Thursday, March 26, 2009

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes of March 23, 2009

Members present: Jim Kupel, John McCall, Rick Angell, Dave Allen, Kendra Palmer, Stan Jordan, Sue Ross, Elinor Redmond.

Jim opened the meeting with a prayer at 6:30 p.m. No minutes were kept at the February meeting due to low attendance.

**indicates future action

I. 1/11 Focus Group
Stan had sent us all copies of his notes from the gathering. We discussed the highlights: new members want what they called a ‘buddy program’. That news confirms the thrust of our Parish Host idea. No real constructive criticism was offered; the group validated what we are doing now (name tags, welcome in the Narthex). Kendra described the experience as positive: the group was willing to talk. They experience our ministers as very accessible, in contrast to other churches they have attended.

**Jim will write up the key points from the discussion group. Richard will pass along Stan’s notes to SL&W; Dave will send them to EF&G via Elsa.

We had a general discussion concerning ‘getting the word out’ about our church and who we are. John noted that the church is almost big enough for interest groups (parenting pot luck, pilgrims and pints: they are great when enough people can attend). The role of the church (ministers) is not to make those things happen but to set things up so that they can happen (enable them). We thought about the many people who come through the church doors for scouts, Mother’s group, food pantry, yoga, 12 step groups etc. and discussed reaching out to individuals involved in these groups. A first step is to provide fliers about the church when the groups meet.

** John will ask Cyndi for a list of the groups, meeting times and contact person.

II. Mission Statement
We feel we are very close. We worked on Elinor’s suggestion from the January minutes:
To provide structure to warmly welcome newcomers to our church, build relationships so that they are part of our church community, attending services, participating and joining.
To provide a structure and a process to warmly welcome newcomers to our church and to encourage the building of meaningful relationships so that newcomers feel they belong and can participate in our church community.

III. Parish Host Program
We looked again at the outline of the Parish Host Program.

**Jim will draft a version to describe the program for someone who is considering being a Parish Host. We want the document to include a sense of celebration if it works.

IV. New Member Process
John provided the group with an outline of the steps he and Elsa take as newcomers attend services and become known to them. Jim considered adding ‘touch points’ so that we can see the impact of other church members on the newcomer’s experience. Step 4 is a natural point to introduce a parish host. We discussed ways members could contribute to the process: being available with Sandy to escort someone to coffee hour, standing at the back of the church at the beginning of service and sitting in a pew with a newcomer (and then being friendly, of course).

Sue suggested direction from the front of the church on passing the friendship pads back across the pew once they are signed so that we can all know the names of the other people in the pew. John will talk with Elsa about consistent language.

Jim suggested that a goal for the congregation is to see (welcoming) as their responsibility.

**John will re-draft the document and invite additions. He said finding a lay person to shepherd along new arrivals – paying attention to detail – would be terrific.

V. Group Information
Stan proposed creating a booklet with information about all the small groups in the church. He made a template with the Growth Group as an example. We agreed such a booklet would be very useful to have. John acknowledged it would be hard to keep it current so it would not be practical to print a number of ‘hard copies’. Rather the group suggested creating a pdf which can be reached through the website and be easily updated.

**Dave will work on collecting the information via e-mail from each group. We will ask for examples of activities.

VI. Other
John passed out articles for people to take home and read.
Kendra will spend more time on her web review of ‘best practices’ in other churches.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, April 30 @ 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

With special thanks to Dave Allen for his leadership at keeping a group on task during a meeting and his skill at keeping track of agenda items.

Community Crisis Ministries

Meeting Minutes of March 11, 2009

PRESENT: Scott Berry, Ann Googins, Kathy Sahrbeck.

ABSENT: Terry Dallaire, Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos.

Scott called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

The Team continued planning the April 26th Community Crisis Ministry Sunday. Things are coming together quite well.

There has not been as much activity for CCM to date, $13,000 has been spent ($7,000 in January and $6,000 in February). The biggest help has been the drop in the price of oil so that we are able to help more people for the same amount of money. Other agencies are helping more with oil, too.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the Laity Room.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins

Education, Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2009

Attendance: Aaron French, Amy Foster, Ginny Gledhill, Margaret Thibodeau, Jayne Sawtelle, Elsa Peters, Karen Pierce-Souza

Starting Time: 7:00 p.m.

Minutes – The 2/5/09 meeting minutes were read and unanimously approved.

ACUE and Congressional Life material – Team reviewed and felt it would be beneficial. We’ll inquire how specifically to fund.

Team Members Updates:
• Aaron (Youth Ministry) – It’s going great!
• Ginny (Coffee hour) – Ginny and two volunteers are going to reorganize the kitchen.
• Jayne (Nursery) – It’s been staffed better lately. Coverage has been better though attendance has been low.
• Amy (Scholarship) – Scholarship has no needs at this time.
• Karen (Library) – The Library Committee will spend their money. An Easter display of books is being planned to encourage circulation.
• Margaret and Karen (Ash Wednesday) – Ash Wednesday breakfast went smoothly. It was well covered with volunteers and about 25 people attended.
• Elsa (Faith Formation) – Sunday - School is going well. Two events are coming up: Christ Kid’s Club is planning a “Fun Raiser” on April 26 involving a scavenger hunt and they’re considering a Dance-A-Thon.
Next year a new volunteer will be needed for the third and fourth grade Bible Study.
Adult classes are going well.

