July 3, 2008
Present: Sandy Hansen, Betsy Keiter, Elinor Redmond, and Richard Angell
Opening Prayer was led by Sandy.
Review of Minutes from June 6 and they were approved as written.
Hymnal Committee Update
A report from the committee was not available at this time. However, there are many signs that the Committee is active and proceeding forward. Last Sunday, before and after the service there was an invitation to the congregation to join committee members for a discussion of the possible hymnals and to take a look at them. In addition, there is a summary of the committee’s findings in the Narthex that the congregation is welcome to review.
Review and Discussion of UCC Conference
Rick Angell attended the UCC Conference recently as a delegate for our church. He was very impressed by the experience, and shared some of the highlights with us. They included the following:
-Open & Affirming – First Congregational Church is and is committed to be an Open and Affirming church. The UCC Conference is not. During the weekend, the delegates approved a Resolution to begin a process of study and reflection in order to determine whether the Conference should elect to be an Open and Affirming Conference. Rick also reported that out of approximately 174 churches in Maine, only 15 are Open & Affirming.
-Key Note Speaker – John Thomas gave a very impressive message entitled The Big Tent and the Great Parade. He encouraged people to be more daring, and invited people to enlarge the scale of what you are able to desire. His message can be found on the UCC Website, www.ucc.org.
-Stained Glass Window Workshop – This workshop focused on technology enhancing a worship service, and how technology can be introduced to the congregation. Rick would like to talk further about trying some ideas here.
-Next Generation – discussion of the UCC properties… necessary updates, financial strains, and the possibility of centralizing the properties.
Ongoing Issues:
Summer Communion Schedule – Mary Anne reports that she is all set for July, August and September with the Communion by Intinction schedule.
Summer Worship Leaders – Betsy is still looking for worship leaders for 3 weeks in August.
Participation Forms – Elinor has received new participation forms from the recent new members. She’ll be distributing the names to the appropriate people.
Organizational Chart of the Church – Elinor has agreed to continue to work on the organizational chart that Lisa Merchant had started.
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 4th @ 7:30p
Adjourned at 8:45p
Respectfully Submitted by,
Sandra Hansen
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Council Work Session
July 14, 2008
Present: Carol Zechman, Nancy Maclean, Sally Hinckley, David Allen, Jean Siulinski, John McCall, Sally Sutton, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter
Call to order: Chris K. called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. With only seven members present, a quorum was not present. We decided to proceed with the work session, recognizing that the results would be recommendations to the full Council, not decisions of the Council.
By-Laws: Stan led a review of the latest draft of the by-laws. Stan will update the by-laws with the comments and will send them to Chris. Chris will add a cover page and table of contents and will propose a process for having them reviewed by the congregation.
Church Mailing List: A situation occurred last week that could be interpreted as the church allowing the church mailing list to be used for other than church-related business. This is not the case. The church only allows the church mailing list to be used for church-related business. However, there is no written policy to this effect. The Council will develop a policy about this in the fall.
Church Directory Permissions: The church directory will be updated soon. We discussed concerns and options about what permissions are required in order to include member contact information in the church directory. Our recommendation is to include listed member contact information in the church directory unless a member specifically requests the contact information to be withheld.
Les Andrews additional bequest: After Les Andrews passed away, a bequest was given to the church and was accepted. It was known at the time that an additional bequest was likely. Last week, Les’ son came into the office and gave John two checks worth a total of about $68,500. He requested that $1,500 be put into the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund, with the remainder to be put into the unrestricted endowments, unless there was a specific project that it could be used for. When John described the chancel reconfiguration project to him and showed him the progress to date, Les’ son said that we could use any of the bequest to pay for the chancel reconfiguration project. Les loved the church and he loved music, so this would be an appropriate use of the bequest.
The Council discussed the situation and developed the following proposal:
· Accept the Les Andrews additional bequest
· Still have the Music Fund contribute $2,000 to the chancel project
· Still have the North Church Memorial Fund contribute $4,000 to the chancel project
· Still conduct the fund raising effort for the chancel project (it is almost complete)
· Still sell the choir pews to help fund the chancel project
· Instead of using the unrestricted endowments to fund the remainder of the chancel project (as previously discussed), use much of the additional bequest from Les Andrews
· Put $1,500 from the Les Andrews additional bequest into the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund
· Put the remainder of the Les Andrews additional bequest into the unrestricted endowments
Chris will ask the Council to vote on this proposal via email.
