Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2009

Present: Cyndi Alden, Ron Bennett, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler, and Eben Marsh.
Excused: Guy Gledhill. Special Guest: Rod Redstone.

The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair, Eben Marsh, at 7:00 p.m. Chris Mills was appointed as meeting secretary. Rod Redstone was welcomed. Rod is attending as he’d expressed interest in joining the A-Team.

The minutes of the October 1, 2009 meeting were reviewed. Correction: Removal of ‘s from “related coverage’s” was approved.

Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi provided a review of our financial statements and budget. Rentals are about $10,000 less due to tenant vacancies.

Segregated Funds Support 5045: This is used to support budget deficit and comes from different teams.

Audit Status: Cyndi will get cost estimate on inclusion of Bazaar and Discovery Center in annual audit.

Tennant Review:
329 Cottage: Dotty is gone from upstairs rental. The new downstairs tenant’s secure control system is doing fine.
509 Sawyer Bungalow: The tenant has gotten rid of pet and is keeping up with the rent.

Council Financial Concerns: Jim conveyed issues to Council on addressing financial control concerns. Council has not responded to date. Eben suggested attaching Jim’s letter to these minutes.

Counting: No report.

• Deb reports that contractor B.D. Hensler looked at Dotty’s apartment. They estimated a full renovation to cost $85,000. A light remodel would run $27,000. Deb said the House Committee will get 2 more proposals. There was much discussion by the A-Team on the logic of a full renovation when comparing to payback. The A-Team agreed that an investment of $15,000-$25,000 would make sense. The House Committee will research what the C.N.A. will cover.

• Tom now has the ability to control thermostat settings from home. This will be useful for rooms where meetings are to be held. Also, if someone adjusts the controls in a room, it will revert to the old setting in 2 hours.

• Tom is to follow through on cleaning clutter from hallway. This was brought to our attention from a fire department inspection.

• The House Committee wants to move maintenance budget back to $17,000.

Planned Giving: Ron did up report that will go into the Beacon. A-Team discussed and gave input on making changes before submitting to the Beacon. Deb suggested directing people to the website to read. Ron will rework and present to A-Team next month.

Financial Review Committee: Nothing new to report.

Web Site: Jim gave a review on this matter to bring Rod up to date. A-Team agreed that Council needs to create a vision for website. Until this happens, the A-Team is on hold with this. Jim read e-mail history of communication. The last e-mail was received on October 23 from Dana Wiggins, Chris Keiter and John McCall.

RFP: Council wants A-Team to administer RFP. Rod will consider helping out with this.

Chancel Rail: A-Team will communicate with Council to review rail plans in preparation to bring to congregation.

Budget: Discussed 2010 A-Team budget request.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Next Meeting: December 3 at 7:00 p.m.

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