Thursday, January 22, 2009

Administration Team

Minutes of Meeting: January 8, 2009

Present: Ron Bennett, Deb Sandler, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Jim Otis and Cyndi Alden. Excused: Eben Marsh.

The meeting was called to order by the Meeting Chair Ron Bennett at 7:05 p.m. Jim Otis was appointed Meeting Secretary and Chair for the next meeting. Guy Gledhill graciously volunteered to take over after Jim.

The minutes of the December 4, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Financial Statements and Budget: Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements and budget for the 12 months ended 12/31/08. The good news was that the financials reflected a tentative loss of $(4,578), which is much lower then the budgeted loss of $(28,176) for the year. Overall, revenues were higher and expenses were lower. The higher revenue was generally the result of additional new member pledges this past April and May, along with additional pledges of about $8,000 from existing members during the last month or so of the year (we felt this was probably the result of John McCall mentioning our fiscal situation to the congregation). The further good news is that the final year end loss may be even less. We perused the maintenance expense account and the rental property income account and found about $3,700 of capital expenditures that should be charged (and paid from) Major Maintenance funds ($1,500 from maintenance (electric) expenses and $2,200 of appliances/improvements in the rental property account). Thus, the loss could be $3,700 less, but there probably will be $1,000 or so of final expense bills trickling in which will increase the loss. Cyndi said that, in the future, she will check with the House Committee when she receives larger maintenance bills to be sure that they are charged appropriately to operations or to Major Maintenance funds.

The A Team then decided it was a good time to talk about the 2009 budget and the two (2) 10% expense reduction goals that Chris Keiter had mentioned. After carefully reviewing the expense accounts under the A Team’s jurisdiction, the following reductions were agreed upon: (1) reduce Advertising from $2,150 to $1,000 (no newspaper advertising for Easter, etc.); (2) reduce Office Expense from $13,000 to $12,000; (3) reduce Stewardship expense from $1,600 to $1,100; and (4) reduce Conference expenses from $2,000 to $1,000. Together with the 50% withdrawal of $722 from the Garden Memorial Fund to offset maintenance expense, expense savings and additional receipts related to the 2009 budget will total $4,372, or about 15% of the Administration expense budget for 2009.

Tenant review: Both tenants in the corner building are still delinquent for December. Old Crow Gallery owes $1,200 and the upstairs residential tenant owes $560. Old Crow did pay the late fees we assessed them during 2008. We will monitor this closely.

Counting: To date, the system appears to be working fine and Brian is doing a great job.

House: House Committee member Guy said everything was moving along fine and that the Committee didn’t meet in the last month and there was no formal report.

Planned Giving: Ron handed out a draft of a Planned Giving outline prepared by Committee Member Ellie Baker. The draft was of an educational nature and that is what the focus is intended to be. Ellie did a nice job over viewing what a planned gift is and the general ways of giving. This may go into the Beacon in the future, but the priority right now is to get the church budget finalized and approved. The Committee may want to put quarterly articles in the Beacon. In regard to possibly maintaining an “honor roll” of church members who put the church in their wills, it was felt that this wasn’t appropriate for various reasons. The Committee will be giving thought as to who the contact person (s) may be if someone wants to make a planned gift to the church.

Rentals from Non-Profits: Chris Keiter has requested the A Team to address the topic of charging non-profit organizations that use the church’s facilities. We thought that more information is needed before making any decisions. For the next meeting, Cyndi will create an inventory of which non-profit groups use the church and how much they paid for 2008. Cyndi will also provide us with the present church guidelines (and perhaps the standard rental agreement we use). We also discussed having the Boy Singers of Maine use the church and we felt this sounded fine. The preliminary consensus was that we should charge those organizations who use our facilities and make money by doing this (i.e. charge fees for a concert, etc.).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 5, 2009

Respectfully submitted by: Jim Otis, Meeting Secretary

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spiritual Life & Worship Team

Meeting Minutes December 4, 2008

Present: Elinor Redmond, John McCall, Betsy Keiter, and Dana Wiggins

Opening: John offered a very nice opening prayer.

Review of November Minutes: We reviewed the November meeting minutes, but were not able to approve as we didn’t have enough team members for a quorum. We will need to add to agenda for January.

