Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2010
Recorder: Maureen Clancy
Attendance: Sandy Dyer, Co-chair, Sarah Randall, Co-chair, Laurie Carey, Elsa Peters, Mike Kasputes, Kristen Silva, Richard Parker, Maureen Clancy
Opening Meditation - Mike Kasputes provided the opening reflection.
Review Minutes – The September minutes were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report - Mike Kasputes provided the Treasurer’s report which was approved as written. The quarterly dispersements and One Great Hour of Sharing were included.
Minister’s Moment - Elsa Peters informed the group about the summer retreat plans for the Downeast Coast of Maine with the Maine Coast Mission. Tthere will be room for 50-100 people, teens are welcome, no skills necessary and more to come. A member of Maine Coast Mission will be the guest speaker on Mission Sunday. Elsa also mentioned the next Micah Project - the fall clean up at the Pilgrim Lodge scheduled for October 30.The Pilgrim Lodge is also fundraising for the cost to repair the boardwalk. The Mission Team approved a $400 donation from the discretionary funds.
New Business:
• Laurie reported that the Mission Mall will need gift cards, the Team agreed to $200-250 from the discretionary fund of the budget. Laurie will let Linda know to order the cards.
• Sandy reported that we are short 1 team member. Should we try to recruit or go forward with the existing team? Since we will be losing 4 members in June, the team agreed it would be advisable to seek a new member. Laurie agreed to call Tom and Suzanne Linder to inquire about membership.
• Sarah reported that she met with Greg about a connection with the Fair Trade Coffee and Holy Joe’s. Greg agreed to seek more information and get back to us. Any fundraising effort will need to be cleared through Council before we can proceed. The question was also asked about Maine based efforts to support the troops and if that would be an easier outlet. Elsa will look into. Mike asked if the Maine National Guard had a regular Chaplin and if there might be a fundraising need on this end, Elsa agreed to ask about active duty Chaplains.
• We agreed to hold more discussion on Mission Sunday until the December meeting.
• Sandy inquired about the Maine State Prison Pastoral Fund. This was a group on our list of groups supported but it had been awhile. Jan had agreed to check; we will put this on next month’s agenda.
• Sarah reported that 2 thank you notes were received from Habitat and Iris Network.
• On November 7 Mission will be hosting the coffee hour. We also agreed to host on Jan. 9 and 16 as well. This involves set up at 9 a.m., baking, making coffee, and clean up. We will also sell Fair Trade coffee that day and put out any information we wish to promote. Mike, Sarah, Laurie and Kristen agreed to bring something or bake. Richard will bring cider. Sandy will bring munchkins. Sarah and Sandy agreed to make up a board or display to promote the Mission Trip, to inform on the groups we support, and to ask for feedback on groups members think we should support.
Other Business:
• Laurie reported that Kendra Palmer said she would do the Thanksgiving Baskets again this year. Sandy agreed to follow up with her - her number is 523-9010. We agreed it was OK for Jen to start taking names for baskets.
• We decided to drop Rethinking Christmas for now, without Carol we had lost steam on this idea.
• Recipients of the Christmas Offering would be determined next meeting.
• Mike reported that budget requests will be coming up soon. The team agreed to ask for flat funding.
• Sandy agreed to contact Jenn Hardin and Bob Morse to confirm the Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Tree projects.
• Maureen agreed to do the Beacon article for the Christmas Offering. That will be due November 15.
Closing – Mike Kasputes provided the closing reflection. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Next meeting:
Thursday, November 4
Co-chair – Sarah Randall
Meditations – Kristen Silva
Recorder - Richard Parker
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Mission and Outreach
Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010
Recorder: Richard A. Parker
Attendees: Sarah Randall – Chair, Jan Bosse, Laurie Cary , Mike Kasputes, Suzanne Linder, Richard Parker, Kristen Silvia, Elsa Peters (part time)
Kristen opened the meeting with a reading from Kahlil Gibran on working; Susanne Linder was welcomed as a new member to the team.
Minutes approved as submitted.
SPEAKER FOR MISSION SUNDAY 13 FEB: Scott Planting from the Maine Seacoast Mission. Still to be confirmed.
MICAH PROJECT: Because of too many other commitments, Gretchen has resigned as coordinator. A new coordinator is needed.