Homecoming Sunday: This event is coming up on September 7th. Chris asked for volunteers to develop a display / event to represent the Council on Homecoming Sunday. Sally H and Jean volunteered. Thank you!
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Keiter
Present: Carol Zechman, Nancy Maclean, Sally Hinckley, David Allen, Jean Siulinski, John McCall, Sally Sutton, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter
Call to order: Chris K. called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. With only seven members present, a quorum was not present. We decided to proceed with the work session, recognizing that the results would be recommendations to the full Council, not decisions of the Council.
By-Laws: Stan led a review of the latest draft of the by-laws. Stan will update the by-laws with the comments and will send them to Chris. Chris will add a cover page and table of contents and will propose a process for having them reviewed by the congregation.
Church Mailing List: A situation occurred last week that could be interpreted as the church allowing the church mailing list to be used for other than church-related business. This is not the case. The church only allows the church mailing list to be used for church-related business. However, there is no written policy to this effect. The Council will develop a policy about this in the fall.
Church Directory Permissions: The church directory will be updated soon. We discussed concerns and options about what permissions are required in order to include member contact information in the church directory. Our recommendation is to include listed member contact information in the church directory unless a member specifically requests the contact information to be withheld.
Les Andrews additional bequest: After Les Andrews passed away, a bequest was given to the church and was accepted. It was known at the time that an additional bequest was likely. Last week, Les’ son came into the office and gave John two checks worth a total of about $68,500. He requested that $1,500 be put into the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund, with the remainder to be put into the unrestricted endowments, unless there was a specific project that it could be used for. When John described the chancel reconfiguration project to him and showed him the progress to date, Les’ son said that we could use any of the bequest to pay for the chancel reconfiguration project. Les loved the church and he loved music, so this would be an appropriate use of the bequest.
The Council discussed the situation and developed the following proposal:
· Accept the Les Andrews additional bequest
· Still have the Music Fund contribute $2,000 to the chancel project
· Still have the North Church Memorial Fund contribute $4,000 to the chancel project
· Still conduct the fund raising effort for the chancel project (it is almost complete)
· Still sell the choir pews to help fund the chancel project
· Instead of using the unrestricted endowments to fund the remainder of the chancel project (as previously discussed), use much of the additional bequest from Les Andrews
· Put $1,500 from the Les Andrews additional bequest into the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund
· Put the remainder of the Les Andrews additional bequest into the unrestricted endowments
Chris will ask the Council to vote on this proposal via email.
Homecoming Sunday: This event is coming up on September 7th. Chris asked for volunteers to develop a display / event to represent the Council on Homecoming Sunday. Sally H and Jean volunteered. Thank you!
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Keiter
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hymnal Committee
July 17, 2008
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Barbara Merrill, Dana Wiggins, Evie Strom, Dolores Broberg, Lynn Howard, Shirley Curry, Betsy Keiter, John McCallExcused: , Barbara Powers, Bruce Lockwood, Deb Theriault, Carrie Skeffington
Recap of progress
-March - we called 10 UCC churches in surrounding communities to discover which hymnal they use and if it was a good choice for them.
-Publishers were called for ordering deadlines and prices to guage affordability
-April - a Music Survey was written to explore preferences of the congregation
-100 surveys were gathered and results reported
-July - Two sessions of question and answer sessions "Book Talks" were held
-Song comparisons were made between the 4 hymnal choices
Book Talks - Dolores reported on the 10:45 Book Talk session. Only 10 attended but many questions were asked with good discussion of the 4 choices of hymnals in consideration
Review - of the hymnals in use by area UCC churches and their opinions. Review of pricing and ordering deadlines. We considered what will serve our congregation best in the next 20 years, looking forward to musical worship that could bring together a more diverse congregation.
Favorite songs - a list of favorites from the music surveys will be cleared for usage rights. CCLI is a church licensing fee paid each year for usage permissions on a number of our hymns.
