Monday, May 17, 2010

Administrative Team

Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010

Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden. Excused: Eben Marsh.

The meeting was called to order by Meeting Chair, Jim Otis at 7:07 p.m. Deb Sandler was appointed Meeting Secretary and Chair for the next meeting.

The Minutes of the March 4, 2010 Meeting were reviewed and accepted. (We had no April meeting)

Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi presented a review of the finances through May 6, 2010. She reported that “the financial picture was looking good”. She pointed out that the Per Capita Contribution is surprising in that 130% of the budget has come in. She has gotten many positive comments from members about having added that contribution. It was also suggested that we might take advantage of the locked in fuel prices and fill up our oil tanks before the May 31st cut off date.

The first draft of the Financial Review from Smith & Associates is in. It includes the Holly Daze Bazaar and the Discovery Center. Jim and Ron will take a look at it, sign it and get it back to Cyndi by May 13th. Ron suggested that for next year it would be good to add comparative financials for the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow. The Review needs to be finalized and printed up by the Annual Meeting on May 23rd.

Tenant Review: 1.) 331 Cottage Road: The upstairs renovation has been completed. A female tenant rented it for $750. and moved in on May 1st. 2.) 509 Sawyer Street: The tenant has continued to pay $700. at a reduced rate for one year. A concern was raised that it might be time to get back to the $1000. rent that is on the lease. Cyndi was asked to propose to the tenant a phase back in of $100. every few months. (5/11/10: Cyndi reports that the tenant has agreed to start paying $800. in June while she continues to look for a new apartment or house to rent.)

Chancel Rail Proposal: The Administrative Team went to view the progress of work on the Chancel Rail during the meeting. We were very pleased with the results. Several Administrative Team members wrote checks of support on the spot. (5/11/10: The railings are completed. Dick and Barbara Merrill, who made the first request to have a railing built and gave a very generous pledge in support, have seen it and are thrilled with how it looks.) Ron agreed to write an article for the Beacon asking for further donations. The Council has approved the fund-raising for this project. We have $1300. pledged, the cost is $2400. Any cost not covered by pledges will come out of the Old North Church Memorial Fund, which is managed by Spiritual Life &Worship. Thank you, Eben, for a job well done.

Growth Group Request for Signage: Guy reported that the House Committee is working on it and will report back at our next meeting.

Annual Report: Eben graciously wrote and submitted the Annual Report.

Counting: All appears to be working very smoothly thanks to Peggy Murray, Chair.

House: It has been a very busy two months:
331 Cottage Rd. - renovations are complete, several birch trees that are threatening the foundation have to be removed.
Roof - we reviewed 5 separate bids for the roof and went with BD Heanssler for a cost of $43,867. 3 bids were higher and one lower. They will be reroofing everything but the Wright Pavilion with Woodscape Architectural Shingles. As of now, there will be two extra costs: replacing some rotten plywood and where the roof and steeple meet the last roofer cut off the flashing, so both flashing and plywood will have to be replaced there.
Windows – the Undercroft and Guptill Hall windows have been replaced. This completes a 3 phase project…all windows in the church have been replaced now, except for those in the Sanctuary and Narthex.
Steeple – due to excessive leaking during winter storms Tom researched where the potential leaks might be. After a great audio visual presentation we understood at least what the problem was and reviewed 3 contracts. We awarded the contract to Mid Maine Restoration. They will come sometime in the early summer, construct scaffolding, do a survey, give us an estimate and then the House Committee will vote on whether to do the repairs they recommend.
Balcony Ceiling and Sanctuary Painting – After the Steeple has been repaired we will award a contract to have the balcony ceiling repaired and the ceiling and sanctuary repainted…fall ’10.
Gardening – We hired out to have the gardens mulched and trimmed. We have awarded a contract to have the fencing along the southeast wall of the driveway repaired.

Planned Giving (PG): Ron will write a new article relating to planned giving for the Beacon in June.