Minister’s Time:
John handed out a draft of his sabbatical plan which highlights the various tasks to be covered by others in his absence. We discussed the areas in which SL&W would be responsible. Deacons will need to approve the final draft of the plan.

360 Review Process
Pastor/ Parish completed a 360 degree ministry review with Elsa this past Fall and now is assembling a group to conduct the same for John and his ministry. This review will take place January to April.

Christmas Eve Readers
Readers are needed for the 7pm and 10pm services. An announcement will be made during Sunday worship and Betsy will be in the Narthex with sign-up sheets after the service.

Christmas Eve Birthday Cake for Jesus
We’ll check with Margaret Thibodeau (EG&F) to coordinate the cake and party hosting to take place after the 5pm Family Christmas Eve service.

John indicated that pledges have been coming in slowly and we are currently short by a considerable amount. He is hopeful that the gap will close quite a bit with year end gifts and late pledges. We discussed in general the need to look at everything and everywhere for opportunities to reduce costs and expenses, but the opinion was that there didn’t seem to be a lot of fat in the budget. John gave a brief review of budgets that have passed in the last few years.

Per Dana, final edits are currently being made to the new hymnal. Half of the purchase price for the hymnals has been paid from the North Church Memorial Fund with the hope of the other half being funded by individual member purchase(s) of hymnals recognized through book plates/ In Memory Of notes. The contract has been signed and received. Dana noted that Maggie Tucker who has been a facilitator of the process has been extremely helpful and great to work with in guiding Dana and the process.

Growth Committee:
Focus Groups
Per Elinor, the Growth Committee Will be conducting focus groups with new members and Jim Kupil will facilitate them.

Brand Identity
John said that he is hearing that our church has a certain identity in the community. He said it is recognized as ‘Unapologetically Christian and Forward Thinking,’ making a difference in the community, and being true to the “No matter who you are…you are welcome here” statements. John also referenced the “Power of Invitation and Welcome” article from the UCC.

John indicated that it would be helpful to have an additional person or 2 available in the Narthex after worship to help escort/ shepherd new members/ visitors to coffee/ Wright Pavilion.

• Dana spoke briefly of her experience visiting a mega church recently.
• Dana also indicated the Flower committee is in need of a couple of new people.

Dana read a lovely closing from the book, The Human Dance. Book of Love and Gratitude.

Meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Mission and Outreach Team

Meeting Minutes January 8, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary, Chair; Linda Skinner, Elsa Peters, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, Sarah Randall, Maureen Clancy

Maureen opened the meeting with a reflection on Ecclesiastes and asked that her e-mail address be changed to

Thank you notes were received from the following:
• Bill (recipient of gifts from the Giving Tree)
• Mission Mall: Seeds of Peace, Wayside Soup Kitchen, Animal Refuge
 League, Ronald MacDonald House, & Gary’s House
• Andover Newton
• Grace Street Ministry
• Frannie Peabody Center
• Southern Poverty Law Center
The notes will be posted on the Mission Bulletin Board

December minutes were accepted as corrected:
“ . . . new bylaws allow teams to have more than six members and terms
of six consecutive years are now allowed.”

Treasurer’s Report:
Greg reported that the disbursements authorized at December’s meeting have been made resulting in a zero balance in the 2008 Special and Other Support funds. The other disbursement was $235.00 from the Social Witness Ministries item which he believes represents the amount needed for the Women in Harmony ad requested by the Diversity Committee. Carol is to confirm that amount with the DC.

December’s Special Offerings were:
• Christmas Offering: $1689.00
• Veterans of the Cross $2393.85

MOT Budget Request - Laurie & Greg met at 6:30 to review the MOT budget request for 2009 in response to Council’s request to all Teams to cut ’09 budgets by 20%.The Mission Team was also asked to take 50% from our Discretionary Fund ($4931.53) & add this amount to our operating budget.
•In order to reduce our budget by 20%, a total of $12, 387, Greg & Laurie determined that the Special & Other Support total would have to be reduced by 30% as the amount given to OCWM- Per Capital Distribution is fixed. Elsa pointed out that this amount can be reduced by purging of membership rolls of inactive members & that Council has recommended this be done.
•It was also decided that the contribution to the Maine Conference be reduced by 20% (to $21,168.00 from $26,460.00), reflecting the need for reduction in all budgets.
•Laurie noted that the amount budgeted for Elder Programs is more of a personnel matter & we will leave that to the discretion of the personnel committee & John McCall. However, in line with the council’s directive, we cut 20% from Elder Programs.
•Laurie & Greg ended by noting that 40 pledging households have not yet sent in their pledge & expressed the hope that funds would be restored to Missions, particularly the Special & Other Support Item should there be additional money received.