HOLY JOE’S CAFÉ: Elsa did not receive a response from the UCC. She is looking elsewhere for information and support.
MAINE SEACOAST MISSION TRIP JULY 24-31, 2011: Elsa distributed information including an estimated budget of $5070 (assuming 20 participants). The two primary items discussed were recruitment of participants and ways to raise money. There are already three definite attendees. The trip will be advertised at next week’s coffee hour and in future bulletins. The Maine Seacoast Mission will also be the focus of Mission Sunday (see above). Other recruitment opportunities will be taken as they present themselves. It was decided that half of the Christmas Offering will be used to defer costs. Additionally, Laura will ask the Administration Team if special offering envelops can be placed in the pews for Mission Sunday and beyond.
Mike distributed the report. The collections for NIN (Neighbor’s in Need) significantly exceeded last year’s. See Mike’s report for additional information.
CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Historically, half of the offering goes for local support and half to support an organization with a global perspective. It was decided that this year’s Christmas offering will be distributed as follows:
- Local Half – to be used to defer the costs of the Mission Trip (see above).
- Global Half – to Common Hope – an organization that supports education and family needs of children is Guatemala. Richard is to send Sarah and Maureen supporting information and contacts so that Maureen can prepare a notice for the bulletin.
COFFEE HOUR: Mission team is the sponsor this coming Sunday.
THANK YOUs: Thank you notes were received from Union Theological Seminary, Pilgrim Lodge, Day One, and Preble Street.
2011 BUDGET: Proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 must be submitted in December. After two years of budget cuts, it was decided to propose that the budget be increased to the level it was in 2008 – i.e. $21,000.
POTENTIAL NEW CHARITY - GLSEN - This is an organization that works with homosexual high school students. They have asked if they could be added to our fund distribution list. The decision was deferred until we learn more about this group. Laurie will bring additional information to the December meeting.
REVIEW OF CHARITIES SUPPORTED BY THE CHURCH’S MISSION: The GLSEN discussion raised the need to periodically review and re-qualify the charities and organizations supported by our church. To this end, it was decided that a program to review the organizations on our Outreach List would be put in place by the second quarter of 2011.
Kristen closed the meeting with a reading from Kahlil Gibran on giving.
Recorder: Richard A. Parker
Attendees: Sarah Randall – Chair, Jan Bosse, Laurie Cary , Mike Kasputes, Suzanne Linder, Richard Parker, Kristen Silvia, Elsa Peters (part time)
Kristen opened the meeting with a reading from Kahlil Gibran on working; Susanne Linder was welcomed as a new member to the team.
Minutes approved as submitted.
SPEAKER FOR MISSION SUNDAY 13 FEB: Scott Planting from the Maine Seacoast Mission. Still to be confirmed.
MICAH PROJECT: Because of too many other commitments, Gretchen has resigned as coordinator. A new coordinator is needed.
HOLY JOE’S CAFÉ: Elsa did not receive a response from the UCC. She is looking elsewhere for information and support.
MAINE SEACOAST MISSION TRIP JULY 24-31, 2011: Elsa distributed information including an estimated budget of $5070 (assuming 20 participants). The two primary items discussed were recruitment of participants and ways to raise money. There are already three definite attendees. The trip will be advertised at next week’s coffee hour and in future bulletins. The Maine Seacoast Mission will also be the focus of Mission Sunday (see above). Other recruitment opportunities will be taken as they present themselves. It was decided that half of the Christmas Offering will be used to defer costs. Additionally, Laura will ask the Administration Team if special offering envelops can be placed in the pews for Mission Sunday and beyond.
Mike distributed the report. The collections for NIN (Neighbor’s in Need) significantly exceeded last year’s. See Mike’s report for additional information.
CHRISTMAS OFFERING: Historically, half of the offering goes for local support and half to support an organization with a global perspective. It was decided that this year’s Christmas offering will be distributed as follows:
- Local Half – to be used to defer the costs of the Mission Trip (see above).
- Global Half – to Common Hope – an organization that supports education and family needs of children is Guatemala. Richard is to send Sarah and Maureen supporting information and contacts so that Maureen can prepare a notice for the bulletin.
COFFEE HOUR: Mission team is the sponsor this coming Sunday.
THANK YOUs: Thank you notes were received from Union Theological Seminary, Pilgrim Lodge, Day One, and Preble Street.
