Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2009
Present: Laurie Cary, Greg Wyman, Sandy Dyer, Carol Scheffler, Linda Skinner, Maureen Clancy, AnnElissa Leveque.
1. The pot luck supper on 4/26 has been cancelled.
2. Linda Skinner read the opening thoughts from the UCC Daily Devotional.
3. Minutes from March were reviewed and approved as written.
4. Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved as written.
• Cyndi combined the donation to Pilgrim Lodge and the National Scholarship fund under the heading Special Support Other.
• $750 was sent to Pilgrim Lodge and $500 was sent to the National Scholarship fund.
• Greg will let Barbara Merrill know that there is $50 for the Green Action Team to use. This is money that was returned by a recent speaker, Ray Sirois, who wanted the money to go to and be used by the Green Action Team.
• The $270 from the Les Andrews bequest has been sent to the Maine Conference.
• 10% of the Rosella Loveitt bequest has been added to the Discretionary fund.
• $925.64 has been collected to date for One Great Hour of Sharing.
5. The visit from the Council member has been postponed until September.
6. The Easter Offering will be split between Friends of the World Food Program and Wayside Food Rescue Program.
7. Gwen Moore was presented with $100 for Give to Asia from the Mission Team. Her presentation on the Children of China went well. Thanks go to Don Russell for his support in bringing this presentation to us. A thank you note was received from Gwen.
8. The next Fair Trade coffee orders are 4/19, 4/26, 6/28, 7/5, 9/13 and 9/20.
9. The Micah Project was discussed.
• A discussion was held as to what to include for projects.
• A discussion was held about rotating organizing of the Micah Projects.
• A list was handed out of potential volunteers for these missions.
• The list was divided among the Mission Team members with a plan to call and then follow up with an e-mail. The plan is to let Laurie know who will be attending. An answer is needed for the Pilgrim Lodge event by Monday, April 19th.
• 4/25/09 is the next Micah Project at Pilgrim Lodge for a clean up. Sixth graders and older are welcome. A waiver and health form for those under the age of 18 attending is needed. Lunch is provided. People are asked to bring rakes, shovels, and garden tools.
• The next Micah Project is on 5/19. Lunch, from Amato’s, will be provided. When calling, team members will talk to possible volunteers about this project also.
• Richard Kepler, program director for Friendship House, will speak following the 10:00 a.m. service on 5/3/09. AEL will announce this the weekend before at the 10:00 a.m. service.
• Future possible Micah Projects were discussed - Sandy will check to see what the IRIS Network needs for help; Maureen will talk to Kombit Sante organizers to see when they will need help filling the trailer to send supplies to Haiti; Maureen will check with the local shelters to see what help is needed; Team members will bring ideas for other projects to the May meeting.
• Sandy reviewed a draft of a letter to send out regarding the Micah Project. She will add the following: “Future projects are under discussion. Suggestions are welcome.” Sandy will have the letter ready for approval by the Council for their next meeting. A proposal was made to send the letter out to the congregation by 8/15.
10. Linda Skinner and AnnElissa Leveque will be leaving the Mission Team this year. Michael Kasputes will be joining the Team.
11. A thank you note was received from Pilgrim Lodge.
12. The Annual Meeting will be on May 13th after the 10:00 a.m. service.
13. Our next Mission Team meeting is on May 7th. Greg will do the opening prayer. Sarah will be the recorder.
14. Linda read a closing prayer from the UCC Daily Devotional.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2009
Members Present: Chris Keiter, Debra Andrews, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Sally Hinckley, Sally Sutton, Nancy MacLean, Phil Whitney and John McCall.
Special Guests: Don Russell, Representative from Business Referral Group; Jim Otis and Ron Bennett, Representatives from Admin. Team
John mentioned his up-coming sabbatical. Elsa will, of course, have the full support of the Council during John’s absence.
Pastor Parish Relations has completed review process for Senior Minister. Other issues on their agenda are prioritizing of ministries and a review of how the church is doing as a whole. When completed, this comprehensive work will be presented in a report to the Council.
