Thursday, September 18, 2008

Growth Group

September 16, 2008

Began with conversation between Volunteer Participation Group and Growth Group.

New Members
*Can someone talk to new members about their experience arriving at FCC UCC?
Did they fill out forms? How are they involved now?

*Recruit folks to call????

*Cross reference groups involved and form for a new member list.

*Can we create an outline to introduce institutionally so that greeters (and others in the narthex) can be included in this extravagant welcome when they volunteer?

Rough Sketches of Mentor Program

Goal: to increase familiarity in church

What a Mentor should have: Personal knowledge of church (do we teach this?) so that they can introduce new people to the life of the church (through Inquirers Meetings, Tours and perhaps Inquirers Meeting Part 2 to address questions).

*What’s the difference between Inquirers Meeting and Mentor?

Length of relationship: One year (or less) relationship keeping aware of personal need.

* How do we connect new people with mentors? Are they assigned? If so, how?
Are mentors gathered from a pool? And how is that pool established? Do we need to train them with the tenets we believe to be important for this relationship?

Next Agenda
Figuring and finalizing mentor process
Focus group with new members

Next Meeting
Monday, October 6 at 6:30 p.m.

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