Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mission and Outreach

Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2009

Present: Laurie Cary; Greg Wyman; Carol Scheffler; Sarah Randall; Sandy Dyer; Maureen Clancy

I. Meeting Opens
Greg opened the meeting with a reading on taking time and slowing down. The Minutes from the October meeting were approved as written. Laurie noted that 3 more thank you notes were received from the Sept. disbursements: Preble Street Teen Center, Iris network and Habitat for Humanity.

The team agreed to volunteer Richard to help update the mailing list and records on organizations that receive donations from the Mission Team; Laurie will check with him.

II. Treasurer’s Report
Greg gave the Treasurer’s report. The remainder of the funds will be spent in December when we make our final disbursements for 2009. Laurie and Greg have prepared the budget for 2010 which has the same margin increase as 2009. The total requested for 2010 is $58,425.00; no increase was requested for the special support fund.

III. Minister’s Moment
Elsa is away at a family reunion. The team discussed the hygiene kits for the Church World Services but since no additional information has been given, we agreed to postpone to 2010.

Sandy agreed to follow up on the Christmas giving program at Long Creek.

Laurie informed the group of the request from the Fur Cultural Revival to give a presentation at the Church about their project to address the needs in Darfur. The team agreed to review the website – www.furculturalrevival.org and decide on presentation time at the December meeting. Maureen mentioned a book she is reading about refugee resettlement work; she agreed to send the book title in the minutes – This Flowing Toward Me: A story of God arriving in stranger, by Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M.

IV. Old Business
Laurie reported that the responses from the Micah project mailing were anemic; only 11 were received. The team agreed to continue with the Preble Street Soup Kitchen and Habitat for Humanity projects for the time being and then reevaluate. Laurie will contact Preble Street and Maureen will contact Habitat for Humanity and bring the proposed dates to the December meeting. Laurie will bring a copy of the list of respondents to the next meeting as well.

The Emergency Pantry Food Drive resulted in 60 bags being donated. Sandy mentioned that peanut butter and jelly and cereal were items that are always in need since they go in every donation bag. The team also discussed the need for personal hygiene items since they cannot be purchased with food stamps or vouchers. We will schedule these drives at the next meeting and discuss whether a quarterly drive would be the best way to keep supplies strong.

V. Social Witness Ministries
Laurie reported that the Green Action Team is reforming under the name Earth Stewardship. They will meet the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. and will focus on having a speaker or movie at each meeting.

VI. Special Offering
The Christmas Fund happens on the Christmas Eve service and is for the retired minister’s fund. The team agreed that the Christmas Offering for 2009 would be for the Bread for the World program and Community Crisis Ministries. Laurie will draft and submit an article for the Beacon and check on the envelope distribution. Team members agreed to help with the envelope distribution if necessary. We also discussed ILAP, Long Creek and Safe Passage as possible donation sources but agreed to discuss those organizations as part of the December disbursements.

VII. Subcommittees
The Mission Mall is set for Nov. 21, 2009; Sarah, Carol and Greg will all be there participating.

The Thanksgiving Basket project is underway. 25 baskets will be provided to needy families; donations will be collected the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

The Giving Tree will be available 11/29-12/13.

The Mitten Tree will be up for 12/20 service.

VIII. New Business
Carol opened the conversation about the Advent Conspiracy project that Elsa had sent for our team. The team agreed that we want to choose a new name that has a more positive connotation. We agreed that the concept was great and that Carol’s idea of collecting ideas and making a book about how to rethink the giving spirit of Christmas was great but that we did not have enough time this year to get it accomplished. We agreed to have Carol draft an article for the Beacon and to begin the booklet by collecting ideas. Carol will send a draft article to the Team.

IX. Wrap Up
Sunday coffee orders will be taken 11/8 and 11/15; Greg will be there but would appreciate any help. The team agreed to host coffee hours on 1/10 and 1/17 if needed and to serve Fair Trade coffee. Laurie will confirm the hosting needs.

The next meeting will be held December 3, 2009. Mike will give opening and closing remarks and Richard will take notes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Clancy

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