Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2010
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau
Team members attending: Ginny Gledhill, Karen Pierce, Jana Frank, Margaret Thibodeau, Elsa Peters
The meeting began with the approval of the December Minutes.
Richard Angell joined us as a representative of the Growth Group. He updated the Team on activities of his group, which is a subcommittee of EG&F working to create a welcoming atmosphere in the church, and endeavoring to enhance the growth of our congregation.
Our Team was asked to trim our budget for 2010. The Team agreed to make modest changes to line items which include Adult Education, Library, and Supplies and Equipment, in order to meet the revised church budget.
Team members shared updates regarding their respective subcommittees:
• Jana shared that Coffee Hour continues to get volunteers on the sign up sheets available at coffee hour. The Mission Team has offered to host the next two Sundays.
• Karen reported that the Library and Scholarship Committees are going along fine.
• Ginny shared that coverage in the Nursery has been adequate.
• The next Inquirer’s meeting is January 26th, and Margaret will be there to provide refreshments. New Members occurs on February 7th.
Elsa asked for questions regarding the Faith Formation Update. Concerns for Sunday School center around inspiring parents to assist with the Kindergarten class, and behavior concerns in Grade 3-4. Suggestions for these issues include having the Kindergarten teacher enlist a support parent for each Sunday, using a signup sheet. Ways to handle the behavior concerns include making sure teachers discuss classroom rules and behavior at the beginning of the semester (set expectations). If there is a problem, teachers should contact the parent. Students will be given a warning, and their parents notified. If issues continue, the parent will be asked to have the child join the parents in the regular church service. The Team reviewed the remaining Faith Formation activities. In reference to our prior discussions regarding the children’s offering and Communion Sunday, it was decided that a special offering would be collected during the Children’s Sermon starting in Lent. The Team will focus on planning for the Communion Sunday Kids Worship for the fall of 2010.
Margaret shared the YM update sent by Aaron French.
The team should be thinking about ways to enlist new members.
Our next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 4 @ 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Music Committee
Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2010
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, and Trudi Bakke
1. Reviewed and accepted December Minutes.
2. Updates:
• Shirley reported to the committee about the Christmas Vespers program.
• The newly passed 2010 budget was distributed.
• The description of the Reed organ was e-mailed to Sue Stevens at the conference for publication in the next ACE newsletter.
3. The committee discussed names of possible new members. Anna will talk with Beth Hess and Kim will talk with Peg Carmichael, Karen Emery, and Christi Cannell.
4. Easter refreshments will be provided for the choir on Easter Sunday between the two services in the choir kitchen. Somewhere around 25 people will be present. The committee will e-mail more specifics in the weeks to come.
5. Shirley will be away from the church the five Sundays in August. She will work on arranging for a substitute organist.
6. Shirley reported that the Council has held a conversation regarding the use of the sanctuary for concerts by outside groups and would like to see something of their conversation in writing. Kim will contact Chris Keiter to ask if the Council can put their guidelines into a written paragraph.
7. Other business:
• Shirley reported that she has paid for the piano light, music stand, and Good Friday music.
• Sometime this spring or next fall, Shirley would like the red children’s choir robes repaired and washed. Trudi has volunteered to do this – thanks!
• The chairs in the choir kitchen will need to be replaced. This does not need to happen all at once, but perhaps a handful a year. The committee discussed if we should request a new line item in the 2011 budget for this purpose or check with the Trustees to find out if it would be a capital expenditure.
• For the Good Friday service, Shirley is interested in having a large, rough looking cross (3x3 or 4x4) made for the processional.
The next meeting is set for May 6th.
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, and Trudi Bakke
1. Reviewed and accepted December Minutes.
2. Updates:
• Shirley reported to the committee about the Christmas Vespers program.
• The newly passed 2010 budget was distributed.
• The description of the Reed organ was e-mailed to Sue Stevens at the conference for publication in the next ACE newsletter.
3. The committee discussed names of possible new members. Anna will talk with Beth Hess and Kim will talk with Peg Carmichael, Karen Emery, and Christi Cannell.
4. Easter refreshments will be provided for the choir on Easter Sunday between the two services in the choir kitchen. Somewhere around 25 people will be present. The committee will e-mail more specifics in the weeks to come.
5. Shirley will be away from the church the five Sundays in August. She will work on arranging for a substitute organist.
6. Shirley reported that the Council has held a conversation regarding the use of the sanctuary for concerts by outside groups and would like to see something of their conversation in writing. Kim will contact Chris Keiter to ask if the Council can put their guidelines into a written paragraph.
7. Other business:
• Shirley reported that she has paid for the piano light, music stand, and Good Friday music.
• Sometime this spring or next fall, Shirley would like the red children’s choir robes repaired and washed. Trudi has volunteered to do this – thanks!
• The chairs in the choir kitchen will need to be replaced. This does not need to happen all at once, but perhaps a handful a year. The committee discussed if we should request a new line item in the 2011 budget for this purpose or check with the Trustees to find out if it would be a capital expenditure.
• For the Good Friday service, Shirley is interested in having a large, rough looking cross (3x3 or 4x4) made for the processional.
The next meeting is set for May 6th.
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2009
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau
Team members attending: Ginny Gledhill, Karen Pierce, Carolyn Foster, Margaret Thibodeau, Elsa Peters
The meeting began with the approval of November's Minutes.
A "Church Contacts" list was distributed. All contacts are via the church website (, to protect individual's personal emails. Information on the list looked correct and complete, although the question was raised whether Karen Pierce should be added as a contact for Library and Scholarship Committees. Margaret will check with Jen in the church office.
Margaret read the email from Chris Keiter and the church Council, requesting that any remaining 2009 open budget funds that are not needed, not be spent for the remainder of the year, and the Team will attempt to honor this request. Karen will contact the Library Committee regarding the remaining money in their budget. Jesus' birthday celebration will use a small amount for purchasing a large cake. Only minimal supplies have been purchased this year for Christian Education (glue sticks). The Team agreed that any supplies essential to the Sunday School program and positive experience of the children should continue to be purchased this year.