Web Site Subcommittee (WSS): Guy reported that the committee is looking at 2 bidders with 2 excellent products. One is totally backed up online costing ~$500/yr to operate, the other is free but we will have to do all of the maintenance. Consensus for the A-Team support for the online backup.

Check in with Council: Jim Otis will e-mail Chris expressing that Council Members are always welcome to join our A-Team meetings.

Building Safety: Due to loss of storage facilities the rummage sale furniture items have been overflowing in the hallways. The house committee will look into storage options and posting of areas.

Church Contact List and Composition of A-Team Members: We discussed the process by which new team members are to be chosen. Looks like it’s up to us to inspire new members. We have a new member for the Class of 2013: Rod Redstone. Chris Mills would like to step down so we are looking for a new member. The classes at this time are:
Class of 2011: Ron Bennett, Chris Mills
Class of 2012: Jim Otis, Deb Sandler
Class of 2013: Guy Gledhill, Rod Redstone

Deb said she will contact Elsa to remind her to add the Gardening Committee to the member interest survey.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.

The next A-Team meeting will be held on June 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Deb Sandler, Meeting Secretary

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes of 5/10/10

Members present: Rick Angell, Stan Jordan, Elinor Redmond, Kendra Palmer, Sue Ross, Dave Allen, John McCall.

John opened the meeting at 5:45 p.m. with a prayer.

Visits to Other Churches:
The meeting was devoted to each member reporting on their visit(s) to other area churches. The goal was to isolate ‘top ideas’ that would be useful for our church to adopt. Text in italics designate possible ‘top ideas’.

Rick Angell visited the First Congregational Church in Gorham: Rich began by saying that everything they do – we do and much much more. The church did not seem to put much into welcoming visitors. He happened to meet the Associate Pastor who introduced him to the Pastor (who was not preaching). No ushers or greeters. Two people spoke with him during the passing of the peace. He observed that this church gives a lot of bean suppers and speculates that is where they have their fellowship time.

Sue visited Thornton Heights Methodist Church: The only piece of paper in the pews besides the hymnal and the bible was an offering envelope. Three parking spots by the door were marked for ‘Visitor’. There were 2 street signs pointing direction to the church. Stationery greeters stood at the door and handed out bulletins. The bulletins asked visitors to sign a book on a podium. No ushering to seats. The Baptism had a separate bulletin and the Pastor referred to the child during the sermon. The Pastor invited all to attend the coffee hour at the end of the service. The Pastor did not stay at the door. Sue did not know where to find the coffee hour. She was greeted by 2 people during the passing of the peace.

Stan visited 3 churches (!! way to go, Stan!!):

Stevens Avenue Congregation Church: Smallest he visited and he had to hunt for it. Parking was awkward although there was an unmarked lot behind the church. There was a greeter/usher. The minister had an accent and was hard to understand. He was very welcoming and spoke from the floor. 30 people attended service. 6 women were in the choir and sat in the congregation. The church is self-described as a ‘rural church in a city setting’. No nametags. Did not see the minister after the service. Announcements were made by the greeter who called on people. There was a card in the pew rack for follow up by the minister. Coffee was downstairs after the service.

State Street Congregational Church: Greeted outside by lady minister. 2 ushers and 2 greeters. Many people wore nametages and kept them on into coffee hour (there was a basket to collect them at coffee hour). It is a small congregation and before the service the minister personally greeted each individual. She was there during the coffee hour. The choir joined in the passing of the peace. Stan spoke with a couple at coffee hour who described a visit to FCCUCC where no-one spoke to them during coffee hour. He mentioned the importance of keeping the circle open so the next person can step in. Information provided in the pews included: Bookmark (who we are), Visitor card and an ‘About’ brochure.

