Thursday, December 23, 2010

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010
Recorder: Guy Gledhill

Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler, Chris Mills, Jim Otis and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order: Jim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Per the rotation schedule Guy will record this meeting and run the next meeting.

Minutes of the Admin. Team October 7, 2010 Meeting: Reviewed and accepted as written.

Finance: Things are looking great, we may do OK for 2010; $27,284 was projected for a loss, and we do better as we near the end of year.

Tenant Update: Sawyer Road house - we are still dealing with a dog issue. Cindy will talk with Pam about what was discussed between Pam and the tenant. We are working on getting this tenant back to her full rent. We lowered last year due to a loss in job. We discussed the commercial space, corner house, first floor. We have a 1,000 sq. ft. and will put up a large sign outside. If we get no takers, we may list with a commercial broker. Top floor corner house doing great.

Planned Giving: Ron is still working on this and will place another article in the Beacon.

Committee Reports:
Counting: Chair, Peggy Murray is doing well.

House: Chair, Guy Gledhill.
• The house committee is working on pricing at this time for a system that will allow us to switch from oil to natural gas to heat our church anytime we wish. We would be able to switch back and forth.
• We had a discussion on the east wall of the Guptill Hall, moisture in the wall affecting the paint. We are continuing to watch and get ideas that will fix it once and for all.
• We are watching the steeple repair work and making sure that we fixed the leak before we get into paint the Sanctuary.
• We are also obtaining price for signage in the church to better direct people.

Insurance: We are still working on this item for review.

New Budget: We went over the Admin. Team budget for 2011. We adjusted our Rental Property income as we still have the corner house 1st floor empty. We also adjusted our room rentals due to the Discovery Center situation. We did discuss rental increases for the two houses in future times. Our expenses were in line with an increase to utilities, price of oil. The budget was accepted as changed.

Choir: Discuss the need to replace chairs in the undercroft for choir practice; this will come out of Shirley’s budget. This year, the Eskimos are buying the first set.

Beacon: Discussed the need to get communication to the members. Talked about emailing the Beacon, but all do not read all emails sometimes. Mailings can be expensive. Placing some in the Narthex for members to pick up on Sundays. This will always be a continuing discussion.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday December 2, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 8:16 p.m.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Growth Group

Meeting Minutes of 12/6/10
Recorder: Elinor Redmond

Members present: Rick Angell, Elinor Redmond, Dave Allen, Sue Ross and John McCall.

Rick opened the meeting with a heartfelt and inspiring prayer.

Rick commented that the things we do as a group have a ‘shelf life’. That is, they seem exciting and effective for a while and then the effects wear off. He said our group’s task is to keep things fresh and continue to look at what we do. An example is asking people to sit in different seats. People moved around for a while – and had a lot of comments about it – and now seem to be back where they were in the past. Dave said that urging people to move was a means to an end, a way to get people to talk with someone new. John said he thinks people have an increased awareness of who is around them. Many are looking out for new people.

We proceeded with our update:
1. Friendship Sunday:
Was Friendship Sunday a success? John said there were addresses for 3 new couples on the Friendship pads. There were others there who did not sign in with their information. We could have done more ‘publicity’ – the new website will give us the ability to send out notices more easily. We agreed to repeat this ‘feel-good’ event.

2. Verbal invitation to groups using the building:
John has spoken with 2 groups. Al-Anon (meets Saturday mornings in the Community Room) is reluctant unless there is a scheduled open meeting. They would rather hand out fliers or read a provided statement. AA would love to have us come. The rep is checking with others in the group (meets Saturday afternoons @ 1 in the Music Room). John will contact the Alzheimer’s Support Group.

3. Welcome Notes:
Darla has agreed that the Prayer Shawl group will write welcome notes. Elinor worked on a draft of the text. She and Dave will continue that process. The notes will be written on church note-cards, which include a Bible verse on the inside. Jen will supply the PS group with copies of files created from the Friendship pads of the names of new visitors so that they receive them for their gatherings on Tuesdays. After sending the note, the sheet will be marked with a date and the word ‘sent’. Sue will connect with Darla on the details.

4. Bookmark:
Dave has an idea of using a pineapple symbol (hospitality) and the Vision on the bookmark. We will enlist help from Bryan after the holidays.

5. Welcome Brochures:
The new brochures are in the pews and look great. We discussed other materials made available. How much information do newcomers need (is the full welcome packet necessary or overwhelming?)? How many brochures should be in the pew racks? Who has oversight? Rick will discuss with SL&W.

6. Church signage:
We took a stroll around the church, noting existing signage and speculating on what might improve it. We particularly noticed the lack in the Narthex. Dave will continue the ‘inventory’ process.