Delegates from our church will be attending the Maine Conference.
Nancy MacLean visited the Admin. Team. They are doing very well and all members wish to stay on.
Chris K. asked for nominations to fill up-coming vacancies on the Council. We need a slate by mid-May.
Reminder: Annual Reports are due by May 4.
Don Russell presented an update from the Business Referral Group. Their proposal is to implement a system by which church members/supporters may contact business persons within the church, from a base which would include information about the member/supporter and his/her goods or services. This idea could be in the form of business cards posted in a specific area or an on-line directory. The Council felt more time was needed to work out details. In the mean time, it was suggested that perhaps during a Sunday coffee hour the Business Referral Group could make themselves available for questions and input from the congregation.
Administration Team members, Ron Bennett and Jim Otis were on hand to address the following:
• Room rental charges for non-profit entities. The discussion that ensued resulted in John McCall agreeing to create language which would encourage a donation but not make payment a requirement. John will send his suggestion to Jim Otis.
• More comprehensive Church Budget. This question segued into the entire area of bookkeeping and accounting practices; audits vs. reviews, cost of evaluation of system and other concerns. Sally Sutton made a motion that we charge the Administration Team the task of making specific recommendations to improve what appears to be a flawed system. Chris Keiter will advise Admin. Team of exactly what the Council requires.
Ron, Don and Jim were thanked for their presence and input.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Recorded by Sally Hinckley
Next Meeting: May 21
Recorder: Carol Zechman
Members Present: Chris Keiter, Debra Andrews, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Sally Hinckley, Sally Sutton, Nancy MacLean, Phil Whitney and John McCall.
Special Guests: Don Russell, Representative from Business Referral Group; Jim Otis and Ron Bennett, Representatives from Admin. Team
John mentioned his up-coming sabbatical. Elsa will, of course, have the full support of the Council during John’s absence.
Pastor Parish Relations has completed review process for Senior Minister. Other issues on their agenda are prioritizing of ministries and a review of how the church is doing as a whole. When completed, this comprehensive work will be presented in a report to the Council.
Delegates from our church will be attending the Maine Conference.
Nancy MacLean visited the Admin. Team. They are doing very well and all members wish to stay on.
Chris K. asked for nominations to fill up-coming vacancies on the Council. We need a slate by mid-May.
Reminder: Annual Reports are due by May 4.
Don Russell presented an update from the Business Referral Group. Their proposal is to implement a system by which church members/supporters may contact business persons within the church, from a base which would include information about the member/supporter and his/her goods or services. This idea could be in the form of business cards posted in a specific area or an on-line directory. The Council felt more time was needed to work out details. In the mean time, it was suggested that perhaps during a Sunday coffee hour the Business Referral Group could make themselves available for questions and input from the congregation.
Administration Team members, Ron Bennett and Jim Otis were on hand to address the following:
• Room rental charges for non-profit entities. The discussion that ensued resulted in John McCall agreeing to create language which would encourage a donation but not make payment a requirement. John will send his suggestion to Jim Otis.
• More comprehensive Church Budget. This question segued into the entire area of bookkeeping and accounting practices; audits vs. reviews, cost of evaluation of system and other concerns. Sally Sutton made a motion that we charge the Administration Team the task of making specific recommendations to improve what appears to be a flawed system. Chris Keiter will advise Admin. Team of exactly what the Council requires.
Ron, Don and Jim were thanked for their presence and input.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Recorded by Sally Hinckley
Next Meeting: May 21
Recorder: Carol Zechman
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Community Crisis Ministries
Meeting Minutes of April 7, 2009
PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dallaire, Ann Googins, Kathy Sahrbeck.
ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos.
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
This meeting had been scheduled for the Team to meet and talk with our speaker about the upcoming CCM service on April 26. However, she was unable to come. We went over our program once more and made a few adjustments.
