Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Council Minutes

Present: Deb Andrews, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter, Carol Zechman, Sally Sutton, Jean Siulinski, Elsa Peters and John McCall

Absent: Matt Brucker , Paul Gray and Dan Cummings

OPENING: Carol opened the meeting at 6:30 with a quote. Chris K. reviewed the Meeting Agenda. Last month’s minutes were approved.

MINISTER’S TIME: John reminded the council that Kim Early’s resignation is effective at the end of this Sunday School year, but Kim has graciously agreed to help orient her replacement. EF&G is planning to honor Kim’s exceptional contributions at the May 18th Children’s Celebration Service. John relayed a story from last Sunday’s service about a family who has recently attended our church. John spoke with the father who said his daughter loved her Sunday school class and they had a wonderful feeling in the presence of our congregation. April 28th is the next inquirers Meeting. All are welcome to attend and share in the discussion. Elsa reported that we need 2 new delegates for the annual FCC-UCC meeting. The meeting is June 20th-June22nd. Elsa make a request for interested volunteers in the Beacon. Elsa also advised us that confirmation Sunday is May 4th. There will be a change in the Youth Ministry Structure. Instead of JYM, SYM and the combined Jump meetings, there will be one combined group for 6th-12th graders. The 4 current lay leaders are working out well and lay leadership is important to ensure consistency when ministerial leadership changes.

Survey Feedback: Council members reviewed copies of the team comments. Concerns expressed about a couple of comments related to support vs. guidance from the council. Discussion ensued about how to involve council in team meetings and issues. Decision was made to have groups of two council members
attend each team meeting. Chris took down the names of council members that would be available on May 1st.

Web Site: Elsa asked the council whether they thought minutes and annual calendar would be helpful additions to the church web site. There was agreement that they would, but minutes should still be sent vis email, as well.

Budget Follow-Up: Council members though Cindy’s presentation and follow-up information were very helpful.

Interest Inventory Questionnaire: Discussion ensued about how the questionnaires are updated, do new members receive it (yes), who will “own” the forms. Elinor Redmond has volunteered to follow-up with individuals about what they have indicated their interests are. Stan suggested we add sub-committees to the
Questionnaire, so people can volunteer for more specific tasks.

Piano Funding: Stan asked how we could tell which funds could be used to fund the needed renovations. Chris outlined the various available funds. Sally requested that there be a listing of what other church projects might need these funds, or might not be completed because certain funds would be diverted to the piano renovations. A sub-committee (Chris K, Carol and Dave) was formed to explore the funding options in more detail and make recommendations to the council.

By-Laws: Stan and Paul continue to review and modify the new by-laws that Dan prepared.

Nominations: Lengthy discussion about council nominations and the need to have full slate of team members for the congregation to vote on at the Annual Meeting on April 27th. Chris will contact teams to get their lists and prepare the Annual Meeting report. Jean will call the suggested nominees for Church Council.

Space Use Request: Carol reviewed her meeting with George Pressley and his proposal to use church space to assist low income individuals in accessing affordable medications. Carol will contact the church(s) he worked with New Hampshire and report back to the council vis email.

The next meeting is Thursday, May 15th at 7pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Zechman

Fair Trade Coffee Project

Present: Laurie Cary, Sam Hare, Wayne MacKeil, AnnElissa Leveque, Carol Scheffler, Greg Wyman

Coffee Buying Club:

General Instructions
Will have two people at the table for the initial offering. Wayne will act as a sub if someone can’t make it. People are to make checks out to the church & should pay for the coffee at time of ordering. We will charge an additional 50cents/bag above the quoted price to help defray cost of coffee hour coffee. Bring calculator & scissors (to cut off receipt). Fill out the receipt at the bottom of the Order Form & return to the “coffee club member”. Bring any extra cloth bags you have to bag coffee on order fill date. Encourage members to bring them back at next coffee fill date. Greg will tabulate & complete order, verifying the correct amount has been collected. Greg will get the funds & copy of the order to Cyndi. & will either place the order or coordinate with Cyndi re ordering.. Carol will find out from Cyndi if the order & money can be slipped under her office door on Sunday afternoon.

Schedule & Duty Roster
First Order Date 4/20 – Greg, Carol
Follow Up Order Date 4/27 – AnnElissa, Carol; AFTER ANNUAL MEETING
Order Fill Date 5/4 or 5/11 (when coffee received) Sam, Wayne

Second Order Date 7/13 – AnnElissa
Follow Up Order Date 7/20 - Greg
Order Fill Date 7/27 – Laurie

Ordering Forms
Will use the order form that has a receipt at the bottom. Carol will modify the form to include the Item Code & make multiple copies for use on 4/20 & 4/27.

