Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2009
6:30 – 8:30 PM

Opening (Debra, from the Holy Qur’an and Chinese proverb)

Present: Nancy MacLean, Bob Morse, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, Debra Andrews, Sally Hinckley, Andy Ellis, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, John McCall, Chris Keiter

Review agenda: approved as presented.

Review October minutes: approved as presented.

Minister’s Time:
John - Shared document “Realities of the World in Which We Minister”, highlighting the following points:
 Total membership has declined 60%, while budget has increased by 16 times since 1961.
 Change in worship attendance.
 2008 Trinity College Study on Religion shows fastest growth in “none of the above” religious group.
 Maine is the 3rd least religious state of all US states.
 Challenge: All forms of organized religion are on decline.
 Maine UCC conference fact: FCC is one of three with highest attendance.
 Where to go from here? High vitality churches have vision, strong lay leaders and recruitment/evangelistic strategies/plans.
 Building the church by building the message – importance of defining vision.
John’s document will be shared with Growth Group, Visioning Subcommittee, and Pastor Parish Relations Committee.

Elsa - Advent, overwhelmed, very busy.

Fundraising Criteria (continued from October) – Nancy presented the Guidelines and the reworked fundraising form; discussion re: placement of Hilltop Guild catering and Discovery Center in Guideline #6; decision not to include Discovery Center on list; Christmas Gift Appeal is for Community Crisis Ministries; Long Creek is the Giving Tree; Sub Sale is by Youth Ministry. The form was approved and will be distributed via the Beacon, the Teams, and Church office.

Business Referral Directory update – Don Russell drafted a concept paper that presents the intended policy for this project. Council recommends that document be simplified and reviewed at a later date with Don present.

Annual review by auditors - Council recommends that Discovery Center and Holly Daze Bazaar be included in Annual Review.

Budget Committee - Meetings to be held on 11/24, 12/7, 12/14, 1/11. Will consider more comprehensive budget.

Rosella Loveitt bequest - Chris will ask Budget Committee to explore ways in which to use remaining 80% of funds; it will be included as part of the budget proposal that will be presented at the December Council meeting.

Discovery Center (pre-school) budget update - No church help is being requested by the Discovery Center’s board at this point; they have had a discussion of using one less classroom to save rent.

Website redesign discussion is in process. Administration Team is involved.

 Sanctuary railing discussion - Administration Team is in process of getting feedback from Congregation.

Discussions on how businesses may promote to church members – Should this type of activity be encouraged? Comments from Council members: It could be a slippery slope, shuffling boundaries of what church membership means; there is a general discomfort with concept – too materialistic regarding some ideas, but ok with Community Crisis Ministries/Holly Daze Bazaar silent auction enterprise. Decided to not pursue at this time.

Sanctuary rental discussion – tabled until future meeting.

Update on Church vision discussions – group will meet in January.

Vote on additional nominations - tabled until future meeting.
SL&W: 1 vacancy
EG&F: 1 vacancy

Other Business: none at this time.

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Next meeting: December 17th; Opening/Recorder: Matt

Recorder: Debra Andrews

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