For this year through March we have expended $19,834.19, and during the first week of April we have expended $1,900. Of these amounts, 36 percent has been for housing, 21 percent for heating oil, and 7 percent for other utilities, which is about par for operations based on our past history of supporting the local community. We expect housing and utilities support to remain high in the coming months due to the economy. Utility companies will not normally shut off service for nonpayment until warmer weather; we expect an increase in requests for assistance when shut-off notices begin to go out in May and June of this year.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 21, to meet with our speaker. If she is unable to come then, we will not meet that evening. You will be advised.
Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 23.
We will meet again on May 19 at 7 p.m. in the Laity Room to plan for fundraising for the coming year.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins
PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dallaire, Ann Googins, Kathy Sahrbeck.
ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos.
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
This meeting had been scheduled for the Team to meet and talk with our speaker about the upcoming CCM service on April 26. However, she was unable to come. We went over our program once more and made a few adjustments.
For this year through March we have expended $19,834.19, and during the first week of April we have expended $1,900. Of these amounts, 36 percent has been for housing, 21 percent for heating oil, and 7 percent for other utilities, which is about par for operations based on our past history of supporting the local community. We expect housing and utilities support to remain high in the coming months due to the economy. Utility companies will not normally shut off service for nonpayment until warmer weather; we expect an increase in requests for assistance when shut-off notices begin to go out in May and June of this year.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 21, to meet with our speaker. If she is unable to come then, we will not meet that evening. You will be advised.
Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 23.
We will meet again on May 19 at 7 p.m. in the Laity Room to plan for fundraising for the coming year.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spiritual Life and Worship Team
Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2009
Present: Rick Angell, Deb Riley, Dana Wiggins, Bryan Wiggins, Sandy Hansen, John McCall
Opening Prayer - by Rick Angell
Review of March 5th Minutes – approved as written.
Updates from John:
The feedback from the March 15th Service about Marriage in the church has been mostly positive and supportive. Following each service, there was time for discussion; ten people from the Chapel service came, and 30-40 people after the 10:00 service. There were varied feelings about it, but overall, there was a deep sense of respect and sincere willingness to listen to each other. John has spoken privately with some who have wanted to talk about the issues, and continues to be open to talk with anyone on the subject.
To follow up on this topic, some Bible Study classes and discussion groups are planned:
• Elsa is planning a 3 week study bible about Marriage in September on Sunday mornings.
• Marvin Ellison is scheduled in October, hosted by Diversity Committee.
• John is planning a 5 week study on Politics and Religion in the fall.
Hymnal Update: $3,940 has come in for hymnals, about ½ of the amount needed for the full purchase. To celebrate the new hymnals, Elsa and Shirley are working on a special service on June 14th, to dedicate the new hymnals.
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee: Working now on Evaluation of current ministries, laiety, how we deal with conflict. This committee will meet again for an in-depth meeting in April.
On-going Issues:
• John’s Sabbatical – John distributed an Emergency Call List that Elsa put together, that is very thorough. For the 3 Sundays when Elsa or Gillian aren’t available, we have Bob Morse, Bryan Wiggins, and Judith Blanchard giving the message.
Details of Holy Week:
• Palm Sunday - April 5th - Betsy will get the palms to the chapel and sanctuary. Cindy will purchase the palm plants and make sure they are in place for the service.
• Maundy Thursday Service – April 9th Communion service, and John requested 2 servers. Debbie Riley agreed to get the bread and be there to serve. Rick will be at the service, and ushering. He agreed to assist with serving if no one else was available.
• Good Friday – April 10 - Betsy has agreed to be responsible for changing the altar cloths to black and placing the crowns of thorns in the Narthex niches and on the chapel cross. The Hilltop Guild will be taking responsibility of the Soup Supper this year.
• Vigil - April 10-11 Still need more people to sign up! Debbie suggested a note in the friendship pad to suggest signing up. Betsy will send reminders, either through the mail or email. Both is not necessary, as long as a response is received. John and Elsa will put out the reading materials, journal for signing and expressing feelings, and other relative materials in the Chapel. John or Elsa will bring the Christ Candle from the Good Friday service to the Chapel.