First Parish, Brunswick: No signs. Tough parking. Old, historic church. Sunday School in separate building. Very friendly greeter. Smiling ushers. Choir and organist in back balcony. Bell ringers in front. Some members had small nametags with a ribbon on them (color had no significance). The lady minister spoke off the podium. Stan was greeted by several people during coffee hour, including the minister. The building had no interior signage. ‘GuestTag’ with sticky nametag in pew rack. Stan noted the most important thing was the friendliness of the people. He was included in the chat.

Stan notes that Ministers at a couple of the churches I visited walked through the sanctuary before the service started and greeted many, if not all, of those attending. In addition, the Senior Minister attended the Coffee Hour and made it a point to greet my wife and me. Those two personal contacts by the Ministermade us feel very welcome.

Kendra visited Peoples Methodist Church: It was a vacation Sunday and 30 people attended. Not many materials in the pews. There was a prayer concern card in the pew which was collected with the offering. Concerns were read toward the end of the service. The minister sent Kendra a card afterward (notecard with a painting of the church). Brochures were not readily available. No signage. The greeters asked Kendra to sign a guest book which included the question ‘where do you regularly attend church?’.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Kendra also attends a non-denominational church (Family Worship Center) with her family in Dover-Foxcroft. There they spend a long time (10-15 minutes) passing the peace. Newcomers receive a bag with a cookie, bookmark, etc. Not much literature.

Sue remembered at Woodfords Church being matched with appropriate newcomers by the ushers.

Dave visited Falmouth Congregation Church where one enters the church through a social space best described as ‘action central’. The choir was there as well as all coming to church. People were very friendly. He picked up a bright green ‘visitor’s bag’ which was printed with a message thanking (him) for visiting. Inside was a description of the church (brief and colorful), a bookmark, and a hand-written ‘welcome’ note. The church mission was prominent on all church materials. There was a sign-in sheet for visitors on a clipboard in the pew.

New Life: The first 45 minutes were spent singing – most people standing. Electronic projection of hymns. No bulletin. Worked into the service and the sermon. The welcome brochure was simple, with lots of color and included a DVD. There was an evangelistic feeling. He was provided with a good map. The congregation included a lot of young adults. People came and went during the service -- it had an unstructured feeling. The guest card requested extensive information. Full financial status in front of everyone. Immediately after the service there was a chance for newcomers to ‘Connect’ with the Pastor for conversation.

Next meeting we will prioritize the ideas gleaned and see what we can realistically do.

Next meeting: Monday, June 14, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. in the Laity Room.

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

Monday, May 10, 2010

Education Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau

Team members attending: Karen Pierce, Ginny Gledhill, Margaret Thibodeau, Carolyn Foster, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting.

The meeting began with the approval of the April Minutes.

Jana had contacted Margaret to report that Coffee Hour is going along fine. The question arose as to when Coffee Hour switches to “Lemonade on the Porch”, which happens when summer worship hours begin. Elsa informed the Team that the date is June 27th.

Karen shared that the Library and Scholarship Committees have reported no concerns.

Ginny reported that coverage in the Nursery was found for the 9:00 Easter Service, however no one could be recruited to volunteer for the 11:00 service. Ginny provided coverage herself, and shared that there were only three children. The Team decided next year to offer Nursery coverage only at the earlier service. This will be publicized in the Beacon. Stephanie Cooke, a parent who volunteers often in the nursery, reported that the number of parents willing to help out has increased since a letter was sent out last month, asking for assistance. The Team agreed that next year, a similar letter might be sent out earlier in the year. As in the past, the Team attempts to provide Nursery coverage during summer worship. We have paid young adults $10.00 for their assistance. Carolyn mentioned we might start with asking for recruits willing to provide coverage as part of “community service”, which most high school students need to complete.

Margaret will cover the Inquirer’s Meeting next week, and New Member Sunday on May 23rd. The Church Picnic takes place on Sunday May 16th. Several people have signed up to bring salads, and other items. Beals will donate the ice cream again, and the Eskimos will provide the grilling. Our next event after the picnic is the Confirmation Celebration in June.

