Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spiritual Life & Worship

Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010

Attending: Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Frank Arseneault, Rick Angell, Tex Hauser, John McCall.

Opening Prayer - by Dana.

Review Of March/April Minutes – Approved.

Elsa requested in writing that we consider changing the format for confirmation to remove the personal prayer for each confirmand and omitting the Church Covenant.

After a careful discussion it was decided unanimously that we would like to keep the laying on of hands and the personal prayer for each confirmand, but we would agree to eliminating the Covenant. We thought that instead of the traditional covenant it might more relevant for the confirmands to write a few sentences about their personal covenant and that it might be blended into the class covenant to be read at the service. Debbie would communicate this information to Elsa.

Rick will be the SLW contact person for 2010-11.

We discussed the membership of the SLW Committee for 2010 – 2011 . Debbie agreed to stay for one more year.

John presented three possible plans for the replacement/ repair of the welcome sign that was recently destroyed by the wind: (A) leave the space open (B) Use the old comma sign (faded and worn) or (C) Order another similar sign. We will do further research and report back at the next meeting.

Elder Luncheon - Dana is organizing the luncheon and will call other church members for help with cooking and serving.

Next Meeting: June 3, 2010; Debbie will set the agenda and lead the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Debbie Riley

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