Concerns discussed - Changing economy in regard to the expense: Consensus was that prices may only get more expensive and the books are priced very affordably at $17 per, a good value. Segregated funds (specified for the worship service) are available in the Memorial Fund. Costs will also be subsidized by members ordering books 'in memory of' or 'in celebration' of a family member.
Considerations, Questions
-Will the new hymnal be used in conjunction with the Songs of the Spirit? It was suggested that we use the new hymnal for a month or two and then update the SOS with any songs missed by the congregation. The reproduction quality and typeface could be made bolder at that time for easier use.
-Check again for pew rack widths before ordering to make sure of a good fit
Move to vote
-Motion to end discussion.
-Motion to vote (Dolores), second motion (lynn), all in favor of voting
-Hymns of Truth and Light nominated (Dolores), motion seconded (Elaine)
-Vote was unanimous for Hymns of Truth and Light
-Energetic exchange of ideas ensued - positive reactions to the decision.
-Dana will hand off informational packets sent by Truth and Light representative
-The standard issue is a red cover with silver stamping – we have a choice to customize (color, name, type font, logo?) on the cover and/or the spine.
-A supplemental bind-in of up to 32 pages is available and if we wish to have that included, selections and permissions are needed by October 15
We will try to finalize next steps by email reviews.
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Barbara Merrill, Dana Wiggins, Evie Strom, Dolores Broberg, Lynn Howard, Shirley Curry, Betsy Keiter, John McCallExcused: , Barbara Powers, Bruce Lockwood, Deb Theriault, Carrie Skeffington
Recap of progress
-March - we called 10 UCC churches in surrounding communities to discover which hymnal they use and if it was a good choice for them.
-Publishers were called for ordering deadlines and prices to guage affordability
-April - a Music Survey was written to explore preferences of the congregation
-100 surveys were gathered and results reported
-July - Two sessions of question and answer sessions "Book Talks" were held
-Song comparisons were made between the 4 hymnal choices
Book Talks - Dolores reported on the 10:45 Book Talk session. Only 10 attended but many questions were asked with good discussion of the 4 choices of hymnals in consideration
Review - of the hymnals in use by area UCC churches and their opinions. Review of pricing and ordering deadlines. We considered what will serve our congregation best in the next 20 years, looking forward to musical worship that could bring together a more diverse congregation.
Favorite songs - a list of favorites from the music surveys will be cleared for usage rights. CCLI is a church licensing fee paid each year for usage permissions on a number of our hymns.
Concerns discussed - Changing economy in regard to the expense: Consensus was that prices may only get more expensive and the books are priced very affordably at $17 per, a good value. Segregated funds (specified for the worship service) are available in the Memorial Fund. Costs will also be subsidized by members ordering books 'in memory of' or 'in celebration' of a family member.
Considerations, Questions
-Will the new hymnal be used in conjunction with the Songs of the Spirit? It was suggested that we use the new hymnal for a month or two and then update the SOS with any songs missed by the congregation. The reproduction quality and typeface could be made bolder at that time for easier use.
-Check again for pew rack widths before ordering to make sure of a good fit
Move to vote
-Motion to end discussion.
-Motion to vote (Dolores), second motion (lynn), all in favor of voting
-Hymns of Truth and Light nominated (Dolores), motion seconded (Elaine)
-Vote was unanimous for Hymns of Truth and Light
-Energetic exchange of ideas ensued - positive reactions to the decision.
-Dana will hand off informational packets sent by Truth and Light representative
-The standard issue is a red cover with silver stamping – we have a choice to customize (color, name, type font, logo?) on the cover and/or the spine.
-A supplemental bind-in of up to 32 pages is available and if we wish to have that included, selections and permissions are needed by October 15
We will try to finalize next steps by email reviews.
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Thursday, July 10, 2008
June 19, 2008
Present: Matt Brucker, Dan Cummings, Sally Sutton , Sally Hinckley, Chris Dow, John McCall, Stan Jordan, Nancy Maclean, Phil Whitney, Jean Siulinski, Carol Zechman, Shirley Curry, Ellie Chatto, Chris Keiter
Not Present: Paul Gray, Deb Andrews, Dave Allen, Elsa Peters
1) Nancy provided opening prayer.
2) Review of Agenda and Approve Minutes.
