Monday, January 11, 2010

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of 1/07/10

Present: Dick Parker, Greg Wyman, Laurie Cary, Mike Kasputes, Sarah Randall, Carol Scheffler.

Opening Reading: Laurie read a prayer prepared by Maureen Clancy.

December Minutes: Approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Greg
 Review of disbursements and balances for 2009.
 Review of budgeted amounts for all categories in 2010; Council has advised amounts can be augmented from discretionary funds, if needed & following any constraints associated with segregated funds; two deposits of $25.00 each have been received in the discretionary fund; Greg will check on the source.
 Veterans of the Cross Offering - $2549.55 received.
 Christmas Offering - $2522.52 received; up significantly from last year.

Minister’s Moment: Elsa Peters
 Search for Micah Project coordinator report postponed until February.
 Elsa has assembled a folder of informational materials on Darfur which is available for review; it was decided to table discussion of options for moving forward on this issue to February’s meeting.
 Wayside Soup Kitchen – will be stopping its operation at Preble Street as of March 1st; series of 3 meetings of staff regarding restructuring are being conducted; Wayside Committee coordinators for our church will be meeting on January 17th to discuss congregations’ participation in any ongoing operation of Wayside; consensus was that congregation should continue to participate in a newly configured program providing food to the homeless ; Dick expressed concern about continued maintenance of food supply chain/network during this disruption.

Old Business:
 Thank you notes received from: UCC Coalition, Good Shepherd Food Bank, Family Crisis Service, Maine Council of Churches, Preble Street -Homeless Voices for Justice Program, Cancer Community Center (from Mission Mall), Preble Street – Florence House (from Mission Mall), Wayside Soup Kitchen (from Mission Mall & Special Support); letters posted on Mission Bulletin Board.
 Children’s Closet volunteers will be meeting on 1/23 to discuss new policies & their implementation in distribution of clothing, etc. More volunteers needed; there will be a sign up sheet at the coffee hours on 1/10 and 1/17 & Carol will be available to answer any questions along with other members of the Mission Team.
 Mission Hosting of Coffee Hour – sign up sheet re-circulated but all needs seem covered; Sandy circulated sign up sheets for volunteers for the Children’s Closet & the Food Pantry; Sandy will be available to answer questions re: Food Pantry.
 Christmas Giving Tree and Mitten Trees very successful; presents delivered to the Long Creek Center; smaller mittens put in Children’s Closet.
 Dick circulated copies of Contact Information for the various support organizations in the Greater Portland area; he suggested that a back up copy be kept in the church office to facilitate any future revisions.

 Micah Project – Preble Street Breakfast had 12 volunteers; next project is Habitat for Humanity build on 3/6; still not sure if we will be going to Freeport or Westbrook but will be inside work; no more than 12 people needed.
 Fair Trade Coffee Project – popularity is increasing; several people have taken advantage of the availability of cocoa & chocolate during the winter months; Greg will check on status of coffee hour coffee.

Open Discussion: - no further comments.

Closing Reading: Laurie read a closing prayer prepared by Maureen.

Recorder: Carol Scheffler

Next Meeting: 02/14/10
Opening/Closing Prayer: Sandy Dyer
Recorder: Mike Kasputes
Upcoming Beacon Deadlines: 1/25, 2/8, 2/22 & 3/8

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