sunday September 19
• Sunday School Open House will be at 11:30 for children and parents to find their classes, meet the teachers and ask questions about the curriculum.
• All church school registration will be online this year- with Teachers Orientation on Sept. 13.
• EF&G will host an extra special coffee hour in the Wright Pavilion.
• SL&W met with the EF&G committee (Jennifer Fetting
• In lieu of a table we will host the coffee hour in Wright Pavilion on Sunday, October 10
to tell about our groups and encourage sign-up volunteers.
Dick will communicate our coffee hour hosting date of Oct 10 to the point person of EF&G.
Update on Usher Team:
• Team C has confirmed Zachary Culver as new point person for Team C starting October
Beacon Concern: Are enough people reading the Beacon?
• SL&W asks if we read the Beacon as much now as when it was delivered to our homes - the answer was "No" from all present- none like to take the time to read longer documents when going through email volume.
• We'd like to direct this question to the Council to hear their opinion.
• We suggest a simple survey of our congregation to find when/how to make reading it more accessible. Would we benefit by a re-choice offered to members?
• If it were decided that the printed version gets read more often and if we would like to offset costs, it was discussed that businesses from our referral directory could purchase ad space.
Front Sign:
• After checking on the sign in front of the church on Cottage Road, we know that we need a flexible, double-sided, 2.5' X 6' grommeted vinyl sign with scoop cuts to allow wind to move through.
• Debbie Riley and Bryan Wiggins will get prices for comparison.
Sandy Hansen would like the office to mail letters to the 3rd and 4th graders as a reminder that they can sign up to be an acolyte. She will schedule a date for training the new recruits.
Next Meeting: October 7, 7:00 p.m.
Team Leadership:
•Agendas: Dana/October, Frank/ November, Elaine/December, Debbie/January, Tex/February, Rick/March, Dana/April, Frank/May, Elaine/June
• Minutes: Frank/October, Elaine/November, Debbie/December, Tex/January, Rick/February, Dana/March, Frank/ April, Elaine/May, Rick/June
• Opening Prayer: Elaine/October, Debbie/November, Tex/ December, Rick/January, Dana/February, Frank/March, Elaine/April, Debbie/ May, Tex/June
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dana Wiggins
Music Committee
Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2010
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Sheryl Kieran, and Peg Carmichael
1. Reviewed and accepted May minutes.
2. Shirley reported that not all groups are having a table at this year’s Homecoming. The committee determined that we host a table in order to get the names and contact information of people who are interested in taking part in the music program in some way. Shirley shared that she rarely gets any new people through this method. The committee then decided not host a table this year.
3. The meetings of the Music Committee for the 2010-2011 year were set as follows:
September 30th
December 2nd
March 3rd
April 7th
May 5th (if needed)
We will continue to meet at 7:00 p.m. in Shirley’s office.
4. Other business:
In May, Shirley requested money from segregated account 3010 to purchase 35 black folders at ~$6.40 a piece. The Committee approved the request. Shirley will order the folders soon.
Shirley will talk with Guy Gledhill regarding replacing the chairs in the Choir Room Kitchen.
Shirley expressed concern over the number of children participating in the Children’s Choir.
The next meeting is set for September 30th.
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Sheryl Kieran, and Peg Carmichael
1. Reviewed and accepted May minutes.
2. Shirley reported that not all groups are having a table at this year’s Homecoming. The committee determined that we host a table in order to get the names and contact information of people who are interested in taking part in the music program in some way. Shirley shared that she rarely gets any new people through this method. The committee then decided not host a table this year.
3. The meetings of the Music Committee for the 2010-2011 year were set as follows:
September 30th
December 2nd
March 3rd
April 7th
May 5th (if needed)
We will continue to meet at 7:00 p.m. in Shirley’s office.
4. Other business:
In May, Shirley requested money from segregated account 3010 to purchase 35 black folders at ~$6.40 a piece. The Committee approved the request. Shirley will order the folders soon.
Shirley will talk with Guy Gledhill regarding replacing the chairs in the Choir Room Kitchen.
Shirley expressed concern over the number of children participating in the Children’s Choir.
The next meeting is set for September 30th.
Spiritual Life and Worship
Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2010
Attending: John McCall, Dana Wiggins, Rick Angell, Elaine Brownell, Debbie Riley, Betsy Keiter, and Tex Haeuser
May Minutes: Reviewed and approved as corrected.
Opening Prayer: Offered by Tex
Minister's Time:
John and Elsa will be offering a sermon series throughout the Summer, June 27- August 20, titled “First Followers”.