• Easter - April 12 (Sunrise Service, 9:00 and 11:00) For the sunrise service, Tess Wiggins has volunteered to help Elsa, Sally K. will play trumpet. For the 9:00 & 11:00 services, there will be 1 trumpeter.
SL & W Team Membership – Update on prospects and volunteers:
• Elinor, Bryan, and Sandy to end term Summer 2009
• Betsy and Debbie – Summer 2010
• Rick – Summer 2011
Names of people who may be interested in joining the team were brought forth, and members have agreed to contact them and report back via email to the team as communication unfolds throughout the month. Dana offered to write a description of the role this team plays so that we have a consistent message to give when we are inviting people to join the team.
Next Meeting: May 7th 7:00pm
Agenda Items: Growth Committee; Multi Media, Elder Sunday
Opening Prayer by: Bryan Wiggins
Minutes will be taken by: Sandy Hansen
Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Hansen
Present: Rick Angell, Deb Riley, Dana Wiggins, Bryan Wiggins, Sandy Hansen, John McCall
Opening Prayer - by Rick Angell
Review of March 5th Minutes – approved as written.
Updates from John:
The feedback from the March 15th Service about Marriage in the church has been mostly positive and supportive. Following each service, there was time for discussion; ten people from the Chapel service came, and 30-40 people after the 10:00 service. There were varied feelings about it, but overall, there was a deep sense of respect and sincere willingness to listen to each other. John has spoken privately with some who have wanted to talk about the issues, and continues to be open to talk with anyone on the subject.
To follow up on this topic, some Bible Study classes and discussion groups are planned:
• Elsa is planning a 3 week study bible about Marriage in September on Sunday mornings.
• Marvin Ellison is scheduled in October, hosted by Diversity Committee.
• John is planning a 5 week study on Politics and Religion in the fall.
Hymnal Update: $3,940 has come in for hymnals, about ½ of the amount needed for the full purchase. To celebrate the new hymnals, Elsa and Shirley are working on a special service on June 14th, to dedicate the new hymnals.
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee: Working now on Evaluation of current ministries, laiety, how we deal with conflict. This committee will meet again for an in-depth meeting in April.
On-going Issues:
• John’s Sabbatical – John distributed an Emergency Call List that Elsa put together, that is very thorough. For the 3 Sundays when Elsa or Gillian aren’t available, we have Bob Morse, Bryan Wiggins, and Judith Blanchard giving the message.
Details of Holy Week:
• Palm Sunday - April 5th - Betsy will get the palms to the chapel and sanctuary. Cindy will purchase the palm plants and make sure they are in place for the service.
• Maundy Thursday Service – April 9th Communion service, and John requested 2 servers. Debbie Riley agreed to get the bread and be there to serve. Rick will be at the service, and ushering. He agreed to assist with serving if no one else was available.
• Good Friday – April 10 - Betsy has agreed to be responsible for changing the altar cloths to black and placing the crowns of thorns in the Narthex niches and on the chapel cross. The Hilltop Guild will be taking responsibility of the Soup Supper this year.
• Vigil - April 10-11 Still need more people to sign up! Debbie suggested a note in the friendship pad to suggest signing up. Betsy will send reminders, either through the mail or email. Both is not necessary, as long as a response is received. John and Elsa will put out the reading materials, journal for signing and expressing feelings, and other relative materials in the Chapel. John or Elsa will bring the Christ Candle from the Good Friday service to the Chapel.
• Easter - April 12 (Sunrise Service, 9:00 and 11:00) For the sunrise service, Tess Wiggins has volunteered to help Elsa, Sally K. will play trumpet. For the 9:00 & 11:00 services, there will be 1 trumpeter.
SL & W Team Membership – Update on prospects and volunteers:
• Elinor, Bryan, and Sandy to end term Summer 2009
• Betsy and Debbie – Summer 2010
• Rick – Summer 2011
Names of people who may be interested in joining the team were brought forth, and members have agreed to contact them and report back via email to the team as communication unfolds throughout the month. Dana offered to write a description of the role this team plays so that we have a consistent message to give when we are inviting people to join the team.
