Thursday, January 28, 2010

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2010

Present: Bob Morse, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, John McCall, Debra Andrews, Sally Hinckley, Andy Ellis, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, Chris Keiter, Dave Allen.

Convened at 6:00 p.m. Dave opened with facts about Haiti and a prayer.

2010 Budget:
• Chris distributed and walked us through the proposed budget. He explained how amounts were arrived at. Cyndi Alden was present and assisted with answering questions.
• The situation and rent agreement made with the Discovery Center was discussed.
• The addition of a new income category for “Per Capita Contribution” was discussed and agreed to.
• No increase in Personnel Expenses as a result of no staff salary increases was noted and appreciated.
• Pledge revenue budget down but projection may be conservative. Difficult to know since more people pledging but for a lower total dollar amount. Growing trend of people being reluctant to make a commitment with pledge dollars even though they still contribute.
• Proposed new budget deficit is 28K. Council agreed to allow Retained Earnings to cover it. Fund raising ideas will be pursued to assist with covering the deficit.
• Proposed budget as presented was approved and will be presented to the congregation on January 31st.

Referral Directory:
• Don Russell came to answer questions related to the Referral Directory proposal document which he created.
• Questions and potential issues associated with creating and maintaining the directory were discussed.
• The Council approved the concept and the recommended approach.
• Don will chair a committee to design and implement the idea.

Pastor Parish Relations Report:
• Ken Ross and Mandy Schumaker presented.
• Ken recounted the history of Pastor Parish Relations and how they came to do the recent ministerial performance reviews.
• Mandy explained the methodology (“When Better Isn’t Enough”) and process they adapted.
• Ken provided some highlights from the comprehensive review documents.
• The committee, John and Elsa all felt the review process was valuable.
• Committee recommends repeating the review process every 4-5 years.
• Pastor Parish will check-in with John and Elsa in 6 months regarding their stated developmental activities.
• Ken distributed a summary document of results entitled “Reflecting On Our Ministry”. Chris was given a copy of the comprehensive review documents.

December Minutes:
• They were reviewed and approved.

Minister’s Time:
• Elsa communicated Nancy Foran’s plans to bring John Bell to Maine in May. Plans include having him do a singing workshop in our church on May 23rd.
• Elsa talked about the importance of lay ministry and distributed an article called “From Stressed to Blessed”. She asked the Council to review it in preparation for an extended discussion on the topic at our February meeting.
• Elsa asked us to pray for the current confirmation class.

Miscellaneous Agenda Items:
• Chris provided an update on the church website redesign efforts. Requirements have been defined and an RFP will be sent out for bid in February.
• There was no update needed on the sanctuary railing.

Adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Recorder: Dave Allen

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2009

Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order: Chris called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Per the rotation schedule Guy will record this meeting and run the next meeting.

Minutes of the Admin Team November 5, 2009 meeting: Reviewed and accepted as written.

Old Business:
Finance: Things are looking great, we may do O.K. for ‘09 - $19, 000 was projected for a loss, we may cut that to $16,000. We have been asked to watch what we spend very carefully. 2010 Budget was done for us last meeting.

Tenant Update: Sawyer road house still struggling; dog is gone; corner top floor vacant and bottom floor doing great.

Planned Giving: Ron is still working on the article to go into the Beacon in January.

Committee Reports:
Counting: Chair Peggy is working on getting people to sign up via email for a long term commitment.

House: Chair Guy Gledhill. Yard work has been done. We had the yard clipped and cleaned for winter, and we had an alarm in the middle of the night - a circuit breaker tripped.

Planned Giving: Chairs Ron and Chris reported above.

Independent Accounting: Pricing came in at 4,785 to 4,975, with an hourly rate for other investigation at 50 to 150. Holiday Bazaar and Discovery Center to be added in the future.

