August 20, 2008
Recorder: Margaret Thibodeau
Next Meeting: 9/11/08
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau
Opening & Introductions
New Team members Karen Pierce-Souza and Aaron French were not able to attend this meeting.
The 5/1/08 Minutes were read and approved.
Update on Summer Activities
Nursery: Amy and Jayne found volunteers to cover babysitting in the nursery (to assist Diane). Elsa has been paying the volunteers each Sunday. Jayne has checked on the nursery Sunday mornings. Attendance has been low overall.
Lemonade on the Porch: Ginny has been coordinating volunteers. Margaret has made sure lemonade and cookies are available each Sunday.
Youth Ministry and Christian Education: Elsa started her new responsibilities this summer as director of Christian education. Aaron French will join our Team as the new YM coordinator. He begins September 2nd. His schedule has not been determined yet.
Adult and Christian Education
Elsa will be coordinating Christian education programs for children through adults. This will be called “Faith Formation”. Elsa reported that most teachers for Sunday School have been recruited for the fall session. There is still a need for a 7th/8th grade teacher, as well as substitutes and superintendents. Some grade levels will be grouped, although no class sizes go beyond 12 children. A schedule was distributed, which indicated that Christ Kid’s Club will now meet on the fourth Sunday of each Monday, so Elsa can be in attendance. The idea was proposed of not having Sunday School classes on holidays. This would encourage intergenerational worship, as well as appeal to many teachers. The Team was supportive of this concept. Sunday school will start September 14th.
Elsa also informed the Team that only two youth had signed up for Confirmation this year. Therefore, there will not be a Confirmation Class this year. In 2009/2010, youth in the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades will all be able to participate in Confirmation. After that, it will be offered during a student’s 8th grade year.
Subgroups & Team Responsibilities
Each member of the EG&F Team will serve as a contact person for a “sub-group”. We are pleased to have Karen Pierce-Souza join our Team this year. Responsibilities are organized as follows:
Coffee Hour Ginny Gledhill
Library Karen Pierce-Souza
Scholarship Amy Foster
Nursery Jane Quinn-Sawtelle
Faith Formation Elsa Peters
Youth Ministry Aaron French
Hospitality/Inquirers Margaret Thibodeau (Team contact)
Team members hope to involve more volunteers this year in each of the subgroups.
Homecoming Sunday
Coverage and needs for Homecoming Sunday (September 7th) were discussed. Margaret will submit appropriate forms to the church office.
Next Meeting
Thursday, September 11th @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Growth Group
August 19, 2008
In attendance: Jerry Andres, Jerry Onos, John McCall, Rick Angell, Kendra Palmer
Next Meeting, Potentially Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 7pm, combined with group working on volunteerism and the participation opportunities forms
Some wonderful ideas came out of this meeting for working toward providing a more extravagant welcome at church:
Action Items
*Developing a group of Mentors for new church members
*Incorporating more multimedia over time to meet the needs of the upcoming generations in church
*We did review the Successful church practices on pg 5 of The Power of Invitation and Welcome
**we came to the consensus that we do meet the majority of these requirements but determined the extravagant welcome is a theme that is infused in all of the recommendations and that is something that we will enhance at church.
*Side Note: There was mention of other congregations that have pick up orchestras that perform occasionally comprised of musicians from the congregation
*Offering tours after church with informational info about the church to those interested
*Equipping existing groups in church to work on providing a more extravagant welcome
(Perhaps it will be a church theme and/or each group may consider this theme as they are planning events throughout the year)
*Church to obtain more publicity in terms of local news sources, the 3 local papers, enhancing visibility on search engines, potentially tv or radio, maybe advertising in yellow pages under Congregational churches as well.
*Develop a marketing plan utilizing marketing plan guidelines next time
In attendance: Jerry Andres, Jerry Onos, John McCall, Rick Angell, Kendra Palmer
Next Meeting, Potentially Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 7pm, combined with group working on volunteerism and the participation opportunities forms
Some wonderful ideas came out of this meeting for working toward providing a more extravagant welcome at church:
Action Items
*Developing a group of Mentors for new church members
*Incorporating more multimedia over time to meet the needs of the upcoming generations in church
*We did review the Successful church practices on pg 5 of The Power of Invitation and Welcome
**we came to the consensus that we do meet the majority of these requirements but determined the extravagant welcome is a theme that is infused in all of the recommendations and that is something that we will enhance at church.
*Side Note: There was mention of other congregations that have pick up orchestras that perform occasionally comprised of musicians from the congregation
*Offering tours after church with informational info about the church to those interested
*Equipping existing groups in church to work on providing a more extravagant welcome
(Perhaps it will be a church theme and/or each group may consider this theme as they are planning events throughout the year)
*Church to obtain more publicity in terms of local news sources, the 3 local papers, enhancing visibility on search engines, potentially tv or radio, maybe advertising in yellow pages under Congregational churches as well.