Dan presented agenda, addition requested for discussion of Council opening.
Dan asked for any comments, acceptance of revised minutes that were distributed, they are approved.
3) Ministers’ Time
John McCall. Elsa Peters is on way to New York for her Grandfather’s memorial service and we send our prayers with her.
In our last meeting Council approved a building space use by George Pressley. John found out the next day that other members of the church staff were not as comfortable as he presumed, as he had inferred that there was energy and interest that it turns out may not have been there. Three different staff members expressed concerns about scheduling and building use and potential conflicts with office equipment use, room usage etc.
John McCall has contacted Mr. Pressley and explained how and why we were choosing to not move ahead in sharing space. Mr. Pressley expressed that he understood, had other options to explore and that he thanked us for our consideration and contacting us to clarify the situation so quickly.
4) Personnel Recommendations
Ellie Chatto was present to talk about the Youth Ministry position.
Aaron French, a 1st year student at Bangor Seminary in Portland, applied for Kim Early’s Sunday School Coordinator position and has experience with Youth Ministry. Elsa would like to focus on Sunday School, working with the teachers and curriculum. That would allow Aaron to focus on the older than Sunday School kids, i.e. Youth Ministry. The Personnel committee has approved him as their choice. He will be here at least 2 ½ years more as a full time student. Aaron has a degree in Classics and has taught Religion classes. Discussion around how this changes Elsa’s job description. John talked about the fact that there are three pieces of this proposal
A. Revise Elsa’s job description to include Sunday School and remove Youth Ministry
B. Approve/be aware of the readiness of the Personnel committee to move forward and hire Aaron French
C. Authorize Ellie to complete and sign an employment agreement with Aaron French to start in late August and to be compensated a base salary of $9,000 year.
The impact of having Elsa as the Sunday School leader is that we would move Christ Kids Club from the first week of the month to the last week of the month to ensure her presence at the communion service. It would also require some additional lay speakers.
5) Chancel Project
Chris Keiter presented an update on the project. Funding of the project was reviewed first. We had previously stated that the project was estimated to be around $50,000. $2,000 from Music Fund. $4,000 from North Church Memorial Fund. Fundraising and sale of unused choir pews would contribute as much as has been raised by July 15th. Unrestricted Endowments would fund the balance, as needed.
The last source of funding that was considered was the Organ Maintenance Fund for about $7,000. Shirley Curry was present and shared that she is concerned that this was not the intended use of that fund. The bottom line from Shirley’s perspective is that we should not touch these funds for a new capital project thus compromising our flexibility to conduct organ maintenance and repairs in a timely manner.
Chris Keiter talked about how not drawing upon the Organ Maintenance Fund increases the Unrestricted Endowments funds that would be drawn upon by an additional $7,000. This would reduce the annual operating expense budget by 3% times the $7,000, or $210 per year. The Council agreed that we will not be using funds from the Organ Maintenance Fund for this project.
Fundraising has been slow. Chris asked Cyndi how much has been received and she stated $500. It has been placed in the Beacon the last three times. There was discussion about conducting a separate mailing. We agreed to send a separate mailing that may stand out more than a paragraph in the Beacon.
6) Council Operations
a. Bylaws : Next Steps
There was some discussion around how “finalized” are the bylaws and do we need to meet again with a 2nd workshop to work through some additional language issues and content changes. There was consensus that there does not appear to be a great deal of urgency in delivering this to the congregation. However, there may be concerns about the Council losing memory around what has been done and having to regain momentum. Dan will send out possible dates for a special meeting in July and we will seek to maximize attendance by coordinating calendars.
There is no regularly scheduled Council meeting in July or August.
b. Choose Moderator/Vice Moderator
Floor was open to discussion around options. Chris Keiter was raised as a possible Moderator candidate effective immediately. Chris agreed to accept the position. Carol Zechmann volunteered as the Vice Moderator. There was consensus agreement of these choices by the Council.
c. Other Business
Council Vacancy
1. We have 11 of our 12 openings full. We have had a member withdraw themselves from Council. The group generally commented that they would like to fill the 12th spot. Chris Keiter reviewed the list of current Council members to refresh members.