Elsa shared the Faith Formation Update. She has invited five people to be a sub-group called “Family Faith Formation Committee”. We are hopeful this committee can share the load of recruiting teachers for Sunday School, as well as support Faith Formation activities. Christ Kid’s Club held a Local Foods Dinner which was a huge success. Elsa asked if the Team might support the purchase of a multi-age curricula for Christ Kid’s Club which cost $100. The Team approved the purchase. The ritual for Aaron’s departure from Youth Ministry was reviewed. The farewell will take place on May 16th, and the Team will offer him a good-bye gift and thanks. Several opportunities are available for Adult Faith Formation, including Leisurely Lectionary and Beach Chair Theology. The question was raised whether Homecoming Sunday should remain the first Sunday after Labor, or be moved further into September. Team members observed that several families and members did not participate in last year’s Homecoming events, because they were not back from summer activities. Our Team strongly supports the idea of having Homecoming Sunday later in September next year, perhaps 9/19. We did discuss moving Sunday School registration out of Homecoming Sunday, and to an online option. However, we would still like a table with information available regarding Sunday School activities for those interested. Confirmation Sunday is June 13, and our Team will be hosting the celebration for the 8-9 children participating.

Council had asked our Team if we wanted a representative from Council to come to a meeting. Our Team found it very helpful when a Council Member visited last year, and we think this should occur on a regular basis. The big issue for our Team is recruiting volunteers, and we would like to know if Council might have any suggestions regarding this.

The next meeting will be Thursday, June 3rd.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes – March 25, 2010
(April's meeting moved ahead by one week because of Holy Week)

Attending: Rick Angell, Betsy Keiter, Debbie Riley, Elaine Brownell, Dana Wiggins, John McCall.

Opening Prayer - Dana.

Review of March Minutes - approved as written.

John McCall: Life of church is going well with 8-10 new families finding us since Christmas and 50% returning. Growth Group is making a difference and doing well. Energy in the church seems to be good and on an upswing.

Upcoming Holy Week Events:
Mar.28 – Palm Sunday – Debbie and Elaine organized palms – finding them (stored in downstairs fridge and in box by office), arranging in tall vases in the morning for ushers to hand out, saving many after the service for next weeks table decorations for Good Friday soup supper.
Apr.1 – Maundy Thursday - communion offered by intinction at 7:30 p.m. healing service by Elsa and John – 2 ushers needed along with 2 Deacons, 2 chalices and 21/2 loaves bread.
Apr.2 – Good Friday – 6 p.m. Service with the Soup supper (hosted by SLW with help from the Guild) offered at 7 p.m. with a second service at 7:30 p.m.
Apr.2, 3, 4 – Easter vigil - with sign-ups starting on Feb. 21 – Vigil begins directly after the Good Friday service and ends after the Sunrise service on Sunday. Church wide note sent on Monday as reminders.
Apr.4 – Sunrise Service at 6 a.m. - communion (2 loaves, 2 chalices, 2 deacons) offered by John, with bagpiper David Smart and trumpeter Sally Keiter played to a congregation of over 100 people.
Apr.4 – Sanctuary Easter services at 9 and 11 a.m. - offered by Elsa - no communion in sanctuary due to larger attendance and back-to-back service times (offered at sunrise service, and Maundy Thursday services instead).

Other Upcoming Events:
April 11 – Baptism at 4 p.m. in Chapel – one Deacon needed.
May 16 – Children’s Celebration Sunday- last day of church school with church picnic afterward.
June 6 is Founder’s Day with the Elder luncheon.
June 13 is Confirmation Sunday.

Continued items:
• Elsa asks us to explore - What is your vision for the future of our church and what does church mean to you?
• Research for table replacement for Davidson Lounge.

Adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Please contact me with any edits or additions,
Dana Wiggins