Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of 12/17/09

In attendance: Nancy MacLean, Bob Morse, Chris Dow, Elsa Peters, Debra Andrews, Sally Hinckley, Andy Ellis, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, Chris Keiter, Cyndi Alden, Matt Early.

Opening – Matt prayer for God’s blessing and Christmas Prayer by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Review Agenda – accepted.

Review November Minutes – accepted.

Minister Time – Elsa. John absent due to illness. Christmas time’s busy schedule going along well. Sunday service 12/20 at 11:00 with Children Christmas Pageant at 9:00.

1. Vote on SL&W Nomination – Tex Haeuser accepted.
2. Fundraising Criteria – Nancy MacLean led discussion. Will incorporate last month’s changes, distribute to Teams, and publish in the Beacon after the Holidays.
3. Business Referral Directory – Chris Keiter provided update that it is being worked on by Don Russell and Chris with follow up in January after Holidays.
4. Website Redesign – Committee consisting of John, Elsa, Chris Keiter, Dana Wiggins, Rod Redstone, and Guy Gledhill held meeting and are waiting for draft request for proposal to be submitted by web consultant.
5. Sanctuary Railing – No further update from Administration Team at this time. Follow up after Holidays.
6. Church Vision – Nothing further to report at this time. Follow up after Holidays.
7. Budget – Chris Keiter reported and presented draft 2010 budget. Budget Committee consists of Chris Keiter, Chris Dow, Matt Early, John McCall, and Cyndi Alden. Committee has held three meetings to date. Further Committee meeting scheduled 1/11/10 with goal of printing final proposed budget 1/20/10 with presentation to Council for discussion and approval 1/21/10 with print to congregation on Sunday 1/24/10 and congregational vote on Sunday 1/31/10. Pledges still anticipated for 2010 which will drop current operating deficit forecast of approximately $56,000 to approximately $16,000. Committee to closely monitor pledge progress between now and final budget proposal. Stewardship sending out letter to non-pledging households for support. Pledge revenue formula based on actual pledges less 4% shrinkage plus 7% unpledged based on historical collection experience. Proposed total expense decrease of $10,000 from 2009 budget with majority of line items maintained flat with prior year budget or actual spending, including staff salary. Savings primarily in heating fuel and youth minister and church secretary staffing changes. Budget assumes Discovery Center capable of continuing to pay rent of approximately $5,600 annually. Adjustment of this rent, including ½ rent being evaluated and considered for final budget proposal. Brief discussion surrounding Discovery Center and short term and long term plan. Further discussion on January agenda. Consolidating financial statement to include the Discovery Center, Rummage Sale, Holly Daze Bazaar, and CCM to be considered at later date along with plans to establish a committee that will review with the congregation ideas on how to close the budget gap in the future.

Other Business – None presented.

Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.; Next Meeting January 21, 2010; Recorder: Dave.

Respectfully Submitted: Matt Early

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