Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2010
Recorder: Ron Bennett

Present: Ron Bennett, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill, Jim Otis, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order - Deb called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Ron agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting in September.

Minutes of the Admin. Team May 6, 2010 Meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.

Financial Statements and Budget: Financial results through June 3 were presented by Cyndi. The year is 42% complete. Revenues stand at 35% of year’s budget, but endowment support of $48,750 had not been requisitioned by Cyndi as of June 3. If it had been received, revenue would be at 45.5%. Most exciting revenue item is the per capita contributions which now stand at 153% of year’s budget.

Expenses are at 44.7% of year’s budget. This appears to be in line as 50% of employee annuity and insurance has been paid. Also, Mission has paid out over 50% of its budget and will reduce second half payments to meet budget.

Tenant Update: Tenant at 509 Sawyer Street house has agreed to now pay $800. per month (up from $700). She will be contacted before year end to hopefully increase rent to $900. A new tenant at 331 Cottage Road has moved in at a rent of $750.

Chancel Railing: An article was inserted in the most recent Beacon describing the railing and requesting additional contributions. No response to date.

Church Signage and Rummage Storage: Guy reported that these issues are in progress. Guy did note that there is available storage area in the basement at 331 Cottage Road that could be used for storing rummage items. Guy will contact the first floor tenant for approval.

Counting: No report. Peggy Murray reported subsequent to the meeting that counting is all set through the summer.

House: Guy reported the following:
• The roof is complete. The total cost exceeded the amount reported last month by $9,000 due to extensive flashing required both at the steeple and at the chimney.
• Two birch trees at 331 Cottage Road will have to be removed as their roots are growing into the foundation.

Planned Giving: Ron’s third article appeared in the most recent Beacon. He will hopefully prepare a fourth article later this summer. Two individuals have indicated to him their intention to provide for the church in their wills.

Website Subcommittee: Guy announced that the web site design and implementation contract has been awarded by the committee.

A church member who is an account executive at a local insurance agency has asked to review our property insurance. Ron agreed to contact the member to determine if he wants to be a volunteer consultant or become the church’s insurance agent. If he wants to volunteer his services, he will be invited to meet with the team. If he wants to be chosen as our agent, he will be asked to propose on our contracts next year, because annual policy renewals are due soon, and it would not be prudent to change agents on such short notice.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday September 9, 2010 at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 7:58 p.m.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2010
Recorder: Bob Morse

Present: Roger Addor, David Allen, Chris Dow, Matt Early, Andy Ellis,Sally Hinckley, Chris Keiter, Nancy MacLean, Carl Murphy, Elsa Peters, Carrie Skeffington, Phil Whitney, Bob Morse.

New members not present: Peggy Murray, Robin Reinhold, John Shoos.

Nancy MacLean, Vice Moderator, opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Bob Morse read some reflections by Archbishop Oscar Romero.

Introductions - by all for Carl Murphy as a new Council Member.

May Minutes - reviewed and accepted; noted that Food Pantry is already on the list for approved fund-raising in the church.

Minister’s Time:
• John is at a community gathering as the moral voice for the future direction of the city.
• Southern Maine Gay Pride Parade and Festival will take place on Sat., June 19. Our congregation is participating. People are encouraged to meet at Noon at Monument Square.
• John and Elsa will be doing a Summer Sermon Series, “First Followers”, capturing the lives of persons following in the ways of Jesus. They are anticipating building on a theme of discipleship for the coming year.
• Elsa has shared with the Mission Outreach Team that she would like to do an intergenerational Mission Trip to a location in Maine next summer. There will be no upper or lower age limit. There is hope this can be done through the Maine Seacoast Mission. The goal will be home building, with expectations based on type of skill.

Moderator and Vice-Moderator:
• Nancy MacLean shared reasons she is not able to be the Moderator, although she continues for one more year on the Council.
• Chris Keiter shared some of the expectations & his experience in that role. He noted that budget preparation leadership is NOT automatically the Moderator's work.
• There were no volunteers.
• Decision: Nancy MacLean will continue to function as the Moderator through the summer and into the fall. Matt Early will be the Vice Moderator.
• Topic of Moderator and Vice Moderator will be re-introduced.