New Business:
New Web Site: Rod went over the meeting that the web site committee had; 400 already committed to get a RFP put together. Dana putting the survey together, and we have a few sites that are of interest to us.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday January 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 7:49 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Guy Gledhill

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2010

Attending: Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Frank Arsenault, Tex Haeuser, John McCall.

Opening Prayer - by Elaine.
Review of December Minutes - approved as written.
SL&W Welcomes Frank Arsenault.
Expressions of concern for Haiti – we talked of the disaster and of ways to offer help.

John McCall:
• Good attendance and energy at worship services this year.
Jan.3 - Elsa gave worship in the chancel round with an interactive activity for the children.
Jan.10 - John integrated the congregation with the baptism and it was well received.
Jan.17 - will be an engaging service around Diversity. Jan.31 - will be the annual budget meeting after service.
Feb.7 - will be a reception for new members.

• The church budget is in good shape due to generous pledges; also a flat budget with no increases to any items, except utilities, helped as well. Council will review the budget on Thursday Jan.21 at 6:00 p.m. - open forum.

• Work of SLW should include talking about future budget priorities – what's most important if attendance decreases and budgets become harder to balance?

• April 4 is Easter –the usual first Sunday-of-the-month communion will be deferred to following week or month, due to time logistics of serving the two crowded services. Communion will be available at the Maundy Thursday service and the Sunrise service.

• Administration Team is reviewing a proposal that may give help and stability in climbing the chancel stairs.

Elsa Peters:
• Children's offering was discussed in Education Fellowship and Growth and will be collected during 10:00 a.m. service starting Feb. 21. It will be saved in a see-through container for a collective gift to Wayside Kitchen which was decided on by the kids. Debbie suggested including coins from the adult offering plates.

• Confirmation classes have an interesting new 6 month schedule - June 13 confirmation planned.

• Lenten services – no deacon needed for Ash Wednesday service; possible art project – need people to help and to brainstorm concepts.

Hymnal Memorial Bookplates -
• Debbie finished the custom printing of the memorial bookplates and all were placed in books. She'll write a Beacon note. New memorial bookplates can be made ordered at any time.

• Pilgrim Hymnals are scheduled to be recycled; so many are flooding the secondary market resulting in no takers, even after many inquiries.

SL&W Terms of Members – Bylaw guidelines state the following:
"Each Team shall consist of at least six members and shall inform the Council of the number of Team positions. Approximately one third of the Team membership, at least two Team members, shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for three-year staggered terms. No member shall serve on any one Team for more than six consecutive years."

Agenda Items for next meeting –
• Ash Wednesday Breakfast for 20-25 people will need to be assembled.

• We would like review Elder luncheon calendar (early, but good to know ahead of time).

Next Meeting: February 4, 7:00 p.m.; Prepare agenda and Chair meeting: Rick; Minutes: Betsy

Adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dana Wiggins

Food Pantry

Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2010

PRESENT: Gail Dransfield, Barbara Merrill, Betty Crane, Barbara Merrill.

BALANCE: $5518.84

REQUESTS OCT. - JAN.: Families/ 157; Adults/ 268; Children / 249

1. There were a large number of donations from church members and civic groups. Cape Elizabeth H.S. Volunteer Club/ $200.00, Cape Elizabeth United Methodist / $130.00 + food drive, Mission Team / $200.00 Church members. Gail will write “Thank you” notes to all above.

2. The new system of leaving the bags for clients in the pantry until someone comes to the office to ask for them the following day seems to be working well for everyone.
*Record the date of the request on the yellow pad and in the file box, not the pick up date
*Please re-shelve any bags left in the pantry for longer than 7 days. Cross out the client’s name from the yellow pad and also the date on the index card in the file box. Otherwise, they will not be eligible for food for another 2 months.

1. Gail had an interview with a social worker from Preble St. Preble Street is surveying all the Portland area food banks and programs. They are trying to assess the needs and to explore other ways to serve those needing food.

