Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Green Action Group

Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2009

Present: Janis Albright, Louise Davis, Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Ed Saxby, Jim Van Hoeven.

The meeting started with the group checking in with each other.

The meeting was devoted to preparations for the worship service on April 19 which the Green Action Group will be conducting:

•Ed will be delivering the message. He will write an article for the Beacon and a brief message for The Bulletin regarding the program at 11:30 a.m. in Davidson Lounge. At that time a lobsterman from Falmouth will be the speaker regarding Community Supported Agriculture. Members of the congregation, children, and the youth group will be encouraged to attend the presentation.

•Ed has been in touch with Shirley Curry regarding music for the service. Hymns include For the Beauty of the Earth, Draw the Circle Wide, In Water We Grow (for the Baptism), and The Garden Song. Shirley has been asked about the possibility of Morning Has Broken for the anthem.

•Louise shared her preparation and materials for the Children’s Time. The focus will be on seeds. Each child will receive a seed packet, organic dirt, two pots, and a soil testing kit.

•Sarah received permission for the use of David Mallett’s “The Garden Song”. Sarah will be worship leader. Sarah has collected a variety of relevant materials that will be on an information table. There will be a list of Maine organizations and their web-sites for people to reach out, make connections, and take action regarding our stewardship of the earth. The book list compiled by Janis will be available as well.

•Leslie will do a hymn of promise.

There was discussion around the possibility of follow-up programs after Earth Day:

•Sarah mentioned Kris Dunn, an Amercorp volunteer, who does a presentation on Back Cove Yardscaping. He could be invited to do a presentation in May.

•Ed knows of the possibility of a well-known gardener coming to do a presentation. There will be a sign-up sheet on the information table on April19 for people to express interest in such a program.

•Since there will not be a rummage sale this spring, the possibility of asking for donations of books to be recycled was discussed. Books could then be sold in Wright Pavilion after worship some Sunday. The funds could go to energy saving items for our church.

•It was mentioned that a Disney movie “Earth” is due out for Earth Day. Ed reported on two federal government bills and one state bill relative to energy and to the environment.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill

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