During the next meeting the team will revisit the Safe Church Policy.

Easter Sunday – There will be no Sunday School however there will be volunteers in Guptill Hall for children not wishing to attend the service.

The team reviewed the Motivational Analysis and brainstormed ways to get new and old members involved. Ideas using name-tags and homecoming were noted. This topic will continue to be discussed.

The meeting concluded at 8:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: 4/2/09

Recorder: Amy Foster

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2009

Present: Sally Sutton, Elsa Peters, Carol Zechman, John McCall, Jean Siulinski, Andy Ellis, Chris Dow, Sally Hinckley, Debra Andrews, Chris Keiter, Dave Allen, Ellie Chatto.

John opened with a prayer.

Minutes from 2/26 were approved.

Minister’s time:
•Cumberland Assoc. of UCC will be meeting 4/25 at Windham Hill. Nothing of note on the agenda.
•Meeting on 6/6 in Waterville will vote on release of a UCC Conference property. Recommendation on the table is to sell Rockcraft.
•Support was expressed for John and Elsa’s position on marriage licenses at post- service meeting held on 3/15. John and Elsa were pleased with the conversation. The Diversity Committee will pursue holding additional forums to discuss.

Check-in on visits to teams:
•Andy can not visit with Mission until June.
•Chris to meet with SLW in May.
•Nancy to attend A-Team in April.
•Jean to attend EGF in April.
•Discussion is taking place between SLW and EGF to clarify accountabilities for certain events involving food (e.g. Ash Wednesday breakfast; Good Friday soup supper)

Business Referral Group:
•Sub committee of 4 created. Meeting on the 26th.

Updates from Personnel and Stewardship Committees (Ellie Chatto):
•Ellie reviewed 3/5 Stewardship Committee meeting minutes
•500 households and 260 pledge units. People are continuing to give without making pledges which makes income budgeting and planning difficult. Looking at a variety of ideas to encourage giving and reduce costs.
•Group is exploring ways to allow for electronic transfer of funds. Do not favor credit cards due to the associated expense involved.
•New stewardship campaign program will be chosen for next year.
•All members of the current Stewardship Committee have agreed to serve for next year. Their commitment and service is deeply appreciated by the Council.
•Personnel has not been very active this year. They have been meeting via e-mail when necessary.

Rosella Loveitt estate bequest:
•Check in the amount of $15,314 requires disbursement. No time requirements for decision on distribution.
•Cyndi (through Chris) provided some background and recommendations for Council consideration:
1. Old Crow Gallery tenant is in default in the amount of $3,600. No payment received since 12/08. There has been a history of late payment issues. Tenant has been asked to vacate the property by the end of March. New tenant will be sought but we expect it will take time to find. The security deposit will be taken to offset the rental payments due.
2. Another tenant may be at risk also due to personal circumstances.
3. No rummage sale is being held this Spring. That activity usually brings in approximately $2,500.
•The above 3 items will mean our projected rental income will be lower than budgeted.
•Guidelines for bequests ($2,500 – $15,000) call for 10% to go to Missions, 10% to go to Major Maintenance and 80% to Endowment fund.
•Council discussed ways to disburse the bequest to help offset the shortfalls in our budgeted income.
•Decision was to disburse 10% to Missions, 10% to Major Maintenance and to hold on disbursement of the remaining 80% at this time.

Pilgrim Lodge:
•Cost for attending summer camp has increased. Elsa requested scholarship support similar to what has been provided in the past. Target amount for camperships is $2,000.
•Discussed available funding sources. There is $522 in Camper Funds in the segregated accounts. There is $5,000+ in the Cabinet Fund which allows for discretionary use.
•Jean will approach the Guild with a request for funds to support this.
•The Cabinet Fund will make up the difference between the $2,000 requested and the total of what the Guild provides plus the $522 in Camper Funds.
•Camper Funding support should become a budgeted item next year to eliminate the annual search for funding which takes place.
•Consensus of the Council was that scholarships should be restricted to children (= not adults).

Nomination process and timing:
•Annual meeting is 5/31. Nominations are needed by then.
•Chris will request team nomination slates be submitted by mid-May.
•Council will discuss nominations at our April meeting.

Rental Fees:
•Chris distributed and reviewed A team recommendations from Jim Otis e-mail.
•Recommendations were accepted as presented with small exception related to donations by non-profits.
•Council agreed that it was okay to suggest donations from non-profits as long as the wording was appropriately written. Non-profit usage document is the best place to put the wording. John will check on what is there and whether it needs to be adjusted.

Comprehensive church budget:
•Council agreed that we have oversight and fiscal responsibility for all budgets and “special” funds within the church, but we do not always have the information to carry out that responsibility. Many of these accounts are outside of the formal budget process but do make use of our church’s tax ID.
•There does not seem to be any documentation of these special funds in any one place. There is a gap in understanding and visibility associated with these. It is unknown as to whether the annual church audit includes looking at these.
•The annual church audit is a review in accordance with commonly accepted accounting rules but it is not a formal “audit”. Formal audits are deeper, more involved and more expensive.
•It was agreed that a comprehensive church budget should be a top priority for the Council. Discussion took place on actions to take.
•Chris will request the A team evaluate whether the accounting review which we currently have done includes any of these special accounts in their evaluation.
•Chris will invite Jim Otis to our next meeting to further discuss what our actions should be relative to these accounts and whether our current level of annual review is sufficient.
•The scope for Council oversight for this issue is any group which has separate funds not covered within our church budget but they do make use of our tax ID number.
•It should be made clear that the Council is not seeking any decision making role related to these funds. We just want understanding and oversight to fulfill our fiduciary responsibilities to the church.

