Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010
Present: Laurie Cary, Carol Scheffler, Sarah Randall, Sandy Dyer, Maureen Clancy, Elsa Peters.
I. Meeting Opens
Laurie opened the meeting with prayer. The Minutes from the April meeting were approved after the change of the number of volunteers for the Habitat for Humanity Micah Project, Laurie reported that it was 8 or 9 volunteers not 15. Laurie noted that 1 thank you note was received from World Vision for the $250.00 special donation.
II. Treasurer’s Report
The April and May reports were reviewed. Both the Easter Offering and the One Great Hour were up compared with last year. A question was raised on the per capita drive and where does this money go, Laurie will follow up. The Team agreed to a $100.00 donation to the Children of China Fund; it has been more than a year since a gift was given. The reported were accepted as presented.
III. Minister’s Moment
Elsa reported that the Diversity Committee will be marching with a Church banner in the Gay Pride Parade on June 19th. Our Church will be part of the Religious Coalition Against Discrimination.
Also, happily the Preble Street Homeless Voices for Justice Project received donations equaling 3 times that amount the Catholic Diocese had provided in funding. The funding was cut as a result of Preble Street support for the No On One Campaign this past fall.
The Maine UCC Conference meets on June 12th for its Annual Meeting, a resolution will be voted on regarding the covenant for civil discourse. The theme of the meeting is discipleship – how to engage the communities in doing. In this spirit Elsa reported that Gretchen Reynolds might be eager to take on the Micah Project coordination.
IV. Old Business
Laurie happily reported that the slate is full for 2013 team membership. Laurie handed out the new listing and will send it to Chris Keiter. Sarah and Sandy will serve as Co-Chairs. Maureen edited her email address. Laurie will email the updated list to the Team.
V. New Business
a. There will be a Blood drive in Guptill Hall on August 13th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. Maureen agreed to write an article for the Beacon for June, a Save the Date, and then again in July. Laurie will call to request posters for the bulletin board.
b. We will wait until next meeting to decide whether to go forward with Homecoming Sunday or to use the Coffee Hour as a good place to recruit volunteers for the various projects and programs.
c. Assignments:
Annual Beacon articles on offerings - Maureen agreed to write 4-5 articles per year announcing the offerings. Sarah agreed to check the mailbox regularly. Sandy will be the email contact person. We tabled the Bulletin Board, Micah Project, Mission Sunday, Thanksgiving Baskets, and Christmas Giving Tree until next meeting when we have new members in attendance. Carol and Sarah will coordinate the Mission Mall and Carol will check in with Linda Skinner for her help. The Mitten Tree is all set, Laurie will handle the Handbook. Maureen agreed to do some research into the Birthday Cakes at Long Creek – she and Sandy have been handling this piece. Sarah will email Linda Skinner about her continued help with the Food Pantry. There is a drive the second Sunday in May. Jenn Hardin and AnnElissa will continue with the Children’s Closet.
A Mission Mall planning meeting will be held prior to the June 3rd Mission Outreach Team meeting.
May 9th is Blanket Sunday.
A request has been made about consideration for a 5th Offering - Strengthen the Church UCC. If we do this we will be a 5 for 5 UCC Church. Since the date is May 23rd the Team decided it was too late for this year. We will consider it for next year or consider using one of the other offerings for Strengthen the Church.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held June 3, 2010.
Laurie will give opening and closing remarks and Richard will take notes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Clancy
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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