Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spiritual Life and Worship

Meeting Minutes of 2/3/11

Attending: Rick Angell, Dana Wiggins, Deb Riley, Elaine Brownell, Tex Haeuser.

Meeting Start: 7:00 p.m.

Opening Prayer: Once again Elaine offered a prayer of hope and thanksgiving. Deb added her thoughts and prayers for Elaine’s father who recently passed away.

Review of January Minutes: Approved without correction.

Minister’s Time: John was attending a conference and was unable to attend the meeting.

Ash Wednesday, 3/9/11 at 7:00 a.m.: Dana provided the group with an outline of the activities drawn from previous years experience that need to be accomplished for a successful breakfast this year. Decisions on food, personal support, material needs and activity time frames were made. A final review will be made at the 3/3/11 meeting.
Dana is the Team Leader.

Maundy Thursday Communion, 4/21/11

Good Friday Soup Supper, 4/22/11 at 5:30 p.m.: A brief discussion was held covering amount of food required, personnel required and equipment needs. More detailed planning will be done over the next two meetings on 3/3 and 4/7/2011.
Elaine is the Team Leader.

Easter Vigil: Bryan Wiggins will provide a sign up poster that will be placed in the Narthex and near the Wright Pavilion at various times beginning on March 13 and going through April 17 at least. Sign up notices will also be placed in the Beacon and Bulletin.

Easter Sunrise Service: Several members have volunteered to help John/Elsa at the service. A more detailed planning is required over the next two meetings.

Elder Luncheon, 6/5/11: Tex provided the group with a detailed outline listing all of the functions needed to be performed to put the luncheon together. The who, what, and when of each item needs to be identified and them monitored by SL&W.
Tex is the Team Leader.

Possible agenda items for the next meeting:
- Finalize Ash Wednesday plans.
- Maundy Thursday planning.
- Good Friday Soup Supper planning.
- Easter Vigil update.
- Easter Sunrise Service update.
- Elder Lunch detailed planning.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 p.m.

Next Meeting: March 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

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