Church Vision statement:
•Discussion was deferred to a future meeting.

Adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Recorder: Dave Allen

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2009

Present: Rick Angell, Elinor Redmond, Dana Wiggins, Betsy Keiter, joined by John McCall.

Dana opened the meeting with a prayer.

We approved the minutes of the February meeting and extolled the Ash Wednesday services.

We discussed the details of Holy Week; John helped us with the details:
Palm Sunday (April 5th – Communion) – Chapel at 8:30 a.m., inter-generational Sanctuary Worship at 10:00 a.m. Cyndi orders the palms. They will be in the refrigerator in Guptill Hall. They are coming from a different place this year. Dana will verify the date of arrival with Cyndi. SL&W makes sure the palms are available at the Chapel service and provides them to the ushers for the 10:00.
Maundy Thursday (April 9th) – 7:30 p.m. service, Communion by intinction. 2 Deacons and 2 Ushers needed. Elsa is planning the service.
Good Friday (April 10th) – EF&G will plan the soup supper. They are planning to contact the Guild for help. They are in charge and will contact us if necessary.
Vigil (April 10-11) – We will start the sign up process Sunday, March 15th so that the letters and e-mails can go out in a timely fashion. Betsy will do the communication and Bryan (or the office?) will provide the sign-up sheets.
‘Special Effects’ - Dana is going to check on repair/replace of the Crown(s) of Thorns. Betsy will change the altar cloth in the Chapel on Easter morning.
Sunrise Service (Easter morning, April 12th) - Elsa will lead.

Elder Sunday: Dave Allen will work on the selection process again this year and he wants a partner who will take it over next year. This process requires one or two meetings. We brainstormed names of people NOT on SL&W to take this project on. We want to ‘widen the circle’. Elinor will call and e-mail results to the group.

Updates from John:
The sabbatical check list is in good shape. Elsa will attend our May meeting to touch base with our team before the summer.

March 15th is the Sunday to discuss Marriage Equality. John has heard from 2 people in response to the Beacon article. They were no longer troubled once they heard an explanation. Rick mentioned a few individuals plan to learn more on March 15th.

The new hymnal may or may not be ready for Easter Sunday.  There have been no takers for our Pilgrim hymnals. We may sort them according to book plate to see if those people noted want them.

Rotation - As Elinor may be away most of next winter, she will rotate off this year and Betsy will stay on SL&W. Rotation occurs at the Annual Meeting on May 31st. Elinor will contact several ‘newish’ members to see if they are interested in serving on the team.

SL&W needs to document its work. Betsy suggested starting the process via a ‘group e-mail’ toward the end of spring.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 26th
Opening prayer: Rick
Minutes: Betsy

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

Mission & Outreach

Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary, AnnElissa Leveque, Carol Scheffler, Greg Wyman, Sandy Dyer, Sarah Randall, Linda Skinner

Sandy opened the meeting with readings from “Earth Prayers from Around the World.”

February minutes were accepted.

Confusion noted over the date for One Great Hour of Sharing — March 1 or March 22, since there’s a $130 deposit already (per 3/15 Beacon, it’s on the 22nd). Funds from Christmas Offering and Veterans of the Cross have been zeroed out.

Price of birthday cakes for Long Creek have gone up to $26.99 per half-sheet cake. Will be $324 per year at the new rate.

Greg was thanked for creating a user-friendly format for the Treasurer’s Report. Report for 3/5 was accepted.

Thank-you's received in February/March for first-quarter donations included:
Bangor Theological Seminary
Preble Street for donations from the Mitten Tree
Grace Street Ministry
Wayside Soup Kitchen (Note: this is for the $1,000.00 received from the Christmas Bazaar - Laurie will let Darla Harris know that this ended up in the MOB mailbox.)
Long Creek Youth Ministries
Doctors Without Borders (Christmas Offering)

Council members will be visiting teams to check in. Andy Ellis will visit the Mission Outreach team in April.
Discussion continues about overlap between MOB and Crisis Ministries.

Micah Project trip to Rutland has been cancelled. The $60 deposit from the Mission Board’s discretionary fund is non-refundable, so it will become a donation.

Elsa has sent out invitations for a Poverty Advocacy event in Davidson on Wednesday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m. Eric C. Smith from Maine Council of Churches will lead a conversation about how we can become advocates for the poor.

The annual spring rummage sale has been cancelled, as Prudy is unable to head up this event. Elsa asked that we send her notes of support and ask that she focus just on taking care of herself. Sandy raised the question: Why is just one person responsible for a major fund-raising event? Elsa suggested it may be time to either discontinue the sale or come up with an alternative.

As noted in the prior Beacon, Elsa and John will no longer sign state marriage documents until legal rights are extended to the GLBT community. A notary or attorney can sign the marriage certificate, but official documentation will have to come from elsewhere.

Coffee hour: MOT hosted after-service coffee hour on February 1 and 22. It went well and we agreed we would be willing to do it again next year if asked.

Micah Projects
Heifer Project: Disappointing volunteer response. Elsa will no longer lead The Micah Project, but we appreciate her initiative and hard work in getting us to this point.

