Monday, August 18, 2008

New Hymnal Committee

August 13, 2008

Sub group: Lynn Howard, Deb Therriault, Carrie Skeffington, Dana Wiggins


Hymns of Truth and Light has been selected to replace the Pilgrim Hymnal which is out of print. The Truth and Light book has many of our favorite hymns already and also offers a custom bind-in supplement that can include responsive readings, church history or other songs not included in the hymnal. A sub-group was formed to list selections for the supplement, secure usage rights and provide computerized copies of the songs for publishing.

1. Lynn documented the favorite hymns requested in the survey results and organized copyright info within a spreadsheet— she has offered to finalize the list of selections and responsive readings after checking with Shirley and John
2. Usage rights were discussed and how to go about clearing all for publication
3. Responsive readings may be added. Where do we find those?
4. Carrie will contact Bob Currier to initiate conversation about making computerized copies of the songs available in his database.
5. Deb will contact Shirley for thoughts on most important songs to go into the bind-in– and will contact Joan for background on copyright process done for the Songs of the Spirit.
6. Dana contacted Maggi Tucker and confirmed that the sample book we are using for reference does indeed have the same selections in it as the one we will be ordering–
7. Cover designs to be circulated for consideration by larger committee

Truth and Light representative Maggi Tucker will advise and shepherd us through the process of our upcoming order and the publishing requirements. She has the following directions:

8. we should send our list of selected songs because she has background info and can help with usage permissions
9. any copyright info we have and which hymnal we found it in should also be sent to her along with our list of songs
10. she will advise us on which songs have recently gone into public domain and which will need permissions –obtaining permissions for the lowest price –she informs us that CCLI license requires payment each year whereas offers usage rights for a one-time only fee which may be less expensive
11. Make a copy of same list for Bob Currier for computerized copies of songs
12. Proof and prepare a mock up so page numbering can be assigned
13. Final proof

Submitted by Dana Wiggins

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