Thursday, April 29, 2010

Church Council

Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2010
Recorder: Sally Hinckley

Present: Bob Morse, Nancy MacLean, John McCall, Chris Keiter, Phil Whitney, Roger Addor, Carrie Skeffington, Debra Andrews, Elsa Peters, Andy Ellis, Dave Allen and Sally Hinckley

Chris Keiter opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Sally read from her top ten list on being one’s best self, followed by a morning prayer.

March Minutes were reviewed and accepted.

Minister’s Time:
John and his family are moving to a condo in South Portland. Due to added cost of housing, John requested that the Council reallocate his 2010 compensation of $73,705, by boosting his housing allowance to $42,000 and reducing his salary to $31,705. Currently, $37,413 is designated as housing allowance and $36,292 as salary, by vote of the congregation at its January budget meeting. This was approved by the Council and will become effective May 1, 2010.

Church Vision – Update:
The survey garnered 125 responses resulting in a twenty-two page document. Things are moving forward and the Council will be informed as things progress.

Stressed to Blessed – Continued:
A myriad of suggestions were made on how to increase volunteerism within our church. The lengthy discussion came down to a first step in what will no doubt be an ongoing process. For now, ideas from the council members will be sent to Chris Keiter via e-mail. Chris will filter then pass on to Sally, Phil and John for review. Their recommendations will be presented at the May Council Meeting.

Maine Conference:
Annual Meeting will be held in Farmington from June 12 to June 14. Our church is entitled to six delegates with only two presently committed. Contact John or Elsa if you are interested in attending.

Reminder: Annual Meeting Sunday May 23
The Council is now taking nominations for new Council members. Typically the term is three years, however, one may stay as long, but not longer than, six years. Please send names to Dave ASAP via e-mail, and he will compile a list. Also, a new Council Moderator will be chosen at the June meeting.

From time to time there are items stored in hallways, egress paths and other areas of the church building that constitute a hazard. The Administration Team will be given the task of addressing these safety concerns and shall create a policy regarding same.

Website Redesign: Update
Elsa met with two vendors who meet our requirements for web design, with another meeting in the works for next week. Elsa will report back to the Council in May. An early August completion date is anticipated. A $2,000 donation has been made specifically for this project.

Mass e-mails from the Church:
How many are too many? This question arose not because of complaints, but because sending these reminder e-mails regarding upcoming events and other issues is time consuming for our Church office personnel, and may not be that worthwhile. There is a method for unsubscribing that each recipient could implement if so desired. This enhancement would cost the Church $15.00 per month and may be worth trying. The council said yes.

Putting the fun back into fundraising and tying it all in with the birth of The Vision Statement, may be the way to launch some unique celebrations and raise some money. More on this process as it develops.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

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