2. Some names were suggested to fill the vacancy. Some discussion around having another male member to provide some gender balance with Paul Gray, Dan Cummings and Stan Jordan going off of the Council. Chris Keiter will approach a candidate, and if that doesn’t pan out, Chris agreed to correspond with Barbara and to distribute a list of all new member males that have joined in the last two years and to have some email discussion.
Respectfully submitted by Matt Brucker
Present: Matt Brucker, Dan Cummings, Sally Sutton , Sally Hinckley, Chris Dow, John McCall, Stan Jordan, Nancy Maclean, Phil Whitney, Jean Siulinski, Carol Zechman, Shirley Curry, Ellie Chatto, Chris Keiter
Not Present: Paul Gray, Deb Andrews, Dave Allen, Elsa Peters
1) Nancy provided opening prayer.
2) Review of Agenda and Approve Minutes.
Dan presented agenda, addition requested for discussion of Council opening.
Dan asked for any comments, acceptance of revised minutes that were distributed, they are approved.
3) Ministers’ Time
John McCall. Elsa Peters is on way to New York for her Grandfather’s memorial service and we send our prayers with her.
In our last meeting Council approved a building space use by George Pressley. John found out the next day that other members of the church staff were not as comfortable as he presumed, as he had inferred that there was energy and interest that it turns out may not have been there. Three different staff members expressed concerns about scheduling and building use and potential conflicts with office equipment use, room usage etc.
John McCall has contacted Mr. Pressley and explained how and why we were choosing to not move ahead in sharing space. Mr. Pressley expressed that he understood, had other options to explore and that he thanked us for our consideration and contacting us to clarify the situation so quickly.
4) Personnel Recommendations
Ellie Chatto was present to talk about the Youth Ministry position.
Aaron French, a 1st year student at Bangor Seminary in Portland, applied for Kim Early’s Sunday School Coordinator position and has experience with Youth Ministry. Elsa would like to focus on Sunday School, working with the teachers and curriculum. That would allow Aaron to focus on the older than Sunday School kids, i.e. Youth Ministry. The Personnel committee has approved him as their choice. He will be here at least 2 ½ years more as a full time student. Aaron has a degree in Classics and has taught Religion classes. Discussion around how this changes Elsa’s job description. John talked about the fact that there are three pieces of this proposal
A. Revise Elsa’s job description to include Sunday School and remove Youth Ministry
B. Approve/be aware of the readiness of the Personnel committee to move forward and hire Aaron French
C. Authorize Ellie to complete and sign an employment agreement with Aaron French to start in late August and to be compensated a base salary of $9,000 year.
The impact of having Elsa as the Sunday School leader is that we would move Christ Kids Club from the first week of the month to the last week of the month to ensure her presence at the communion service. It would also require some additional lay speakers.
5) Chancel Project
Chris Keiter presented an update on the project. Funding of the project was reviewed first. We had previously stated that the project was estimated to be around $50,000. $2,000 from Music Fund. $4,000 from North Church Memorial Fund. Fundraising and sale of unused choir pews would contribute as much as has been raised by July 15th. Unrestricted Endowments would fund the balance, as needed.
The last source of funding that was considered was the Organ Maintenance Fund for about $7,000. Shirley Curry was present and shared that she is concerned that this was not the intended use of that fund. The bottom line from Shirley’s perspective is that we should not touch these funds for a new capital project thus compromising our flexibility to conduct organ maintenance and repairs in a timely manner.
Chris Keiter talked about how not drawing upon the Organ Maintenance Fund increases the Unrestricted Endowments funds that would be drawn upon by an additional $7,000. This would reduce the annual operating expense budget by 3% times the $7,000, or $210 per year. The Council agreed that we will not be using funds from the Organ Maintenance Fund for this project.
Fundraising has been slow. Chris asked Cyndi how much has been received and she stated $500. It has been placed in the Beacon the last three times. There was discussion about conducting a separate mailing. We agreed to send a separate mailing that may stand out more than a paragraph in the Beacon.
6) Council Operations
a. Bylaws : Next Steps
There was some discussion around how “finalized” are the bylaws and do we need to meet again with a 2nd workshop to work through some additional language issues and content changes. There was consensus that there does not appear to be a great deal of urgency in delivering this to the congregation. However, there may be concerns about the Council losing memory around what has been done and having to regain momentum. Dan will send out possible dates for a special meeting in July and we will seek to maximize attendance by coordinating calendars.