The Advent Workshop went well, according to Kim Early, one of the organizers. Approximately $90.00 was raised from the event. Kim shared that the workshop tends to require funds for supplies one year, then make money the next two years. She asked the Team where the money raised should go. This year, with the current budget deficit, the Team decided the funds should go back into the line-item for such events. Perhaps in the future, money raised during the Advent Workshop could be targeted for the soup kitchen, food pantry, etc.
The Team will host Jesus's Birthday celebration after the family Christmas service, which is Dec. 24th at 5PM. Margaret will purchase a large sheet cake and paper goods, and the Early family have offered to serve.
Jana could not attend the meeting, but sent an update on Coffee Hour. Volunteers to serve and bake are scheduled right through mid-January, when the Mission Team will host. On December 20th, there will only be coffee and apple juice served after the Christmas Pageant, as the Eskimos have their annual cookie/fudge sale.
Karen shared that the Scholarship Committee is ready to begin in the New Year. They will be looking to find two new people to join their committee for next year. Karen reported that the Library Committee is well-organized, and things are going along fine.
There seems to be consistent coverage in the Nursery to assist Diana each Sunday when Ginny has checked. Ginny spoke with a parent, Stephanie Cook, who will contact some of the parents that frequently use the nursery to see if a volunteer schedule might be developed. Some parents appear to volunteer frequently, while others choose not to. The Team discussed the idea of possibly hiring a consistent caretaker on Sundays for the Nursery, with the understanding that Diana should be paid as well, if this were to occur. For now, the Team would like to see if we can continue to use parent volunteers.
Elsa shared that the special Veggie Tales movie event was a success, and something she hopes the church can offer again. She has been working with the Adult Faith Formation Committee on some focused planning for a Lenten program. The number of youth committed to Confirmation is up to seven, and Elsa is actively recruiting mentors.
Several areas regarding the Sunday School program were discussed. One matter was the role of the Superintendent. There are currently 5-6 adults who take turns serving as the Superintendent on Sundays. Carolyn reports that there are clear instructions for this role, with the responsibilities outlined. As volunteers become more familiar with the role, they tend to be more
effective and helpful to the teachers. It is important for the Superintendent to check on the teachers early, to assess individual needs and situations where they might lend support.
A second area of discussion was the children's offering. The Team reflected on whether there are alternate ways to enhance our children's understanding and way of giving, such that their offering has relevance to their spiritual development. During Christ Kid's Club, there is participation in giving and blessing the gifts, as well as a clear understanding of where the donation goes (because the children are involved in the decision by vote). It is not as evident, during Sunday School, that our children are making that same connection. Various methods and means of giving were discussed, some of which came from Team members own positive childhood memories of giving to their church. It was decided to try a new approach of providing a cohesive giving moment, during the Children's Sermon, perhaps with a unique or unusual jar the children can place their own offerings in. The Team decided this should start the beginning of Lent, which allows the Sunday School teachers in January time to explain the new method.
Another area discussed was whether the church should offer an adaptive communion service for the children on Communion Sundays. Church service on these Sundays tend to run longer man usual, so there might be time to gather the children together for sharing and community. An idea was offered to have various grade levels take turns leading the special service. The Team was supportive of this idea, and will discuss it further for Christian Education in 2010.
Lastly, the recruitment schedule of Sunday School teachers was discussed regarding how best to provide consistency for the children. While it may serve children best to have a consistent teacher for a month or two, the reality is that coverage is dependent on the team of teachers and their various schedules. Consistency, even with several team teachers, improves when those teachers strive to communicate frequently about the children and curriculum.
The Team would like to invite a member of the Growth Group to our next meeting, to share some of the group's ideas and programs. Margaret will contact the group regarding this. We also are still hoping to recruit an additional member for our Team, and will discuss this further at the January meeting.
The next meeting is January 7th.
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau
Team members attending: Ginny Gledhill, Karen Pierce, Carolyn Foster, Margaret Thibodeau, Elsa Peters
The meeting began with the approval of November's Minutes.
A "Church Contacts" list was distributed. All contacts are via the church website (, to protect individual's personal emails. Information on the list looked correct and complete, although the question was raised whether Karen Pierce should be added as a contact for Library and Scholarship Committees. Margaret will check with Jen in the church office.
Margaret read the email from Chris Keiter and the church Council, requesting that any remaining 2009 open budget funds that are not needed, not be spent for the remainder of the year, and the Team will attempt to honor this request. Karen will contact the Library Committee regarding the remaining money in their budget. Jesus' birthday celebration will use a small amount for purchasing a large cake. Only minimal supplies have been purchased this year for Christian Education (glue sticks). The Team agreed that any supplies essential to the Sunday School program and positive experience of the children should continue to be purchased this year.
The Advent Workshop went well, according to Kim Early, one of the organizers. Approximately $90.00 was raised from the event. Kim shared that the workshop tends to require funds for supplies one year, then make money the next two years. She asked the Team where the money raised should go. This year, with the current budget deficit, the Team decided the funds should go back into the line-item for such events. Perhaps in the future, money raised during the Advent Workshop could be targeted for the soup kitchen, food pantry, etc.
The Team will host Jesus's Birthday celebration after the family Christmas service, which is Dec. 24th at 5PM. Margaret will purchase a large sheet cake and paper goods, and the Early family have offered to serve.
Jana could not attend the meeting, but sent an update on Coffee Hour. Volunteers to serve and bake are scheduled right through mid-January, when the Mission Team will host. On December 20th, there will only be coffee and apple juice served after the Christmas Pageant, as the Eskimos have their annual cookie/fudge sale.
Karen shared that the Scholarship Committee is ready to begin in the New Year. They will be looking to find two new people to join their committee for next year. Karen reported that the Library Committee is well-organized, and things are going along fine.