Next Meeting: May 7th 7:00pm
Agenda Items: Growth Committee; Multi Media, Elder Sunday
Opening Prayer by: Bryan Wiggins
Minutes will be taken by: Sandy Hansen
Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Hansen
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Administrative Team
Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2009
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Guy Gledhill at 7:05 p.m.
The minutes of the February 5, 2009 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements.
Cyndi reported that Old Crow Gallery is behind two months in rent payments. Also, the tenant occupying the Bungalow has lost her job, and may need to vacate. Stephan Popp visited our meeting to explain why he is behind in his payments.
The Committee voted unanimously to terminate our lease with Steve Popp, et al. Cyndi will compose a suitable letter to Potts advising him of our action and that he is to vacate the property by April 1, 2009.
Cyndi will also contact the occupant of the Bungalow to work out new terms that will be suitable to both parties until June, 2009, when the Committee will revisit that lease to determine the lease terms beyond June.
Committee Reports:
Counting – Cyndi provided a new stamp which will expedite the Counting Committee’s endorsements of collection checks for Sunday deposits.
House – Guy presented an update of the activities of the House Committee. Please refer to HC Report attached.
Planned Giving – Ron reported that the PGC is continuing to discuss the details of its program. Ron also shared that the PGC felt that due to the current economy that this was not a good time to approach potential supporters.
New Business:
Heating Oil – The Team discussed the current level of fuel prices, and requested Cyndi to solicit companies for prices now rather than to wait until the fall season.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Next Meeting: April 2, 2009
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills and Cyndi Alden.
The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Guy Gledhill at 7:05 p.m.
The minutes of the February 5, 2009 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Old Business:
Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements.
Cyndi reported that Old Crow Gallery is behind two months in rent payments. Also, the tenant occupying the Bungalow has lost her job, and may need to vacate. Stephan Popp visited our meeting to explain why he is behind in his payments.
The Committee voted unanimously to terminate our lease with Steve Popp, et al. Cyndi will compose a suitable letter to Potts advising him of our action and that he is to vacate the property by April 1, 2009.
Cyndi will also contact the occupant of the Bungalow to work out new terms that will be suitable to both parties until June, 2009, when the Committee will revisit that lease to determine the lease terms beyond June.
Committee Reports:
Counting – Cyndi provided a new stamp which will expedite the Counting Committee’s endorsements of collection checks for Sunday deposits.
House – Guy presented an update of the activities of the House Committee. Please refer to HC Report attached.
Planned Giving – Ron reported that the PGC is continuing to discuss the details of its program. Ron also shared that the PGC felt that due to the current economy that this was not a good time to approach potential supporters.
New Business:
Heating Oil – The Team discussed the current level of fuel prices, and requested Cyndi to solicit companies for prices now rather than to wait until the fall season.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Next Meeting: April 2, 2009
Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Green Action Group
Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2009
Present: Janis Albright, Louise Davis, Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Ed Saxby, Jim Van Hoeven.
The meeting started with the group checking in with each other.
The meeting was devoted to preparations for the worship service on April 19 which the Green Action Group will be conducting:
•Ed will be delivering the message. He will write an article for the Beacon and a brief message for The Bulletin regarding the program at 11:30 a.m. in Davidson Lounge. At that time a lobsterman from Falmouth will be the speaker regarding Community Supported Agriculture. Members of the congregation, children, and the youth group will be encouraged to attend the presentation.
•Ed has been in touch with Shirley Curry regarding music for the service. Hymns include For the Beauty of the Earth, Draw the Circle Wide, In Water We Grow (for the Baptism), and The Garden Song. Shirley has been asked about the possibility of Morning Has Broken for the anthem.
•Louise shared her preparation and materials for the Children’s Time. The focus will be on seeds. Each child will receive a seed packet, organic dirt, two pots, and a soil testing kit.
•Sarah received permission for the use of David Mallett’s “The Garden Song”. Sarah will be worship leader. Sarah has collected a variety of relevant materials that will be on an information table. There will be a list of Maine organizations and their web-sites for people to reach out, make connections, and take action regarding our stewardship of the earth. The book list compiled by Janis will be available as well.
