Meeting Minutes of June 7, 2009
Present: Kathy Cotter, Carol Scheffler, Connie Baskett, and Deb Theriault.
Kathy opened the meeting with a reading from “Prayers for 1,000 Years”, a compilation by Elizabeth Roberts.
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
• “TYING THE KNOT”: The plan for today’s meeting was to watch “Tying the Knot”, a documentary about same-sex marriage. Since the DVD was not available for the meeting, Deb volunteered to have a cookout/potluck at her house for the movie and a brief meeting on Sunday, August 23 after church.
• SPHS GSA: After the presentation on Diversity Sunday by Betsy Parsons of GLSEN (Gay-Lesbian Student Education Network), the Diversity Committee asked how we could support them. Betsy told us one of their biggest needs was transportation to the GLSEN meetings. In our effort to help South Portland High School’s Gay-Straight Alliance get their students to the GLSEN meetings, it was decided that we would put an article in the Beacon telling people what we are doing to help (purchasing a gas card), that some folks have already stepped forward to help, and letting others know how they can help if interested.* Deb and Carol will put something together right after the meeting in time for this week’s Beacon. There is a Council meeting on June 18 when formal fundraising for this will be discussed (Carol will be attending). A donation directly to GLSEN in the future was also discussed.
• PRIDE PARADE: The Pride parade will be held at noon on June 20, beginning at Monument Square. Deb has contacted Cyndi Alden, and a check has been sent registering us for the parade. Andrew & Elizabeth Lupien have volunteered to be the 2 traffic coordinators that were requested on the registration form. Those of us who can march with the church banner (Deb will bring banner) will meet in the Mitchell Road parking lot to car pool or meet in-town by noon. Deb will make an announcement on Sunday inviting anyone in the congregation who would like to join us to meet us to carpool or at Monument Square. We will also put an announcement in this week’s Beacon. Deb thought perhaps the Pride festival, which is held in Deering Oaks following the parade, would be a great way to publicize Marvin Ellison’s upcoming discussion on marriage equality at FCC on October 22. Since we don’t have a table at the festival, Deb will contact Equality Maine to see if it would be possible to put “flyers” with the information on their table.**
• “TYING THE KNOT” showing for the congregation. We have planned to show “Tying the Knot” on September 20 after church. It has been suggested that we show it in the Community Room (Joan will check on availability), which has shades for the windows and is a large room, which will be more comfortable and have more room for chairs. Popcorn and refreshments will be served! Deb will check out the “Tying the Knot” website regarding permission to show the DVD to groups if there is no fee being charged, donations, etc.
• YOUTH INVOLVEMENT: We discussed the involvement of the youth of the church in diversity related topics. It was noted that OWL (“Our Whole Lives”, a UCC program offered regarding sexuality) has been discussed in the past but there has been no interest. Elsa has mentioned that perhaps it could be part of the confirmation process. It was decided that we’d like to have Elsa/Aaron/Steve come and talk to us about Elsa’s suggestions in the past. We’d be happy to help in any way we can.
• HOMECOMING: Homecoming is September 13. Deb volunteered, but it was agreed by all that perhaps there should be a discussion about the need for the Homecoming setup after church as it is now. We discussed the fact that no one stops at our table and never really has. Those of us who have represented other boards and committees noted the same experience. It was felt by all that the only table that attracts people at the presentations after church on Homecoming is the Sunday School sign-ups. We are hoping that perhaps a different model could be looked at for Homecoming in the future.
• PREBLE STREET TEEN CENTER: Carol noted that there are lots of clothes for older kids in the Children’s Closet that could be sent to the Teen Center. Deb will regroup and plan on making an announcement to the congregation in the late summer (when new school clothes are being bought) regarding the donation of teen-sized clothing for the Teen Center. A box will be placed in the Narthex for these donations.
• MARVIN ELLISON AT FCC ON OCTOBER 22: We discussed ways to publicize Marvin’s discussion on Marriage Equality. Deb has spoken with Elsa about making a poster and will follow-up on that. Everyone has volunteered to help with getting the posters up around the community. Kathy will contact local publications like the Sentry, the Forecaster, Cape Courier, Current, as well as SPTV. Deb will contact other area churches, the new Portland Daily Sun, and see if Bill Nemitz might be interested in writing something. It was also suggested that Marvin might like to bring along some of his books in case folks were interested in them.
• UPCOMING CLASSES: Elsa’s upcoming bible study on marriage and John’s on the separation of church and state were mentioned. We all agreed we are very fortunate to have ministers who are so supportive and pro-active around the topic of marriage equality!
