Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Diversity Committe

January 4, 2009

Present: Deb Theriault, Mike Kasputes, Karen Westerberg, Kathy Cotter, John McCall, Joan Carrier, Dolores Broberg, Carol Scheffler

Dolores gave the opening

Minutes of the Meeting of November 16, 2008 were accepted as corrected

Women in Harmony
- receipt of ad for 2009 program confirmed
- Deb will check with Leigh Garrett that an invitation to use the Sanctuary for their Spring Concert was issued

Clothing Drive for Preble Street Teen Center- Deb received no response to her initial e-mail to Resource Contact to confirm need for clothing drive
- Deb will re-contact
- John agreed that having a box in the Narthex will be OK for a couple of weeks
- Carol will alert MOT that Diversity is heading up the drive
- Dolores has knit goods to add to box

- donation of $100.00 to GLSEN was approved by the committee members on-line in December
- unanimous agreement to listing of First Congregational as a supporter on GLSEN website
- Betsy Parsons will be leading a Forum describing the purpose of GLSEN following the Diversity Sunday service;Joan has provided guidelines to Betsy

“Anyone and Everyone” video
- It was decided to open the showing of the video to the
congregation in a Forum type format following a church service
- John will check for an available date in February or March

Other Old Business:
- John reported that AnnElissa Leveque will be leading a
Forum on signing on February 8th

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business

Scripture chosen: Matthew 12:46-50
Hymns: #’s 7, 36, & 19 in Songs of the Spirit; Shirley will choose Anthem
Bulletin Cover: Joan presented a draft; John suggested “water-marking" tool & Joan will try this; Deb has house graphic that might work for both Bulletin & publicity posters to be put around church; Deb will find & e-mail to Joan & Kathy; Deb will produce 6 8 ½ x 11 posters & bring Tuesday to choir practice
Worship Leaders:
Carol: Life of the Church; Unison Prayer & Lord’s Prayer;
(Dolores will write Unison Prayer)
John: Welcome to Worship
Kathy: Children’s Time (many suggestions for theme
implementation made)
Elsa: Prayers of the People
Dolores: Prayer for Illumination; the Word
Message: Pam Hermann, Mike Kasputes, Karen Westerberg,
John McCall
Joan: Sharing our Tithes; Dedication Prayer
Benediction: Carol, Kathy, Joan & Dolores
Chapel: John, Mike, Karen, & Pam; Carol – Worship Leader
(John will provide outline)

NEXT MEETING: To be scheduled as needed with Agenda to include:
Possible participation in Pride Celebration Volunteering
for Women in Harmony Concert

Dolores gave the closing

Minutes taken by Carol Scheffler

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