Minister’s Moment:
Elsa reported that about 30 enthusiastic folks showed up for the Preble Street Micah Project. Even better, they were still enthusiastic when they finished slicing, dicing, serving, cleaning, sorting, etc at 10:00 a.m.

Plans are proceeding for February’s project, the Habitat Build on February 14th. Project runs from 9:00 – 3:00, so we will meet to carpool at Sawyer Street parking lot at about 8:15 a.m.. Elsa provided a list of volunteers who will be called 2-3 weeks prior to the 14th. Carol will contact Elsa for answers to FAQ so that we will have that info available when making calls. Habitat Walk will be on May 3, 2009.

Other Micah Projects were briefly discussed:
• March 7th – Heifer Project trip
• End of April – Work days at Pilgrim Lodge; Elsa will get details
• May – Friendship House on Lincoln Street in South Portland. Laurie contacted Richard Kepler, Co-Ordinator who said they need help from perhaps 10 people to help paint the front porch. He also noted that they need on-going monthly help to take to recycling cardboard & clothing that the city will not pick up. These items pile up in a back room.

New Business:
a. 2009 budget – see Treasurer’s Report
b. Preble Street Teen Center – Carol just gave a heads up of the Diversity Committee’s hope to hold a short clothing drive for residents of the Teen Center. The DC will be responsible for it & it will run for about 2 weeks.
c. Request from Don Russell – Children of China Fund which is geared to help with the education of children in rural China; Don knows Gwen Moore, one of the organizers & recommends her as a guest speaker. It was decided that we would recommend that Don consider having her as a Forum presenter. Given the present budget circumstances, the Team felt we could not promise any kind of financial support or even an honorarium. Laurie will contact Don.
d. Coffee Hour 2/1 and 2/22- It was determined that our responsibilities will be to provide baked goods, serving & clean up afterwards, with EG& F being responsible for juice, “goldfish”, & condiments. A sign up sheet for baked goods was circulated. Laurie noted that we will be taking Fair Trade coffee orders on 2/1 and distributing coffee on 2/22, so we will be needing help from any members available. (Maureen cannot be there for either date & Greg will be out of town on 2/1.)

Team Feedback:
Carol encouraged everyone to check out the Childrens’ Closet which is now 100% brighter & cleaner due to the new ceiling & lights & effort by CC volunteers to sort/weed through accumulated clothing & toys. She also asked if CC could purchase a dustpan & broom for their use.

Maureen distributed sample search results from the website, http://www/ , a directory of health & human information & resources in Maine. Maureen will be happy to do in depth research on any organization we might want to explore more deeply.

Laurie provided an update on the food pantry in Washington County to whom we made a donation in 2006, The sponsoring organization, Greater Eastport Ecumenical Churches Assn., sent a note stating that they have raised $85,000 of the $100,000 needed to complete the project & have received a matching grant from USDA with which to purchase a walk-in cooler. They need only $8300.00 to retire the mortgage on the land.

Recorder: Carol Scheffler

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer: AnnElissa Leveque
Recorder: Maureen Clancy

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes

Members present: Jim Kupel, John McCall, Rick Angell, Dave Allen, Kendra Palmer, Stan Jordan, Sue Ross, Elinor Redmond

Dave opened the meeting with a prayer at 6:30 p.m. No changes were made to the minutes from 11/24/08.

I. Preparations for the 1/11 Focus Group:
Dave folded, stamped and sent 34 letters. To date 3 people have accepted the invitation. Jim will facilitate and Kendra will attend as an invitee. Stan will take notes. On Saturday Kendra and Jim will call invitees who have not responded if attendance appears to be less than 6. Kendra will be in touch with the Church about responses.
Refreshments: Kendra will make something, Jim will bring cider and (someone) will fetch a carafe of coffee from Wright Pavilion.