In light of this past year’s Diversity Sunday stories of “hidden” diversity in the congregation, it was hoped that perhaps in the future we could make such stories a part of worship on an occasional basis throughout the year.
NEXT MEETING: AUGUST 23rd COOKOUT/POTLUCK/MOVIE/MEETING at Deb Theriault’s house after church (just down the hill at 26 O’Neil Street). Bring a dish to share, we’ll have some food, fellowship, a movie, and a brief meeting!
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Theriault
* after the article for the Beacon was submitted, we were notified that it was edited as it seemed too much like fundraising. We need to be careful and make sure we clear things like this with the Council.
** regarding placing “flyers” regarding Marvin’s presentation on the Equality Maine table at the Pride festival, it was again requested that this be brought to the Council before doing so. Because of the dates, Council meeting June 18 and Pride festival June 20, we’ll have to see if timing allows if the plan is okayed.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2009
Members present: Chris Keiter, Chris Dow, Sally Sutton, Nancy MacLean, Carol Zechman, Elsa Peters, Jean Siulinski, Sally Hinkley, Deb Andrews, Bob Morse, Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor, and Andy Ellis.
Guest: Stan Jordan
New members: The Council welcomed new members Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor, Bob Morse.
Minutes review: Minutes for the May Council meeting were approved.
Minister’s Time: Elsa discussed her selection of a topic for Homecoming Sunday: Jesus’ thoughts on salt and light.
Rummage Sale: The Council revisited the discussion from the previous meeting about items for the rummage sale currently being stored in Guptill Hall, and the subsequent conversation with Prudy Wiggins who has led the rummage sale for many years. The Council agreed that Prudy’s great efforts on behalf of the church in this role have been extremely valuable and expressed the hope that she will continue to lead the rummage sale in the future. The Council suggested that a backup plan be developed so that the rummage sale could continue even if Prudy were unable to lead it. The Council understood that the items for the fall rummage sale would remain in Guptill Hall until the sale, meaning that Homecoming Sunday would not be able to use all of the hall.
Vote on additional nominations: The Council voted on the following nominations: Council: Matt Early -- Nancy moved, Jean seconded, all approved.
SL&W: Elaine Brownell replacing Ed Saxby -- Nancy moved, Chris Dow seconded, all approved. The Council will wait until September to vote on nominations for the vacancies on the EG&F and SL&W teams.
Selection of Moderator and Vice Moderator: Chris Keiter will stay on as Moderator. Nancy MacLean agreed to be Vice Moderator. Elsa pointed out that Vice Moderator does not need to become Moderator the next year and Nancy suggested that we make sure this was included in the minutes.
Follow up regarding hospitality tasks: The Council decided that Jesus’ birthday cake did not need to be eliminated, and it was suggested that this item reside with SL & W in the division of hospitality tasks proposed at the previous Council meeting.
The new suggested division is:
SL&W: Ash Wednesday Breakfast, Good Friday Supper, Elder Luncheon, Jesus' birthday cake on Christmas Eve
EG&F: Church Picnic, Confirmation Celebration, Coffee Hours
Search Committee: New Minister Welcome, New Minister Installation
Pilgrim Lodge Camperships: 9-12 campers received camperships and Elsa reported that she had received several emails expressing thanks.
Business Referral Directory update: Chris Keiter gave an update on the discussion after worship on the 14th about a future Business Referral Directory for church members. The meeting was facilitated by Don Russell and Chris Keiter. Attendees were supportive of the idea. Some concerns were expressed at the meeting about limiting any liability for the church in relation to the listed business activities, but it was felt that this issue could be adequately addressed through a disclaimer on the website. At the council meeting, some concerns were expressed about “hacking”, but it was suggested that the risks posed to this site were no greater than those posed to the church’s present website. Further logistical details, such as who will update and maintain the site remain to be determined. Don Russell has agreed to lead the project.
Discussion of Diversity Committee request: The Council discussed a request from the Diversity Committee for donation of gas cards that had been published in the Beacon without the normal process of Council approval for fundraising efforts. It was decided that the article did describe a fundraising activity that should have been reviewed by the Council. As part of this discussion, it was suggested that the Council should develop clear criteria for the Council to use when evaluating whether a fundraising activity should be approved. Sally Sutton moved that the Council address this issue in the next year. Carol seconded, and the Council approved. Nancy volunteered to work on this and Deb agreed to assist. Without those criteria, the Council was not able to approve this fundraising activity at this time and will suggest the Diversity Committee approach the Mission Team regarding use of their funds or a portion of the Social Witness Ministries budget line item.