There seems to be consistent coverage in the Nursery to assist Diana each Sunday when Ginny has checked. Ginny spoke with a parent, Stephanie Cook, who will contact some of the parents that frequently use the nursery to see if a volunteer schedule might be developed. Some parents appear to volunteer frequently, while others choose not to. The Team discussed the idea of possibly hiring a consistent caretaker on Sundays for the Nursery, with the understanding that Diana should be paid as well, if this were to occur. For now, the Team would like to see if we can continue to use parent volunteers.
Elsa shared that the special Veggie Tales movie event was a success, and something she hopes the church can offer again. She has been working with the Adult Faith Formation Committee on some focused planning for a Lenten program. The number of youth committed to Confirmation is up to seven, and Elsa is actively recruiting mentors.
Several areas regarding the Sunday School program were discussed. One matter was the role of the Superintendent. There are currently 5-6 adults who take turns serving as the Superintendent on Sundays. Carolyn reports that there are clear instructions for this role, with the responsibilities outlined. As volunteers become more familiar with the role, they tend to be more
effective and helpful to the teachers. It is important for the Superintendent to check on the teachers early, to assess individual needs and situations where they might lend support.
A second area of discussion was the children's offering. The Team reflected on whether there are alternate ways to enhance our children's understanding and way of giving, such that their offering has relevance to their spiritual development. During Christ Kid's Club, there is participation in giving and blessing the gifts, as well as a clear understanding of where the donation goes (because the children are involved in the decision by vote). It is not as evident, during Sunday School, that our children are making that same connection. Various methods and means of giving were discussed, some of which came from Team members own positive childhood memories of giving to their church. It was decided to try a new approach of providing a cohesive giving moment, during the Children's Sermon, perhaps with a unique or unusual jar the children can place their own offerings in. The Team decided this should start the beginning of Lent, which allows the Sunday School teachers in January time to explain the new method.
Another area discussed was whether the church should offer an adaptive communion service for the children on Communion Sundays. Church service on these Sundays tend to run longer man usual, so there might be time to gather the children together for sharing and community. An idea was offered to have various grade levels take turns leading the special service. The Team was supportive of this idea, and will discuss it further for Christian Education in 2010.
Lastly, the recruitment schedule of Sunday School teachers was discussed regarding how best to provide consistency for the children. While it may serve children best to have a consistent teacher for a month or two, the reality is that coverage is dependent on the team of teachers and their various schedules. Consistency, even with several team teachers, improves when those teachers strive to communicate frequently about the children and curriculum.
The Team would like to invite a member of the Growth Group to our next meeting, to share some of the group's ideas and programs. Margaret will contact the group regarding this. We also are still hoping to recruit an additional member for our Team, and will discuss this further at the January meeting.
The next meeting is January 7th.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2009
Recorder: Margaret Thibodeau
Attendance: Margaret Thibodeau, Ginny Gledhill, Karen Pierce, Carolyn Foster, Elsa Peters, Aaron French.
Starting Time: 7:00 p.m.
Minutes: The 6/4/09 meeting minutes were read and unanimously approved. Margaret offered to record the minutes of each meeting and team members were supportive of this.
Introductions were made and Margaret gave an overview of the Education, Growth and Fellowship Team’s responsibilities for Carolyn Foster, attending the meeting as a prospective Team member.
Members discussed the various roles and responsibilities of our Team, and each selected a committee or area to be the contact person for. Jana Frank, who could not attend the meeting, had indicated in a previous email that she would be willing to cover coffee hour for the upcoming year. Carolyn indicated her willingness to join our Team, as well as her particular interest in Faith Formation. After a brief discussion, the committee contacts for the upcoming year are as follows:
• EG&F Contact/Chair – Margaret Thibodeau
• Scholarship & Library Committees – Karen Pierce
• Faith Formation – Elsa Peters
• Youth Ministry – Aaron French
• Faith Formation support person – Carolyn Foster
• Nursery – Ginny Gledhill
• Coffee Hour – Jana Frank
• Hospitality/Inquirers/Growth Group – Margaret Thibodeau
The Team is hoping to recruit one additional Team member, who can take on the Hospitality/Inquirers/Growth Group contact responsibilities.
Updates from Team members were shared. Margaret indicated that coverage for “Lemonade on the Porch” went smoothly over the summer, with volunteers responding to whole-church emails which went out requesting coverage. Two teenagers shared Nursery coverage (for which they were paid $10/Sunday). Aaron indicated that Terry LaPointe will be helping YM some this year. Plans are in progress for the upcoming fall activities, with more emphasis on service opportunities with the Mission Team. The Faith Formation update prepared by Elsa was reviewed. Elsa shared the positive news that teachers for Sunday School have all been recruited, and that a new Adult Faith Formation Committee has been organized. Christ Kid’s Club will focus on Sacred Foods, and a Veggie Tales family movie event is planned for Saturday, November 14th.
The Team focused on Homecoming Sunday which is September 13th. The coffee hour/Sunday school registration and committee sign-ups will not be in Guptill Hall because of the Rummage Sale, but instead tables will be spread throughout the church (a map was reviewed). The decision was made to spread baked goods and food items amongst the various tables as a way to encourage people to visit the various Teams, committees, and groups – and hopefully facilitate discussions and interest. Coffee and tea will be available in Wright Pavilion. Margaret will make a brief announcement during church, inviting people to not only register for Sunday School, but explore the other opportunities that the church offers.
A discussion followed regarding approaching visitors or people standing alone at Coffee Hour. It might be helpful to have a volunteer each Sunday make an extra effort to talk and welcome people that appear to not know anyone or be a visitor. We will contact the Growth Group to see if they have an idea like this already in the works.
Our Team is still hopeful we can recruit volunteers to assist with: coffee hour, nursery, hospitality, and serve on the EG&F Team.