2011 BUDGET: Proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 must be submitted in December. After two years of budget cuts, it was decided to propose that the budget be increased to the level it was in 2008 – i.e. $21,000.
POTENTIAL NEW CHARITY - GLSEN - This is an organization that works with homosexual high school students. They have asked if they could be added to our fund distribution list. The decision was deferred until we learn more about this group. Laurie will bring additional information to the December meeting.
REVIEW OF CHARITIES SUPPORTED BY THE CHURCH’S MISSION: The GLSEN discussion raised the need to periodically review and re-qualify the charities and organizations supported by our church. To this end, it was decided that a program to review the organizations on our Outreach List would be put in place by the second quarter of 2011.
Kristen closed the meeting with a reading from Kahlil Gibran on giving.
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2010
Attendance: Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting, Tom Hamerski, Scott Ayre
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities
1) Library and Scholarship: Scott reported that Scholarship is fine; not much happening now, since the real work starts in January. Karen reported that she talked to Kathy and the library is also going well; Kathy is trying to get the library weeded out. She’s open to suggestions regarding new books for purchase. The preference is to use local businesses such as Nonesuch books, which the EGF committee fully supports.
2) Sunday School: Carolyn was unable to attend this meeting and, therefore, there was no Sunday School update.
3) Faith Formation: Elsa sent us her update. One concern she brought up was the teenage Sunday School teaching policy, which is outdated and no longer fully applicable to the church. We, as a committee, voted to overturn the current policy and adopt a new guidline: to allow teenagers (who had been through Confirmation) younger than 16 to be able to teach Sunday School classes.
4) Coffee Hour: Jen reported that coffee hour is going wonderfully well; lots of volunteers and enthusiasm and helpful people this fall. Hopefully this continues all year. I think that much of this is due to all the committees and teams volunteering – really going very well.
5) Nursery: Jen reported that we still need a way of informing the nursery parents who volunteer to help in the nursery that they have to fill out Safe Church background check forms. Jen will post a sign; Scott suggested that there also be handouts with information on who to contact to get the sheets, so we’ll do that too.
6) Growth/hospitality: There was an inquirer’s meeting on Oct 26. Karen and Tom helped out with refreshments and chatting up the inquirers. After talking to some of these inquirers, it sounds like overall the night went really well. The new members are being welcomed into the church on Nov. 7. We need to find a photographer. Since Randall Landry (the usual photographer) isn’t able to be there, Jen will bring her camera and Tom will take the pictures.
B. Other really important stuff
1) 2011 budget requests – we decided on our budget requests; Tom
is entering them into a spreadsheet and sending them in to the powers that be.
2) New team member recruitment – we’re putting this on hold for now, since Scott Ayre has agreed to join the EGF team for a year (whohoo!)
3) Upcoming hospitality things for which we need to split up responsibility,
according to my binder
a. Jesus’ birthday – We need to get in touch with some of the parents
of younger children, people who may be willing to help with setup/cleanup for this event at the 5:00 service on Christmas Eve.
Attendance: Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting, Tom Hamerski, Scott Ayre
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities
1) Library and Scholarship: Scott reported that Scholarship is fine; not much happening now, since the real work starts in January. Karen reported that she talked to Kathy and the library is also going well; Kathy is trying to get the library weeded out. She’s open to suggestions regarding new books for purchase. The preference is to use local businesses such as Nonesuch books, which the EGF committee fully supports.
2) Sunday School: Carolyn was unable to attend this meeting and, therefore, there was no Sunday School update.
3) Faith Formation: Elsa sent us her update. One concern she brought up was the teenage Sunday School teaching policy, which is outdated and no longer fully applicable to the church. We, as a committee, voted to overturn the current policy and adopt a new guidline: to allow teenagers (who had been through Confirmation) younger than 16 to be able to teach Sunday School classes.
4) Coffee Hour: Jen reported that coffee hour is going wonderfully well; lots of volunteers and enthusiasm and helpful people this fall. Hopefully this continues all year. I think that much of this is due to all the committees and teams volunteering – really going very well.
5) Nursery: Jen reported that we still need a way of informing the nursery parents who volunteer to help in the nursery that they have to fill out Safe Church background check forms. Jen will post a sign; Scott suggested that there also be handouts with information on who to contact to get the sheets, so we’ll do that too.