Homecoming Sunday:
• The Council agreed with Teams that it will be Sunday, September 19. This is one week later than it has been.
• Much discussion about the particular style it should be, primarily around the value of sign-up time at the Homecoming Fair.
• Feeling that it has lost some of its emphasis; not a valuable response for the energy it takes.
• Directions:
- Some may still want to do it; some may not. Group agreed with suggestion that each team have short announcement time spaced throughout the church year at worship services to promote their tasks and ask for volunteers.
- Supervision of refreshments will be handled by EF&G.
- Nancy will get in touch with teams. Word will go out to groups who might like to participate in sign-up opportunities.
• Brainstorms for Sept 19:
- Intergenerational Service with a parade of youth downstairs.
- Church school will begin Sept. 26. Registration will be online.

Church Vision:
• Decision: “FCC-UCC A Christian Family: Welcoming, Loving, Serving.”
• Much discussion about how this will be presented to the congregation. Decision: Report in the “Beacon” that the Vision Survey was initiated by the Council, Elsa was chair of the team, this is what we did, if there are comments we would like to hear them.

• EF&G needs three persons. Stewardship needs one person.
• Phil Whitney has made 21 calls to new members. Much appreciation expressed for all that he has done.
• Much discussion: Some areas:
- How are volunteers sought out and selected?
- Why are there often openings on some teams and not on others?
- Is the new governance approach to filling teams working?
- The structure of a Nominating Committee is relatively efficient; at least everyone gets only one telephone call. How do you prevent someone being called multiple times? Suggestion to set up Nominating Committee for filling slots was tabled to the future.
- Nancy, Phil and Elsa will get together to consult with EF&G.

Congregation Annual Meeting:
• Good feelings about it expressed.

Maine Conference Annual Meeting:
• Nothing specifically related to local churches to report.

Next Meeting will be Thursday, September 16, 6:30 p.m.
• Carrie Skeffington: Reflection and Recorder.
• All joined hands at the end with appreciation for the excellent job which has been done by Chris Keiter, Moderator, and Nancy MacLean, Vice Moderator.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes of 6/14/10

Members present: Rick Angell, Stan Jordan, Elinor Redmond, Kendra Palmer, Sue Ross, Dave Allen, John McCall.

Elinor opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. with a prayer.

Revisit the purpose of the group and validate whether we should continue: Our discussion was free-ranging on this topic. I am including observations. Group consensus is to continue.
• John is grateful there is a Growth Group. It helps to charge up the congregation. New people comment on the welcome they find here.
• Kendra says the group has an important role going forward. She sees more new faces in church and thinks the hospitality tips are helpful.
• Stan notices a lot of people at services he does not know.
• John says some return, some do not. Most Sundays there is someone who is visiting for the first time. Part of our draw is we are open and affirming and intentional about direction.

We discussed whether newcomers attend coffee hour.
• Sue stated we have exhausted hospitality tips.
• Elinor wants us to have a higher profile: report in the annual report and (John suggested) doing an article for the Beacon around Labor Day.

To the question, What is our purpose?
• Stan said ‘to increase welcoming and fellowship of the church’. He found a nearly complete purpose in the March 2009 minutes: To provide a structure and a process to warmly welcome newcomers to our church and to encourage the building of meaningful relationships so that newcomers feel they belong and can participate in our church community. The minutes state we felt we were close. It was not mentioned in subsequent meetings.

John described the pattern of attendance among young church-goers. They might come every week for 6 weeks and then stay away for several months. Nothing is ‘wrong’, they are just making other choices of what to do with their time.

To the question, What is the measure of our success?
• Elinor mentioned John’s reaction, as he has his finger on the pulse of the congregation.
• Stan talked about looking around as you enter the church. Are the ushers happy (smiling)? Are the members happy?

We agreed to focus on both the welcome to people who have found their way to us and to pursue activities that bring people in the door. John said that fewer outside groups use the church building than in the past (the cub scouts and mom & dad’s clubs no longer meet).

We discussed how we function as a group. Next year we want to do more work between meetings. One or two people will handle a project. The agenda will be reports on the project list. We will use e-mail to give one another information ahead of a meeting so that meeting time is saved.

Facilitator: Dave has been doing an excellent job for a few years. He graciously agreed to continue for first half of the program year rather than rotating the responsibility.

Top Priorities:
• Review printed materials to have an overview and to see what materials should be updated. The office has time to work on this task in the summer. Elinor and Sue will look at materials in the pew racks, welcome packets and reading racks. They will look for overlap and report back to the group.
• Kendra is interested in working on events to bring more people in the front door of the church. Friend Sunday, special events.
• Rick will investigate what it the rules and regulations are concerning signage in South Portland so that we know what we have to do to place signs directing people to the church.
• We want to expand on our in-house hospitality.