In terms of Homecoming Sunday:
• Margaret and Ginny will bring baked goods, set up the “self-serve” coffee hour, and be at the EG&F table.
• Carolyn will assist Elsa with the Sunday School registration.
• Jana will contribute a baked good/food item.
• Aaron will be at the YM table.
• Karen is covering another committee table.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 10/1/09 @ 7:00 p.m.
Recorder: Margaret Thibodeau
Attendance: Margaret Thibodeau, Ginny Gledhill, Karen Pierce, Carolyn Foster, Elsa Peters, Aaron French.
Starting Time: 7:00 p.m.
Minutes: The 6/4/09 meeting minutes were read and unanimously approved. Margaret offered to record the minutes of each meeting and team members were supportive of this.
Introductions were made and Margaret gave an overview of the Education, Growth and Fellowship Team’s responsibilities for Carolyn Foster, attending the meeting as a prospective Team member.
Members discussed the various roles and responsibilities of our Team, and each selected a committee or area to be the contact person for. Jana Frank, who could not attend the meeting, had indicated in a previous email that she would be willing to cover coffee hour for the upcoming year. Carolyn indicated her willingness to join our Team, as well as her particular interest in Faith Formation. After a brief discussion, the committee contacts for the upcoming year are as follows:
• EG&F Contact/Chair – Margaret Thibodeau
• Scholarship & Library Committees – Karen Pierce
• Faith Formation – Elsa Peters
• Youth Ministry – Aaron French
• Faith Formation support person – Carolyn Foster
• Nursery – Ginny Gledhill
• Coffee Hour – Jana Frank
• Hospitality/Inquirers/Growth Group – Margaret Thibodeau
The Team is hoping to recruit one additional Team member, who can take on the Hospitality/Inquirers/Growth Group contact responsibilities.
Updates from Team members were shared. Margaret indicated that coverage for “Lemonade on the Porch” went smoothly over the summer, with volunteers responding to whole-church emails which went out requesting coverage. Two teenagers shared Nursery coverage (for which they were paid $10/Sunday). Aaron indicated that Terry LaPointe will be helping YM some this year. Plans are in progress for the upcoming fall activities, with more emphasis on service opportunities with the Mission Team. The Faith Formation update prepared by Elsa was reviewed. Elsa shared the positive news that teachers for Sunday School have all been recruited, and that a new Adult Faith Formation Committee has been organized. Christ Kid’s Club will focus on Sacred Foods, and a Veggie Tales family movie event is planned for Saturday, November 14th.
The Team focused on Homecoming Sunday which is September 13th. The coffee hour/Sunday school registration and committee sign-ups will not be in Guptill Hall because of the Rummage Sale, but instead tables will be spread throughout the church (a map was reviewed). The decision was made to spread baked goods and food items amongst the various tables as a way to encourage people to visit the various Teams, committees, and groups – and hopefully facilitate discussions and interest. Coffee and tea will be available in Wright Pavilion. Margaret will make a brief announcement during church, inviting people to not only register for Sunday School, but explore the other opportunities that the church offers.
A discussion followed regarding approaching visitors or people standing alone at Coffee Hour. It might be helpful to have a volunteer each Sunday make an extra effort to talk and welcome people that appear to not know anyone or be a visitor. We will contact the Growth Group to see if they have an idea like this already in the works.
Our Team is still hopeful we can recruit volunteers to assist with: coffee hour, nursery, hospitality, and serve on the EG&F Team.
In terms of Homecoming Sunday:
• Margaret and Ginny will bring baked goods, set up the “self-serve” coffee hour, and be at the EG&F table.
• Carolyn will assist Elsa with the Sunday School registration.
• Jana will contribute a baked good/food item.
• Aaron will be at the YM table.
• Karen is covering another committee table.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, 10/1/09 @ 7:00 p.m.
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2009
Attending: Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Karen Pierce Souza, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau
The November Minutes were approved.
Coffee Hour – We need to make sure the sign-up sheet is out during coffee hour. Ginny’s been doing it lately, but some Sundays are covered in upcoming weeks by individuals and by church groups. Ginny may ask for volunteers to help clean the kitchen soon (we are willing and able!). Should we try an all-church email to solicit volunteers?
Nursery – Coverage has been better lately. Jen Harle and Mike Quinn have volunteered to work some Sundays. A new sign-up sheet has been posted.
Scholarship – Amy is in contact. Nothing has started up yet, but should be this month.
Library – Everything is going smoothly. They are ordering books.
Hospitality – Ash Wednesday breakfast – Margaret is in touch with a few people to provide a Continental-style breakfast. Karen is available to help if it’s early in the day. No Confirmation breakfast this year. The Elders’ Luncheon and Barbeque are both coming up. The immediate need is for the Inquirers Meeting on January 12th. Jean Fischer isn’t driving anymore and can’t do those meetings. Margaret will work with Elsa to find people. Possible the Growth Group will take on?
Budget – We need to cut 20% of our budget per request of the Council. Our proposed cuts include $700 form 7215 (supplies), $250 from 7250 (library), $160 from 7530 (YM) and $300 from $7525 (fellowship). Those cuts reflected money that didn’t get spent in 2008, so we think it won’t be missed as much in 2009. Karen will let the Library committee know. The Team discussed proposed cuts in the YM director’s salary, and would like to go on record as saying that should be preserved in order to keep the YM as active as possible.
Faith Formation – Sunday School 2nd semester is starting with a full slate of teachers. Wednesdays in January & February, Betsy Keiter is hosting Ethical Wills workshops. Lenten discussions with Elsa will focus on choices in the current economic climate and simplifying/finding out what you truly value. Deb Sandler and Cindy Arn will again teach Bible Discovery to 3rd – 4th graders in March (will buy bibles). On February 8 there will be a conversation for parents and youth grades 6-9 about confirmation.
Other – The Safe Church document will be emailed to the Team by Margaret so we can talk about it at the next meeting. We might relocate the next meeting so we can take our coats off/stop our teeth from chattering.