6) Growth/hospitality: There was an inquirer’s meeting on Oct 26. Karen and Tom helped out with refreshments and chatting up the inquirers. After talking to some of these inquirers, it sounds like overall the night went really well. The new members are being welcomed into the church on Nov. 7. We need to find a photographer. Since Randall Landry (the usual photographer) isn’t able to be there, Jen will bring her camera and Tom will take the pictures.
B. Other really important stuff
1) 2011 budget requests – we decided on our budget requests; Tom
is entering them into a spreadsheet and sending them in to the powers that be.
2) New team member recruitment – we’re putting this on hold for now, since Scott Ayre has agreed to join the EGF team for a year (whohoo!)
3) Upcoming hospitality things for which we need to split up responsibility,
according to my binder
a. Jesus’ birthday – We need to get in touch with some of the parents
of younger children, people who may be willing to help with setup/cleanup for this event at the 5:00 service on Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Church Council
Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2010
Recorder: Peggy Murray
Present: Nancy MacLean, Matt Early, John McCall, Andy Ellis, Bob Morse, Sally Hinckley, Phil Whitney, John Shoos, Carl Murphy, Robin Reinhold, and Peggy Murray
Absent: Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor
Nancy opened the meeting and Peggy presented a meditation on honoring the saints among us.
John Shoos and Phil Whitney were introduced to the group.
Suzanne Lindner was nominated as a new member for the class of 2013 for Mission Outreach. Motion made by John Shoos and seconded by Bob Morse to accept the nomination. Unanimously approved. Scott Ayer and Tom Hamerski have agreed to join EG&F; Spiritual Life & Worship is still looking for one more member. We will act on these additions at the next meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Ministers’ Report:
Elsa sent word that she had nothing to report.
John reported:
• that there were a number of positive comments following the October 10th service framing the Vision* Statement.
• The Web site should go live around November 5th (Friday). There is still a lot of text that needs to be created and posted, and the transition to the new process is taking some time. It does provide much more flexibility and “real time” updating capability. We will be able to upload MP3 recordings of sermons, etc. There will be a comprehensive search engine available. We have contracted with Vanco Systems (recommended by UCC) to support a “donate now” capacity for credit card donations. Chris Keiter will be our new Web Master and Aaron Scifres will be Code Master. We need to look into adding an “opt out of photograph” to our Sunday School registration form since pictures may be posted on the web site. We would not be attaching any names to pictures that are posted on-line. We also need to consider other organizations such as music groups, youth groups, etc. to determine how we obtain permissions.
• John is going to Concord, NH on Sunday, October 31st to preach at the South Parish UCC Church for the start of their 175th Anniversary celebration. Kitty Garlid, Director of Spiritual Services at Maine Medical Center and also a UCC minister, will be preaching here on that date.
Homecoming Sunday Feedback: the delay in starting classes seemed to work well for Church School, although some families were a bit confused, and the delay seemed a bit long. The pressure of preparation for a large fair was an issue in the past, but that has not seemed to bring the results expected. Elsa and John will bring options for dates to the Council next spring.
2011 Budget Committee: Moderator (Matt Early), John McCall, Cyndi Alden, Elsa Peters, Andy Ellis, plus (one additional volunteer is needed). There will be several meetings in November and December, once the Stewardship Campaign is complete, to finalize a proposed budget.
We reviewed the status of the 2010 budget. Pledges are at the level that we expect them to be at this time of year based on past experience. We generally see “catch up” at year end from a predictable number of people.
Nancy circulated a copy of the proposed “Consolidated Church Budget and Financial Reports” that contains the financial information of ancillary entities such as the Holly Daze Bazaar, the Discovery Center, etc. If it is presented as part of the budget package, it will need to be clearly noted that we are voting on the church budget only, and the other financial reports are being presented for information only.
Discovery Center Update: We included a reduced amount of $2500 for rent in the budget this year. There was an understanding that the $5000 was a loan, and that proposed budget assumed they would continue to pay the rent. Gretchen Reynolds is going to forward a copy of the most recent financial statement to Matt. They have two new students with a possible third coming on.
Volunteerism: Nancy asked that we review the “From Stressed to Blessed” document with a focus on the section “Reviewing What Is” and also the “Encouraging Voluntarism and Ministries” document. Phil is going to check with Jen in the office to see what happens with new member interest forms (“Participation Opportunity Sheet”) and how they are routed to appropriate committees, etc.
