Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of 12/17/09

In attendance: Nancy MacLean, Bob Morse, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, Debra Andrews, Sally Hinckley, Andy Ellis, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, Chris Keiter, Cyndi Alden, Matt Early.

Opening – Matt prayer for God’s blessing and Christmas Prayer by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Review Agenda – accepted.

Review November Minutes – accepted.

Minister Time – Elsa. John absent due to illness. Christmas time’s busy schedule going along well. Sunday service 12/20 at 11:00 with Children Christmas Pageant at 9:00.

1. Vote on SL&W Nomination – Tex Haeuser accepted.
2. Fundraising Criteria – Nancy MacLean led discussion. Will incorporate last month’s changes, distribute to Teams, and publish in the Beacon after the Holidays.
3. Business Referral Directory – Chris Keiter provided update that it is being worked on by Don Russell and Chris with follow up in January after Holidays.
4. Website Redesign – Committee consisting of John, Elsa, Chris Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Rod Redstone, and Guy Gledhill held meeting and are waiting for draft request for proposal to be submitted by web consultant.
5. Sanctuary Railing – No further update from Administration Team at this time. Follow up after Holidays.
6. Church Vision – Nothing further to report at this time. Follow up after Holidays.
7. Budget – Chris Keiter reported and presented draft 2010 budget. Budget Committee consists of Chris Keiter, Chris Dow, Matt Early, John McCall, and Cyndi Alden. Committee has held three meetings to date. Further Committee meeting scheduled 1/11/10 with goal of printing final proposed budget 1/20/10 with presentation to Council for discussion and approval 1/21/10 with print to congregation on Sunday 1/24/10 and congregational vote on Sunday 1/31/10. Pledges still anticipated for 2010 which will drop current operating deficit forecast of approximately $56,000 to approximately $16,000. Committee to closely monitor pledge progress between now and final budget proposal. Stewardship sending out letter to non-pledging households for support. Pledge revenue formula based on actual pledges less 4% shrinkage plus 7% unpledged based on historical collection experience. Proposed total expense decrease of $10,000 from 2009 budget with majority of line items maintained flat with prior year budget or actual spending, including staff salary. Savings primarily in heating fuel and youth minister and church secretary staffing changes. Budget assumes Discovery Center capable of continuing to pay rent of approximately $5,600 annually. Adjustment of this rent, including ½ rent being evaluated and considered for final budget proposal. Brief discussion surrounding Discovery Center and short term and long term plan. Further discussion on January agenda. Consolidating financial statement to include the Discovery Center, Rummage Sale, Holly Daze Bazaar, and CCM to be considered at later date along with plans to establish a committee that will review with the congregation ideas on how to close the budget gap in the future.

Other Business – None presented.

Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.; Next Meeting January 21, 2010; Recorder: Dave.

Respectfully Submitted: Matt Early

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2009

Attending: Elaine Brownell, Betsy Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Rick Angell, John McCall.

Opening Prayer by Dana

Review of October Minutes: Approved.

John McCall:
- Asked that we decide what to do with the old Pilgrim Hymnals. There are many left and there does not seem to be interest within the congregation. We decided that: Dana will make a few calls to find a possible solution We will donate them to the Bazaar (November 21st) to be given away. We will recycle the remainder of the hymnals.

- Discussed the growth or lack of growth of Protestant Churches and the decline of organized religion in general. We reviewed two articles printed recently that explain and outline this trend. Members here at FCC tend to be cautious and reserved and outreach is difficult. We discussed the need to reach out to the younger generation to make them feel that they matter to this church. We reviewed the inactive list and agreed to send letters to members who have not attended or supported the church for many years.

- Asked that a member of SLW Team attend and participate in the Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service at Thornton Heights Methodist Church on November 23rd. Betsy and Debbie will attend and participate.

- Is concerned that the children do not understand the fact that the collection is connected to the life of the church. We discussed taking the children’s collection during the children’s message in the Sanctuary.

- Asked that we consider having a monthly Children’s Chapel Service on Communion Sunday. Many supportive ideas were discussed including , pre-training and orientation to teach the structure and meaning of a worship service, and the respectful way to behave in the chapel. Debbie also suggested that the ministers make an appearance at these services to connect with the children.