2. St. John’s Food Bank gave us 50 boxes from Hannaford from the Feed the Hungry collection.

3. Girl Scout Leaders meeting, Feb. 1, food donations will be collected.

4. Ann Elissa will prepare the Annual Report this April.

5. Barbara reported that Hannaford now offers restricted gift cards: (cannot be used to purchase alcohol or tobacco). We will only purchase these cards from now on.

6. Betty Crane has asked to be relieved from working every Tues. for at least 6 weeks. This leaves only Mon. and Fri. covered by a regular volunteer. Three substitutes winter in Florida. Two members are out for a time. Barbara Merrill will write a piece for the next Beacon asking for new volunteers.

7. Gail will write to the Bazaar committee thanking them for the past support and telling them that we will not be requesting money this year as we have such a comfortable balance. It is hoped that their money will then help another group.

8. The Spirit Team asked us to consider including an invitation along with each bag to attend worship. After an honest discussion it was decided to not do this. The group felt that the pantry is “housed” at our church but not solely supported by our church. It was suggested that an invitation to visit our church with a listing of the holiday services be including in the Thanksgiving Baskets as that program is done by our Mission Team and seems more appropriate.

9. Next meeting May 20 @ 4:00 p.m.- Laity Room.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2009

Attending: Betsy Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Rick Angell, Elaine Brownell, Tex Haeuser, and John McCall.

Opening Prayer – by Debbie.

Review of November Minutes - Approved as written.

Formal Welcome Back – to Tex Hauser who is rejoining SL & W Team.

John McCall:
• Inquired whether or not Ed Saxby would be joining SL&W – Dana will check with Ed again regarding his interest.

• Reported that letters were sent to inactive members informing them that they would be removed as of 12/31 if no communication – 2 responses were received asking for letter of transfer.

• Reminded all of a few upcoming (and past) specific services:
- 4 Monday evening services led by Elsa (pastoral prayers and scriptures) and
accompanied by Ben Bigney playing jazz renditions of Christmas carols on
the piano on Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14, Dec. 21.
- Vesper Service at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 13.

All other Christmas and Advent services coming along well thanks to Shirley Curry’s “ever-present energy and creativity”.

• Shared a request from Elsa on behalf of Family Potluck Group asking for money to cover cost of paper products for a family caroling party on Dec. 12; SL&W agreed to support, but Deb suggested that Elsa first check with Shaw’s or Hannaford as to possible donations – John will speak with Elsa.

• Reported that Education, Growth and Fellowship will assume responsibility for Birthday Party for Jesus.

• Asked about Christmas readers - Dana will prepare sign-up sheet and congregation will be invited to volunteer, including new members and returning college students - envisioning intergenerational participation.

• Shared Elsa’s ideas with regard to one Communion service on January 3: Elsa would like to welcome and include our young people in the service, perhaps having one involved in leading worship and others sitting at tables in front of the lecterns working throughout the service on a project reflecting the theme of worship. Dana and Deb volunteered to help with details.

• Shared budget concerns from the Council. $20,000 deficit - still waiting for outstanding pledge monies. All groups asked to consider “not spending” remaining $$$ budgeted for ’09. Prior to request, $80-$90, was spent on memorial bookplates. Dana asked about SL&W’s budget specifically, which is the smallest budget among recognized groups in the church. Reviewed our $2100 budget and what it covers:
Altar Care & Worship Supplies Signing
Confirmation & Membership Devotional Booklets
Food for: Ash Wednesday Lenten Breakfast, Good Friday Soup Supper,
Confirmation Reception, Elders Luncheon

• Reported on attendance/participation at the Thanksgiving service at Thornton Heights Methodist Church on November 23. Many faiths were represented and she felt very welcomed and moved. She helped with “passing of the peace” and the offertory dedication prayer. Thanks for representing us, Betsy.

• Reported that the memorial bookplates are finished and ready for Dana and “crew” to edit. Thanks for all your work, Deb!!

• Suggested that national offices of UCC be contacted to see if there is any interest in “old” hymnals – either by congregations or individuals (organists, for example) - John will make contact.