The Council is responsible for finding or serving as Delegates. The next meeting is the Annual Meeting of Cumberland Association in New Gloucester on Sunday, October 24th from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. Peggy Murray will attend and she and Bob Morse agreed to work on a list of people who might act as Delegates.
Rick Angell has asked, on behalf of the Ushers, that the emergency procedures be updated since they have not been updated since 1997. Nancy will check with the office to see who will handle that.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Next Meeting is November 18th.
Phil Whitney will be the opener/recorder.
* - noted correction
Recorder: Peggy Murray
Present: Nancy MacLean, Matt Early, John McCall, Andy Ellis, Bob Morse, Sally Hinckley, Phil Whitney, John Shoos, Carl Murphy, Robin Reinhold, and Peggy Murray
Absent: Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor
Nancy opened the meeting and Peggy presented a meditation on honoring the saints among us.
John Shoos and Phil Whitney were introduced to the group.
Suzanne Lindner was nominated as a new member for the class of 2013 for Mission Outreach. Motion made by John Shoos and seconded by Bob Morse to accept the nomination. Unanimously approved. Scott Ayer and Tom Hamerski have agreed to join EG&F; Spiritual Life & Worship is still looking for one more member. We will act on these additions at the next meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Ministers’ Report:
Elsa sent word that she had nothing to report.
John reported:
• that there were a number of positive comments following the October 10th service framing the Vision* Statement.
• The Web site should go live around November 5th (Friday). There is still a lot of text that needs to be created and posted, and the transition to the new process is taking some time. It does provide much more flexibility and “real time” updating capability. We will be able to upload MP3 recordings of sermons, etc. There will be a comprehensive search engine available. We have contracted with Vanco Systems (recommended by UCC) to support a “donate now” capacity for credit card donations. Chris Keiter will be our new Web Master and Aaron Scifres will be Code Master. We need to look into adding an “opt out of photograph” to our Sunday School registration form since pictures may be posted on the web site. We would not be attaching any names to pictures that are posted on-line. We also need to consider other organizations such as music groups, youth groups, etc. to determine how we obtain permissions.
• John is going to Concord, NH on Sunday, October 31st to preach at the South Parish UCC Church for the start of their 175th Anniversary celebration. Kitty Garlid, Director of Spiritual Services at Maine Medical Center and also a UCC minister, will be preaching here on that date.
Homecoming Sunday Feedback: the delay in starting classes seemed to work well for Church School, although some families were a bit confused, and the delay seemed a bit long. The pressure of preparation for a large fair was an issue in the past, but that has not seemed to bring the results expected. Elsa and John will bring options for dates to the Council next spring.
2011 Budget Committee: Moderator (Matt Early), John McCall, Cyndi Alden, Elsa Peters, Andy Ellis, plus (one additional volunteer is needed). There will be several meetings in November and December, once the Stewardship Campaign is complete, to finalize a proposed budget.
We reviewed the status of the 2010 budget. Pledges are at the level that we expect them to be at this time of year based on past experience. We generally see “catch up” at year end from a predictable number of people.
Nancy circulated a copy of the proposed “Consolidated Church Budget and Financial Reports” that contains the financial information of ancillary entities such as the Holly Daze Bazaar, the Discovery Center, etc. If it is presented as part of the budget package, it will need to be clearly noted that we are voting on the church budget only, and the other financial reports are being presented for information only.
Discovery Center Update: We included a reduced amount of $2500 for rent in the budget this year. There was an understanding that the $5000 was a loan, and that proposed budget assumed they would continue to pay the rent. Gretchen Reynolds is going to forward a copy of the most recent financial statement to Matt. They have two new students with a possible third coming on.
Volunteerism: Nancy asked that we review the “From Stressed to Blessed” document with a focus on the section “Reviewing What Is” and also the “Encouraging Voluntarism and Ministries” document. Phil is going to check with Jen in the office to see what happens with new member interest forms (“Participation Opportunity Sheet”) and how they are routed to appropriate committees, etc.
The Council is responsible for finding or serving as Delegates. The next meeting is the Annual Meeting of Cumberland Association in New Gloucester on Sunday, October 24th from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. Peggy Murray will attend and she and Bob Morse agreed to work on a list of people who might act as Delegates.