7. Hospitality Moments:
From last month’s minutes: “We will provide the next hospitality moment in January. An idea is to use quotes from the Bible that reference welcome.”

8. Growth Group Membership:
Each member will talk with 1 person about the Growth Group and the possibility of joining before the next meeting. Sue talked with Sara Bloom, a new member. She would be glad to be a resource to our group. We discussed inviting her to a meeting so that we can hear her perspective and suggestions.

Next meeting: Monday, January 10, 2011

Music Committee

Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2010

Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, Sheryl Kieran, Peg Carmichael, and Trudi Bakke.

1. October Minutes - reviewed and accepted.

2. Updates:
Chairs – The Eskimos have donated $400. to start purchasing chairs for the choir room. Shirley will order the first batch of chairs. The Music Committee has requested a new line in the budget for the remaining batches of chairs.
Robe Repair – Trudi is working on the Children’s Choir robe repairs.

3. The 2011 proposed budget was handed out. It has already been submitted to Cyndi Alden.

4. Christmas Vespers will be held on December 12th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The committee agreed to volunteer to do/bring the following:
• Request table set-up – Kim
• Tablecloths and Paper Products – Sheryl
• Centerpiece - Anna
• Hot Cider – Kim, Peg, Anna
• Tea and Half & Half – Anna
• Cookies – Kim, Trudi, Sheryl, Peg
Trudi will make a pulpit announcement regarding the vesper service on Dec. 5th and will ask Elsa to make one on Dec. 12th. Kim will look for volunteers to hand out programs at both entrances to the sanctuary for the service.

5. Other business:
• Shirley reported that David Wallace has consulted on the organ shutters. He thinks he can work on the shutters to make improvements.
• The 10:00 Christmas Eve service is in good shape and Shirley is still working on the 7:00 service.
• The number of children in the Children’s choir continues to be an issue. The committee discussed the possibility of no choir and keeping the choir, but not singing every month. This could give the children a longer practice timeframe so they could perhaps sing on their own without the adult choir,

The next meeting is set for March 3, 2011.

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2010
Recorder: Tex Haeuser

Attending: Debbie Riley, Elaine Brownell, Rick Angell, Dana Wiggins, Tex Haeuser, Frank Arsenault and Rev. John McCall.

Opening Prayer: Dana led the group in a prayer based on an appreciation by Depok Chopra that common to most religions is an awareness of an incomprehensible transcendence, the rich fulfillment that comes from this awareness, and a deep joy and energy that comes from sharing this awareness with others.

Minutes: After a follow-up from John on the budget discussion in the minutes—the initial budget meeting has occurred—the team unanimously approved the November 4th minutes as motioned by Debbie and seconded by Rick.

Church List: John indicated (a) that John and Shelly Porter have moved to Bangor and will be transferring their church membership and (b) that Thyra Porter has confirmed after considerate inquiry that she is unlikely to be returning to church after several years of absence. Debbie moved and Rick seconded to move John & Shelly Porter and Thyra Porter to the inactive list. Unanimous approval.

Minister’s Time: John gratefully thanked the team and the rest of the congregation for their prayers and support regarding his back surgery and recovery.

In response to John’s question, the team confirmed that EG&F handles the cake and baby Jesus birthday party (SL&W has a number of responsibilities during Lent).

Advent & Xmas: Elsa has indicated that a number of the changes for the lighting of the candles that she previously had proposed likely will need to wait until next year to be implemented due to her recent double duty. The candelabra, however, will be installed on the 19th, earlier than usual.

For Christmas, Elsa is rewriting the 7:00 service and John is amending the one at 5:00. Part of the 7:00 adjustment is due to needing to better fit the talents of this year’s Children’s Choir. The 10:00 service will be the same.

John will be announcing and putting out the sign-up sheets for reader volunteers for the 10:00 service.

Debbie asked if we advertise our Christmas services. John said that we have done so in the past but that this year’s budget can’t support it. There will, however, be a big play about it on the website, and the local papers do publish notices. Debbie suggested taking a picture of the pageant and sending it to the Press Herald as they likely would print it. Dana will ask Randall Landry if he will take some shots.

Dana mentioned that they are shooting for Jan. 1 for the launch of the new website (which everyone is eagerly confident will be very cool).

Confirmation: Elsa has proposed clarifying that EG&F has the education responsibilities for confirmation by (with some simplification of the details) adjusting items in the budgets for EG&F and SL&W so that there is a Cake and Confirmation line item in the EG&F budget and that the Confirmation item in the SL&W budget is retasked to Membership and Lent & Easter. SL&W still will have a role in the spiritual aspects of confirmation. Elaine will send Elsa an email documenting the team’s unanimous support for the idea.