•Leslie will do a hymn of promise.
There was discussion around the possibility of follow-up programs after Earth Day:
•Sarah mentioned Kris Dunn, an Amercorp volunteer, who does a presentation on Back Cove Yardscaping. He could be invited to do a presentation in May.
•Ed knows of the possibility of a well-known gardener coming to do a presentation. There will be a sign-up sheet on the information table on April19 for people to express interest in such a program.
•Since there will not be a rummage sale this spring, the possibility of asking for donations of books to be recycled was discussed. Books could then be sold in Wright Pavilion after worship some Sunday. The funds could go to energy saving items for our church.
•It was mentioned that a Disney movie “Earth” is due out for Earth Day. Ed reported on two federal government bills and one state bill relative to energy and to the environment.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Present: Janis Albright, Louise Davis, Sarah Ellsworth, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Ed Saxby, Jim Van Hoeven.
The meeting started with the group checking in with each other.
The meeting was devoted to preparations for the worship service on April 19 which the Green Action Group will be conducting:
•Ed will be delivering the message. He will write an article for the Beacon and a brief message for The Bulletin regarding the program at 11:30 a.m. in Davidson Lounge. At that time a lobsterman from Falmouth will be the speaker regarding Community Supported Agriculture. Members of the congregation, children, and the youth group will be encouraged to attend the presentation.
•Ed has been in touch with Shirley Curry regarding music for the service. Hymns include For the Beauty of the Earth, Draw the Circle Wide, In Water We Grow (for the Baptism), and The Garden Song. Shirley has been asked about the possibility of Morning Has Broken for the anthem.
•Louise shared her preparation and materials for the Children’s Time. The focus will be on seeds. Each child will receive a seed packet, organic dirt, two pots, and a soil testing kit.
•Sarah received permission for the use of David Mallett’s “The Garden Song”. Sarah will be worship leader. Sarah has collected a variety of relevant materials that will be on an information table. There will be a list of Maine organizations and their web-sites for people to reach out, make connections, and take action regarding our stewardship of the earth. The book list compiled by Janis will be available as well.
•Leslie will do a hymn of promise.
There was discussion around the possibility of follow-up programs after Earth Day:
•Sarah mentioned Kris Dunn, an Amercorp volunteer, who does a presentation on Back Cove Yardscaping. He could be invited to do a presentation in May.
•Ed knows of the possibility of a well-known gardener coming to do a presentation. There will be a sign-up sheet on the information table on April19 for people to express interest in such a program.
•Since there will not be a rummage sale this spring, the possibility of asking for donations of books to be recycled was discussed. Books could then be sold in Wright Pavilion after worship some Sunday. The funds could go to energy saving items for our church.
•It was mentioned that a Disney movie “Earth” is due out for Earth Day. Ed reported on two federal government bills and one state bill relative to energy and to the environment.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Community Crisis Ministries
Meeting Minutes of March 24, 2009
PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dallaire, Ann Googins.
ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos, Kathy Sahrbeck.
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Work continued on the planned Community Crisis Ministries Sunday of April 26. Scott met with John and went over the program in a meeting that was very helpful. He brought a draft Bulletin, and we finished plugging in presenters and remaining items.
The chapel service will be shorter, so we condensed the Bulletin for that service.
When the Team meets again on April 7, we will meet with our speaker and finalize everything.
Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 23.
The next project will be preparing the fund letter for pledges, which we hope to mail by the end of May.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 7, at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins
PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dallaire, Ann Googins.
ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos, Kathy Sahrbeck.
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Work continued on the planned Community Crisis Ministries Sunday of April 26. Scott met with John and went over the program in a meeting that was very helpful. He brought a draft Bulletin, and we finished plugging in presenters and remaining items.
The chapel service will be shorter, so we condensed the Bulletin for that service.
When the Team meets again on April 7, we will meet with our speaker and finalize everything.
Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 23.
The next project will be preparing the fund letter for pledges, which we hope to mail by the end of May.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 7, at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins
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