Rick Angell has asked, on behalf of the Ushers, that the emergency procedures be updated since they have not been updated since 1997. Nancy will check with the office to see who will handle that.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Next Meeting is November 18th.
Phil Whitney will be the opener/recorder.
* - noted correction
Spiritual Life and Worship
Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2010
Recorder: Debbie Riley
Attending: Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Rick Angell, John McCall
Opening Prayer by Dana
Review Of September Minutes - Approved
John McCall:
• Reported that we are off to a good start this church year. There seems to be vitality and energy within the church community. Shirley Curry is trying to breath new life into the children’s choir as there are few members this year.
• Discussed the downturn in attendance at churches during the past 20 years. We are experiencing similar decline, however not as severe as many other churches in our area. Our open and affirming statement has brought many to our doors and affirms our commitment and reputation as a welcoming and comfortable congregation. John gave us an article to read that expands upon this issue.
• Dana mentioned that Elsa is not planning to lead an Advent worship opportunity this year. Elsa is planning to offer a Prayer Practice series of meeting in place of this
• The committee approved an expenditure for bibles to be purchased for this year.
• On-line registration for church school went very well this year. An all out effort is being made to update and expand the email addresses of our members.
• Homecoming Sunday went well, but many felt that the late start to the year felt too late and that we might want to return to the First Sunday after Labor Day next year!
• World Communion Sunday went well also. SL&W forgot about out responsibility to serve coffee. Thanks to Dana for shopping and pulling together a wonderful array of goodies at the last minute.
• Reminder - Friendship Sunday is November 21st.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Recorder: Debbie Riley
Attending: Dana Wiggins, Debbie Riley, Rick Angell, John McCall
Opening Prayer by Dana
Review Of September Minutes - Approved
John McCall:
• Reported that we are off to a good start this church year. There seems to be vitality and energy within the church community. Shirley Curry is trying to breath new life into the children’s choir as there are few members this year.
• Discussed the downturn in attendance at churches during the past 20 years. We are experiencing similar decline, however not as severe as many other churches in our area. Our open and affirming statement has brought many to our doors and affirms our commitment and reputation as a welcoming and comfortable congregation. John gave us an article to read that expands upon this issue.
• Dana mentioned that Elsa is not planning to lead an Advent worship opportunity this year. Elsa is planning to offer a Prayer Practice series of meeting in place of this
• The committee approved an expenditure for bibles to be purchased for this year.
• On-line registration for church school went very well this year. An all out effort is being made to update and expand the email addresses of our members.
• Homecoming Sunday went well, but many felt that the late start to the year felt too late and that we might want to return to the First Sunday after Labor Day next year!
• World Communion Sunday went well also. SL&W forgot about out responsibility to serve coffee. Thanks to Dana for shopping and pulling together a wonderful array of goodies at the last minute.
• Reminder - Friendship Sunday is November 21st.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Education Growth and Fellowship
Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2010
Attendance: Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting, Scott Ayer, Tom Hamerski
I. Agenda
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities:
1) Karen updated us on Library and Scholarship. In both cases, things are good and nothing needed for now.
2) Carolyn was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, so we didn’t get an update on the Sunday School, but at least one Sunday School teacher seems to think it’s going well.
3) Elsa gave us her Faith Formation update. We voted on choices for the children’s offering
a. Camp Sunshine
b. Winter Kids
c. Pilgrim Lodge
4) Jen reported that Coffee Hour is going shockingly, amazingly well. People and groups are being wonderful about volunteering and that is great. We’re filled up through Christmas!
B. Other items:
1) Homecoming Sunday
a. None of us had heard any feedback from other people re: the new setup, other than people liked the coffee hour that day.
b. EFG committee liked it better
c. Not sure how it will work next year
2) Nursery – We need those parents who volunteer to help downstairs to do background checks for Safe Church. There is no such list, however, so we need to figure out a good way of identifying these parents and getting the necessary forms to them.
3) Two potential new members of the EFG team visited today, Tom Hamerski and Scott Ayer. Tom is on board (whohoo!) and Scott is thinking about whether he has time and will let us know.
