Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Education, Growth and Fellowship

Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau

Team Members attending: Jana Frank, Ginny Gledhill, Margaret Thibodeau, Karen Pierce, Carolyn Foster and Elsa Peters.

The meeting began with the approval of September’s Minutes.

The Team discussed Homecoming Sunday, which occurred on September 13th. Due to rummage sale items collected in Guptill Hall, Homecoming Sunday tables were spread throughout the hallways and meeting rooms of the church. EG&F provided beverages in Wright Pavilion, and food items were dispersed amongst the tables, in the hope to encourage people to walk around, and visit the various groups and committees represented. The event seemed to go smoothly, although the recruitment of volunteers was not any better than in previous years. A larger table was needed for Sunday School registration. People appreciated that healthy food options (grapes, pineapple, etc) were available in addition to traditional baked goods.

The coordination of Coffee Hour continues to be a challenge. A few volunteers do sign up each Sunday on the sign-up sheets available at Coffee Hour, however, the EG&F contact (Jana Frank) still spends a good deal of time each week making phone calls and enlisting help. Margaret makes sure that supplies (cream, milk, AJ, tea, etc) are stocked in the kitchen each week. It is the goal of the EG&F Team to recruit a small committee to head up Coffee Hour. This committee would organize coffee hour each Sunday, and report to Jana, as was the original intent when the EG&F Team was organized. Jana will contact the church office, and have a whole church email sent out requesting volunteers, as well as a notice put in the next bulletin. She will also try to recruit while making the coffee hour calls. Margaret will talk to Tom about the amount of coffee made (seems to more than enough), and emptying the coffee pots, which are too heavy for many of the volunteers.

Ginny is heading up the Nursery this year. She circulated for the Team’s approval, the notice posted in the nursery, asking parents not to leave more than one child with Diane alone. A signup sheet will be available in the nursery asking parents to help with coverage.

Carolyn reported that Sunday School had started smoothly. The suggestion was made for the Superintendent each Sunday to circulate amongst the classrooms, and be a visible support to the teachers. Often the younger ages need assistance with bathroom trips, etc, and the superintendent could be helpful at these times. The idea of a “pager system” for teachers of the younger grades was discussed by the Team.

The next Inquirer’s Meeting is Tuesday, October 20th, and Margaret will provide refreshments. New members will be inducted on Sunday, 11/15.

Elsa reviewed the Faith Formation update. There are many children registered for Sunday School, including several new families. Christ Kid’s Club, with almost 50 students attending, needs some adult assistance and adjustment in the program to empower the 7th & 8th graders. The Adult Faith Formation Committee met, and has much enthusiasm around focusing on themes for our congregation’s exploration. Several other opportunities are available this fall for adult faith exploration and study. The Veggie Tale event is scheduled for November 14th at 6:30, and several parents have already volunteered to assist.

Margaret reviewed Aaron’s Youth Ministry update. Aaron had asked the group’s opinion on offering the youth an opportunity to visit a temple. The Team was supportive of this activity.

Margaret will send the completed “Growth Group” forms to Dave Allen, and ask if he would like to join the Team at the next meeting in November.

The Team also reviewed and updated the “Church Contacts” list for the office, and progress on the Nametag Committee.

Next meeting: Thursday, November 5th

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