Friendship House: No response from Beacon request for recycling help. One-on-one approach would be better way to recruit. Richard Kepler would be willing to give a presentation to FCC about Friendship House prior to the May 9 project. AnnElissa suggested expanding conversation beyond MOB by having Kepler speak after service in Davidson. Laurie will contact him about this. AnnElissa volunteered to announce the May 9 project during service 2 weeks prior to the event.

Pilgrim Lodge: Contact list for cleanup recruits will be divvied up at the April MOB meeting. Laurie will compile more viable list of potential volunteers to contact

Fair Trade Coffee
Good order last time. All extras (needed to make up full boxes) were sold. Momentum seems to be growing. Next order will be in mid-April.

Easter offering
Easter Sunday is the focus date, but donations come in waves. Suggested recipients, reflect local and national need: Split offering between Wayside Food Rescue Program and Friends of World Food Program.

Food Pantry Drive
Two drives in Cape Elizabeth will be making drops at the pantry in March. AnnElissa reported in follow-up e-mail that May would be a good time for a church-sponsored food drive.

We decided to spend $4500 per quarter with donations to six organizations per quarter, with remaining funds going to the Food Pantry. Second-Quarter disbursements, at $750 each, will go to:
Opportunity Farm
National Scholarship Fund
Root Cellar
Friendship House
Pilgrim Lodge
St. Luke’s Kitchen

Requested disbursements for 3rd quarter: Spurwink, Center for Grieving Children

Don Russell will put a notice in the Beacon about a presentation on March 29 in Davidson featuring a slide show on “The Two Chinas.” Sponsor is Children of China Fund, which works to help educate disadvantaged Chinese children. WE agreed to make a $100 donation.

Handouts “Building Community” and “A Plentiful Harvest” were distributed and tabled for a separate meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 26 in Laity Room.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Linda Skinner

Stewardship Committee

Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2009

Attendees: John McCall, John Shoos, Ted O’Meara, Gretchen Reynolds, Dave Scheffler, Peggy Murray

John McCall opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with a prayer.

We spent some time reviewing the 2009 Budget Breakdown summary, noting that the total church households has been fairly steady for the past 4 years, while pledging households have decreased from 406 in 2000 to 277 in 2009. Average pledge amounts and total pledges have increased during that period.

John pointed out that there is a risk that we are depending on a few large pledged.

There are some households that have not filled out pledge cards, but continue to give at the same level as last year.

The budget assumption for total pledge dollars is calculated by adding 10% to the pledge amounts for new pledges that will be received during the year, and deducting 4% for “uncollectable” pledges.

Some thoughts that were shared:

We need to find a way to ask people to tell us their intention so that we can plan the budget appropriately. Adjustments will be made through the year according to the reality.

It was suggested that we might want to give some alternatives to an “annualized” gift to address uncertain times. Possibly quarterly pledges, flat amounts per month or holding additional appeals.

How can we capture the group not pledging? Should we look at a separate or different appeal to those who didn’t pledge last year? Possibly consider a 2 prong approach with a different message for those who will give no matter what, and those who do not see giving as part of their commitment as a church member.

Should we address those who drop cash in the plate, and suggest that they request and use envelopes?

Would it help to change the term “pledge” to “an estimate of giving” to better sell the idea, and the fact that uncertainty is understood, and it is OK to adjust a pledge if necessary due to changing circumstance.

It might be helpful to deliver “off calendar” messaging about the price we pay for not knowing what our income will be – unnecessary or difficult budget cuts, etc. and how dependent our work is on the support of our members.

We discussed looking at the demographics of our membership and tailoring our message to different groups.

An on-line pledge card, availability of PayPal, or information about on-line banking might be of interest to some people.

Total cost of our envelope system (mailed monthly) is $1560/year. Should we consider sending envelopes to everyone who hasn’t pledged and contact them if they ask to be removed from the mailing? Could we add a pledge card to the envelopes for a month or two?

We discussed the stewardship process for last year and agreed that it felt like it went on for too long, without any beginning or end. We need to begin to think about what we want to do for next year. Some initial thoughts included looking at the demographics of our givers versus non-givers, hosting some sort of celebration to mark the end of the campaign, looking for ways to measure the impact that our messages have on pledges.

All present agreed that they will continue to serve for 2009, and Gretchen Reynolds has agreed, with the unanimous support of the group, to act as the Convener for next year.

John mentioned that his Sabbatical will begin on May and run through Labor Day. On that basis, we agreed we need to meet again sometime soon after Easter to begin our discussions.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Peggy Murray

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Music Committee

Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009

Present: Dolores Broberg, Judy Magnuson, Kim Early, Sheryl Kieran and Shirley Curry

1. Reviewed and accepted November minutes with a change to the organ add that ran in VbOX.

2. Reviewed Vespers Program. There was a nice attendance this year. 125 programs were printed and there were none left over. We need to remember to have the front door unlocked sooner and to speak to someone about heat in Wright Pavilion.

3. Reviewed the changes to the Music budget and a letter written by Shirley regarding the restricted funds history and purpose that was given to the Council.

4. Shirley is working on hiring brass players for Easter. She is also looking for an obo and cello player for Good Friday.

5. Made initial plans for Easter refreshments for between the services for the choir and musicians. Final plans next meeting.

6. Discussed the Reed organ. There was no response to the Craig’s List add that Kim placed. We discussed talking with an auctioneer about other options. Kim will follow-up on this.

