Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009

Present: Cyndi Alden, Ron Bennett, Guy Gledhill, Jim Otis, Eben Marsh, Jim Otis, Deb Sandler. Absent: Chris Mills.

The meeting was called to order by our presiding pro tem Chair Deb Sandler at 7:00 p.m. EDLST. Eben Marsh was appointed Meeting Secretary.

The Minutes of the September 17, 2009 Meeting were approved without change.

Old Business:
Financial Statements and Budget
1. The Financial Statements were reviewed and discussed. Monthly rental revenue was a discussion point as we were in a changeover of tenants. Cyndi expressed that the Budget and budgeted revenues were in line with projections. It was noted that the Church had contracted its heating oil cost at $1.94. Accolades were pronounced.
2. Council Financial Concerns: Jim has drafted a report of his meeting with the Church auditor in which several recommendations were suggested for their consideration. To date, he has not received a response from the Council / Auditor.

Tenant Review
1. Tenant Updates: There was a discussion of various changes and improvements that could be made to make additional rental units at 329 Cottage Road to make the downstairs a commercial rental space, and the upstairs into residential space. Some clean up suggestions were made for 509 Sawyer following the long term tenant there leaving this month.
2. The Church rental properties are rented in Craig’s List and a lawn sign will be posted.

Rummage Sale Update
1. It was reported that $4500.00 was taken in.

Committee Reports:
House Committee
1. Guy reported that work will be done at the 329 Cottage Road rental. There is no Gardening Committee. There was a discussion on the issue of the Sanctuary fire alarm. There will be a House Committee meeting later this fall.
2. All in all, lots of improvements have made, and the Church is felt to be in generally good condition.

Planned Giving
1. There was no report to make. The committee felt that it should not be pro-active at this time due to the state of the economy.

Financial Review
1. There should be a contingency plan in the event there are no counters present on any given Sunday.
2. Peggy Murray appeared and gave our committee a very comprehensive and reassuring report of the organization and activity of the Counting Committee.
3. Detailed discussion was held on the following matters:
• Program financial guidelines.
• The budget.
• Whether there needs to be a Management Letter.
• Council concerns.
• Setting up a financial accounting system that would be used by each Church committee / group.
• Awaiting the Council’s response to Jim’s letter.

New Business:
1. Web Site Redesign – John has raised the matter of updating the Church Website. Following a discussion, it Jim will ask John to ask the Council to approve spending some amount of money to authorize the A Team select a consultant and proceed with this project. Jim will compose an email to John outlining an approach to toward getting this started.

2. Chris to ask Rod Redstone about his interest to join the A Team.

The Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

The next A Team meeting will be November 5, 2009.

Respectfully composed and submitted by Eben Marsh, meeting secretary.

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