Up-Coming December 6th Service: Communion – Deb, Rick, Elaine

Next Meeting: January 7 at 7:00 p.m. Chair: Elaine Minutes: Rick

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Elaine Brownell

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2009

Attending: Elinor Redman, Betsy Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Rick Angell, and Sandy Hansen.

Opening Prayer – by Betsy.

Review of May 7th Minutes – Approved as written.

Elders Recognition & Elder Sunday, June 7 -
• Presentations at the service on Elder Sunday – Dave Allen and Darla Harris are prepared.
• Elders Luncheon – Plans to prepare the meal on Saturday are in place: Dana to cook the chickens; Betsy, Sandy, and Dana meet to put together the casseroles. Dave and Margaret will set up. Those helping to serve are: Gretchen Reynolds, Bob and Betty Crane, and Jan Bosse. (Thank you!)

Hymnal Celebration & Book Plates – Debbie and Dana are working on the book plates and moving forward with getting those done in the next few weeks. The Hymnal Celebration Sunday is June 14.

Summer Hours for Sunday Service – Starting the 21st of June, there will be only one service on Sunday mornings, in the sanctuary at 9:30.

SL & W Team Membership – Ed Saxby has decided that he can not commit to being on the Team at this time due to other commitments. Elaine Brownell has agreed to be on the Team. This change will need to be noted for the Council. There is still one opening on the team.

Council Recommendations – The Council discussed the issue of hospitality events that occur during the church year. After much discussion about both the SL & W Team and the Education, Fellowship and Growth teams, they felt there are too many food events to have one team responsible for all events. The Council recommends:
• Discontinue the Jesus Birthday Party.
• SL&W responsible for: Ash Wednesday Breakfast, Good Friday Soup Supper, & Elder Luncheon.
• EGF responsible for: Coffee Hour, Church Picnic, and Confirmation Celebration.
• They strongly suggest sub groups to work on these events.
The SL&W Team feels that the recommendations are a reasonable compromise/decision.

New Structure – Following the topic of responsibilities for social/food events, a discussion arose that brought about more questions. Is the new structure working as expected? How can we get more volunteers for the teams and subcommittees? How can we get more people to feel connected? How can we interest individuals to participate in the groups and events? How do we reach those people who want to participate, but need to be asked? How do we create a culture of volunteerism and get the message out that there is more to church than Sunday Service to feel good. Talk about it in church at announcements? Or put it in the Beacon? Should these questions be brought to the Council?

SL & W Responsibilities – The team agreed that many of the responsibilities of the SL&W team are done by certain individuals that “just know what to do”. This information should be written down so that others can be aware and informed about each area of responsibility. To accomplish this, it was suggested we start with a list of topics that need to be used as a guide for future team members. It is important that the little details that we currently all know, will be carried forward. The old Deacon manual can be used as a guide.

Discussion on Use of Multimedia in Worship Service - Moved for discussion next month.

Discussion on John Attending SL&W Meeting – Moved for discussion next month.

Next Meeting: July 2

Adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandra Hansen

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Church Council


Moderator Chris Keiter called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. All members plus John and Elsa were present. Chris spent a few minutes reviewing the agenda and asking members to introduce themselves by telling a brief story about a summer experience. Chris thanked Council members for their work at Homecoming Sunday on Sept. 13.

A handout listing Council members’ e-mail addresses and phone numbers was distributed. This will allow Council members to contact each other and church members to contact the Council. This handout also included time and place of meetings and invited church members to participate in meetings with questions and/or concerns. The handout was available on Homecoming Sunday.

To help ensure that Council members have a common understanding of the role of the Council, Chris Keiter distributed the following information: an updated version of the article published in the Beacon this spring, an extract from the Church By-Laws, and the Council policy statements 1-9 (first published in February, 2008).

The minutes of the June 18, 2009 Council meeting were approved.