Everyone will review the lists and resources we already have and come prepared to set an agenda for the year in September.

Next meeting: September 13, 2010

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2010
Recorder: Andy Ellis

Present: Council members Bob Morse, Nancy MacLean, John McCall, Chris Keiter, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Debra Andrews, Elsa Peters, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Matt Early, Sally Hinckley, and Andy Ellis. Guests: Margaret Thibodeau.

Chris Keiter opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and Andy read an opening prayer.

April Minutes were reviewed and accepted with a few small changes regarding the list of people that met with website vendors regarding our redesign proposal (see below). Also, there had been discussion in the April meeting about utilizing Constant Contact as a mass email service, but it was decided that we will wait to see how website redesign might address this capability before committing to Constant Contact.

Minister’s Time: Elsa discussed her plan to write a book, and the possibility of making time in her weekly schedule this summer to focus on writing. She may spend one day a week writing from a coffee shop but will be available for pastoral duties and will post some specific hours when she will be available in her church office.

John spoke of some personal news items, including his closing on a new condo in Dow’s Woods, and Ben’s impending return home from 5 months in Scotland. Also, John will not be attending the June Council meeting because it coincides with South Portland’s comprehensive planning committee meeting/workshop. John has been invited to attend this meeting and to participate in the vision process for the city, representing the religious community.

Fundraising Approvals: The Council approved a request from the Food Pantry for their “extras” sale and added it to the list of pre-approved annual fundraising activities. The Council suggested that outdated food should not be sold.

Request to Move Date of Homecoming Sunday: Margaret Thibodeau of the EG and F Team visited the meeting to discuss the possibility of moving the date of Homecoming Sunday from the 12th of Sept. to the 19th. The EG and F Team has had some difficulty in the past getting volunteers together to prepare for Homecoming Sunday and the start of Church School and thought that an extra week would be helpful to the organizing process. Chris will reach out to the Teams for feedback on whether they think that Homecoming Sunday is still effective as an opportunity for the congregation to learn about and sign up for different groups in the church, and if they would have an issue with changing the date. The Council did not have an issue with changing the date. There was some discussion about Sept. 12th being a Rally Day, instead. A decision on all this will be made at the June 17th Council meeting.

Church Vision Statement Update: The Council discussed some of the compiled results of the Vision Statement survey project and some of the suggestions of the subgroup (Elsa, Dave, Chris Dow, and Debra) that were created to showcase the most popular concepts and ideas. The Council discussed several aspects of these statements, noting that the word “God” did not appear in any of the suggestions. There was also some discussion of adding the word “open” into the statement to convey the idea that the congregation is open and affirming. It was decided that there would not be enough time between the Council meeting and the Annual Meeting of the congregation to decide on a statement and bring that to the congregation for meaningful review. The Council will continue to discuss and each member will bring a suggested version to the next Council meeting in June. Email them to Elsa ahead of time.

Volunteerism Ideas: The sub-group on volunteerism (Sally, Phil, and John) reported from their email conversations and suggested that it might be worthwhile to consider utilizing a nominating committee process again. Some Council members had served on the nominating committee prior to the change in governance structure, and thought it worked well. John suggested that one benefit of a nominating committee is “personalizing the ask.” Currently there are openings on several of the Teams that need to be filled, so it would appear that the current method of Teams finding their own members may not be working as well as originally hoped. Dave suggested that we should focus on volunteerism as well as nominating and find ways to help members (particularly new members) find ways to contribute to the life of the congregation. Phil offered to make some calls to members who have joined in the past year to see if there were ways that they would like to become more involved. Discussion of ways to encourage volunteerism will continue at the June meeting.

Website Redesign: Chris, John, Dana Wiggins, Aaron Scifres, and Guy Gledhill have been involved with the Website Redesign project. They have met with and reviewed two vendors who could do the work. The vendors and their proposals are very different from each other, but the end result of either one should be a dramatic improvement from where we are today. They are characterized as follows:
• A less established company; uses the open-source tool Wordpress; project cost of about $3,500 and annual costs of about $150; tool is less tightly integrated and we would need to fill in more of the content (we have people ready to help with this).
• A more established company; uses proprietary tool Aptuitiv; project cost of about $7,000 and annual costs of about $540; tool is more tightly integrated and we would need to fill in very little content
After some discussion, the Council approved going forward with the less expensive alternative, primarily due to the lower cost. Funding would come from a $2,000 contribution which has already been received, additional donations that will be requested, and the balance coming from the Loraine Merrill Cabinet fund.