7. Outlined the summer music dates. Judy will create a schedule to place in the choir room.

8. Next meeting scheduled for March 19, 2009 at 7 p.m.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2009

Present: Sally Sutton, Elsa Peters, Phil Whitney, Nancy MacLean, Carol Zechman, John McCall, Jean Siulinski, Andy Ellis, Chris Dow, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter, Don Russell.

I. Update from the Investment Oversight Committee - Catherine Cloudman
Catherine introduced herself as a business person, not an investment advisor, with the following observations/updates:

Smith Barney, owned by CitiGroup, is now a joint venture w/Morgan Stanley

• Many investment groups were on more solid footing than banks were. Good thing to be joint ventured with Morgan Stanley, solely ventured on investment. Catherine feels confident of new situation, that it’s good thing for FCC.

4th quarter and Jan. 2009: abysmal, lots of de-leveraging, lots of technical selling, credit markets fell apart, lending dried up. We’re in a severe recession now.

Outlook on investments: Less than expected bad news will propel better confidence and healing will begin! Corporate cleansing of balance sheets. Lower oil prices, more regulatory oversight. Forced regulations have happened and have been absorbed. Massive stimulus. Kind of optimistic that mid to late 2009 will begin to get better. Thawing of credit markets. People starting to save more.

FCC investments: 2008 value $1m566K: 62% equities, 38% fixed income. Will bump equities up to 65%. Negative returns of 31.7% vs 28.8%. Bond portfolio was the main reason for our underperformance. We are starting to see the underperformance reverse itself. Corporate bonds looking more attractive investment. Currently reevaluating our bond portfolio, changing managers. Increasing equity allocation by 3%. Cash at end of 2008 was about 5%.

• Catherine feels good about Smith Barney’s commitment to us.

• 2009 figures not yet available

II. Opening Debra read the poem “Invitation”, by Oriah.

III. Agenda was approved as presented.

IV. January minutes were approved as presented.

V. Ministers’ Time
John – 1) 275th Anniversary Committee wants to purchase a paving block for the Bug Light historical project to commemorate our anniversary. 2) Letter in current Beacon to congregation regarding marriage and couple blessings ceremony. John believes a very important step is to stop signing marriage licenses for the State of Maine, which prevents same gender couples from being married. Sub-point – roles asked to maintain signing licenses has ministers acting as agents of the State. State law is not fair and just, as it is not inclusive in the spirit of church policy. John and Elsa see themselves as agents of the Church, not the State. John and Elsa feel this is in keeping with current church policy framed and approved by the Congregation in September 2002. They would advise couples to be married in civil ceremonies prior to church celebration, or to have license signed by a notary public, who would be present at the service. Ministers would sign the church certificate of blessing of marriage or covenant, which is not a legal document.

Elsa – 1) Confirmation conversation happened. Very spirited and on-going. Very positive discussion. 2) Community Crisis Ministries and the Mission & Outreach Team are meeting to discern what conversation needs to happen about possible overlap in their ministries. Elsa trusts that they will do this on their own. 3) Christ Kids Club wants to do a Fun Fundraiser – a dance-a-thon. Money will be raised for hunger. Council approved this fundraiser.

VI. Discussions
More comprehensive church budget; where does it fit in Council priorities? Sally Sutton This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.

Food Pantry fundraiser idea to sell items that are not helpful to the pantry. Members can purchase the items on Sunday. Donations and proceeds will go to the Food Pantry. Approved by Council on 2/26/09.

David Butler Dinner/Theater - Elsa says David is an area clergy person who is a thespian. Theater is a new enterprise that wants to do a fundraiser of Midsummer Nights Dream. Would like it to be in FCC sanctuary. Tickets would be $20, $10 of which would go to FCC, if FCC provides the dinner. Questions of using the sanctuary for a fundraiser. Council approved on 2/26/09 the fundraising aspect of the event, because John has approved the use of the sanctuary for the performance. The Guild will be asked if it is interested in providing a dinner. Proposed date: April 26, 2009.

Discuss notes from A Team regarding charging room rental fees to non-profits to offset heating expenses. Carol This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.

Discuss how the Council needs to interact with the Teams and the congregation – Nancy asked if the visiting Council members need to take a common message from the Council to the team. Purpose of council visits is to proactively check in with teams to assure that all is going well, and to let them know the Council is available to them. Regarding Council outreach to Congregation: Phil suggested that the Beacon list the names of members of the Council, and a reminder of when and where Council meets, and that all are welcome to attend.

Identify which Council member will attend each Team meeting in April: Spiritual Life and Worship – Chris D; Administration Team – Nancy; Mission & Outreach – Andy; Education Fellowship & Growth - Jean.

Identify which Committee to invite to our March meeting: Parish Relations, Stewardship or Personnel – It was decided on 2/26/09 that Stewardship will be asked to attend the March meeting. Ellie Chatto will also be asked to tell us what’s going on with Personnel committee, as she chairs both committees.

Begin conversation of church vision statement. What is special about our church? This agenda item was not discussed on 2/26/09.