We reviewed Jim’s (excellent) discussion guide in detail:
He will point out that Stan is taking notes of what people have to say but not recording their names with their comments. On Dave’s suggestion, #6 (areas needing change) will focus on areas where the church might do a better job of making people feel welcome. The same focus will be placed on #10 (magic wand). The answers to #4 (In the early days, what kept you coming back?) and #10 will be the most useful as well as whether someone is comfortable inviting others to the church.

We hope for a good conversation. This is a self-selected group, a group which chose to come (and continue coming) to our church. We wondered about obtaining anonymous feedback from people who did not respond to the invitation. Also, we wondered about a way to survey people who attended church for a while and then disappeared. That will be a future project.

II. Mission Statement
We started with a statement drafted by Stan (thank you for getting us started!):

‘To seek ways to increase the number of people participating in the life of our Church and from that foundation to seek ways to increase the church membership.’

John: add extravagant welcome.

Elinor: what about building relationships?

We want to be able to measure success (attendance and membership)

‘We seek to extend a warm welcome that will incorporate people into the life of the church (leading to increased attendance, participation and membership).’

From Elinor, other possibilities:
• To extend a warm welcome, building a strong relationship with people coming to our church and to include them in the life of the church so that they will join us in attending services, participating in our community and formalizing their relationship with church membership.

• To provide the structure to warmly welcome newcomers to our church, incorporate them into church life and lay the groundwork for attendance, participation and membership.

• To provide structure to warmly welcome newcomers to our church, build relationships with them so that they are part of our church community, attending services, participating and joining.

III. Mentor Program
HOORAY! We agreed on a name: Parish Host. The word host implies knowledge of the church and allows for flexibility in the length of the relationship.

We reviewed Dave’s draft for the Parish Host Program:

2. The host needs to know the physical layout of the church and how to find things out.
3. On Jim’s suggestion, we added ‘be able’ (What would a parish host be able to do).

We added linking people up with something they are interested in. (Determine what the new person’s interest might be)
John said the relationship should be 2 way and should start after a few months’ attendance.
Kendra will research whether the UCC has any guidelines for parish hosts and look into what other churches do.

4. Characteristic: Consistent (outgoing) but not pushy.
5. Success: Eliminate ‘getting them to attend regularly/join’
Know their personal needs in relation to their church experience.
6. Most of these materials are available (the Directory includes the phone list and the membership list)

Kendra queried how to track people. How will we find out about people who stop attending? We will need a focus group for the hosts.

Add #7: Following up with parish hosts.

Dave will supply us with an updated version.

Jim: Future agenda item = re-visit our current welcome and invitation process from the aspect of having a host in place. There may be other things to implement over time. Should attendance at small groups be passed along to the office?

John requested help in phoning people who have received an invitation to next Monday’s Inquirer’s meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, February 9, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes 11/24/08

Members present: Jim Kupel, John McCall, Rick Angell, Dave Allen, Kendra Palmer, Jerry Onos, Stan Jordan, Elinor Redmond

John opened the meeting with a prayer at 6:30 p.m.

I. John reported that 16 ‘prospects’ have been worshipping regularly with us. From what they say, we seem to be developing a brand identity: welcoming, diverse, forward thinking and mission minded. Ours is the only church that fits that description in the South Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth area.

II. Structure: Dave prepared the agenda and facilitated the meeting. The group agreed that the job of taking the minutes would rotate among the group members. Dave will facilitate the next few meetings and prepare the agenda. We agreed that the 6:30 p.m. meeting time works.

III. New member focus groups: Jim will facilitate a group after church on Sunday, January 11, 2009. We will invite the 30-35 adults who joined the church most recently. Kendra will draft the letter of invitation and work with our new Church Secretary, Jen Dealaman, to mail them on December 28th. The letters will be signed by Dave. Either Dave or Stan will attend the event to take notes. Kendra will write a small announcement of the event for the Beacon and it will be listed in the bulletin.

Jim passed around a protocol for focus groups. Kendra commented that having a structure shows the importance of the questions to us as a church.

We focused on possible questions (Jim is looking for 12 questions):
• Prior church experience and current experience
• From ‘successful tendencies’: add good sermons to music, social justice, high energy
• We want insight into what the experience of coming to our church as a new person was for each of them. What could we have done better?
• Articulate the characteristics of this church
• When you think of Sunday morning here, what words come to mind? (gives a perspective on how you are perceived)
• How have you connected with the life of the church beyond Sunday morning?
• Would a mentor have been valuable?
• (Magic wand) If you could change one thing, what would it be?