- Asked that we review a letter that she wrote from the SLW Team to the Cumberland Association Committee on Ministry in support of her desire to become a Commissioned Minister of Administration and Communication at the conference level. We approved the letter and it will be sent.

- Reported that it is confusing and stressful when ushers try to serve communion and usher on the same Sunday. We will try to avoid this multi - tasking in the future.

- Reported that the Growth Group is ready to pair up guests and parish hosts. Many other welcoming ideas are being discussed and implemented by this committee.

- Reported that the Flower Committee is organizing a bountiful harvest presentation for Thanksgiving and poinsettias for Christmas.

- Brought a new hymnal with a new book label, designed by Brian Wiggins. The SLW Team agreed that it was lovely. Debbie will complete this task by Christmas or sooner!

Debbie and Elaine:
- Will look for a table for the Davidson Lounge that is now being used in the Sanctuary as a Communion Table.

Next Meeting: December 3, 2009
- Debbie will set the agenda and lead the meeting.
- Elaine will take minutes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by
Debbie Riley

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2009
6:30 – 8:30 PM

Opening (Debra, from the Holy Qur’an and Chinese proverb)

Present: Nancy MacLean, Bob Morse, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, Debra Andrews, Sally Hinckley, Andy Ellis, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, John McCall, Chris Keiter

Review agenda: approved as presented.

Review October minutes: approved as presented.

Minister’s Time:
John - Shared document “Realities of the World in Which We Minister”, highlighting the following points:
 Total membership has declined 60%, while budget has increased by 16 times since 1961.
 Change in worship attendance.
 2008 Trinity College Study on Religion shows fastest growth in “none of the above” religious group.
 Maine is the 3rd least religious state of all US states.
 Challenge: All forms of organized religion are on decline.
 Maine UCC conference fact: FCC is one of three with highest attendance.
 Where to go from here? High vitality churches have vision, strong lay leaders and recruitment/evangelistic strategies/plans.
 Building the church by building the message – importance of defining vision.
John’s document will be shared with Growth Group, Visioning Subcommittee, and Pastor Parish Relations Committee.

Elsa - Advent, overwhelmed, very busy.

Fundraising Criteria (continued from October) – Nancy presented the Guidelines and the reworked fundraising form; discussion re: placement of Hilltop Guild catering and Discovery Center in Guideline #6; decision not to include Discovery Center on list; Christmas Gift Appeal is for Community Crisis Ministries; Long Creek is the Giving Tree; Sub Sale is by Youth Ministry. The form was approved and will be distributed via the Beacon, the Teams, and Church office.

Business Referral Directory update – Don Russell drafted a concept paper that presents the intended policy for this project. Council recommends that document be simplified and reviewed at a later date with Don present.

Annual review by auditors - Council recommends that Discovery Center and Holly Daze Bazaar be included in Annual Review.

Budget Committee - Meetings to be held on 11/24, 12/7, 12/14, 1/11. Will consider more comprehensive budget.

Rosella Loveitt bequest - Chris will ask Budget Committee to explore ways in which to use remaining 80% of funds; it will be included as part of the budget proposal that will be presented at the December Council meeting.

Discovery Center (pre-school) budget update - No church help is being requested by the Discovery Center’s board at this point; they have had a discussion of using one less classroom to save rent.

Website redesign discussion is in process. Administration Team is involved.

 Sanctuary railing discussion - Administration Team is in process of getting feedback from Congregation.

Discussions on how businesses may promote to church members – Should this type of activity be encouraged? Comments from Council members: It could be a slippery slope, shuffling boundaries of what church membership means; there is a general discomfort with concept – too materialistic regarding some ideas, but ok with Community Crisis Ministries/Holly Daze Bazaar silent auction enterprise. Decided to not pursue at this time.

Sanctuary rental discussion – tabled until future meeting.

Update on Church vision discussions – group will meet in January.

Vote on additional nominations - tabled until future meeting.
SL&W: 1 vacancy
EG&F: 1 vacancy

Other Business: none at this time.

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next meeting: December 17th; Opening/Recorder: Matt

Recorder: Debra Andrews