Budget oversight: Chris Keiter reported that the Administration Team is researching the possibility of a more comprehensive church budget, and the Council will continue to discuss in September. The Council also reviewed the year to date budget vs. actual and some questions were raised regarding lower than expected revenue in the Rental Property line, and higher than expected expenditures in the Youth Ministry line. Chris and Elsa will check to make sure that the money for the Sunday School curriculum was correctly drawn from the Supplies and Equipment line, and not from Youth Ministry.
Council members ending their terms: The Council thanked Sally Sutton, Jean Siulinski, and Carol Zechman for their energy, ideas, and support over the past few years as their terms come to an end.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Recorded by: Andy Ellis
Next meeting: September 17th
Opening/Recorder: TBD
Members present: Chris Keiter, Chris Dow, Sally Sutton, Nancy MacLean, Carol Zechman, Elsa Peters, Jean Siulinski, Sally Hinkley, Deb Andrews, Bob Morse, Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor, and Andy Ellis.
Guest: Stan Jordan
New members: The Council welcomed new members Carrie Skeffington, Roger Addor, Bob Morse.
Minutes review: Minutes for the May Council meeting were approved.
Minister’s Time: Elsa discussed her selection of a topic for Homecoming Sunday: Jesus’ thoughts on salt and light.
Rummage Sale: The Council revisited the discussion from the previous meeting about items for the rummage sale currently being stored in Guptill Hall, and the subsequent conversation with Prudy Wiggins who has led the rummage sale for many years. The Council agreed that Prudy’s great efforts on behalf of the church in this role have been extremely valuable and expressed the hope that she will continue to lead the rummage sale in the future. The Council suggested that a backup plan be developed so that the rummage sale could continue even if Prudy were unable to lead it. The Council understood that the items for the fall rummage sale would remain in Guptill Hall until the sale, meaning that Homecoming Sunday would not be able to use all of the hall.
Vote on additional nominations: The Council voted on the following nominations: Council: Matt Early -- Nancy moved, Jean seconded, all approved.
SL&W: Elaine Brownell replacing Ed Saxby -- Nancy moved, Chris Dow seconded, all approved. The Council will wait until September to vote on nominations for the vacancies on the EG&F and SL&W teams.
Selection of Moderator and Vice Moderator: Chris Keiter will stay on as Moderator. Nancy MacLean agreed to be Vice Moderator. Elsa pointed out that Vice Moderator does not need to become Moderator the next year and Nancy suggested that we make sure this was included in the minutes.
Follow up regarding hospitality tasks: The Council decided that Jesus’ birthday cake did not need to be eliminated, and it was suggested that this item reside with SL & W in the division of hospitality tasks proposed at the previous Council meeting.
The new suggested division is:
SL&W: Ash Wednesday Breakfast, Good Friday Supper, Elder Luncheon, Jesus' birthday cake on Christmas Eve
EG&F: Church Picnic, Confirmation Celebration, Coffee Hours
Search Committee: New Minister Welcome, New Minister Installation
Pilgrim Lodge Camperships: 9-12 campers received camperships and Elsa reported that she had received several emails expressing thanks.
Business Referral Directory update: Chris Keiter gave an update on the discussion after worship on the 14th about a future Business Referral Directory for church members. The meeting was facilitated by Don Russell and Chris Keiter. Attendees were supportive of the idea. Some concerns were expressed at the meeting about limiting any liability for the church in relation to the listed business activities, but it was felt that this issue could be adequately addressed through a disclaimer on the website. At the council meeting, some concerns were expressed about “hacking”, but it was suggested that the risks posed to this site were no greater than those posed to the church’s present website. Further logistical details, such as who will update and maintain the site remain to be determined. Don Russell has agreed to lead the project.
Discussion of Diversity Committee request: The Council discussed a request from the Diversity Committee for donation of gas cards that had been published in the Beacon without the normal process of Council approval for fundraising efforts. It was decided that the article did describe a fundraising activity that should have been reviewed by the Council. As part of this discussion, it was suggested that the Council should develop clear criteria for the Council to use when evaluating whether a fundraising activity should be approved. Sally Sutton moved that the Council address this issue in the next year. Carol seconded, and the Council approved. Nancy volunteered to work on this and Deb agreed to assist. Without those criteria, the Council was not able to approve this fundraising activity at this time and will suggest the Diversity Committee approach the Mission Team regarding use of their funds or a portion of the Social Witness Ministries budget line item.