IV. Power of Invitation and Welcome: We discussed several points from this handout.

John focused on ‘Making your entire church a welcoming community’ – we really need a large team, a group far bigger than the number of people sitting around the table. Kendra said we need to involve all church groups in extravagant welcome, reaching out to new members. Are groups represented? For example, do the people we help through Community Crisis Ministries become part of our congregation? Jerry wants to recruit member for the Growth Group through the existing Teams (Council, Mission, SLW, Administration, Education). He will go to the Mission meeting on December 4th to discuss our work and invite them to come to a growth meeting.

Rick’s Beacon article was a great way to let the congregation know that the Growth Group exists and what our purpose is. How could the mission of other church groups tie in with extravagant welcome? Our group will formally adopt a mission statement of our own. We will discuss it at the next meeting as well as ‘hospitality basics’.

V. Other Business: It would be great to have a person or 2 in the Narthex after church to escort newcomers to coffee hour. John said the use of the word ‘mentor’ is confusing and misleading. We need to use a different name.

Next Meeting: Monday, January 5, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elinor Redmond

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mission & Outreach

December 4, 2008

Present: Laurie Cary, AnnElissa Leveque, Carol Scheffler, Greg Wyman, Sandy Dyer, Maureen Clancy, Sarah Randall, Linda Skinner

Sarah opened the meeting with a prayer from “Daily Bread”

November minutes accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Greg reported a balance of $6250 to be disbursed and discretionary funds of $9,808. Noted that the name change for Social Witness Ministries and funding increase for the group were accepted.

Question was raised about payment to the flower committee for produce purchased for Thanksgiving alter display and food baskets. If/when bill is submitted it will be paid from discretionary fund.

SWM will be paying for an ad for Women in Harmony. Amount unclear; Greg will expedite.

No Council report. Laurie noted that the final draft of church bylaws has been e-mailed. Hard copies will be available later in 2009. Sandra added that the new bylaws allow teams to have more than six and members, and six consecutive terms are now allowed.

MINISTER’S MOMENT: Elsa announced that caroling to shut-ins would begin at 4:30 on Dec. 13, sponsored by Parenting Potluck group and open to all interested.

SUBCOMMITTEES: Mission Mall was well received and the Wright Pavilion was a great location. The 8 charities represented took in a total of $1,636.

Thanksgiving basket effort went smoothly – 30 baskets, 7 coupons. Kendra Palmer did a good job coordinating.

Fair Trade coffee arrived, to be sorted by the 14th. Some tea, pecans and coffee left over from Mission Mall are available for sale.

Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Tree well under way. Distribution may be complicated by Bob’s knee surgery.

Micah Project volunteers are being lined up for the breakfast on the 29th. Elsa will follow up with e-mail reminders. Others will call their contacts before the 29th. Laurie asked Mission Team to be brainstorming about other organizations that could be added to the Micah Project through the year. Pilgrim Lodge annual cleanup a good prospect.

NEW BUSINESS: Interfaith May 3, 2009, walk proposed for Habitat for Humanity. Looking for FCC volunteers to organize meetings, create teams, staff event, etc. Mission Team does not wish to become involved but will put an article in the Beacon and pass the info along to YM.

QUARTERLY DIBSURSEMENTS: We allotted $750 each to Konbit Sante, Southern Poverty Law, UCC Coalition, Frannie Peabody, Open House, Family Crisis Shelter, Grace Street and Good Shepherd, with the remaining $250 going to our own food pantry.

In discussing candidates for disbursement, concern was raised that we need to update our list of charities and screen them through a rating program like Charity Navigator. Maureen has access to a list of Maine agencies, which she will provide for our reference.