Respectfully submitted – Jayne Sawtelle
Attending: Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn Sawtelle, Karen Pierce Souza, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau
The November Minutes were approved.
Coffee Hour – We need to make sure the sign-up sheet is out during coffee hour. Ginny’s been doing it lately, but some Sundays are covered in upcoming weeks by individuals and by church groups. Ginny may ask for volunteers to help clean the kitchen soon (we are willing and able!). Should we try an all-church email to solicit volunteers?
Nursery – Coverage has been better lately. Jen Harle and Mike Quinn have volunteered to work some Sundays. A new sign-up sheet has been posted.
Scholarship – Amy is in contact. Nothing has started up yet, but should be this month.
Library – Everything is going smoothly. They are ordering books.
Hospitality – Ash Wednesday breakfast – Margaret is in touch with a few people to provide a Continental-style breakfast. Karen is available to help if it’s early in the day. No Confirmation breakfast this year. The Elders’ Luncheon and Barbeque are both coming up. The immediate need is for the Inquirers Meeting on January 12th. Jean Fischer isn’t driving anymore and can’t do those meetings. Margaret will work with Elsa to find people. Possible the Growth Group will take on?
Budget – We need to cut 20% of our budget per request of the Council. Our proposed cuts include $700 form 7215 (supplies), $250 from 7250 (library), $160 from 7530 (YM) and $300 from $7525 (fellowship). Those cuts reflected money that didn’t get spent in 2008, so we think it won’t be missed as much in 2009. Karen will let the Library committee know. The Team discussed proposed cuts in the YM director’s salary, and would like to go on record as saying that should be preserved in order to keep the YM as active as possible.
Faith Formation – Sunday School 2nd semester is starting with a full slate of teachers. Wednesdays in January & February, Betsy Keiter is hosting Ethical Wills workshops. Lenten discussions with Elsa will focus on choices in the current economic climate and simplifying/finding out what you truly value. Deb Sandler and Cindy Arn will again teach Bible Discovery to 3rd – 4th graders in March (will buy bibles). On February 8 there will be a conversation for parents and youth grades 6-9 about confirmation.
Other – The Safe Church document will be emailed to the Team by Margaret so we can talk about it at the next meeting. We might relocate the next meeting so we can take our coats off/stop our teeth from chattering.
Respectfully submitted – Jayne Sawtelle
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2010
Team members attending: Ginny Gledhill, Carolyn Foster, Karen Pierce, Margaret Thibodeau, Jana Frank, Elsa Peters.
The meeting began with the approval of the January Minutes.
The Team reviewed the FCCUCC website proposal. Members of the Team were supportive of the idea, and had no questions or additional suggestions at this point.
The church office was missing several of the past Minutes from 2009. Karen was able to bring them to our meeting, and Margaret will pass them along to Jen in the office.
Aaron had informed the Team that YM was not planning to provide childcare during the Easter service as they had in 2009. Elsa said that the Sunday School teachers were expecting to have that Sunday off to attend worship. Feedback from 2009 indicated that most parents were happy to have their children in worship on Easter. The Team will look into making sure there is coverage for preschool and nursery age children.
Jana explained an ongoing concern for Coffee Hour. There is a visitor with mental challenges who frequents Wright Pavilion during the set-up and serving of Coffee Hour. This person can become demanding and agitated, causing coffee hour volunteers to experience caution and anxiety. The Team discussed the challenge of supporting our open, affirming atmosphere at Church, versus the right of all people who attend to be respected and treated fairly. The best solution the Team could come up with at this time, is to request that a couple congregation members be available to help re-direct this visitor when necessary. Perhaps a Deacon or Usher could touch base with the Coffee Hour servers to see if they need support around this issue. Margaret will follow-up with the Senior Pastor regarding this concern.
Karen reported that the Library and Scholarship committees are going well. Input for the Scholarship committee indicated that they were to meet on 2/2 to begin the process for this year. They have found two new members to “fill the shoes” of a couple committee members who are leaving after this term. The EG&F Team was appreciative of the Scholarship committee finding new recruits.
Ginny reported that there continues to be adequate coverage in the Nursery. A few parents are sharing the coverage, while others do not volunteer to help. A letter written by Elsa a year ago requesting help by parents in the nursery was read by Ginny, with Team members in agreement that it was appropriate to send out again
Margaret attended the Inquirer’s Meeting in January, and reported five prospective women had expressed interest in joining the Church. New Member Sunday is 2/7, and Randall Landry will take photos.
Elsa reviewed the Faith Formation Update. A subcommittee of the EG&F Team will be formed to assist in the Children’s Faith Formation program. The Team approved a budget request for 100 placemats to be laminated as part of the Lenten curriculum, which the Team expressed enthusiasm about. Other items such as Adult Faith Formation and Confirmation were discussed.
The EG&F Team still hopes to recruit a couple new members.
Upcoming Church events which will involve our Team include the Church Picnic (5/16) and the Confirmation Celebration (6/13).
Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 4, 7:00 p.m.
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau
Team members attending: Ginny Gledhill, Carolyn Foster, Karen Pierce, Margaret Thibodeau, Jana Frank, Elsa Peters.
The meeting began with the approval of the January Minutes.
The Team reviewed the FCCUCC website proposal. Members of the Team were supportive of the idea, and had no questions or additional suggestions at this point.
The church office was missing several of the past Minutes from 2009. Karen was able to bring them to our meeting, and Margaret will pass them along to Jen in the office.
Aaron had informed the Team that YM was not planning to provide childcare during the Easter service as they had in 2009. Elsa said that the Sunday School teachers were expecting to have that Sunday off to attend worship. Feedback from 2009 indicated that most parents were happy to have their children in worship on Easter. The Team will look into making sure there is coverage for preschool and nursery age children.
