Thursday, April 23, 2009

Community Crisis Ministries

Meeting Minutes of April 7, 2009

PRESENT: Scott Berry, Terry Dallaire, Ann Googins, Kathy Sahrbeck.

ABSENT: Trish Naddaff, Jerry Onos.

Scott called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

This meeting had been scheduled for the Team to meet and talk with our speaker about the upcoming CCM service on April 26. However, she was unable to come. We went over our program once more and made a few adjustments.

For this year through March we have expended $19,834.19, and during the first week of April we have expended $1,900. Of these amounts, 36 percent has been for housing, 21 percent for heating oil, and 7 percent for other utilities, which is about par for operations based on our past history of supporting the local community. We expect housing and utilities support to remain high in the coming months due to the economy. Utility companies will not normally shut off service for nonpayment until warmer weather; we expect an increase in requests for assistance when shut-off notices begin to go out in May and June of this year.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 21, to meet with our speaker. If she is unable to come then, we will not meet that evening. You will be advised.

Rehearsal will be Thursday, April 23.

We will meet again on May 19 at 7 p.m. in the Laity Room to plan for fundraising for the coming year.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Googins

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