Review draft policy regarding the use of the Church mailing list, and broaden topic to include church relationship with local businesses: Sally S, Andy, Don Russell led the discussion: Should we have a member contact info policy? Policy sheet draft was distributed. 2 issues: 1) Minor issue – we need some level of list protocol or guideline; Don’s example: Realtor mailing recently sent to 40 members. No church directory was used. Mailing was done via public record. Mailing resulted with some complaints, many compliments from church members 2) Major issue – Do we as a church community want to when appropriate, help people in their work lives? We help in spiritual lives and physical lives. Should we go down that road of work? Don – bottom line: business referral directory would be helpful for the church to support those who are like us. Small businesses depend upon referrals. Clearly some members of the church could benefit from a more open policy of how we can support people. Don feels many church members would like to see the Church be more progressive in supporting its members’ business lives. On-line business referral directory possibility or a bulletin board with business cards posted. Help members so they can maintain their help of the church. John – privacy issue re: on-line vs bulletin board. Password protected idea would help address this concern. Don’s vision – craft a fair and balanced protocol that lets members know what resources, skills, services that other members offer. Open and affirming and inclusive of the work lives of church members. Jean – would be very happy to have a booklet or bulletin board. She’d rather use somebody from the Church. Sally Sutton– Privacy policy statement regarding member contact information? Intent is to give members comfort level when asked to share contact information in directory, etc. John – distribute the statement in the Beacon, and annually remind teams and members. Might still be able to be included in the new directory (Carol – make it on a sticker to save paper). Policy was adopted on 2/26/09 as presented and will be included in some form with the new directory. Sally Sutton – doesn’t see a business referral directory as being part of the mission of the church. Sally suggested that another group be formed to discuss Don’s proposal. Council agreed on 2/26/09 to Member Contact Information Policy, and to form a group to explore Don’s idea. Debra and Don will be on the committee. Education Growth and Fellowship Team will be asked for members to join the subcommittee. Elsa will do a one-on-one recruitment brainstorming.

VII. Other Business

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Recorder: Debra Andrews

Diversity Committee

MEETING MINUTES of March 1, 2009

PRESENT: Joan Carrier, Carol Scheffler, Dolores Broberg, Mike Kasputes, Kathy Cotter, Elsa Peters, Pam Herrmann, and Deb Theriault

Carol opened the meeting with a prayer.

Women In Harmony: Deb reported that WIH had been offered the use of FCC for their next concert, which has already been scheduled, but they are going to send someone from the group to see our new space and consider it for next year’s concert(s).

Clothing for Preble Street Teen Center: Everyone was interested in putting a box out (will check with John McCall re best location, when, amount of time). Carol will check to see the timing of the upcoming food drive so we don’t coincide with that. It was also suggested that we check with the Children’s Closet to see if they have any clothing that is too large for the children they serve that could be sent to the Teen Center. Dolores suggested that perhaps we could coordinate our efforts with the Rummage Sale and go through their clothing either before or after the sale to choose appropriate clothes for the Teen Center (Kathy will speak with Prudy about it).

“Anyone and Everyone”: It was decided to postpone the showing of this until after the Marriage Equality discussions.

Diversity Sunday: Great response from the congregation. We thanked Pam and Mike for sharing their stories (and thanks to Karen Westerberg, too!). Dolores suggested we ask others in the congregation to share their stories, revealing the Church’s “hidden diversity” interspersed throughout the year. The possibility of doing this in small groups after church was also discussed. Elsa mentioned that she and John have been discussing ways to use the “after hour” after church perhaps once a month and this might be something for that time.

GLSEN: Betsy Parsons has sent an update regarding FCC’s help with funding transportation for the SPHS Gay-Straight Alliance kids to GLSEN events. There is still work to be done around how this would work, and we will table this until we get more information from Betsy.

March 15 worship service: Elsa talked a little bit about the upcoming discussion she and John will be having with the congregation on March 15 regarding the pending legislation/probable referendum regarding gay marriage in Maine. They will be addressing the issue from both a social justice point of view as well as regarding the separation of church and state. We discussed ways the Diversity Committee can help people understand this issue, and Elsa mentioned the UCC has a DVD available. Deb will try and get more information and possibly the Library Committee or Social Witness Ministries will purchase it for use at an after worship forum. Joan will send Deb a copy of the 150-page document that was distributed by the UCC following their formal discussion on the subject so she can print it out for the members to share. Deb suggested providing the names and addresses of local legislators at the discussion to be held following worship on March 15th so that anyone interested in contacting them regarding this issue could do so easily. She will also try and find a sample letter for this purpose that has been suggested by Equality Maine as well as research similar resources on the UCC Coalition website. We wondered if perhaps there were other resources, DVDs, etc. that the Maine Conference Library might have, and Deb will contact Sue Stevens about this. It was thought perhaps we should show the DVD in the fall, closer to the time of the anticipated referendum, and follow it up with a forum similar to those we’ve had in the past around similar issues with a discussion and time for a Q&A period. We all agreed Marvin Ellison would be a wonderful speaker, and Deb will talk to John and then email Marvin to see if he would be interested/available. Elsa noted that Marvin has a new book out on the topic of gay marriage.

NEXT MEETING: May 3. Since we felt it best to not schedule another meeting until after Easter and not competing with other after-church functions, we will be in touch with each other via email regarding the above issues. We will also discuss Pride Week at the next meeting.

Carol closed the meeting with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Deb Theriault

Mission and Outreach Team

Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary; AnnElissa Leveque; Carol Scheffler; Grey Wyman; Sandy Dyer; Sarah Randall; Maureen Clancy

Absent: Linda Skinner

AnnElissa opened the meeting with Reverend Gene Robinson’s prayer from the Obama inauguration.

