Monday, June 9, 2008

Administration Team

May 1, 2008

Present: Guy Gledhill and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). We had Stan Jordon as a guest from council

Call to Order was not done, and informal meeting

Finance: Budget will be sent out to all by Cyndi and any questions will be done via email.
Tenant Update: As usual, the tenants are up to date for April, but as of yesterday Old Crow had not paid, always waits to the 10th at 4pm.
Procurement Policy: Not sure why this was on the agenda. Cyndi and I thought that this was done
Planned Giving: Will be discussed next meeting
Bulletin Board Policy: Will be discussed at the next meeting.

Committee Reports:
Counting: Chair Brian Wallace email was read, He has had great response to the Beacon. There are 9 individuals willing to be team leader and 11 counting assistants. The plan is to get through May with the current team and start the new in June.
House: Chair Guy Gledhill. Since we have not met this month, no report. We did talk about the projects we are doing, painting the front of the church, windows, insulation on third floor, chapel window, vines coming down, and the road signs for Strathmore.
Personnel Committee: Chair Ellie Chatto email was discussed, they have not met recently. They will be working to fill the Christen Ed position and authorized the church to purchase a new Vision Policy offered to our full time staff. Today was the last day to sign up for it.
New Business:
We discussed with Stan Jordan the workings of the A team.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday June 5, 2008 at 7 pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Guy Gledhill

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