*Develop a marketing plan utilizing marketing plan guidelines next time
Monday, August 18, 2008
New Hymnal Committee
August 13, 2008
Sub group: Lynn Howard, Deb Therriault, Carrie Skeffington, Dana Wiggins
Hymns of Truth and Light has been selected to replace the Pilgrim Hymnal which is out of print. The Truth and Light book has many of our favorite hymns already and also offers a custom bind-in supplement that can include responsive readings, church history or other songs not included in the hymnal. A sub-group was formed to list selections for the supplement, secure usage rights and provide computerized copies of the songs for publishing.
1. Lynn documented the favorite hymns requested in the survey results and organized copyright info within a spreadsheet— she has offered to finalize the list of selections and responsive readings after checking with Shirley and John
2. Usage rights were discussed and how to go about clearing all for publication
3. Responsive readings may be added. Where do we find those?
4. Carrie will contact Bob Currier to initiate conversation about making computerized copies of the songs available in his database.
5. Deb will contact Shirley for thoughts on most important songs to go into the bind-in– and will contact Joan for background on copyright process done for the Songs of the Spirit.
6. Dana contacted Maggi Tucker and confirmed that the sample book we are using for reference does indeed have the same selections in it as the one we will be ordering–
7. Cover designs to be circulated for consideration by larger committee
Truth and Light representative Maggi Tucker will advise and shepherd us through the process of our upcoming order and the publishing requirements. She has the following directions:
8. we should send our list of selected songs because she has background info and can help with usage permissions
9. any copyright info we have and which hymnal we found it in should also be sent to her along with our list of songs
10. she will advise us on which songs have recently gone into public domain and which will need permissions –obtaining permissions for the lowest price –she informs us that CCLI license requires payment each year whereas offers usage rights for a one-time only fee which may be less expensive
11. Make a copy of same list for Bob Currier for computerized copies of songs
12. Proof and prepare a mock up so page numbering can be assigned
13. Final proof
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Sub group: Lynn Howard, Deb Therriault, Carrie Skeffington, Dana Wiggins
Hymns of Truth and Light has been selected to replace the Pilgrim Hymnal which is out of print. The Truth and Light book has many of our favorite hymns already and also offers a custom bind-in supplement that can include responsive readings, church history or other songs not included in the hymnal. A sub-group was formed to list selections for the supplement, secure usage rights and provide computerized copies of the songs for publishing.
1. Lynn documented the favorite hymns requested in the survey results and organized copyright info within a spreadsheet— she has offered to finalize the list of selections and responsive readings after checking with Shirley and John
2. Usage rights were discussed and how to go about clearing all for publication
3. Responsive readings may be added. Where do we find those?
4. Carrie will contact Bob Currier to initiate conversation about making computerized copies of the songs available in his database.
5. Deb will contact Shirley for thoughts on most important songs to go into the bind-in– and will contact Joan for background on copyright process done for the Songs of the Spirit.
6. Dana contacted Maggi Tucker and confirmed that the sample book we are using for reference does indeed have the same selections in it as the one we will be ordering–
7. Cover designs to be circulated for consideration by larger committee
Truth and Light representative Maggi Tucker will advise and shepherd us through the process of our upcoming order and the publishing requirements. She has the following directions:
8. we should send our list of selected songs because she has background info and can help with usage permissions
9. any copyright info we have and which hymnal we found it in should also be sent to her along with our list of songs
10. she will advise us on which songs have recently gone into public domain and which will need permissions –obtaining permissions for the lowest price –she informs us that CCLI license requires payment each year whereas offers usage rights for a one-time only fee which may be less expensive
11. Make a copy of same list for Bob Currier for computerized copies of songs
12. Proof and prepare a mock up so page numbering can be assigned
13. Final proof
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Green Action Group
July 31, 2008
Present: Louise Davis, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill
Louise offered our opening prayer/meditation.
Louise shared the album she had put together for placement in the Green Action Group’s section of our church library. The album contains pertinent articles about the environment from such sources as Scientific American, the “Cape Lands” newsletter of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, and the Portland Water District. There are articles about energy saving in schools, a wind project in Texas, more energy efficient cars, and bottled water. A booklet titled “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living” was also included.
A July article in The Cape Courier reported how pastor, Msgr. Michael Henchal and a parishioner James Masi, who is a physicist, helped St. Bartholomew become one of three Catholic churches in the state using solar power.
Louise will continue to develop additional albums for our library. Articles from these albums could be copied for posting on church bulletin boards. Information could be utilized in writing articles for The Beacon.
Barbara will contact the Library Committee to arrange for the albums to be catalogued so people can check them out. Barbara will order additional copies of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living” so people can borrow these as well.