John thanked those who helped with running the church during his Sabbatical from May – August. The 275th anniversary celebration has prompted the process of replacing all church member name tags. (The $400 cost will be paid for from the Council Merrill fund, as previously approved by the Council to support the 275th celebration). The Pastor Parish Relations Committee has been and will be very helpful in planning John’s future years with the church. John described a series of generic email accounts that are being set up to receive emails and send them to the appropriate people in the Church (more to come on this)
Elsa brought up the question about funding adult camperships at Pilgrim Lodge. This will be discussed in detail in the spring of 2010.

The Council decided to pursue discussing the concept of a vision statement and what it should include. A subcommittee of Chris D., Elsa, Dave and Debra was formed to work out talking points for future meetings. Elsa will chair the committee.

The budget through mid-September was reviewed comparing actual earnings/expenses with budgeted earnings/expenses. No large discrepancies were noted. The rental property is now rented by a business group with stability anticipated. Several large pledges are not yet in but are anticipated by Cyndi Alden.

The Maine Conference is suggesting that individual churches send a letter to their members requesting the members pay for their conference per capita dues separately. This would replace the current approach of paying conference per capita dues from annual pledges. This topic was tabled pending feedback from the Maine Conference annual meeting.

A subcommittee of Nancy and Debra handed out a proposal for fundraising guidelines. This handout included thoughts and discussion about fundraising, a draft considered in 2005 and a sample fundraising application. This will return to the October Council meeting for discussion and vote. All agreed this is a good outline from which to work.

Dave provided a handout detailing the purpose of this group: to attract newcomers with the support of a welcoming committee. This eight member committee is currently a work in progress. They meet monthly and the contact person is Rick Angell.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Submitted by Phil Whitney

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of 1/07/10

Present: Dick Parker, Greg Wyman, Laurie Cary, Mike Kasputes, Sarah Randall, Carol Scheffler.

Opening Reading: Laurie read a prayer prepared by Maureen Clancy.

December Minutes: Approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Greg
 Review of disbursements and balances for 2009.
 Review of budgeted amounts for all categories in 2010; Council has advised amounts can be augmented from discretionary funds, if needed & following any constraints associated with segregated funds; two deposits of $25.00 each have been received in the discretionary fund; Greg will check on the source.
 Veterans of the Cross Offering - $2549.55 received.
 Christmas Offering - $2522.52 received; up significantly from last year.

Minister’s Moment: Elsa Peters
 Search for Micah Project coordinator report postponed until February.
 Elsa has assembled a folder of informational materials on Darfur which is available for review; it was decided to table discussion of options for moving forward on this issue to February’s meeting.
 Wayside Soup Kitchen – will be stopping its operation at Preble Street as of March 1st; series of 3 meetings of staff regarding restructuring are being conducted; Wayside Committee coordinators for our church will be meeting on January 17th to discuss congregations’ participation in any ongoing operation of Wayside; consensus was that congregation should continue to participate in a newly configured program providing food to the homeless ; Dick expressed concern about continued maintenance of food supply chain/network during this disruption.

Old Business:
 Thank you notes received from: UCC Coalition, Good Shepherd Food Bank, Family Crisis Service, Maine Council of Churches, Preble Street -Homeless Voices for Justice Program, Cancer Community Center (from Mission Mall), Preble Street – Florence House (from Mission Mall), Wayside Soup Kitchen (from Mission Mall & Special Support); letters posted on Mission Bulletin Board.
 Children’s Closet volunteers will be meeting on 1/23 to discuss new policies & their implementation in distribution of clothing, etc. More volunteers needed; there will be a sign up sheet at the coffee hours on 1/10 and 1/17 & Carol will be available to answer any questions along with other members of the Mission Team.
 Mission Hosting of Coffee Hour – sign up sheet re-circulated but all needs seem covered; Sandy circulated sign up sheets for volunteers for the Children’s Closet & the Food Pantry; Sandy will be available to answer questions re: Food Pantry.
 Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Trees very successful; presents delivered to the Long Creek Center; smaller mittens put in Children’s Closet.
 Dick circulated copies of Contact Information for the various support organizations in the Greater Portland area; he suggested that a back up copy be kept in the church office to facilitate any future revisions.