In the fall, John will be offering a 4 part series ~ evening study ~ focused upon either the book of Acts or a more in depth study of some of the first followers of Christ.
Discussed summer worship leader needs and requirements - Worship leaders are needed for the following dates: 6/27, 7/4, 7/11, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, & 8/22. Rick and Betsy will work on finding volunteers. A concern was raised that people may not know what is required of worship leaders.
As a side note: some members of the team expressed a concern that people aren't necessarily reading the electronic version of the Beacon. Perhaps a weekly all church email once a week with fewer articles or go back to paper or try to communicate in multiple ways. Should let Council know our concerns. Maybe have congregation choose again preferred method paper or digital communication. Betsy will let Chris Keiter know about this. (Per Chris, issue should be referred to the Admin Team because it deals with the office.)
New sign for outside: Debbie checked with Vistaprint. Cost is $30.00 single sided 2 ½' x 6. We need to provide image-ready. We decided to replace with duplicate of what had ripped ~ we had double-sided so would need 2 banners = $60.00. Debbie will continue to follow through on this replacement.
Confirmation Sunday: Elsa would like to eliminate the kneeling part of the service. There was good discussion within the Team resulting in a decision to go ahead with the service without having the confirmands kneel. We wonder what other churches are doing.
Elder Luncheon: Planning is in great shape ~ plenty of food is being prepared ~ servers, set-up, and clean-up volunteers are all set. 28 Elders have responded, but we are planning on a few extra just in case.
Tex and Darla will be presenting certificates to the new Elders during worship ~ The Rideouts and Helen Adams.
Homecoming: We've had some success but it may be due to the location we had last year. So, yes, we think it is fruitful. We don't have a problem having the 'fair' being a week later than traditional which would be September 19. We had enthusiastic discussion about scavenger hunt w/ prizes for kids.
FYI: The church is looking into making the Sunday School registration process electronic.
June 27th will begin summer schedule.
Rick Angell will be SL&W contact for the office.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: plan to meet first Thursday in September (9/2/10)
Respectfully submitted by: Betsy Westcott-Keiter
Attending: John McCall, Dana Wiggins, Rick Angell, Elaine Brownell, Debbie Riley, Betsy Keiter, and Tex Haeuser
May Minutes: Reviewed and approved as corrected.
Opening Prayer: Offered by Tex
Minister's Time:
John and Elsa will be offering a sermon series throughout the Summer, June 27- August 20, titled “First Followers”.
In the fall, John will be offering a 4 part series ~ evening study ~ focused upon either the book of Acts or a more in depth study of some of the first followers of Christ.
Discussed summer worship leader needs and requirements - Worship leaders are needed for the following dates: 6/27, 7/4, 7/11, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, & 8/22. Rick and Betsy will work on finding volunteers. A concern was raised that people may not know what is required of worship leaders.
As a side note: some members of the team expressed a concern that people aren't necessarily reading the electronic version of the Beacon. Perhaps a weekly all church email once a week with fewer articles or go back to paper or try to communicate in multiple ways. Should let Council know our concerns. Maybe have congregation choose again preferred method paper or digital communication. Betsy will let Chris Keiter know about this. (Per Chris, issue should be referred to the Admin Team because it deals with the office.)
New sign for outside: Debbie checked with Vistaprint. Cost is $30.00 single sided 2 ½' x 6. We need to provide image-ready. We decided to replace with duplicate of what had ripped ~ we had double-sided so would need 2 banners = $60.00. Debbie will continue to follow through on this replacement.
Confirmation Sunday: Elsa would like to eliminate the kneeling part of the service. There was good discussion within the Team resulting in a decision to go ahead with the service without having the confirmands kneel. We wonder what other churches are doing.
Elder Luncheon: Planning is in great shape ~ plenty of food is being prepared ~ servers, set-up, and clean-up volunteers are all set. 28 Elders have responded, but we are planning on a few extra just in case.
Tex and Darla will be presenting certificates to the new Elders during worship ~ The Rideouts and Helen Adams.
Homecoming: We've had some success but it may be due to the location we had last year. So, yes, we think it is fruitful. We don't have a problem having the 'fair' being a week later than traditional which would be September 19. We had enthusiastic discussion about scavenger hunt w/ prizes for kids.
FYI: The church is looking into making the Sunday School registration process electronic.
June 27th will begin summer schedule.
Rick Angell will be SL&W contact for the office.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: plan to meet first Thursday in September (9/2/10)
Respectfully submitted by: Betsy Westcott-Keiter
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