Thursday, February 25, 2010

Music Committee

Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2010

Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, and Trudi Bakke

1. Reviewed and accepted December Minutes.

2. Updates:
• Shirley reported to the committee about the Christmas Vespers program.

• The newly passed 2010 budget was distributed.

• The description of the Reed organ was e-mailed to Sue Stevens at the conference for publication in the next ACE newsletter.

3. The committee discussed names of possible new members. Anna will talk with Beth Hess and Kim will talk with Peg Carmichael, Karen Emery, and Christi Cannell.

4. Easter refreshments will be provided for the choir on Easter Sunday between the two services in the choir kitchen. Somewhere around 25 people will be present. The committee will e-mail more specifics in the weeks to come.

5. Shirley will be away from the church the five Sundays in August. She will work on arranging for a substitute organist.

6. Shirley reported that the Council has held a conversation regarding the use of the sanctuary for concerts by outside groups and would like to see something of their conversation in writing. Kim will contact Chris Keiter to ask if the Council can put their guidelines into a written paragraph.

7. Other business:
• Shirley reported that she has paid for the piano light, music stand, and Good Friday music.

• Sometime this spring or next fall, Shirley would like the red children’s choir robes repaired and washed. Trudi has volunteered to do this – thanks!

• The chairs in the choir kitchen will need to be replaced. This does not need to happen all at once, but perhaps a handful a year. The committee discussed if we should request a new line item in the 2011 budget for this purpose or check with the Trustees to find out if it would be a capital expenditure.

• For the Good Friday service, Shirley is interested in having a large, rough looking cross (3x3 or 4x4) made for the processional.

The next meeting is set for May 6th.

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