 Micah Project – Preble Street Breakfast had 12 volunteers; next project is Habitat for Humanity build on 3/6; still not sure if we will be going to Freeport or Westbrook but will be inside work; no more than 12 people needed.
 Fair Trade Coffee Project – popularity is increasing; several people have taken advantage of the availability of cocoa & chocolate during the winter months; Greg will check on status of coffee hour coffee.

Open Discussion: - no further comments.

Closing Reading: Laurie read a closing prayer prepared by Maureen.

Recorder: Carol Scheffler

Next Meeting: 02/14/10
Opening/Closing Prayer: Sandy Dyer
Recorder: Mike Kasputes
Upcoming Beacon Deadlines: 1/25, 2/8, 2/22 & 3/8

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2009

Attendees: Laurie Cary - Chair, Maureen Clancy, Sandy Dyer, Mike Kasputes, Richard Parker, Greg Wyman, Elsa Peters (part time).

OPENING: Mike opened and closed the meeting with readings concerning humility and kindness.

NOV. MINUTES: Approved as submitted.

Pastor Peters’ three year anniversary as our associate pastor was warmly acknowledged. Her guidance and support of this committee’s work has been instrumental in any success we have had.

Because of all the activities surrounding the Holiday, no new requests or issues were brought before the committee.

Micah Project – Due to the lack of response, Pastor Peters volunteered to actively solicit support focusing on the need for a person to lead a spin-off group.

Final year end allocations and distributions were approved. All budgeted amounts were spent.
$750 Maine Council of Churches
$750 UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns
$500 Wayside Soup Kitchen
$500 Grace Street Ministries
$500 Family Crisis Shelter
$500 Good Shepherd Food Bank
$200 SP/CE Emergency Food Pantry
$1000 Preble Street Resource Center for the Homeless – from Discretionary Fund
Reference Greg’s budget report for additional information and details. Disbursements were in line with a request from Council Moderator to refrain 2009 spending that was not needed to carry out our programs and mission.

THE FUR CULTURAL REVIVAL – (Non-government, non-profit organization to broaden the public’s awareness of genocide in Darfur) - It was concluded that education of the congregation was needed before proceeding with any outside presentation. Pastor Peters’ will bring information on what other churches are doing to address the situation in Darfur. Topic will be discussed again at January meeting.

CHILDREN’S CLOSET - Clothing donations are needed. Discussions centered on how to advertise the cause and the need. Public service announcements in local newspapers were suggested. Maureen Clancy will look into getting an ad placed in the “Pond Cove Courier”.
Jenn Hardin has been responsible for the Closet for several years and has done a tremendous job. She has given notice that she will be leaving the post in June 2010. As this work falls under the jurisdiction of the Mission Committee, we are responsible for finding her replacement. Laurie will ask Jenn if she has any suggestions.

RECLAIMING CHRISTMAS – Next year work on this project should start earlier - at Homecoming.

COFFEE HOUR HOSTS – Jan. 10 & 17: Missions is responsible for the first two Sundays in Jan. A sign-up sheet was circulated. Set-up at 9:15 before 10:00 service.
We will take the opportunity to have sign-up and information sheets available for:
1. Micah Project
2. Food Pantry
3. Children’s Closet
Sandy volunteered to provide the information sheets.

HABITATE FOR HUMANITY – The next house will be either in Westbrook or Freeport. We agreed that we will volunteer for March 6th.

MICAH PROJECT – Florence House is moving into a new facility. Maureen will find out if they have a need for help. If so, this could become a Micah Project.

Respectfully submitted,
Richard A. Parker - Scribe

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2009

Present: Cyndi Alden, Ron Bennett, Chris Mills, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler, and Eben Marsh.
Excused: Guy Gledhill. Special Guest: Rod Redstone.