Budget oversight: Chris Keiter reported that the Administration Team is researching the possibility of a more comprehensive church budget, and the Council will continue to discuss in September. The Council also reviewed the year to date budget vs. actual and some questions were raised regarding lower than expected revenue in the Rental Property line, and higher than expected expenditures in the Youth Ministry line. Chris and Elsa will check to make sure that the money for the Sunday School curriculum was correctly drawn from the Supplies and Equipment line, and not from Youth Ministry.
Council members ending their terms: The Council thanked Sally Sutton, Jean Siulinski, and Carol Zechman for their energy, ideas, and support over the past few years as their terms come to an end.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Recorded by: Andy Ellis
Next meeting: September 17th
Opening/Recorder: TBD
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mission and Outreach Team
Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2009
Present: Laurie Cary, Sarah Randall, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, AnnElissa Leveque, Linda Skinner, Maureen Clancy, Sandy Dyer.
Laurie opened the meeting with a meditation from The Upper Room booklet. A thank you note from the Cathedral Church of St. Luke Soup Kitchen was noted. Thanks were expressed to AnnElissa and Linda, who are leaving the team. Richard Parker and Mike Kasputes were announced as new members. Refreshments were enjoyed during the meeting.
The minutes of the May meeting were accepted.
The treasurer’s report was presented. $639.84 had been dispersed to the Elder Ministry program.
Disbursements of $750 were voted to:
• The Center for Grieving Children
• Serenity House
• Wayside Evening Soup Kitchen
• Andover-Newton Theological School
• Spurwink Services
• The Protestant Hospital Ministry
The planned painting project at Friendship House was cancelled because of wet weather.
The Micah Project was discussed. We hope to form a subgroup of volunteers to organize projects. An all-congregation mailing is planned for the fall to create lists of interested people and ideas for projects. Sandy will prepare a draft of the letter for the September meeting. Possible projects were discussed, including reading at elementary schools, the Iris Network, and helping at the PROP office.
The Food Pantry bags will be collected this coming Sunday.
Laurie is following up on the request from the Parish Host program for descriptions of programs and subgroups, for information to be given to new members.
Sandy and Maureen agreed to take over the monthly purchase of birthday cakes for Long Creek Youth Center.
Laurie distributed lists of members, service assignments, officers, and the schedule for devotions and recorders.
Plans for Homecoming Sunday (September 13th) will be reviewed at the September meeting.
Members expressed thanks to Laurie for her hard work as Chair of the Team.
The meeting closed with a reading from Psalm 29.
Thursday, September 3rd, at 7:30 p.m.
Opening/closing devotions: Carol Scheffler
Recorder: Sandy Dyer
Present: Laurie Cary, Sarah Randall, Greg Wyman, Carol Scheffler, AnnElissa Leveque, Linda Skinner, Maureen Clancy, Sandy Dyer.
Laurie opened the meeting with a meditation from The Upper Room booklet. A thank you note from the Cathedral Church of St. Luke Soup Kitchen was noted. Thanks were expressed to AnnElissa and Linda, who are leaving the team. Richard Parker and Mike Kasputes were announced as new members. Refreshments were enjoyed during the meeting.
The minutes of the May meeting were accepted.
The treasurer’s report was presented. $639.84 had been dispersed to the Elder Ministry program.
Disbursements of $750 were voted to:
• The Center for Grieving Children
• Serenity House
• Wayside Evening Soup Kitchen
• Andover-Newton Theological School
• Spurwink Services
• The Protestant Hospital Ministry
The planned painting project at Friendship House was cancelled because of wet weather.
The Micah Project was discussed. We hope to form a subgroup of volunteers to organize projects. An all-congregation mailing is planned for the fall to create lists of interested people and ideas for projects. Sandy will prepare a draft of the letter for the September meeting. Possible projects were discussed, including reading at elementary schools, the Iris Network, and helping at the PROP office.
The Food Pantry bags will be collected this coming Sunday.
Laurie is following up on the request from the Parish Host program for descriptions of programs and subgroups, for information to be given to new members.
Sandy and Maureen agreed to take over the monthly purchase of birthday cakes for Long Creek Youth Center.
Laurie distributed lists of members, service assignments, officers, and the schedule for devotions and recorders.
Plans for Homecoming Sunday (September 13th) will be reviewed at the September meeting.
Members expressed thanks to Laurie for her hard work as Chair of the Team.
The meeting closed with a reading from Psalm 29.
Thursday, September 3rd, at 7:30 p.m.
Opening/closing devotions: Carol Scheffler
Recorder: Sandy Dyer
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