Attendance: Karen Pierce-Souza, Elsa Peters, Jennifer Fetting, Scott Ayer, Tom Hamerski
I. Agenda
A. Updates on Team Responsibilities:
1) Karen updated us on Library and Scholarship. In both cases, things are good and nothing needed for now.
2) Carolyn was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, so we didn’t get an update on the Sunday School, but at least one Sunday School teacher seems to think it’s going well.
3) Elsa gave us her Faith Formation update. We voted on choices for the children’s offering
a. Camp Sunshine
b. Winter Kids
c. Pilgrim Lodge
4) Jen reported that Coffee Hour is going shockingly, amazingly well. People and groups are being wonderful about volunteering and that is great. We’re filled up through Christmas!
B. Other items:
1) Homecoming Sunday
a. None of us had heard any feedback from other people re: the new setup, other than people liked the coffee hour that day.
b. EFG committee liked it better
c. Not sure how it will work next year
2) Nursery – We need those parents who volunteer to help downstairs to do background checks for Safe Church. There is no such list, however, so we need to figure out a good way of identifying these parents and getting the necessary forms to them.
3) Two potential new members of the EFG team visited today, Tom Hamerski and Scott Ayer. Tom is on board (whohoo!) and Scott is thinking about whether he has time and will let us know.
Music Committee
Meeting Minutes of September 30, 2010
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, Sheryl Kieran, and Peg Carmichael
1. Reviewed and accepted September 9 minutes.
2. Updates:
• Folders - $260. was spent from the special music fund to purchase new black folders for sheet music. The folders have arrived!
• Chairs – Shirley will be meeting with Guy Gledhill to discuss the chairs in the choir room. Shirley will seek Guy’s advice on topics like attaining funds and whether to replace all the chairs at once or in increments.
• Robe Repair – Trudi will be contacting Shirley regarding the Children’s Choir robe repairs.
3. For the 2011 proposed budget, Shirley recommended cutting the Piano Maintenance line from $800. to $600. and the Instruments for Special Occasions line from $700. to $400. for a total reduction of $500. If it is determined that we need a new line for Chair Repair, we will request $500.
for that line. The Hymn License Fee needs to go up from $230. to $245. as
the fee has gone up. Removing the Child Care line was also discussed.
4. Christmas Vespers will be held on December 12th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The committee agreed to volunteer to do/bring the following:
• Request table set-up – Kim
• Tablecloths and Paper Products – Sheryl
• Centerpiece - Anna
• Hot Cider – Kim, Peg, Anna
• Tea and Half & Half – Anna
• Cookies – Kim, Anna, Sheryl, Peg
5. Other business:
• Shirley sent out a letter to all eligible children about the Children’s Choir.
• Anna will wash and iron the Bell Ringer’s cloth.
• Peg will wash the piano cover from the choir room.
The next meeting is set for December 2nd.
Present: Shirley Curry, Kim Early, Anna O’Connor, Sheryl Kieran, and Peg Carmichael
1. Reviewed and accepted September 9 minutes.
2. Updates:
• Folders - $260. was spent from the special music fund to purchase new black folders for sheet music. The folders have arrived!
• Chairs – Shirley will be meeting with Guy Gledhill to discuss the chairs in the choir room. Shirley will seek Guy’s advice on topics like attaining funds and whether to replace all the chairs at once or in increments.
• Robe Repair – Trudi will be contacting Shirley regarding the Children’s Choir robe repairs.
3. For the 2011 proposed budget, Shirley recommended cutting the Piano Maintenance line from $800. to $600. and the Instruments for Special Occasions line from $700. to $400. for a total reduction of $500. If it is determined that we need a new line for Chair Repair, we will request $500.
for that line. The Hymn License Fee needs to go up from $230. to $245. as
the fee has gone up. Removing the Child Care line was also discussed.
4. Christmas Vespers will be held on December 12th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The committee agreed to volunteer to do/bring the following:
• Request table set-up – Kim
• Tablecloths and Paper Products – Sheryl
• Centerpiece - Anna
• Hot Cider – Kim, Peg, Anna
• Tea and Half & Half – Anna
• Cookies – Kim, Anna, Sheryl, Peg
5. Other business:
• Shirley sent out a letter to all eligible children about the Children’s Choir.
• Anna will wash and iron the Bell Ringer’s cloth.
• Peg will wash the piano cover from the choir room.
The next meeting is set for December 2nd.
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