The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair, Eben Marsh, at 7:00 p.m. Chris Mills was appointed as meeting secretary. Rod Redstone was welcomed. Rod is attending as he’d expressed interest in joining the A-Team.

The minutes of the October 1, 2009 meeting were reviewed. Correction: Removal of ‘s from “related coverage’s” was approved.

Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi provided a review of our financial statements and budget. Rentals are about $10,000 less due to tenant vacancies.

Segregated Funds Support 5045: This is used to support budget deficit and comes from different teams.

Audit Status: Cyndi will get cost estimate on inclusion of Bazaar and Discovery Center in annual audit.

Tennant Review:
329 Cottage: Dotty is gone from upstairs rental. The new downstairs tenant’s secure control system is doing fine.
509 Sawyer Bungalow: The tenant has gotten rid of pet and is keeping up with the rent.

Council Financial Concerns: Jim conveyed issues to Council on addressing financial control concerns. Council has not responded to date. Eben suggested attaching Jim’s letter to these minutes.

Counting: No report.

• Deb reports that contractor B.D. Hensler looked at Dotty’s apartment. They estimated a full renovation to cost $85,000. A light remodel would run $27,000. Deb said the House Committee will get 2 more proposals. There was much discussion by the A-Team on the logic of a full renovation when comparing to payback. The A-Team agreed that an investment of $15,000-$25,000 would make sense. The House Committee will research what the C.N.A. will cover.

• Tom now has the ability to control thermostat settings from home. This will be useful for rooms where meetings are to be held. Also, if someone adjusts the controls in a room, it will revert to the old setting in 2 hours.

• Tom is to follow through on cleaning clutter from hallway. This was brought to our attention from a fire department inspection.

• The House Committee wants to move maintenance budget back to $17,000.

Planned Giving: Ron did up report that will go into the Beacon. A-Team discussed and gave input on making changes before submitting to the Beacon. Deb suggested directing people to the website to read. Ron will rework and present to A-Team next month.

Financial Review Committee: Nothing new to report.

Web Site: Jim gave a review on this matter to bring Rod up to date. A-Team agreed that Council needs to create a vision for website. Until this happens, the A-Team is on hold with this. Jim read e-mail history of communication. The last e-mail was received on October 23 from Dana Wiggins, Chris Keiter and John McCall.

RFP: Council wants A-Team to administer RFP. Rod will consider helping out with this.

Chancel Rail: A-Team will communicate with Council to review rail plans in preparation to bring to congregation.

Budget: Discussed 2010 A-Team budget request.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Next Meeting: December 3 at 7:00 p.m.

Music Committee

Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2009

Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor.

Reviewed and accepted October Minutes.

• In October, the committee talked about donating the Reed organ to a church that is in need of one. Kim exchanged e-mails with Elsa and John about this and was given a contact at the Maine Conference. She will e-mail the description of the organ to Sue Stevens at the conference for publication in the ACE newsletter.

• The 2010 proposed budget was submitted in October. We are awaiting further news from the appropriate people. Kim shared an e-mail from Chris Keiter, as a Council member, asking us not to spend any remaining monies in the 2009 budget if it is not necessary to keep activities and functions going. This is due to a $20,000 operating deficit. Shirley stated that she would like to purchase a piano lamp for the piano in the sanctuary. She estimated the lamp to be around $90. and was willing to wait until the start of the new year to do so.

Christmas Vespers, with the theme of “Carols of Hope, Peace and Light”, will be held on Sunday, December 13th at 5:30 p.m. Shirley outlined the program, which sounds wonderful. We will work together to obtain a volunteer to run a spot light during a few selected performances. Committee members will arrive at 5:00 p.m. to set up for the reception that will follow the program.

Matt Leberge will be a guest trumpeter on December 13th. Shirley has already set him up for the Easter service as well.

• At the next meeting, in February, Shirley would like to discuss the use of the sanctuary (organ and piano) by outside groups.