Thank you notes were received from: Southern Poverty Law Center; The UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns; Open House Congregation; Emergency Food Pantry; Good Shepherd Food Bank; Family Crisis Services; and Konbit Sante.

The minutes of the January meeting were accepted; thank you Carol.

Treasurer’s Report was given and approved. At the last meeting we cut 20% of the budget as requested. In the end, the team was given more than we asked for. The Special Support money we were awarded was $17,700, $3,000 more than the $14,700 requested after cuts. There was some discussion around the discretionary funding and whether that may still be taken out of our budget. Also discussed was a $50.00 that was given to a presenter, who then returned it to the Team as a donation. That $50.00 will remain for the Green Action Group’s work. The Christmas offering totaled $1724.00 and the checks were distributed on January 27th to Doctors Without Borders and Community Crisis Ministries. Our wider Mission funds of $25,200 were discussed with the Council and the guidance was to give a $270.00 estate gift to the Mission Fund to contribute to the Church’s wider mission.

Old Business:
a. The Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Tree were discussed. Bob and Andrea Morse reported that two thirds of the mittens went to the Children’s Closet and one third to adults at the Preble Street. Laurie was unable to connect with Joan Carrier who leads The Christmas Giving Tree along with Jenn Hardin. However, Laurie did report that the gifts requested were reasonable this year and the program was better and more manageable.

b. As reported earlier, $862.00 was given to Doctors Without Borders and CC Ministries from the Christmas offering.

c. Diversity Sunday - Laurie reported that it was a great event with great speakers and that the personal stories added a nice touch. Carol talked about Betsey Parsons of GLSEN, a former church member who runs gay/lesbian education networks in high schools. Carol asked the group to think about how the Church can be an asset to this program, could we help with getting kids to meetings or make cookies for their meetings. Betsey talked to Carol about South Portland High School not having a good reputation for GLBT kids. Betsey thought maybe smaller groups from different highs schools could get together, but this would require transportation. Could the Mission Team underwrite the cost of a small bus to get the kids to meetings? The South Portland High Principal is open to it. The Team thought it was worthwhile to pursue and that possibly the Diversity Committee could take on this project.

Ongoing Business:
a. Micah Project has its next event on February 14th a Habitat for Humanity home on Demerest Street in Portland. The group will meet at 8:30 at the church and car pool over. Laurie mentioned that it is a LEED house. The group reported on the calls made to get members to help out. So whoever shows up shows up. Elsa will be there with directions and 2 site managers will be there to direct the group. Thanks to all who volunteered.

b. Heifer Global Connections will take place in March and 16 spots are available for the trip. Preference is given to youth. Elsa not sure how many yet, but will put an announcement in the Beacon.

c. Laurie reported that Friendship House is still on the calendar for May 9th; Laurie will draft a Beacon article for this Micah project.

d. Sandy mentioned that she has a friend involved with the IRIS program and that they are looking for people to read and record news and books, this is an ongoing volunteer opportunity. Sandy will get more information.

e. Elsa will follow up in the clean up at the Pilgrim Lodge in April.

f. Children’s Closet – Jenn Hardin and AnnElissa will lead this project. AnnElissa reported that the Closet is newly organized and restructured, that there are new volunteers and it is alive and well. She reported that they do not need hangers or furniture; they accept donations of clothes, toys and books.

g. One Great Hour of Sharing 3/1 – Laurie will do a Beacon article and AnnElissa will hang the poster on the bulletin board.

h. Coffee Hour – the group reported that it went very well; people enjoyed it the cake was a hit. Mission will be hosting another coffee hour on 2/22 please bring if you can.

i. Fair Trade – Greg will place the order over the weekend and get a check from the Church office. Carol is revising the order form. The Team would prefer to distribute orders on 3/1 since a larger group of us will be in attendance.

New Business:
a. Laurie reported that Grace Street Ministries asked if we could be listed as a partner on the website, the Team OK’d this request.

b. Children of China Fund have been given 3/29 as a date for a presentation after worship. The Team agreed to give them a $100 donation.

c. February 17th is Konbit Santé night at Flatbread’s Pizza.

Minister’s Moment:
a. Worship Bulletin – Elsa asked for people’s comments on the bulletin between now and the next meeting. She wants to know: What works in worship? Do we know what’s going on? What needs to be included? What is the most efficient use of the bulletin?

b. Mission and Community Crisis Ministries – Elsa reported on a conversation she had with John McCall around a comprehensive vision for Mission Outreach and how to connect Community Crisis with Mission. Scott Berry will be in touch with Laurie for a further discussion. Some of the taking points are around the offerings – Mission and CCM. Elsa may ask John to come to the next meeting to help shed more light on this issue.

c. Checking In at Meetings to see how working for all - Elsa wanted to talk about how this is working for us and about how to build a better connection between us and the work we are doing. Laurie mentioned that the Pot Luck event improved communication. Elsa will create a format to inspire us. Elsa also reported that she is taking an online class around Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers –so this may be part of the conversation.

d. The Green Action Team to be collaborating with the Eskimos – you can read more on the meeting house minutes blog.

Carol noted that March 29th-April 4th is Farm Worker Awareness Week.

Elsa’s Birthday is March 31st.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

The next meeting is March 5th.