Beacon Article
Deadline is 4/17. Since Beacon won’t come out until the week after the first order date (4/20), Carol will notify those folks who signed up of the dates & write an article for the Beacon.

Coffee Hour Coffee

There appears to be only 5 bags of regular & 5 bags of decaf remaining. Greg will check with Tom to be sure there is not more somewhere else and will include in the April order enough to carry us through until July. Carol will find out the beginning & ending dates for the serving of lemonade as this will affect amount of coffee consumption.

Social Witness Potluck

The possibility of participating in a SW Potluck this Spring was discussed. Consensus was that it would be better to hold it in the fall. Laurie will put the scheduling of a SW Potluck in October on the MOT agenda for May 1st. Carol will notify Joan and the other sub-committee heads. AnnElissa asked that it not be scheduled for a Monday or Friday and Carol asked that it not be Friday as that is Elsa’s day off.

Council Feedback Form

Council’s questions were reviewed but the group felt that since we are so new, we have nothing significant to add. Carol will e-mail Dan Cummings.

Adjournment at 7:45PM.

Spiritual Life and Worship Minutes

Present: Deb Riley, Elinor Redmond, Sandy Hansen, Betsy Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Tex Haeuser, John McCall
Excused: Bryan Wiggins

Opening Meditation was offered by Deb Riley and much appreciated by the group.

Review of Minutes from March 6: approved as written with compliments to Bryan.

Review of Lenten/Easter Activities
Good Friday Soup Supper

  • Big success; lots of volunteers
  • Sign-up sheet helped; good leadership by Sandy with sign-up assistance by Margaret Thibodeau
  • Too many PB&J sandwiches; next year let people make their own
  • Paul Indorf again performed the miracle of the many electrical connections
  • Donations of $188 came in, but after deductions for supplies & groceries, $113 was the net profit

Easter Vigil

  • Sign by Bryan was great
  • Elinor led the effort; she made calls to try to fill in some of the 2-hour periods that only had one person signed up. It was difficult to find people to come in during the middle of the night
  • Elinor both mailed and emailed the schedule to those who signed up and put the schedule in the Chapel
  • Those doing the vigil need each other’s phone numbers in case someone forgets to come
  • May want to consider suggesting that people sign up with a friend
  • The Chapel preparations (mostly Elsa) were beautiful; thoughtful reading materials; a notebook for journal entries

Sunrise Service

  • Bryan and Dana led this project
  • Good attendance (65 people)
  • Cold but beautiful
  • Quite dark to start with; need to check sunrise times
  • Service went well; may need some accompaniment for singing—choir is otherwise occupied

Subcommittee feedback: Communion Subcommittee: Sometimes it seems as if there is still a small group of people doing everything.
What is going well?
SLW had so many former Deacons that the transition seemed seamless; not much different than before except having a smaller, more intimate group given the separate Communion subcommittee.
Having Communion separate has worked, mostly because of Mary Ann’s devotion and leadership.
Having meeting time/date flexibility has been good.
Some miss the opening service.
Some miss the former Deacons’ retreat (but we can still have one).
We enjoy the more informal meeting setting (and comfort) of Davidson Lounge
Challenges encountered
Concept was that we would not be doing the food events, but we understand given how much EGF has had to do
Concern for Communion should Mary Ann ever step down
Needed improvements
Better if did volunteer recruiting in the spring and not wait for Homecoming
Allow more people on SLW (as we’ve already decided)
Effectiveness of the new structure
Overall, it seems like the tasks that need to get done are getting done
We feel SLW has been effective

Nominations for SLW
Sandy contacted all those who expressed interest on the participation forms, and to date only Richard Angell had expressed interest in joining the SL & W Team
Debbie is contacting some new members to inquire about interest level in participating in some way on our Team or in a subcommittee

John’s Update
Elsa’s grandfather passed away and she is in New York; we are keeping her in our prayers.
Kim Early has resigned effective the end of the church school year; if we have thoughts on the job description or a candidate, let John know; Kim has been with us for five years and has done a tremendous job
This Sunday John will deliver a sermon about the racism we find hard to acknowledge; full page ads in the NY Times and USA Today by the UCC about Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Question: when should we start intinction? Response: better if we wait until July given attendance by elders in June

Confirmation Sunday

  • May 4th
  • We need to arrange for the boutonnières
  • Leslie will handle the flowers
  • Betsy to talk with Mary Ann to coordinate communion
  • Betsy will take care of the altar cloths.
  • Betsy and Sandy will talk with Margaret as Betsy has materials left over from last year
  • Sandy will be a server but not an organizer

Elder Selection

  • Going well; meeting with John on Monday
  • David Allen has a list of candidates
  • To meet the timeframe, we may vote by email

Annual Report
Betsy will do because she is a nice person! Dana offered to be back-up.

