Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mission and Outreach Team

Meeting Minutes January 8, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary, Chair; Linda Skinner, Elsa Peters, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, Sarah Randall, Maureen Clancy

Maureen opened the meeting with a reflection on Ecclesiastes and asked that her e-mail address be changed to

Thank you notes were received from the following:
• Bill (recipient of gifts from the Giving Tree)
• Mission Mall: Seeds of Peace, Wayside Soup Kitchen, Animal Refuge
 League, Ronald MacDonald House, & Gary’s House
• Andover Newton
• Grace Street Ministry
• Frannie Peabody Center
• Southern Poverty Law Center
The notes will be posted on the Mission Bulletin Board

December minutes were accepted as corrected:
“ . . . new bylaws allow teams to have more than six members and terms
of six consecutive years are now allowed.”

Treasurer’s Report:
Greg reported that the disbursements authorized at December’s meeting have been made resulting in a zero balance in the 2008 Special and Other Support funds. The other disbursement was $235.00 from the Social Witness Ministries item which he believes represents the amount needed for the Women in Harmony ad requested by the Diversity Committee. Carol is to confirm that amount with the DC.

December’s Special Offerings were:
• Christmas Offering: $1689.00
• Veterans of the Cross $2393.85

MOT Budget Request - Laurie & Greg met at 6:30 to review the MOT budget request for 2009 in response to Council’s request to all Teams to cut ’09 budgets by 20%.The Mission Team was also asked to take 50% from our Discretionary Fund ($4931.53) & add this amount to our operating budget.
•In order to reduce our budget by 20%, a total of $12, 387, Greg & Laurie determined that the Special & Other Support total would have to be reduced by 30% as the amount given to OCWM- Per Capital Distribution is fixed. Elsa pointed out that this amount can be reduced by purging of membership rolls of inactive members & that Council has recommended this be done.
•It was also decided that the contribution to the Maine Conference be reduced by 20% (to $21,168.00 from $26,460.00), reflecting the need for reduction in all budgets.
•Laurie noted that the amount budgeted for Elder Programs is more of a personnel matter & we will leave that to the discretion of the personnel committee & John McCall. However, in line with the council’s directive, we cut 20% from Elder Programs.
•Laurie & Greg ended by noting that 40 pledging households have not yet sent in their pledge & expressed the hope that funds would be restored to Missions, particularly the Special & Other Support Item should there be additional money received.

Minister’s Moment:
Elsa reported that about 30 enthusiastic folks showed up for the Preble Street Micah Project. Even better, they were still enthusiastic when they finished slicing, dicing, serving, cleaning, sorting, etc at 10:00 a.m.

Plans are proceeding for February’s project, the Habitat Build on February 14th. Project runs from 9:00 – 3:00, so we will meet to carpool at Sawyer Street parking lot at about 8:15 a.m.. Elsa provided a list of volunteers who will be called 2-3 weeks prior to the 14th. Carol will contact Elsa for answers to FAQ so that we will have that info available when making calls. Habitat Walk will be on May 3, 2009.

Other Micah Projects were briefly discussed:
• March 7th – Heifer Project trip
• End of April – Work days at Pilgrim Lodge; Elsa will get details
• May – Friendship House on Lincoln Street in South Portland. Laurie contacted Richard Kepler, Co-Ordinator who said they need help from perhaps 10 people to help paint the front porch. He also noted that they need on-going monthly help to take to recycling cardboard & clothing that the city will not pick up. These items pile up in a back room.

New Business:
a. 2009 budget – see Treasurer’s Report
b. Preble Street Teen Center – Carol just gave a heads up of the Diversity Committee’s hope to hold a short clothing drive for residents of the Teen Center. The DC will be responsible for it & it will run for about 2 weeks.
c. Request from Don Russell – Children of China Fund which is geared to help with the education of children in rural China; Don knows Gwen Moore, one of the organizers & recommends her as a guest speaker. It was decided that we would recommend that Don consider having her as a Forum presenter. Given the present budget circumstances, the Team felt we could not promise any kind of financial support or even an honorarium. Laurie will contact Don.
d. Coffee Hour 2/1 and 2/22- It was determined that our responsibilities will be to provide baked goods, serving & clean up afterwards, with EG& F being responsible for juice, “goldfish”, & condiments. A sign up sheet for baked goods was circulated. Laurie noted that we will be taking Fair Trade coffee orders on 2/1 and distributing coffee on 2/22, so we will be needing help from any members available. (Maureen cannot be there for either date & Greg will be out of town on 2/1.)

Team Feedback:
Carol encouraged everyone to check out the Childrens’ Closet which is now 100% brighter & cleaner due to the new ceiling & lights & effort by CC volunteers to sort/weed through accumulated clothing & toys. She also asked if CC could purchase a dustpan & broom for their use.

Maureen distributed sample search results from the website, http://www/ , a directory of health & human information & resources in Maine. Maureen will be happy to do in depth research on any organization we might want to explore more deeply.

Laurie provided an update on the food pantry in Washington County to whom we made a donation in 2006, The sponsoring organization, Greater Eastport Ecumenical Churches Assn., sent a note stating that they have raised $85,000 of the $100,000 needed to complete the project & have received a matching grant from USDA with which to purchase a walk-in cooler. They need only $8300.00 to retire the mortgage on the land.

Recorder: Carol Scheffler

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer: AnnElissa Leveque
Recorder: Maureen Clancy

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