Annual Meeting of Congregation: Chris, John and Elsa discussed order of items and speaking assignments for the meeting.

Maine Conference Annual Meeting: The meeting will take place June 11, 12, and 13 in Farmington. Our Church has a number of open spaces, and as of the discussion, only John, Andrea, and Elsa were planning to attend.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Next Meeting: June 17, 2010
Opening/Recorder: Bob Morse

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2010

Attendees: Laurie Cary - Chair, Jan Bosse, Sandy Dyer, Mike Kasputes, Kendra Palmer, Richard Parker, Carol Scheffler, Kristen Silvia, Greg Wyman, Elsa Peters (part time)

Laurie opened the meeting with an original note concerning service and the Mission team. Departing members – Carol Scheffler and Greg Wyman – were thanked for their service; new members – Jan Bosse, Kendra Palmer and Kristen Silvia – were introduced and welcomed.

Corrections to Minister’s Moment
– “Discipleship” will be the theme for next year’s program for our local church, not for the Conference.
– Micah Project: “…………. Kristen Silvia or Gretchen Reynolds might be ……..”
Minutes approved as corrected.

Pride March will be held in Portland June 19th. March is at noon. Meet at 10:30 in Monument Square.
A week long Mission trip in Maine is being planned for next summer (2011).
Elsa’s sabbatical will be in 2012. While she has not finalized her topic, she is considering exploring how churches address justice issues. She welcomes other ideas from the Mission Team.

Donations for blankets totaled $770. This will be sent directly to Church World Services.
It was decided to add Sweetser to our list of approve charities. Richard will update the list and distribute.
The following payments were approved. Reference Greg’s budget report for additional information and details.
$500 Andover-Newton Theological Seminary
500 Center for Grieving Children
500 Protestant Hospital Ministry
500 Serenity House
500 Shalom House
500 Spurwink Services
500 Sweetser

FOOD DRIVE – May’s food drive collected 30 Bags of groceries.


HOMECOMING SUNDAY - Assignment pending church Council’s decision if this will take place.

BEACON ANNOUNCEMENTS (Special Offerings)- Maureen Clancy

SPECIAL SUPPORT – MAINE & UCC - Richard Parker. This is a new item and consists of assembling a schedule for distributing payments to our various charities. The initial schedule will be based on 2009/2010 dispersements.

BULLETIN BOARD - Assignment not needed.

MISSION MALL - Carol Scheffler


CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE - Jen Hardin and Sandy Dyer

CHRISTMAS MITTEN TREE - Bob and Andrea Morse



MISSION SUNDAY - TBD – see note below


THE MICAH PROJECT - Gretchen Reynolds – if not willing, Laurie, Kristen or Jan may be interested

CHILDREN’S CLOSET - AnnElissa Leveque

Mission Sunday – The question “Is the Mission Team interested in doing?” was left unanswered. Laurie has discussed with Pastor McCall and the best time would be in Feb 2011.

Mission Mall: Will be held 20 Nov 2010

CHURCH CONTACT LIST: Laurie to revise and distribute to the team.

STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH OFFERING: it has been agreed by Laurie and the Pastors, that no special offering will be held for this cause because of the number of special offerings already taken. However, it may be a candidate for inclusion as one of the areas supported by the Easter or Christmas Offering.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Education Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2010
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau

Team members attending: Karen Pierce, Ginny Gledhill, Margaret Thibodeau, Jennifer Fetting, Elsa Peters, Jana Frank.

The meeting began with the approval of the May Minutes.

Jana reported that no one volunteered to serve “Lemonade on the Porch” last Sunday (May 30th) despite a sign-up sheet located outside the sanctuary for the past couple weeks. John did mention during Sunday’s worship, the need for volunteers, and a congregation member stepped-up to serve refreshments after the service. Jana will continue to monitor Lemonade on the Porch during the summer months. However, Jana informed the Team that she will no longer be able to serve on EG&F come September, due to family obligations. The Team appreciates her efforts coordinating Coffee Hour this past year.

Karen shared that the Library and Scholarship Committees have reported no concerns.

Ginny shared that coverage in the Nursery during the summer months will be provided by Diana. For the past several years, high school students have been paid to volunteer in the nursery. The Team was unaware that Diana would be happy to provide nursery coverage, and had just not been asked in the past. The Team appreciates her service and willingness to help out each Sunday.

