Thursday, September 18, 2008

Administration Team

September 4, 2008

Present: Ron Bennett, Eben Marsh, Deb Sandler, Jim Otis, Guy Gledhill, Cyndi Alden. Absent: Chris Mills

The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair Jim Otis at 7:05P.

The minutes of the June 9, 2008 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Old Business:
Cyndi lead a review of our financial statements.

Our tenants were current in their rent payments. Old Crow is behind in late payment penalties for July and August. Also, he appears to be doing some improvements to interior walls without permission. It was also raised as to whether he was subleasing a portion of the building.

The Procurement Policy is in place. The House Committee, which has the majority of expenditures, is following the policy guidelines, and Guy reported that it is working well. Guy also gave an update of the improvements made to the Chancel

The Counting Team has Linda Landry as a new member.

The Planned Giving Team reported that Ellie Baker would serve as a member. Ron presented several samples of brochures from other institutions used in their planned giving campaigns. Ron and Chris will get together before the October meeting. The Bulletin Board team report was deferred to the October meeting.

The Swathmore Road team is waiting for neighbors there to submit a petition requesting parking restrictions. Once received, Guy will take it to the City which will provide signage.

Committee Reports:
Counting – Brian Wallace has setup 10 week counting schedules. He reported that there is some problem with attendance to the schedule and will revisit if that is too long for members to work with. Peggy Murray and Dick Angel are also co-(team) leaders.

House – Guy had presented an update to the improvements to the Chancel. The improvements comprised re configuring the seating for the choir to enable the placement of a grand piano donated to the Church. Deb mentioned the need to trim the carpet, and Cyndi reviewed the Chancel project’s funding which seemed to satisfy the Team. Guy also reported that the third floor was getting new sheetrock, insulation and windows. The new windows in the office areas have been installed, the front
Steps have been repaired and vines have been trimmed on the outside of the building in preparation for painting of the Church later this fall. Deb reported that the repair to the stained glass window in the Chapel has been completed and it is reinstalled for all to see. The porch was replaced on the Old Crow Gallery building. The stoves and refrigerators have been replaced in both rental properties. Sheet rocking of stage ceiling is being scheduled. The kitchen was painted, and a new floor was put down, as well as, repairs have been made to the kitchen stove. The A Team commended Guy and Deb and the members of the House Committee for all of the good work they have accomplished.

The functions of the Personnel Committee which was part of the Admin Team have been transferred to the Church Council. Elsa, our Assist Minister is taking on the role of administering the Sunday school program, and is no longer the Youth Coordinator. Aaron French has joined the Church staff to perform the role of Youth Coordinator.

New Business:
Homecoming Sunday – Deb will manage our A Team booth. She discussed her proposed story board. The Team suggested adding our planned giving function. We thanked Deb for her time and great effort of support in organizing the booth and attending it on the Homecoming Sunday – an important time for the church to receive back its members and to welcome new comers to our congregation.

Church Bylaws – Jim distributed copies of the draft of proposed new bylaws for the Church. The A Team’s consensus was that the Draft presented is a thorough and thoughtfully comprehensive draft document. We did make the following suggested changes: Article 1.6 changes from 2 weeks to 30 days, 3.3 request 30 days for notice, 3.5 changes to 30 days, 5.1 questioned if the Council members should also serve on other Teams and vice versa, and 5.1’s relationship to Article 6. B-E could be consolidated under “TEAM” caption to save paper.

Heating Oil – Cyndi presented the price she had received from Dead River for heating oil. The Team recognized that prices are currently dropping and suggested that we will revisit them in October.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 to October 2, 2008

Respectfully submitted by: Eben Marsh, Acting Secretary

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