Jana explained an ongoing concern for Coffee Hour. There is a visitor with mental challenges who frequents Wright Pavilion during the set-up and serving of Coffee Hour. This person can become demanding and agitated, causing coffee hour volunteers to experience caution and anxiety. The Team discussed the challenge of supporting our open, affirming atmosphere at Church, versus the right of all people who attend to be respected and treated fairly. The best solution the Team could come up with at this time, is to request that a couple congregation members be available to help re-direct this visitor when necessary. Perhaps a Deacon or Usher could touch base with the Coffee Hour servers to see if they need support around this issue. Margaret will follow-up with the Senior Pastor regarding this concern.
Karen reported that the Library and Scholarship committees are going well. Input for the Scholarship committee indicated that they were to meet on 2/2 to begin the process for this year. They have found two new members to “fill the shoes” of a couple committee members who are leaving after this term. The EG&F Team was appreciative of the Scholarship committee finding new recruits.
Ginny reported that there continues to be adequate coverage in the Nursery. A few parents are sharing the coverage, while others do not volunteer to help. A letter written by Elsa a year ago requesting help by parents in the nursery was read by Ginny, with Team members in agreement that it was appropriate to send out again
Margaret attended the Inquirer’s Meeting in January, and reported five prospective women had expressed interest in joining the Church. New Member Sunday is 2/7, and Randall Landry will take photos.
Elsa reviewed the Faith Formation Update. A subcommittee of the EG&F Team will be formed to assist in the Children’s Faith Formation program. The Team approved a budget request for 100 placemats to be laminated as part of the Lenten curriculum, which the Team expressed enthusiasm about. Other items such as Adult Faith Formation and Confirmation were discussed.
The EG&F Team still hopes to recruit a couple new members.
Upcoming Church events which will involve our Team include the Church Picnic (5/16) and the Confirmation Celebration (6/13).
Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 4, 7:00 p.m.
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau
Administration Team
Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2010
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Jim Otis, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order - Guy called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Ron agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting.
Minutes of the Admin. Team December 3, 2009 meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.
Finance: 2009 ended with pledges received of $14,000 over budget. That more than offset the decline in rental income. In addition, all other budgeted expenses were down about $12,000. The result was that 2009 ended up at approximately a break even compared to an original budget deficit of $19,572. The team was grateful for all who helped make this a successful year.
Tenant Update: Sawyer Road house tenant has a new job at a lower income level than previously. She has requested to continue paying a reduced rent of $700. She currently is a tenant at will. Team agreed to continue rent at $700 for now. No action reported on improvements to second floor of corner building.
Planned Giving: Ron’s first article appeared in the first January Beacon. He will prepare a second article for February.
2010 Budget: Cyndi reported that as of now pledges are down from 2009. Team expense budgets have generally been held at 2009 level. The church budget meeting is scheduled for January 31.
Other Old Business: Jim reported that there appears to be confusion between the A Team and Council concerning the chancel railing proposal. Eben agreed to obtain a rough estimate to complete the project. It will be submitted to the Council, which could, if considered appropriate, include it as an item for the January 31 church meeting.
Counting: No report. Counting appears to be fine.
House: Chair Guy Gledhill. No report.
Planned Giving: No report in addition to matters discussed in Old Business.
Website Subcommittee: Rod reported that RFP for Website design looks good. Guy is also a member of the subcommittee and concurred with Rod.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday February 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 7:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Bennett
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Jim Otis, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order - Guy called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Ron agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting.
Minutes of the Admin. Team December 3, 2009 meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.
Finance: 2009 ended with pledges received of $14,000 over budget. That more than offset the decline in rental income. In addition, all other budgeted expenses were down about $12,000. The result was that 2009 ended up at approximately a break even compared to an original budget deficit of $19,572. The team was grateful for all who helped make this a successful year.
Tenant Update: Sawyer Road house tenant has a new job at a lower income level than previously. She has requested to continue paying a reduced rent of $700. She currently is a tenant at will. Team agreed to continue rent at $700 for now. No action reported on improvements to second floor of corner building.
Planned Giving: Ron’s first article appeared in the first January Beacon. He will prepare a second article for February.
2010 Budget: Cyndi reported that as of now pledges are down from 2009. Team expense budgets have generally been held at 2009 level. The church budget meeting is scheduled for January 31.
Other Old Business: Jim reported that there appears to be confusion between the A Team and Council concerning the chancel railing proposal. Eben agreed to obtain a rough estimate to complete the project. It will be submitted to the Council, which could, if considered appropriate, include it as an item for the January 31 church meeting.
Counting: No report. Counting appears to be fine.
House: Chair Guy Gledhill. No report.
Planned Giving: No report in addition to matters discussed in Old Business.
Website Subcommittee: Rod reported that RFP for Website design looks good. Guy is also a member of the subcommittee and concurred with Rod.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday February 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 7:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Bennett
Spiritual Life and Worship
Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2010
Attending: Frank Arsenault, Betsy Keiter, Debbie Riley, Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, John McCall.
Opening Prayer - by John.
Review of January Minutes - approved with one edit.
John McCall - Upcoming events:
• Feb. 7- Sunday service with communion and reception of new members.
• Feb. 17- Ash Wednesday- SL&W will host breakfast at 7:00 a.m. followed by a 7:30 a.m. service.
• Mar. 21- Hospice Sunday with Rev. Larry Greer giving the sermon with a talk on end of life care in Davidson Lounge after the service.
• Apr. 1 - Maundy Thursday –communion offered at 7:30 p.m. healing service by Elsa and John.
• Apr. 2 - Good Friday Soup supper – hosted by SL&W.
• Apr. 2,3 and 4- Easter vigil - with sign-ups starting on Feb. 21.
• Apr. 4 – Easter
- Sunrise Service – communion offered with 2 needed to assist John.
- Sanctuary services at 9 and 11- no communion in sanctuary offered due to larger attendance and back to back service times (but offered at sunrise service, and Maundy Thursday services).
• June 6 - Founder’s Day with the Elder luncheon.