Margaret reported that the Church Picnic was very well attended, and we had a beautiful day! Many more items were donated this year, and the savings to our budget was almost $150.00! Some suggestions for next year include more tables and chairs set up, and two large containers of lemonade instead of one. Our next fellowship event is the Confirmation Celebration on June 13th. The Team began planning for the event, using the template outlined several years ago, which had the reception taking place in Guptill Hall, and including coffee hour service. As coffee hour has now been replaced by fellowship on the porch, the Team decided to have the reception take place on the porch. A cake, flowers, and balloons will be part of the festivities as the congregation celebrates the confirmation class.

Elsa shared the Faith Formation update. The new Faith Formation Committee will have its first meeting in June. The Team reviewed next year’s calendar for Sunday School, which looked well-organized. Sunday School will use the on-line version of Seasons of the Spirit curricula, and Christ Kid’s Club will use the newly purchased “Faith Practices” curriculum, which incorporates games and experiential learning. Adult Faith Formation has “Beach Chair Theology” starting in July, and many plans for the fall. The Confirmation Class has 8 youth to be confirmed on June 13th. These young adults and some of the mentors plan to continue their faith exploration next fall.

The Team discussed two questions proposed by Council: whether Homecoming Sunday is a valuable activity as it has been conducted in the past, and secondly, should the date by changed to later in September (9/19/2010). Our Team was supportive of moving the date to 9/19 next fall. We also did not think that Homecoming Sunday was a valuable event, as far as recruiting Team & committee volunteers. There was concern about getting information about the various functions of the Teams and sub-committees out to the congregation. Members wondered if each Team might do a brief presentation during worship on Homecoming Sunday, regarding their Team and sub-committee responsibilities and plans for the upcoming year. We also support the idea of a “pot-luck” type fellowship activity for Homecoming this September, rather than the tables and sign-ups as were offered in the past.

As Ginny and Margaret are leaving the EG&F team, members discussed roles for next year. Jennifer Fetting has agreed to be the contact person for the Team. Karen would like to continue her connection with the library and scholarship committees, and Carolyn expressed interest in continuing her efforts with Sunday School. The EG&F Team will be looking for three new members to join the Team for next fall.

Spiritual Life & Worship

Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010

Attending: Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Frank Arseneault, Rick Angell, Tex Hauser, John McCall.

Opening Prayer - by Dana.

Review Of March/April Minutes – Approved.

Elsa requested in writing that we consider changing the format for confirmation to remove the personal prayer for each confirmand and omitting the Church Covenant.

After a careful discussion it was decided unanimously that we would like to keep the laying on of hands and the personal prayer for each confirmand, but we would agree to eliminating the Covenant. We thought that instead of the traditional covenant it might more relevant for the confirmands to write a few sentences about their personal covenant and that it might be blended into the class covenant to be read at the service. Debbie would communicate this information to Elsa.

Rick will be the SLW contact person for 2010-11.

We discussed the membership of the SLW Committee for 2010 – 2011 . Debbie agreed to stay for one more year.

John presented three possible plans for the replacement/ repair of the welcome sign that was recently destroyed by the wind: (A) leave the space open (B) Use the old comma sign (faded and worn) or (C) Order another similar sign. We will do further research and report back at the next meeting.

Elder Luncheon - Dana is organizing the luncheon and will call other church members for help with cooking and serving.

Next Meeting: June 3, 2010; Debbie will set the agenda and lead the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Riley

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010

Present: Laurie Cary, Carol Scheffler, Sarah Randall, Sandy Dyer, Maureen Clancy, Elsa Peters.

I. Meeting Opens
Laurie opened the meeting with prayer. The Minutes from the April meeting were approved after the change of the number of volunteers for the Habitat for Humanity Micah Project, Laurie reported that it was 8 or 9 volunteers not 15. Laurie noted that 1 thank you note was received from World Vision for the $250.00 special donation.

II. Treasurer’s Report
The April and May reports were reviewed. Both the Easter Offering and the One Great Hour were up compared with last year. A question was raised on the per capita drive and where does this money go, Laurie will follow up. The Team agreed to a $100.00 donation to the Children of China Fund; it has been more than a year since a gift was given. The reported were accepted as presented.

III. Minister’s Moment
Elsa reported that the Diversity Committee will be marching with a Church banner in the Gay Pride Parade on June 19th. Our Church will be part of the Religious Coalition Against Discrimination.

Also, happily the Preble Street Homeless Voices for Justice Project received donations equaling 3 times that amount the Catholic Diocese had provided in funding. The funding was cut as a result of Preble Street support for the No On One Campaign this past fall.

