Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary, Carol Scheffler, Mike Kasputes, Sandy Dyer, Greg Wyman, Richard Parker, and Sarah Randall.

Opening Reading: Sarah read from the book of Hebrews Chapter 11, about faith.

After two spelling corrections; Deb Theriault and Glsen, the minutes of September 3rd were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Greg Wyman
- Two disbursement letters were returned, incorrect address. Greg will check into it and resend. A Thank You note was received from Bangor Theological Seminary.
- Will start budget planning for 2010 next month.
- Maine Council of Churches 20/20 vision campaign has been completed, our pledge to this has been met. After a discussion and vote it was decided we would continue our support to this, having it come out of the “Special Support In Maine” part of the budget.
- Board voted to make a special donation for the victims of the recent Tsunamis in American Samoa and Indonesia. A donation of $500 will be sent to the American Red Cross.

Ministers Moments: Elsa Peters
- Micah project responses are starting to come in.
- UCC conference was last weekend; pamphlets about “Our church’s wider Mission” sent to be disbursed to the congregation. Discussed best way to do this, decided to put in pew racks and have an article in the Beacon about where to find the pamphlets.
- Opportunity for board members to attend a seminar “Just Practice”, Friday- Saturday November 6th and 7th in Worcester, MA. It’s a New England UCC Justice and Witness event. Elsa is unable to attend.

Old Business:
- Micah Project ; will table discussion until November.
- Homecoming Sunday; mixed feelings on success of overall event. Mike gave the idea of perhaps promoting one group each Sunday during coffee hour. Would give more focus to that group.
- Special offering Neighbors in Need this Sunday, October 4th.

- Fair trade coffee; orders have been collected and sent. Expecting shipment this next week. Will need sorters, Greg will e-mail team with time and date for sorting.
- Food Pantry; Sarah spoke with Gail Dransfield, pantry is very low on food. Time for a “Food Drive”. Sarah will make an announcement during Chapel service this Sunday, October 4th. Carol will announce at the 10:00AM service. Pass out bags and lists October 11th, and collect donations October 18th.
- Mission Mall; have six charities so far, looking for two more. Carol will contact and invite “Florence House”, a new facility for homeless women. Sarah will contact and invite “Grace Street Ministries”, a ministry for street people.

Open Discussion:
- Carol reminded us to “save the date”, October 22nd at 7:00 at FCCUS. Dr. Marvin Ellison will speak on Marriage Equality. Then on October 15th, Bishop Gene Robinson will be speaking at St. Luke’s.
- Sandy told us that for June-September 15th our food pantry served 130 families from South Portland and Cape Elizabeth.

Closing Reading: Sarah finished the reading from Hebrews
Chapter 11.

Meeting ended at 8:20 p.m.

Recorder: Sarah Randall

Next Meeting: November 5th.

Opening/Closing Prayer: Greg Wyman

Recorder: Maureen Clancy

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