• June 13 - Confirmation Sunday.
Elsa Peters:
What is our vision for the future of our church? – What does church mean to you?
Lenten theme is “Toward transformation” – Elsa is offering a 6 week Bible study with 2 times offered; Monday evenings at 6:30 to 8:30 and Tuesdays mornings at 10:30 - 12:30 leading with the curriculum she has written and made available electronically, with hard copies available in the office.
SL&W support needed:
• Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17) breakfast was discussed with 25 people expected. Dana and Betsey will meet the evening before to set up (coffee, tea, table settings and toaster at 5:30 p.m. Dana will bring bagels and paper goods Frank and possibly Betsy, Tex and Rick attending 6:45 for 7:00 a.m. breakfast– waiting to see who is free that week and can give help
SL&W Terms of Members - Review of Terms: We're not sure about this rotation but we are filling it in and getting more information so we have it on record.
• Class of 2010– Betsy and Debbie
• Class of 2011 – Rick and Dana
• Class of 2012– Elaine and Tex
• Class of 2013– Frank
Agenda Items for next meeting: Review Ash Wednesday; Elder selection process; Vigil signups
Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m. on March 4 (plan on another meeting Mar. 25- this will be April's meeting moved ahead one week due to Easter events); Prepare agenda and Chair next meeting - Rick; Minutes – Betsy.
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Wiggins
Attending: Frank Arsenault, Betsy Keiter, Debbie Riley, Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, John McCall.
Opening Prayer - by John.
Review of January Minutes - approved with one edit.
John McCall - Upcoming events:
• Feb. 7- Sunday service with communion and reception of new members.
• Feb. 17- Ash Wednesday- SL&W will host breakfast at 7:00 a.m. followed by a 7:30 a.m. service.
• Mar. 21- Hospice Sunday with Rev. Larry Greer giving the sermon with a talk on end of life care in Davidson Lounge after the service.
• Apr. 1 - Maundy Thursday –communion offered at 7:30 p.m. healing service by Elsa and John.
• Apr. 2 - Good Friday Soup supper – hosted by SL&W.
• Apr. 2,3 and 4- Easter vigil - with sign-ups starting on Feb. 21.
• Apr. 4 – Easter
- Sunrise Service – communion offered with 2 needed to assist John.
- Sanctuary services at 9 and 11- no communion in sanctuary offered due to larger attendance and back to back service times (but offered at sunrise service, and Maundy Thursday services).
• June 6 - Founder’s Day with the Elder luncheon.
• June 13 - Confirmation Sunday.
Elsa Peters:
What is our vision for the future of our church? – What does church mean to you?
Lenten theme is “Toward transformation” – Elsa is offering a 6 week Bible study with 2 times offered; Monday evenings at 6:30 to 8:30 and Tuesdays mornings at 10:30 - 12:30 leading with the curriculum she has written and made available electronically, with hard copies available in the office.
SL&W support needed:
• Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17) breakfast was discussed with 25 people expected. Dana and Betsey will meet the evening before to set up (coffee, tea, table settings and toaster at 5:30 p.m. Dana will bring bagels and paper goods Frank and possibly Betsy, Tex and Rick attending 6:45 for 7:00 a.m. breakfast– waiting to see who is free that week and can give help
SL&W Terms of Members - Review of Terms: We're not sure about this rotation but we are filling it in and getting more information so we have it on record.
• Class of 2010– Betsy and Debbie
• Class of 2011 – Rick and Dana
• Class of 2012– Elaine and Tex
• Class of 2013– Frank
Agenda Items for next meeting: Review Ash Wednesday; Elder selection process; Vigil signups
Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m. on March 4 (plan on another meeting Mar. 25- this will be April's meeting moved ahead one week due to Easter events); Prepare agenda and Chair next meeting - Rick; Minutes – Betsy.
Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dana Wiggins
Visioning Committee
Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2010, 7:00 p.m.
In attendance: Dave Allen, Deb Andrews, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters.
Opening Meditation: Joel 2
What is a Vision?
• We understand vision as both a noun and an action word.
• A vision explains who we are, but may be bigger than our church.
• Ideally, a vision is in everything we do.
• It’s something we check in with to see if we’re living up to.
• It is limited to a few words so that it can be easily repeated.
• As a group, we understand a vision is: a goal that we seek to do in our daily life as well as in community.
Why do we need a Vision?
• We need a vision because:
- Helps the congregation appreciate core values
- Suggests direction the congregation might go (projects, activities, etc.)
• It was challenging for us to understand how we would use in the life of the church. We articulated it’s most obvious gift is to be used as an evangelism tool (inviting new visitors, etc).
Where does the Vision come from?
• We understand that a vision comes from:
- God
- Bible (though we’re not totally sure how)
- From the congregation
• We agreed that this is not something this committee can decide but will look toward the congregation in finding information.
What do we need to discover our Vision at FCC UCC?
• We decided that a process of 3-6 months would work best.
• We agree that there are a number of venues we can use to explore this conversation of what our vision is, including:
- Team Meetings
- Small Groups (Eskimos, Guild, Women’s Circle, Choir, YM, etc.)
- Email/Survey Monkey
- Paper handouts on literature tables
- 3-4 facilitated after-church discussions
- Moments in worship: Announcements? Sermon? Prayers?
• These group conversations (including the written formats of paper and email) would follow a questionnaire that is adapted for each setting. (There would be fewer questions for large group conversations.) There would be a few ground rules, including:
- There is no right or wrong answer.
- You can participate in as many of these conversations as you wish.
- You don’t have to answer all of the questions but may answer those that are most interesting to you.
• This committee will work on the questionnaires to be submitted to the congregation in the venues mentioned above. To do so, we will each brainstorm 5 questions that should be asked under the theme “Where do we want our journey to go?” Elsa will collect these questions and organize them on Tuesday February 9.
Additional Thoughts:
• We could resist brainstorming a little on our own. We shared these things that are most important about our church.