Old Business: Regarding Cyndi’s response about covering the expense of the table Debbie acquired for Davidson Lounge, Debbie got a check—case closed.

On a related note, Debbie brought up the need to bring the décor of Davidson Lounge a little more up to date; the vacuous Monet print (in the albeit attractive gold frame) was cited as an example. John mentioned that Phyllis Davidson left a bequest for the periodic upkeep of the Lounge and that he would check on the balance of the fund. The team thought that getting the ideas from some of the younger families might be useful in getting a more modern feel for what in effect is the Church’s living room.

Other Business: Dana suggested that the Jan. 2nd communion be by intinction. John agreed.

Dana mentioned volunteers are needed for this Sunday’s communion. Elaine and Tex raised hands, and Rick mentioned that Scott Berry had volunteered.

Dana said that the sign out in front of the Church is not wearing well; it seems weather-beaten. Dana will see if Adam Solinsky, who built the frame, will look at it. The company who did the signs should be asked to look at it also given that it hasn’t been up very long.

Travel: Debbie will be taking a very exciting trip to Africa; Frank recently returned from a vacation in London.

Next Meeting: Due to known absences, the next meeting will not be on the sixth but instead will be on Jan. 13th.

Next Agenda: Tex
Next Minutes: Frank

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2010
Recorder: Ron Bennett

Present: Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Chris Mills, Rod Redstone and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order: Guy called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Ron agreed to record this meeting and run the next meeting in January.

Minutes of the Admin Team November 4, 2010 meeting: reviewed and accepted as written.

Financial Statements and Budget: Financial results through November 30 were presented by Cyndi. The year is 92% complete. Revenues are at 90.3% of year’s budget. Decrease in revenues is due to reduced tenant rental income and reduced room rental income.

Expenses are at 90.8% of year’s budget. Decrease in expenses is due to lower spending by each of the teams. The most significant item affecting the A Team is reduction in utilities (fuel oil) which is at 68.7% of the year’s budget at November 30. Because fuel oil for 2011 will probably be over budget due to significantly rising prices, a decision was made to completely fill the oil tanks at the end of 2010.

Tenant Update: Tenant at 509 Sawyer Street house is unlikely to be able to pay our previously suggested rent increase in January according to Cyndi.

A new tenant will be occupying the first floor commercial unit at 331 Cottage Road for an artist studio. Rent is $1,200 per month and could begin by mid-December 2010. No repairs will be required. Guy indicated that we will consider installing a programmable thermostat in the first floor unit.

Insurance Renewals: No discussion.

Team Member Replacement: Ron stated that Scott Stacey has indicated that he would like to become a member of the A team in June. He will attend the next meeting to get to know the members.

Counting: No report. All appears to be going well.

House: Guy reported the following:
• The east wall of Guptill Hall is continuing to blister. It is being continually evaluated to determine if the wall is leaking. If it is leaking through porous concrete, outside excavation might be required to apply sealing.
• The steeple repairs of last summer appear to be successful in keeping water out.
• A suggestion was made to set the sanctuary thermostat lower by 2 degrees on Sunday mornings. Two team members indicated that the sanctuary was too hot the past few Sundays.

Planned Giving: Ron indicated that he is working on a fourth article to appear in an upcoming issue of the Beacon.

There was discussion of an email from Elsa to Jim & Cyndi on November 16 concerning the Cornerstone Fund. It appears to be mutual fund tied in to the UCC that promises a rate of return on a five year investment of 4.5% vs. 3% for five year CD’s. To receive the extra1.5% return, an investor must designate a “give-back” gift of at least 10% to a UCC church. The fund’s securities are not insured by the FDIC or any other entity. The members of the A team were somewhat concerned about promoting this type of investment idea without more information. Ron agreed to discuss the Cornerstone Fund with Elsa.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday January 6 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 7:51 p.m.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2010
Recorder: Phil Whitney

Present: Roger Addor, Matt Early, Andy Ellis, Sally Hinckley, Bob Morse, Carl Murphy, Carrie Skeffington, Peggy Murray, Robin Reinhold, John Shoos and Phil Whitney. Absent: Nancy MacLean and John McCall.

The meeting was opened at 6:30 p.m. by Matt Early followed by a prayer by Phil. The Oct. 21 Minutes were approved after correcting the word MISSION with the word VISION in paragraph 5 on page 1.

MINISTER’S TIME: Elsa gave a follow-up on John’s progress since surgery. His return to work is anticipated for Monday, November 22.

The anticipated start of the UCC new website will be delayed by several weeks. New start up date is uncertain.