There is no regularly scheduled Council meeting in July or August.
b. Choose Moderator/Vice Moderator
Floor was open to discussion around options. Chris Keiter was raised as a possible Moderator candidate effective immediately. Chris agreed to accept the position. Carol Zechmann volunteered as the Vice Moderator. There was consensus agreement of these choices by the Council.
c. Other Business
Council Vacancy
1. We have 11 of our 12 openings full. We have had a member withdraw themselves from Council. The group generally commented that they would like to fill the 12th spot. Chris Keiter reviewed the list of current Council members to refresh members.
2. Some names were suggested to fill the vacancy. Some discussion around having another male member to provide some gender balance with Paul Gray, Dan Cummings and Stan Jordan going off of the Council. Chris Keiter will approach a candidate, and if that doesn’t pan out, Chris agreed to correspond with Barbara and to distribute a list of all new member males that have joined in the last two years and to have some email discussion.
Respectfully submitted by Matt Brucker
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Hymnal Committee
June 26, 2008
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Barbara Merrill, Dana Wiggins, Barbara Powers, Bruce Lockwood, Dolores BrobergExcused: Evie Strom, Deb Theriault, Carrie Skeffington, Lynn Howard, Shirley Curry, Betsy Keiter
We met to organize information for the upcoming Book Talks with the congregation. We listed "Frequently Asked Questions", searched for hymns (requested by the survey participants) and made notes on formats within the 4 hymnals of choice. We made a poster showing the key strengths and weaknesses of the books in regard to durability, authenticity of lyrics and favorites within the books.
Music surveys continue to come in and are being included in the results.
Book talks were offered to the congregation on June 29 at 8:30 and 10:45
We had no participants for the early session but the 10:45 was well-attended and filled with lively discussion. Very good questions asked and information shared.
Next steps — Discuss Book Talk results and survey results — Look at 4 publishing options again— Designate a sub group to list favorite songs (from our survey) for an updated Songs of the Spirit if used in conjunction with the new hymnal — Confirm the fee we pay as a church, to use music, will extend copyright permissions for the songs we may bind into the Truth and Light Hymnal.
4 published options:
New Century - $14.50 plus shipping- black cover
- order anytime for delivery within 2 weeks
Truth & Light - $17 per including delivery in March 2009
- standard issue, 9th printing (red w/silver type) order by Dec. 1
- with custom cover on standard issue book by Nov.1
- with custom binding of our favorites within the standard book by Oct.15**
Chalice Hymnal - $16.19 with red cover, church name imprinted
- delivery within 1 month
Worship and Rejoice - $15 - church name imprinted
-delivery within 1 month; blue, red or green cover
** custom bind-in within The Hymnal of Truth and Light requires copyright permissions on included music. Our church has paid a fee that grants rights for music used in the church and we will confirm that this fee extends to new SOS selections.
Next meeting is July 10 at 5PM.
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Attending: Elaine Brownell, Barbara Merrill, Dana Wiggins, Barbara Powers, Bruce Lockwood, Dolores BrobergExcused: Evie Strom, Deb Theriault, Carrie Skeffington, Lynn Howard, Shirley Curry, Betsy Keiter
We met to organize information for the upcoming Book Talks with the congregation. We listed "Frequently Asked Questions", searched for hymns (requested by the survey participants) and made notes on formats within the 4 hymnals of choice. We made a poster showing the key strengths and weaknesses of the books in regard to durability, authenticity of lyrics and favorites within the books.
Music surveys continue to come in and are being included in the results.
Book talks were offered to the congregation on June 29 at 8:30 and 10:45
We had no participants for the early session but the 10:45 was well-attended and filled with lively discussion. Very good questions asked and information shared.
Next steps — Discuss Book Talk results and survey results — Look at 4 publishing options again— Designate a sub group to list favorite songs (from our survey) for an updated Songs of the Spirit if used in conjunction with the new hymnal — Confirm the fee we pay as a church, to use music, will extend copyright permissions for the songs we may bind into the Truth and Light Hymnal.