The Maine UCC Conference meets on June 12th for its Annual Meeting, a resolution will be voted on regarding the covenant for civil discourse. The theme of the meeting is discipleship – how to engage the communities in doing. In this spirit Elsa reported that Gretchen Reynolds might be eager to take on the Micah Project coordination.

IV. Old Business
Laurie happily reported that the slate is full for 2013 team membership. Laurie handed out the new listing and will send it to Chris Keiter. Sarah and Sandy will serve as Co-Chairs. Maureen edited her email address. Laurie will email the updated list to the Team.

V. New Business
a. There will be a Blood drive in Guptill Hall on August 13th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. Maureen agreed to write an article for the Beacon for June, a Save the Date, and then again in July. Laurie will call to request posters for the bulletin board.
b. We will wait until next meeting to decide whether to go forward with Homecoming Sunday or to use the Coffee Hour as a good place to recruit volunteers for the various projects and programs.

c. Assignments:
Annual Beacon articles on offerings - Maureen agreed to write 4-5 articles per year announcing the offerings. Sarah agreed to check the mailbox regularly. Sandy will be the email contact person. We tabled the Bulletin Board, Micah Project, Mission Sunday, Thanksgiving Baskets, and Christmas Giving Tree until next meeting when we have new members in attendance. Carol and Sarah will coordinate the Mission Mall and Carol will check in with Linda Skinner for her help. The Mitten Tree is all set, Laurie will handle the Handbook. Maureen agreed to do some research into the Birthday Cakes at Long Creek – she and Sandy have been handling this piece. Sarah will email Linda Skinner about her continued help with the Food Pantry. There is a drive the second Sunday in May. Jenn Hardin and AnnElissa will continue with the Children’s Closet.

A Mission Mall planning meeting will be held prior to the June 3rd Mission Outreach Team meeting.

May 9th is Blanket Sunday.

A request has been made about consideration for a 5th Offering - Strengthen the Church UCC. If we do this we will be a 5 for 5 UCC Church. Since the date is May 23rd the Team decided it was too late for this year. We will consider it for next year or consider using one of the other offerings for Strengthen the Church.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

The next meeting will be held June 3, 2010.

Laurie will give opening and closing remarks and Richard will take notes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Clancy

Music Committee

Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2010

Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Sheryl Kieran, and Trudi Bakke.

1. Reviewed and accepted February Minutes.

2. Updates:
• Shirley reported that Rev. Alan Meyers from West Brookville, Maine picked up the Reed organ on April 20th after seeing the listing in the ACE Newsletter. The West Brookville congregation lost their organ in 1982 to a fire. Rev. Meyers has shared that the organ is already in service at their church!

• Kim shared with the committee the church’s rental agreement which states that the “use of the Sanctuary by external groups shall be restricted to worship, weddings, funerals, concerts, appropriate educational events, and other uses approved by the program staff/Senior Minister.”

• Chris Keiter has responded that money to replace the choir kitchen chairs would not come out of the annual operating budget and Guy Gledhill added that money would also not be available from the House Committee. Cyndi Alden suggested that such expenditures typically come by request from such places as Rummage Sale or Holly Daze Bazaar proceeds.

3. All current Music Committee members will continue to serve on the committee during the 2010-2011 year. Kim spoke with Peg Carmichael who agreed to join next year and Christi Cannell who would like to attend a meeting before committing. Anna had agreed to talk with Beth Hess – Kim will check in with Anna to see if Beth agreed to join. Another possibility is Kim Knowles.

4. Five Sundays remain open in the Summer Music schedule. Kim will check with Jim Dyer, Lexi Bakke and Joan Carrier and Sheryl will check with Craig Skeffington. The committee agreed to sign up for the summer Sundays that they will write thank you notes for now, hoping to be able to attend those Sundays, but at the very least be able to send out a thank you note in a timely manner.

5. Shirley will be away from the church the five Sundays in August and Peter Dickson will be filling in.

6. Other business:
• Shirley requested money from segregated account 3010 to purchase 35 black folders at ~$6.40 a piece. Committee approved request.

• Shirley shared a note informing us of a men’s quartet called Voice of Praise who will be in the area from Virginia the week of July 12th. The committee listened to a lovely sample of their music. They are looking for churches to perform at – they have CD’s to sell, but do not charge for the performance. Sheryl will follow up to find out how involved of a project hosting the group would be.

The next meeting is set for September 9th.