Dick will contact Msgr. Henchal and James Masi to obtain further information about St. Bartholomew’s solar project. Perhaps one of the gentlemen could visit our church and/or a group of us could visit St. Bartholemew. Dick will also contact Maine Audubon to learn more about their energy efficient building with the possibility of some of us visiting there as well.
Louise offered to look up information about four children’s books with which she is familiar on Energy, Recycling, Water, and Electricity. These might be added to our library.
Leslie contacted Ray Sirois and he is available to do a presentation this fall on “An Inconvenient Truth Update”. His information will focus on the New England region. Leslie will contact Cyndi Alden regarding church building availability in terms of date, time, and space. We discussed having the program at 7 PM during September or October in Guptil Hall. We would like to invite other faith communities and appropriate community groups to attend. We mentioned the idea of serving refreshments.
Sarah Ellsworth was not able to attend this meeting but said she has plans for a bulletin board presentation and will move forward on that.
Louise has a call in to Mary Ann Fathke regarding the possibility of a vegetable garden project.
Barbara shared materials that John McCall received from the Action Institute that includes information on Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition. A DVD and Study Guide are being reviewed by committee members. Barbara will order the complete program for possible use with study groups and/or placement in the library.
Items for our August Meeting on Thursday, August 28, at 7 PM in Davidson Lounge include:
-Green Action albums up-date by Louise
-Children’s books research by Louise
-Contact with Mary Ann Fathke report by Louise
-Library report by Barbara
-Ray Sirois’ program by Leslie
-St. Bartholomew report by Dick
-Maine Audubon report by Dick
-Bulletin Board report by Sarah
-Complete work on our Mission Statement (Objectives and Methods)
-Continue to plan for the adult education program in November
-Further planning for Gary Roberts’ program in the fall
-Plan for Homecoming Sunday—We discussed having our Green Action albums and fliers about Ray Sirois’ program on our table for Homecoming.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
Present: Louise Davis, Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill
Louise offered our opening prayer/meditation.
Louise shared the album she had put together for placement in the Green Action Group’s section of our church library. The album contains pertinent articles about the environment from such sources as Scientific American, the “Cape Lands” newsletter of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, and the Portland Water District. There are articles about energy saving in schools, a wind project in Texas, more energy efficient cars, and bottled water. A booklet titled “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living” was also included.
A July article in The Cape Courier reported how pastor, Msgr. Michael Henchal and a parishioner James Masi, who is a physicist, helped St. Bartholomew become one of three Catholic churches in the state using solar power.
Louise will continue to develop additional albums for our library. Articles from these albums could be copied for posting on church bulletin boards. Information could be utilized in writing articles for The Beacon.
Barbara will contact the Library Committee to arrange for the albums to be catalogued so people can check them out. Barbara will order additional copies of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living” so people can borrow these as well.
Dick will contact Msgr. Henchal and James Masi to obtain further information about St. Bartholomew’s solar project. Perhaps one of the gentlemen could visit our church and/or a group of us could visit St. Bartholemew. Dick will also contact Maine Audubon to learn more about their energy efficient building with the possibility of some of us visiting there as well.
Louise offered to look up information about four children’s books with which she is familiar on Energy, Recycling, Water, and Electricity. These might be added to our library.
Leslie contacted Ray Sirois and he is available to do a presentation this fall on “An Inconvenient Truth Update”. His information will focus on the New England region. Leslie will contact Cyndi Alden regarding church building availability in terms of date, time, and space. We discussed having the program at 7 PM during September or October in Guptil Hall. We would like to invite other faith communities and appropriate community groups to attend. We mentioned the idea of serving refreshments.
Sarah Ellsworth was not able to attend this meeting but said she has plans for a bulletin board presentation and will move forward on that.
Louise has a call in to Mary Ann Fathke regarding the possibility of a vegetable garden project.
Barbara shared materials that John McCall received from the Action Institute that includes information on Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition. A DVD and Study Guide are being reviewed by committee members. Barbara will order the complete program for possible use with study groups and/or placement in the library.
Items for our August Meeting on Thursday, August 28, at 7 PM in Davidson Lounge include:
-Green Action albums up-date by Louise
-Children’s books research by Louise
-Contact with Mary Ann Fathke report by Louise
-Library report by Barbara
-Ray Sirois’ program by Leslie
-St. Bartholomew report by Dick
-Maine Audubon report by Dick
-Bulletin Board report by Sarah
-Complete work on our Mission Statement (Objectives and Methods)
-Continue to plan for the adult education program in November
-Further planning for Gary Roberts’ program in the fall
-Plan for Homecoming Sunday—We discussed having our Green Action albums and fliers about Ray Sirois’ program on our table for Homecoming.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill
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