Terms of Office
Somewhat under protest, but understanding the need, the group decided (for itself and for Bryan because that’s how in tune we are):

Class of 2008
Tex Haeuser
Dana Wiggins

Class of 2009
Sandy Hansen
Bryan Wiggins
Betsy Keiter

Class of 2010
Elinor Redmond
Deb Riley

Tex Haeuser
Dana Wiggins

Richard Angell

Hymnal Committee

  • Dana Wiggins reported
  • Everyone did reports from other churches
  • Majority are using New Century, but it’s flawed
  • Plan to seek feedback from our congregation in several ways
  • Some publishers will bind in your favorite songs
  • Some information sessions are being planned

Elsa has plans to decorate the sanctuary. Elsa, Dana, and Randall Landry will organize. Congregation again will be crafting the decorations.

Next meeting: May 1, at 7:30 PM.

Adjourned 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Tex Haeuser

Administrative Team

First Congregational Church, UCC, South Portland
April 3, 2008

Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill Chris Mills. Absent: Cyndi Alden, Business Manager.

Call to order: Jim acted as chair for the meeting, and called the meeting to order at 7:05. Per the rotation schedule, Eben recorded this meeting and will chair the May meeting. (Just a reminder that each month’s chair will receive and review items that are in the mailbox for the meeting they will chair.)

Minutes from the March 2, 2008 were reviewed and accepted as written.


Finance: In Cyndi’s absence, we reviewed the 1st quarter 2008 Budget vs. Actual.
We would ask Cyndi to break out from line 5020 Rental Properties the expenses against the income.

Planned Giving Initiative: A Planned Giving Committee is being formed. Chris reported that Gretchen Reynolds has agreed to serve. Others to be invited to serve include Dan Cummings, John Howard, Ed Saxby and Ellie Baker.

The PGC will; develop a registry of potential benefactors, solicit resource people to provide advice and guidance, and develop an education approach (simple) to a PG program.

Bulletin Board: The Council has asked the A-Team to develop a policy for the placement and use of bulletin boards in the Church.

Chris is to visit with Dan Cummings to obtain more definition from the Council of the issues pertaining to bulletin boards. This matter was deferred to the May meeting.

Annual Report: Guy presented his draft of the Annual Report for the A-Team. It was well done, informative and comprehensive. The A-Team voted to accept the Report.

Tenant Update: Deferred to May meeting.

A -Team members: Jim will nominate Chris and Ron for a full three year term on the A Team. We are all continuing on the A team next year, therefore no volunteers from our team to serve next year on the Council.

Page 2.


Counting Committee: Jim reported that Peggy Murray, Dick Angel and Brian Wallace have agreed to serve on the Counting Committee. They will make sure that the process of weekly counting is done, working properly, and will maintain a colander for scheduling counters.

Jim will meet with them to orient their function of managing the counting process.

The A Team commended Jim for his excellent personal effort and diligence in getting the CC organized. 28 members have volunteered to count.

House Committee: Guy presented a comprehensive report of the activities of the HC. It is attached and referenced as part of these Minutes.

In addition, Guy and Deb reported that the HC is working with Tom to engage a contractor to replace 19 old and inefficient windows with new vinyl clad units. This will lower future maintenance and energy costs and make the building more comfortable. Deb and Guy spoke to commend Tom Conlon for the very committed and great job he is doing for our Church.

The A Team concurred that this was necessary, and that the HC, having dutifully adhered to our Procurement Policy guidelines, should proceed and engage Steve Saugars to perform the work at a cost of $6681.00.

The matter of the Swarthmore Road signage was discussed. Residents there have asked the Church to provide “No Parking” signs to prevent obstructing the view entering on to Mitchell Street. Guy reported that he has conferred with the City, and that the residents must provide a petition from the neighbors that they agree with the Church for signage “No Parking to Corner of Mitchell Street.” The City will provide the sign. The minutes are uncertain as to how this information will be conveyed to the Swarthmore Street neighbors???

Personnel: Eben reported that the PC is considering adding “Vision” coverage, available from the MCUCC for Church staff.

New Business: There was no new business to discuss.

Date of next meeting: May1, 2008 at 7:00P

This meeting was adjourned at 8:12P

Respectfully Submitted,
Eben Marsh