It was also suggested that we offer some explanation of the charities we serve through Beacon announcements or on the bulletin board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Recorder: Linda Skinner

Diversity Committe

January 4, 2009

Present: Deb Theriault, Mike Kasputes, Karen Westerberg, Kathy Cotter, John McCall, Joan Carrier, Dolores Broberg, Carol Scheffler

Dolores gave the opening

Minutes of the Meeting of November 16, 2008 were accepted as corrected

Women in Harmony
- receipt of ad for 2009 program confirmed
- Deb will check with Leigh Garrett that an invitation to use the Sanctuary for their Spring Concert was issued

Clothing Drive for Preble Street Teen Center- Deb received no response to her initial e-mail to Resource Contact to confirm need for clothing drive
- Deb will re-contact
- John agreed that having a box in the Narthex will be OK for a couple of weeks
- Carol will alert MOT that Diversity is heading up the drive
- Dolores has knit goods to add to box

- donation of $100.00 to GLSEN was approved by the committee members on-line in December
- unanimous agreement to listing of First Congregational as a supporter on GLSEN website
- Betsy Parsons will be leading a Forum describing the purpose of GLSEN following the Diversity Sunday service;Joan has provided guidelines to Betsy

“Anyone and Everyone” video
- It was decided to open the showing of the video to the
congregation in a Forum type format following a church service
- John will check for an available date in February or March

Other Old Business:
- John reported that AnnElissa Leveque will be leading a
Forum on signing on February 8th

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business

Scripture chosen: Matthew 12:46-50
Hymns: #’s 7, 36, & 19 in Songs of the Spirit; Shirley will choose Anthem
Bulletin Cover: Joan presented a draft; John suggested “water-marking" tool & Joan will try this; Deb has house graphic that might work for both Bulletin & publicity posters to be put around church; Deb will find & e-mail to Joan & Kathy; Deb will produce 6 8 ½ x 11 posters & bring Tuesday to choir practice
Worship Leaders:
Carol: Life of the Church; Unison Prayer & Lord’s Prayer;
(Dolores will write Unison Prayer)
John: Welcome to Worship
Kathy: Children’s Time (many suggestions for theme
implementation made)
Elsa: Prayers of the People
Dolores: Prayer for Illumination; the Word
Message: Pam Hermann, Mike Kasputes, Karen Westerberg,
John McCall
Joan: Sharing our Tithes; Dedication Prayer
Benediction: Carol, Kathy, Joan & Dolores
Chapel: John, Mike, Karen, & Pam; Carol – Worship Leader
(John will provide outline)

NEXT MEETING: To be scheduled as needed with Agenda to include:
Possible participation in Pride Celebration Volunteering
for Women in Harmony Concert

Dolores gave the closing

Minutes taken by Carol Scheffler

Diversity Committee

November 16, 2008

Present: Dolores Broberg, Carol Scheffler, Deb Theriault, Leigh Garrett, Joan Carrier, John McCall

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Old Business:
Women in Harmony ad. Deb will revise the ad for use in both the winter and spring concert programs. Leigh will invite Women in Harmony to use our sanctuary for the spring concert. The deadline for the ad is sometime in January.

October Social Witness Ministries (SWM) potluck. Dolores realized that there is an overlap of membership; the same people on various committees are involved with SWM.
The next potluck is on April 26, 2008.

"For the Bible Tells Me So". The DVD has been placed in the library. It is also available at Blockbusters. Kathy will write an article for the Beacon.
"Anyone and Everyone" is another movie that Deb has purchased. Joan said that it could be reserved at the CE library through the inter-library loan system.

New Business: Budget. We have not spent any funds from the budget in 2008.

Clothing Drive for Preble Street Teen Center. 40% of the homeless teens staying in shelters nationwide are LGBT youth. Deb will contact the Teen Center about the possibility of having a clothing drive and will e-mail the committee with the information.

GLSEN request for a donation and an offer to do a presentation. It was decided that we will ask the GLSEN to present a forum after Diversity Sunday.

ONA coalition donation. These funds have been earmarked in the Mission Outreach budget as it has been done in the past.

Diversity Sunday, January 18, 2009. The theme will be who/what is a family? John suggested 4 or 5 brief statements about who/what is a family and 2 or 3 minute vignettes.
• Family – who you love and who loves you.
• John will find a scripture for the day and pass the resources around via e-mail.
• John will brainstorm with Joan and Deb about the service. The committee should e-mail the group with questions and suggestions for the service. Meeting Tuesday December 2 4:30 pm.
• Possibilities for speakers:
1. Dolores will speak to an adoptive adult
2. Single parent
3. Someone who has built a family of unrelated people
4. Foster parent
5. Gay or lesbian parent(s)
Maximum of 3 speakers

Next meeting: January 4 at 11:30 a.m.

Minutes taken by Kathy Cotter