Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Administrative Team

First Congregational Church, UCC, South Portland
April 3, 2008

Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill Chris Mills. Absent: Cyndi Alden, Business Manager.

Call to order: Jim acted as chair for the meeting, and called the meeting to order at 7:05. Per the rotation schedule, Eben recorded this meeting and will chair the May meeting. (Just a reminder that each month’s chair will receive and review items that are in the mailbox for the meeting they will chair.)

Minutes from the March 2, 2008 were reviewed and accepted as written.


Finance: In Cyndi’s absence, we reviewed the 1st quarter 2008 Budget vs. Actual.
We would ask Cyndi to break out from line 5020 Rental Properties the expenses against the income.

Planned Giving Initiative: A Planned Giving Committee is being formed. Chris reported that Gretchen Reynolds has agreed to serve. Others to be invited to serve include Dan Cummings, John Howard, Ed Saxby and Ellie Baker.

The PGC will; develop a registry of potential benefactors, solicit resource people to provide advice and guidance, and develop an education approach (simple) to a PG program.

Bulletin Board: The Council has asked the A-Team to develop a policy for the placement and use of bulletin boards in the Church.

Chris is to visit with Dan Cummings to obtain more definition from the Council of the issues pertaining to bulletin boards. This matter was deferred to the May meeting.

Annual Report: Guy presented his draft of the Annual Report for the A-Team. It was well done, informative and comprehensive. The A-Team voted to accept the Report.

Tenant Update: Deferred to May meeting.

A -Team members: Jim will nominate Chris and Ron for a full three year term on the A Team. We are all continuing on the A team next year, therefore no volunteers from our team to serve next year on the Council.

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Counting Committee: Jim reported that Peggy Murray, Dick Angel and Brian Wallace have agreed to serve on the Counting Committee. They will make sure that the process of weekly counting is done, working properly, and will maintain a colander for scheduling counters.

Jim will meet with them to orient their function of managing the counting process.

The A Team commended Jim for his excellent personal effort and diligence in getting the CC organized. 28 members have volunteered to count.

House Committee: Guy presented a comprehensive report of the activities of the HC. It is attached and referenced as part of these Minutes.

In addition, Guy and Deb reported that the HC is working with Tom to engage a contractor to replace 19 old and inefficient windows with new vinyl clad units. This will lower future maintenance and energy costs and make the building more comfortable. Deb and Guy spoke to commend Tom Conlon for the very committed and great job he is doing for our Church.

The A Team concurred that this was necessary, and that the HC, having dutifully adhered to our Procurement Policy guidelines, should proceed and engage Steve Saugars to perform the work at a cost of $6681.00.

The matter of the Swarthmore Road signage was discussed. Residents there have asked the Church to provide “No Parking” signs to prevent obstructing the view entering on to Mitchell Street. Guy reported that he has conferred with the City, and that the residents must provide a petition from the neighbors that they agree with the Church for signage “No Parking to Corner of Mitchell Street.” The City will provide the sign. The minutes are uncertain as to how this information will be conveyed to the Swarthmore Street neighbors???

Personnel: Eben reported that the PC is considering adding “Vision” coverage, available from the MCUCC for Church staff.

New Business: There was no new business to discuss.

Date of next meeting: May1, 2008 at 7:00P

This meeting was adjourned at 8:12P

Respectfully Submitted,
Eben Marsh

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