4 published options:
New Century - $14.50 plus shipping- black cover
- order anytime for delivery within 2 weeks
Truth & Light - $17 per including delivery in March 2009
- standard issue, 9th printing (red w/silver type) order by Dec. 1
- with custom cover on standard issue book by Nov.1
- with custom binding of our favorites within the standard book by Oct.15**
Chalice Hymnal - $16.19 with red cover, church name imprinted
- delivery within 1 month
Worship and Rejoice - $15 - church name imprinted
-delivery within 1 month; blue, red or green cover
** custom bind-in within The Hymnal of Truth and Light requires copyright permissions on included music. Our church has paid a fee that grants rights for music used in the church and we will confirm that this fee extends to new SOS selections.
Next meeting is July 10 at 5PM.
Submitted by Dana Wiggins
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Administration Team
June 9, 2008
Present: Guy Gledhill, Ron Bennett, Jim Otis and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). Absent: Deb Sandler, Eben Marsh and Chris Mills.
Call to Order at 7 P.M. by Guy, and Jim was appointed Secretary and Chair of the next meeting.
Finance: Cyndi explained that pledge receipts were lagging behind similar to prior years at this time. There was a $(34,793) loss through June 5 vs. a budgeted loss of $(28,176). There was concern about spiking utility expenses; Cyndi will email us options for our oil contract in July and we will make a decision then.
Tenant Update: Both Sawyer St. tenants are late for their June rent as of today.
Planned Giving: Ron and Chris are working on the committee composition and they will try to have a suggested approach at the next meeting (September).
Bulletin Board Policy: Chris is in charge of this and we felt this should be tabled until the next meeting to give him a chance to offer input.
Swarthmore Road Update: Guy hasn’t heard from Jaime Schwartz yet. Jaime was going to get a petition signed by residents and deliver it to Guy, who would then deliver it to the City.
Committee Reports:
Counting: Chair Brian Wallace has been doing a great job and has got the counting program very well organized, including a counting schedule through August 3.
House: Chair Guy Gledhill discussed the highlights in their June 3 meeting report of the House Committee. All routine maintenance and planned improvement projects are on schedule. Guy also discussed some of the details concerning the chancel reconfiguration.
Personnel Committee: Chair is Ellie Chatto. Elsa will be taking over a portion of Kim Early’s responsibilities. Kim’s primary responsibilities will be taken over by a person coming to us from Bangor Seminary. Also, Tom Conlon was hired to work on Saturdays and his pay will be charged as a separate line item.
New Business:
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 7 pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:41 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Otis
Present: Guy Gledhill, Ron Bennett, Jim Otis and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager). Absent: Deb Sandler, Eben Marsh and Chris Mills.
Call to Order at 7 P.M. by Guy, and Jim was appointed Secretary and Chair of the next meeting.
Finance: Cyndi explained that pledge receipts were lagging behind similar to prior years at this time. There was a $(34,793) loss through June 5 vs. a budgeted loss of $(28,176). There was concern about spiking utility expenses; Cyndi will email us options for our oil contract in July and we will make a decision then.
Tenant Update: Both Sawyer St. tenants are late for their June rent as of today.
Planned Giving: Ron and Chris are working on the committee composition and they will try to have a suggested approach at the next meeting (September).
Bulletin Board Policy: Chris is in charge of this and we felt this should be tabled until the next meeting to give him a chance to offer input.
Swarthmore Road Update: Guy hasn’t heard from Jaime Schwartz yet. Jaime was going to get a petition signed by residents and deliver it to Guy, who would then deliver it to the City.
Committee Reports:
Counting: Chair Brian Wallace has been doing a great job and has got the counting program very well organized, including a counting schedule through August 3.
House: Chair Guy Gledhill discussed the highlights in their June 3 meeting report of the House Committee. All routine maintenance and planned improvement projects are on schedule. Guy also discussed some of the details concerning the chancel reconfiguration.
Personnel Committee: Chair is Ellie Chatto. Elsa will be taking over a portion of Kim Early’s responsibilities. Kim’s primary responsibilities will be taken over by a person coming to us from Bangor Seminary. Also, Tom Conlon was hired to work on Saturdays and his pay will be charged as a separate line item.
New Business:
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 7 pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:41 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Otis
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