Sandy will lead the opening prayer and Linda will be the recorder.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Clancy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Community Crisis Ministries

Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2009

PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dellaire, Ann Googins, Kathy Sahrbeck.

ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos.

Scott called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., and Ann offered a prayer.


Continuing with the planning for the April 26 Community Crisis Ministries Sunday, the following hymns were selected from Songs of the Spirit either for singing or responsive reading: 21, 135, 60A. Bible readings were examined and discussed. Two possible guest speakers were discussed. An over-all theme is emerging.

The next meeting will be March 11, Wednesday. This is a change from prior notice. Other meetings will be March 24 and April 7, Tuesdays. All will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Laity Room.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins

Spiritual Life & Worship

Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m.

In Attendance: Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley, Betsy Keiter, Rick Angell, Dana Wiggins, Sandy Hansen, and John McCall.

Opening: Elinor shared a thoughtful reading to begin the meeting.

Review of January Minutes: Deb Riley wrote and shared the January minutes. They were approved as written.

Minister’s Time:
The Budget - John reported good news with the 2008 budget coming in within $3,700 of budget, which is much better than had been anticipated. This was due to pledges from new members; teams cutting back during the year; and additional unexpected gifts from members of the congregation. The 2009 Budget was approved at the Congregational Meeting on January 25th, and John expressed his gratitude to the Budget Committee for all their work on it.

Weekly Church Bulletins - The office has been asked to print more bulletins for Sunday services by usher captains. John asked for our thoughts about asking those attending Sunday morning service to share bulletins with one another, in an effort to be more environmentally responsible and save on expenses. It was agreed that the bulletins are a valuable method of getting information out to people, and helpful to visitors unfamiliar with our church; however, it would be sensible and acceptable to ask ushers to encourage couples or friends coming together to share a bulletin so that we don’t run out of bulletins on Sunday mornings.

Member Status - Nancy Wentworth has been on our Inactive Membership List, and has recently asked to be put back on the Active List again. The Team was pleased to hear that she’s come back to church, and approved the change.

John’s Sabbatical - John gave the team his updated “To Do List” in regards to his coverage and thoughts about what is pertinent to his being away from the church for his Sabbatical, starting May 3rd.

Weddings - The Congregation voted in 2002 to authorize the ministers of our church to use their discretion in extending the Blessing of our Church to any couple who requests it in light of their faith, and who are prepared to make vows of fidelity and permanence. A Maine marriage license is not necessary for receiving the church’s blessing. John and Elsa believe that signing the state document, the marriage license, which is permitted only for heterosexual couples, is in conflict with their role as pastors, and their authorization to offer the church’s blessing to any couple desiring a wedding or Blessing of the church upon their commitment. John said that he and Elsa believe this step is consistent with our congregation’s 2002 vote, and that they want to share this with the congregation during the message on March 15th. Anyone interested in discussing the issue will be invited to Davidson Lounge following the service.
John and Elsa will continue to sign the certificate that verifies the church’s blessing, but no longer intend to sign the state license. If a couple wants to have a blessing ceremony by one of our pastors and want it to be recognized by the state as a legal marriage, they have two options: a Notary Public present at the ceremony can sign the license; or a civil service can be performed before the church’s blessing ceremony. John reminded us that both he and Elsa offer the church’s blessing to committed couples in the context of their Christian beliefs; he does so on church premises while she is open to doing so in other settings as well.
The team talked about the possible repercussions this may have with some members of the congregation. However, it was agreed that it would be good to raise awareness about the injustice in Maine law regarding the definition of marriage.

SL & W Team Membership & Volunteers:
The team began discussing the current membership and the need to recruit new members for the fall. Last April, the current members had agreed to the following schedule of participation:
Term Ending Summer 2009: Sandy Hansen, Bryan Wiggins, Betsy Keiter
Term Ending Summer 2010: Elinor Redmond, Debbie Riley
Term Ending Summer 2011: Dana Wiggins
(Rick Angell, where are you in this schedule?) We need to find a volunteer to lead the Communion Group, as Mary Anne would like to have someone else take on this responsibility. The team began discussing other areas where we may need some volunteers and names of a few people who may be interested in participating. To be continued.

On-going Issues:
Hymnal Update - Over 100 donations have come in for dedications. The new hymnals should be here on or around Easter. The question of what would be done with the old hymnals? They could be offered to the families of the person in whose name it was dedicated; they could be offered to members for a donation.
Serving Communion - Elinor made a few suggestions to improve the way in which serving Communion is being done. The new ideas were tried this past Sunday, and seemed to work well.
Multi-media Usage – Rick is writing a letter to go into the Beacon to inquire about interest level within the congregation about multi-media use, and appreciated feedback from some of the team members on the letter.

Upcoming Events:
Ash Wednesday - Feb 25: The team will coordinate the breakfast at 7:00am. Plan for 25 people. The general plan is as follows:
Sandy – will bring paper products and set up Tuesday evening; Debbie – will bring bagels, cream cheese, and butter; Elinor – will bring coffee, tea, milk, sugar, and juice; Betsy – will bring muffins; Dana – will bring fruit.

Good Friday – April 10 and Easter - April 12: To be discussed at a later date.

Elders Sunday – June 7: To be discussed at a later date.

Next Meeting is March 5th at 7:00p
•Dana volunteered, saying that she or Bryan would lead the Opening Prayer for March
•Elinor volunteered to take minutes

Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:
Sandra Hansen