- Open & Affirming (accepting of all people, including anyone that is different)
- Peace for everyone, including other faiths
- Community = church family
- Music
- Social justice
The committee will meet again on February 16 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Laity Room. We will meet as many times as we feel necessary to nudge along this process.
In attendance: Dave Allen, Deb Andrews, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters.
Opening Meditation: Joel 2
What is a Vision?
• We understand vision as both a noun and an action word.
• A vision explains who we are, but may be bigger than our church.
• Ideally, a vision is in everything we do.
• It’s something we check in with to see if we’re living up to.
• It is limited to a few words so that it can be easily repeated.
• As a group, we understand a vision is: a goal that we seek to do in our daily life as well as in community.
Why do we need a Vision?
• We need a vision because:
- Helps the congregation appreciate core values
- Suggests direction the congregation might go (projects, activities, etc.)
• It was challenging for us to understand how we would use in the life of the church. We articulated it’s most obvious gift is to be used as an evangelism tool (inviting new visitors, etc).
Where does the Vision come from?
• We understand that a vision comes from:
- God
- Bible (though we’re not totally sure how)
- From the congregation
• We agreed that this is not something this committee can decide but will look toward the congregation in finding information.
What do we need to discover our Vision at FCC UCC?
• We decided that a process of 3-6 months would work best.
• We agree that there are a number of venues we can use to explore this conversation of what our vision is, including:
- Team Meetings
- Small Groups (Eskimos, Guild, Women’s Circle, Choir, YM, etc.)
- Email/Survey Monkey
- Paper handouts on literature tables
- 3-4 facilitated after-church discussions
- Moments in worship: Announcements? Sermon? Prayers?
• These group conversations (including the written formats of paper and email) would follow a questionnaire that is adapted for each setting. (There would be fewer questions for large group conversations.) There would be a few ground rules, including:
- There is no right or wrong answer.
- You can participate in as many of these conversations as you wish.
- You don’t have to answer all of the questions but may answer those that are most interesting to you.
• This committee will work on the questionnaires to be submitted to the congregation in the venues mentioned above. To do so, we will each brainstorm 5 questions that should be asked under the theme “Where do we want our journey to go?” Elsa will collect these questions and organize them on Tuesday February 9.
Additional Thoughts:
• We could resist brainstorming a little on our own. We shared these things that are most important about our church.
- Open & Affirming (accepting of all people, including anyone that is different)
- Peace for everyone, including other faiths
- Community = church family
- Music
- Social justice
The committee will meet again on February 16 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Laity Room. We will meet as many times as we feel necessary to nudge along this process.
Church Council,
January 2010,
Visioning Committee
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Administration Team
Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009
Present: Ron Bennett, Jim Otis, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order – Jim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Per the rotation schedule Guy will record this meeting and run next meeting. Eben Marsh will record the next meeting.
Minutes of the Admin. Team January 8, 2009 meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.
Finance - Budget was O.K.; we discussed that some items like rental, taxes and some expenses were not paid yet for January. Budget shows a 26,200 deficit, but it is less; Quick Books shows more as some funds come in from different places. The budget passed on 1/25/09. We discussed the Capitol Need Expenditures; Ron asked for a list of items spent and Cyndi will supply.
Tenant Update - We have one of the three rental’s payment in - the other two have been late before but seem to get in within the month; will continue to monitor.
Room Rentals for Non-Profit – Talked about the note from the Council on the charging for the rooms that non-profits use. We generally do not like to charge these groups, but we discussed many options. We discussed the option that we could ask them to donate, or we could set up a room rental fee program. We discussed the use of the church, lights, heat, cleaning. We talked about the groups that have rental agreements with us, school, yoga, driving. They all have an agreement, and we will discuss those when they expire. We did decide that the sanctuary would have a $110 fee for events that charge a fee to get in and non-members of the church. For the rest we decided that we were providing the rooms for the community, which is what a church is for. Also we noted that many of these groups provide food for the pantry, so they are donating.
Counting – Chair Brian Wallace has this well in hand.
House – Chair Guy Gledhill - nothing to report at this time.
Planned Giving – Chairs Ron and Chris reported that they had nothing to report.
Spreadsheet of New Member Interest – Went over the spreadsheet of members that had signed up for working on committees. Members of the committees will contact.
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Gledhill
Present: Ron Bennett, Jim Otis, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).
Call to Order – Jim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Per the rotation schedule Guy will record this meeting and run next meeting. Eben Marsh will record the next meeting.
Minutes of the Admin. Team January 8, 2009 meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.
Finance - Budget was O.K.; we discussed that some items like rental, taxes and some expenses were not paid yet for January. Budget shows a 26,200 deficit, but it is less; Quick Books shows more as some funds come in from different places. The budget passed on 1/25/09. We discussed the Capitol Need Expenditures; Ron asked for a list of items spent and Cyndi will supply.
Tenant Update - We have one of the three rental’s payment in - the other two have been late before but seem to get in within the month; will continue to monitor.
Room Rentals for Non-Profit – Talked about the note from the Council on the charging for the rooms that non-profits use. We generally do not like to charge these groups, but we discussed many options. We discussed the option that we could ask them to donate, or we could set up a room rental fee program. We discussed the use of the church, lights, heat, cleaning. We talked about the groups that have rental agreements with us, school, yoga, driving. They all have an agreement, and we will discuss those when they expire. We did decide that the sanctuary would have a $110 fee for events that charge a fee to get in and non-members of the church. For the rest we decided that we were providing the rooms for the community, which is what a church is for. Also we noted that many of these groups provide food for the pantry, so they are donating.
Counting – Chair Brian Wallace has this well in hand.
House – Chair Guy Gledhill - nothing to report at this time.
Planned Giving – Chairs Ron and Chris reported that they had nothing to report.
Spreadsheet of New Member Interest – Went over the spreadsheet of members that had signed up for working on committees. Members of the committees will contact.
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Gledhill
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