SEACOAST MISSION: (Refer to Mission Meeting Sunday E-mail from Laurie Cary distributed to Council members on Nov. 18.) Elsa is organizing a mission trip to Downeast Maine. She asked for Council approval of this plan which will take a volunteer UCC group to the Millbridge/Cherryfield area for one week – July 24-29, 2011 - to support the Seacoast Mission with their care and support of children and the aged. Activities, not yet specified, will be mainly refurbishing. She also wishes approval of using the offering on Mission Sunday, February 13, 2011 toward helping defray the coast of travel, food, supplies etc. estimated at $5,000. The Council unanimously approved this request. The Rev. Scott Planting who administers the Seacoast Mission will give the sermon here on Mission Sunday.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Matt, who heads the budget review sub-committee of the Council, welcomed John Shoos as the sixth sub-committee member. Matt expressed optimism regarding the pledges received as of Nov. 18. when compared with pledges received at this date in past years. Four more meetings are scheduled before a final statement can be presented to the church on 1/30/2011. Scheduled meetings are 11/29/10, 12/13/10 (first draft for Council review), 01/10/11 and 01/13/11 (final draft for Council review).

Morgan Stanley, investment advisors for the church, have reported total worth of church equity holdings as well over one million as of 10/31/10.

Fuel costs so far for 2010 are down from 2009 due to a more energy efficient system and a warmer year.

DELEGATES: Matt pointed out that the Council is responsible for naming six delegates per year. Last month Peggy Murray and Bob Morse volunteered as delegates for a meeting in New Gloucester; the topic was “Providing a Safe Church” and both were impressed with the presentation. The Council encouraged Peggy and Bob to prepare a summary for the Council and Bob was asked to continue recruiting Delegates.

STRUCTURE OF UCC: Council members felt unclear about the structure of the UCC local and state organizations. Elsa gave a brief review of this, but it was felt more clarification was needed. The ministers will give more tutoring on this in the next month or two.

DISCOVERY CENTER: Matt mentioned that budget timing may be a problem for the Discovery Center; i.e. their budget goes from September to June so that when they submit a budget to the church in November, they may not know what enrollment they will have for the Jan. – June spring session or especially for the Sept. – Dec. fall session. Only a few less students than anticipated will decrease their income by a significant amount.

TEAMS: For the moment all teams seem happy with their number of members. No further discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010
Recorder: Elaine Brownell

Attending: Tex Haeuser, Dana Wiggins, Rick Angell, Debbie Riley, Elaine Brownell

Review of October Minutes – Approved as read.

Vote to place the following members on inactive list:
The following have moved out of state and have not (yet) requested letters of transfer:
Mark and Kathy Gandolfo; Mitsuko Fowler

ADVENT – (from Elsa’s e-mail) A discussion was held regarding John and Elsa’s desire to make the lighting of the candles during advent a more inclusive and meaningful experience for the entire congregation. Changes being considered include:
1) Installing the candelabra at the beginning of Advent instead of during Christmas week - each week lighting more candles until they are all lit on Christmas Eve.
2) Moving the advent wreath closer to the congregation, perhaps where the baptismal font is, and/or adding another wreath, perhaps in the back of the sanctuary or on the altar.
3)Asking acolytes to bring the light of Christ out of the sanctuary during the last hymn–bringing light closer to the congregation and symbolizing the light of Christ going into the world.

Committee liked the idea of having the candelabra lit from December 19th thru the 26th. Concerns were aired, however, regarding safety during busy services (pageant, etc). The idea of moving the advent wreath closer to the congregation or adding another wreath during advent was also well received. Regarding the “moving of the light” at the end of the service, committee members thought that this would be very effective and meaningful – either carried by the acolytes or perhaps the family lighting the candles during that service. The committee agreed to leave the details to John and Elsa. *

WEBSITE – (Dana) The church’s website will soon be up and running. It was noted that individual websites and e-mails will not be included – only those of the general contact person. Groups are being reminded not to include personal e-mails in the writing of minutes.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES – (Rick) The need for updates regarding emergency procedures was discussed. Those responsible for implementing these procedures, including drills, must be informed and “trained” to respond to an emergency. Further exploration, discussion and communication with Council will follow.

NEW TABLE IN DAVIDSON LOUNGE – (Debbie) Debbie purchased a table for Davidson Lounge from Cherished Possessions to replace the one that is currently in the sanctuary. The cost was $131.00. Debbie will check with Cyndi regarding monies to cover the cost – either from segregated funds or money from 2010 budget.

BUDGET - The 2011 SL & W Budget will remain the same as 2010:
Altar Care and Worship Supplies $400
Confirmation and Membership $700
Devotional Booklets $500
Signing $500
TOTAL $2100

Next Meeting: December 2, 2010
Agenda/Meeting: Elaine
Minutes: Tex

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.